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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to catch up. economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. you continue to contribute, we continue to communicate with guests and collect the most important information for you. and now
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the officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, serhiy tsekhotskyi, mr. serhiy, is in touch with us, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, better late than never, we haven't seen each other, but thank you for your service and have a good day infantrymen, we congratulate you, let it be late, thank you, thank you, yes, well, let's start with the operational, events, we just spoke with deepstate with roman said that no no nothing has changed in the ideas in the avdiiv direction, and further south, to break through the front line, to make such small cauldrons, encirclement, the enemy does not abandon this idea, how does it look in your area, well, this is exactly what you called it, it is the avdiiv novopavlov direction , we are defending,
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let's say the front line, which means that the enemy is constantly, both day and night, trying to storm, trying to advance, well , trying to advance, yes, these are settlements such as mitailovo, neverske, krasnohorivka, here are the forces of the brigade units they hold the front line, the enemy destroys. there are practically no such successes, well, let’s say, there are no significant ones, there are in some places movements connected with the destruction of our positions, and therefore the personnel is allocated, well, it is measured literally there in hundreds of meters, no more, but there is such a thing, and indeed aviation support from the enemy, constant artillery fire, a large number of security forces. flying machines in
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the sky, this is currently a very powerful thing, which, well, let's say, affects many moments of life, this is the delivery of ammunition, and moving personnel, that is why we have to do it more and more at night, when the not-so-noticeable enemy sees what is happening, but at the moment it is like that, but dozens, i repeat, dozens, every day we destroy them. currently, they are also trying to move there since this morning, there have been three or four assaults , there have been three or four enemy movements, and we have destroyed almost all of them, many are already wounded, i am saying literally in the last two hours, that is, their tactics are the same : break through in small groups, hide in a hole and to wait for the accumulation, and when there is already an accumulation, then to... to get a foothold in
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the area, nothing has changed, right? nothing has changed, yes, but you understand that, so, yes, there were attempts to act, to use bmps, armored personnel carriers, so, well, everyone, everything that we see, it is first there, or it is blown up, or it is knocked down, and then it is fueled by our pilots of unmanned systems, by the way, they are being chased on motorcycles, yes, this, this, this is your video, and on motorcycles, and these... turtles, so-called and so on, i said before, yes, what we found an effective way to beat them, and it is already working, so, let’s say, it’s only a matter of time, there are just a lot of them, but i want to remind you that, probably, two more weeks at most, and the number of liquidated occupiers on our land will reach half a million, ugh, that’s according to the norms that an average of a thousand occupiers go. per day on average,
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more or less, well, this figure will reach half a million destroyed invaders, well, this is a significant figure for all historical wars, even for such wars. a short period in modern warfare, well it is, let's say, they should think about it after all, sir sergey, now we will show the actual footage of how our defenders work, our brigades against these russian motorcyclists, about whom we are now talking, whether the methods we use, do they somehow react, or do they just continue to pervert, because there are many people and they have someone to pull up, they have... someone to send back to the front, and are you looking for some new alternative ways, so that those who manage to sneak in, who manage to advance somewhere there, to stop them, i will say this, what does it mean when they are somewhere even
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well, they are leaking there, yes they are leaking into some of the same non-tailored things, yes, for example, well , they were there quite recently, there was an incident, yes, or what? we always have them, which means that then, let's say, an assault group, despite all these shellings, jumps out, let's say, to these buildings and absolutely simply throws grenades at them at point blank range, shoots them and leaves, that's how these operations come out are carried out, that is , such, you know, counterattacks, er, and they are afraid of this, well, they are very afraid of this, because the desperation and skill of carrying out these operations, it deserves... great praise, from our side, well, this is heroism, which is carried out right in front of your eyes, that 's why their advantage is, you know, in what, those methods of the red army from the time of the second world war war, when these 50
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narcotics were giving them, plus now they still use narcotics in large quantities, this is what gives them such, you know, what we see on... the battlefield, they fearlessly go into battle in their paws, this is an advantage, but why do they take drugs on an industrial scale, well, you know why question, i hope that this is still allowed by the management, because otherwise they will die, they know that they will die, how, like a normal person, more or less even if he is ignorant, understands that she is the occupier, and they understand it too. to go and know that you will be killed, well, how will it be, we know what we are fighting for, we also know many examples of when the guys completely consciously understand that that's it, that's how the case is, i'll repeat our hero , who said in the last
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seconds of his life, glory to ukraine, you understand he didn't say, he didn't say to beg on his knees, let me live and so on, he died and these words struck a chord... well, millions of people on earth, that's how he acted, and what do they have to die for putin, for what, they are on someone else's land, they are occupiers, that's why this is the only way it works, but when a person is drugged or in a state of intercourse, you see, the concentration is not the same, no matter how trained or untrained rambo is , all the same, he already, let's say, misses a lot, and it's for us, well, only in... profitable, we can destroy them more for a shorter time, we know that you also have your collection, what are you collecting for, what can we do to help, our viewers may want to support you, tell us about your collection, what
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we need is what we constantly need, this is a large amount fpv drones, maviks and the like, well, plus for that we need components, which we will say today... we are increasing the range of flights, we are increasing the load on which we are making ammunition, we are filling it with the same opvidrons, that's why, on may 8 the entire democratic world celebrates this day, how does it celebrate, spend, he remembers, that's all, and i think the day will come when we will celebrate the day of victory over racism, that is, over putinism, somehow we will come up with a name that suits everyone. this will definitely happen, that's why it's historical, we can all already see that this is exactly how it will be, it can't be any other way, but the communities that are behind us, yes, this is pokrovska, there is kurakhivska community and so on, they it is felt very much, and
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how much they have already believed in the armed forces of ukraine, in the defense forces, which take participation, this... this is felt right in every look, this understanding, and indeed during this period of time, still, despite the influx that is coming, we hold this line of defense and do not let... them advance, as no matter how hard it is, mr. sergey, what kind of help, in fact, what should be in the aid packages from the west, from the united states, in particular, you would most like to receive as soon as possible, that is, what are you most waiting for now, or maybe something already it even came, no, we won't say what came, let it be a surprise for the enemy, but the thing is that we are constantly in the war, what we need, in the war we need ammunition and equipment, so let's put it this way, we very quickly master and learn
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to work with any type of equipment on any equipment, we invent a lot of our own, and that's why we have , first of all, this in relation to these rep stations, directly, i know that in ukraine a lot of things are already being produced, the same 82-caliber mortars of the nato model, and well , they are ukrainian people... they are really black, so big thanks, using the opportunity to all our producers, here we are with many myself contact and know that they are doing incredible things, which in the future will only strengthen our country and not give anyone the intention to even attack our country, you understand, our land, because, well, in the end, good always wins over evil, as it would be to admit, whatever the losses, but truth and goodness are on our side. mr. serhiy, thank you for your service and for
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participating in our broadcast. serhii tsakhodskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk was with us, and we are moving on from specific assistance, specific types of weapons, to global and strategic issues, the same thing that mr. serhii said, i.e. good wins when they unite, for that, stereotypes must be rejected and... if the news of evil should be formed, a substantial news of good should be formed, that is, it should to be united, nothing better than the collective security of nato has been invented in the world so far, so we will talk about this now with the expert on foreign and security policy of the center for defense strategies, oleksandr khara, in connection with our studio, mr. oleksandr, congratulations, glory to ukraine, good morning, glory to the heroes, says our prime minister, that we are already one step away from being invited to nato, everything we were told, we are you.
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may be closed for ukraine, that nato's doors are open for us, because they do not follow from the charter. of this organization, any country in the region that meets the standards, shares values, can be a member of this organization, here, but there are factors that are extra-formal, extra-legal, let's say, formulations, this is clear, in fact the presence of nuclear weapons in the russian federation, and that it periodically motivates his actions in relation to ukraine, his aggression in relation to ukraine, that is. in fact , the fear that ukraine will become a member of nato and thus the security situation for
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the russian federation will worsen, and this is the only restraining factor that, in fact , has not yet been presented in washington and in berlin, thank god that france has already changed its position , because in 2008, at the bucharest summit, germany and france blocked our non- membership, or more precisely, giving us... an action plan regarding membership and, accordingly, would have brought us closer specifically on this path, if we had received it in 2008, nuclear weapons would not have gone anywhere, russian aggression would not have gone anywhere, and the fear of our partners that this war could lead, or such a step could lead to so-called horizontal or vertical escalation, horizontal - this is a possible attack on one of the member countries. and, accordingly, this will mean a nuclear conflict between the russian federation and the alliance, or a vertical
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escalation, this is the possibility of the use of the russian federation on ukraine, or on a third party, or even on which side, conditionally saying, somewhere in the arctic, they, they can blow something up in order to show their determination and readiness, which means defending the so-called national interests of the russian federation, so it is possible, of course, in the premium. the minister has some secret information, but it seems to me that the nato secretary general's visit to ukraine showed that they are ready to continue to support us, ready to allocate funds and provide. weapons, and that's the end, yes, and no more, mr. alexander, are you still with us, yes, we see, communication has been restored, we are used to the fact that in ukraine, having a bad, like they say, historical experience and practice, they often confused discord and chaos with what is called democratic practice, but now
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somehow it seems that this is precisely the discord in the north atlantic alliance. shataniya, some say that we are ready to consider certain scenarios when our military will help ukraine, not on the battlefield, but there are others, it is about the french option, or not, we will never take a step there, as the states say, or so , as we wake up today, we hear a voice from italy, we hand over our weapons, but god forbid, you you will shoot further than the territory of ukraine. and the lithuanians meanwhile say, we are considering options when our contingent can one way or another be in ukraine, disarray and confusion, why so? well, because if we look at the cold war and why this alliance was created, the only existential threat to the free world was the evil empire and their satellites, the warsaw pact, and everyone
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looked exclusively at this threat, even then, if we will look at the position of france, and at one time it left the military committee, because she tried to balance between the west and the soviet union, that is, but in general the situation was clear and there was such unity in the understanding of threats. after the collapse of the soviet union, threats appeared in other places, well , for italy, greece, well, in general, half of europe, the bigger threat is what is happening in africa or the middle east, and it remains so, but for... . the eastern flank of nato, above all the countries that were in the arms of the soviet union at the time, the ordinary russian federation, it remained such a threat, and in fact, let's say this, this vision of various threats, it really affects their position, the second point, well, if, for example, a little, let's say, i will be a lawyer for nato or certain
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nato countries, they understand that this war of the russian federation is not just for territories of ukraine. and this is a war against europe and the free world, and that is why they, like normal conscious military men, should plan for such a time when something terrible will happen and it is better to enter the war earlier than to wait until you are attacked, and actually to this he introduced and macron, and he said that there are certain conditions under which france at least can participate in hostilities on the side of ukraine, i think that several other states, that is, they are considering it. as a probability, and the second point, this is a more abstract such thing, this is strategic uncertainty, because the big mistake of our american partners in the 22nd year was that they determined what they would not do, and thus reduced the headache of the russians in what needs to be responded to and what nato red lines should not
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be crossed, and what is actually happening now is that these red lines, certain of our partners, well... it all started with macron saying that he could deploy his troops on the territory of ukraine, then lord cameron said that he was not against british weapons striking their own russian territory, not just this temporarily occupied one territory of ukraine. well, let's hope that there are other red lines, which are ridiculous, and which do not really give ukraine room for maneuver, i mean, first of all, political forces, because right away... it's nice that the russian federation has a fairly large economy of 140 million, and they are supported and china, north korea, iran, and partly india and other countries are also helping, it is clear that we have very little chance, within the current framework, that we do not attack russian territory, and that we set political goals so that we won this war, and you use the very
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interesting term strategic certainty or strategic uncertainty. looking at a very interesting forchet will be on the shores of lake geneva, which will not be there only at that summit, i hope they will show us a menu and drinks, snacks, but there is no word anywhere nato, nowhere, there is no word nato in any bilateral agreements, there is no word nato in the geneva preparatory documents, it is faster that sidzenpin will say nato than ours will write their documents. then why do we have such geneva buffets, if there is no course enshrined in the constitution of ukraine before joining nato? well, i want to. what can you correct in the agreements, the security agreements that we signed, the vast majority are about nato, some countries, such as the united kingdom, and this was the first and so far
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the best agreement, it also says about support ukraine and our course of joining nato, for the germans and the french it is more abstract, so that we actually do not have it there, only the british have it, in order to bring us to nato standards and so on, well, this is understandable , such diplomatic nonsense , and it certainly reflects the thinking and it reflects the fears that are in the heads of our partners, well, first of all, we understand that the main fear is in the head of biden and jake sullivan, who writes him virtually all these strategies, and so far we have not been able to overcome these fears, while perfectly understandable, that the united states as the largest nuclear power, well they actually have the same, the same number of intercontinental ballistic missiles as the russian federation would. is capable of restraining the russian federation, and with its political will to speed up, or at least tomorrow, for ukraine to join nato, and there would
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definitely be no reaction, no nuclear war, since we understand that putin is bluffing, he definitely does not want to, you saw the last video of russian oppositionists about his gelindzhik palace, why is he building this palace to go there some rocket hit and that was it, all these imperial beauties were destroyed. that's why , unfortunately, we, we have such leadership in the united states, which we have, unfortunately, we have olaf scholz, who has made crazy progress in reasoning and seeing threats from the russian federation, but cannot overcome another fake, well, no the real line, i mean the transfer of touros to ukraine, mr. oleksandr, we literally have one and a half minutes left, even a little less, we also have wise finns next to scholz who are entering nato, but they are not relaxing. they will continue to work, defense factories are building, preparing, because the western regions, eastern countries, eastern countries, if we are talking about nato countries,
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namely poland, the baltic countries, say that russia can attack them, how can we take advantage of the that these countries are ready to defend themselves, can we have any benefit from that, literally very briefly please answer, well, you know, what helps us, there are two important... points: first, that it is and fair, well, i have it from a humanitarian point of view, and from the point of view international law, and we defend the principles of international law, that you cannot just attack and seize territories, and the second extremely important point is that while we are fighting, the europeans have time to strengthen themselves, to develop their defense industry, and to be ready for a possible war with the russian federation, thus preempting the impossible.
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defense strategies, then we ask that the foreign and security policy of the center stay with us, because in a few minutes there will be news. gasoline trimmers are like that. loud and uncomfortable and one would like to have a beautiful, well-kept plot. there is a solution. garden trimmers kors unpack tv, order in time at a special price. only from uah 999. corce trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mowing the lawn in the most difficult to reach places, near fences, along the lines of paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trimming bushes and even branches, is simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, class. automatic or with the function of a lawn mower, light and convenient, they can be used even ladies, just look at how powerful the trimmers are, which means our trimmers
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standard dimensions. saws strong saws are so convenient to use in hard-to-reach places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only 999 uah with the possibility of free delivery powerful saws strong what you need to call. 11 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world, at this time khrystyna parubiy is working in the studio. today , ukraine celebrates the day of remembrance and victory over nazism in the second world war. but now the world is once again witnessing the revival of nazism, now russian. by.


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