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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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[000:00:00;00] putin's inauguration took place in russia, ukraine announced the exposure of a network of agents who allegedly planned the assassination of volodymyr zelenskyi. the sbu claims that zelensky's murder was intended to be a gift to vladimir putin before his inauguration. history has many unanswered questions, we will try to find them, but we will start from the front, where russia captured another village. my name is vlasta lazur, this is svoboda live. so, the front: the russian military reported the capture of the village of ocheretyn, it happened over the weekend, so far the ukrainian military has not received these reports confirmed and did not deny, although on friday
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of last week, the armed forces reported that... fighting continues in the village. what will the loss of ocheretiny lead to? a number of military observers say that the failure of the defense in the ocheretino region could lead to the defeat of the armed forces of ukraine in almost the entire donetsk region. there is a high probability that after reeding , russian troops are preparing to storm the city of chasiv yar. another important concentration area of ​​the armed forces is located in the hills to the west of bakhmut. three days ago, during a meeting with border guards in khmelnytskyi, volodymyr zelenskyi said that... currently, he is facing a new stage of the war with russia. what does this new stage represent? attack on kharkiv and sumy, as stated by the top official of ukrainian intelligence, vadym skibitskyi. and what awaits ukrainian donbas in the coming weeks? listen to what the military has to say at
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the front. i had such days that this man who shot the most nampang howitzers in afghanistan, i shot more in one day than he did in how many years he was in afghanistan, and when our guys come to train there and the germans they look, they say it can't be like that, we don't work like that, in fact, they are already learning from us, there is not enough spare parts, that is, in our... guns become donors for other machines, because there are no spare parts, there is no backup, we do not
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work enough because of this. that is, the main problem is spare parts and projectiles, and even if there are spare parts and projectiles, there is a problem, these are enemy birds, that is, it all has to work somehow in a complex, rap, rer, artillery, and then the percentage of damage will be much higher, it is in my opinion opinion what became much more difficult in connection with by the fact that they have a lot of anti-aircraft tools that prevent our birds from flying into their territory, to identify targets and work accordingly, and also directly these are their
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kamikaze attack drones. the halls of eagles are simply swarming here, it happens that there are a lot of them on a working day, and i can’t get out, because something is constantly flying, that’s the only problem, if it could somehow be solved, so that those birds would be shot down, or they could be caught normally, then it would be more effective, accordingly there would be more work, well, now they have started much more of those shock drones, the same hello 72, lancets quite different. we are trying to work as accurately as possible with those forces and means, there is no way
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to spend 15 to 20 outfits on the goal. more, more than 20 minutes of digging on fire, there are serifs and the enemy is already working in the place where you are working from. what awaits the ukrainian donbas in the coming weeks, we will talk about it shortly, but first let's return to the topic of the assassination attempt on volodymyr zelenskyi, so the security service... claims to have exposed the fsb agent network, the members of which were preparing an assassination attempt on president volodymyr zelenskyi and other high-ranking officials. according to the official reports of the security service of ukraine, two colonels of the department of the state guard of ukraine, which is responsible for the protection of high-
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ranking officials, have been detained. russian special services, according to the sbu, were developing plans to kill zelenskyi, the head of the security service vasyl malyuk, the head of gur kirill budanov and others. one of the tasks of the agency network was to search for an executive. these in an attempt among the military, close to the protection of the president, who could take zelensky hostage and then kill him. according to the sbu version, the recruited agent was supposed to observe the movement of one, one of the officials, transfer this information to the russian special services, based on the provided coordinates of the building where the official was to be identified, it was planned to launch a missile attack on this building, after that the place of defeat was to be attacked by drones, this i am quoting everything literally from the sbu release. after that, it was supposed to be launched. another missile, including for destroying traces of drone use. investigation claims that the activity of the agent network was overseen by the fifth service of the fsb in moscow. according to the head of the sbu, vasyl malyuk, the terrorist attack was supposed to be a gift from vladimir putin to the inauguration, the inauguration, let me remind you,
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took place today. serhiy kryvonos, major general of the reserve of the armed forces of ukraine, first deputy commander of special operations forces 2016-19 and deputy secretary of the nsdc 19-20 joins our broadcast. years, good evening, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i just quoted the press release of the service verbatim security of ukraine, regarding the alleged assassination attempt on volodymyr zelenskyi, how believable it sounds to you, well, tears of delight prevent you from listening and saying something, why, because, well, you understand, we have already had so many attempts on president zelenskyi, which the special services tell about . but we never saw the one who was captured and the one who organized these attempts, and this leads to certain questions, who needs this popularity, when popularity falls, you have to show your
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importance, and let's show how the enemies on we will be attacked, as the enemies will destroy us, and taking into account the specifics of the activities of the special services, two officials of the state security service were instructed to kill and... and the baby, and the president, and budanov, well , in general, you know, such things as regards the point from the point of view of a professional approach, a separate assassination attempt is being prepared for each person, this is, firstly, and secondly, that there are not too many assassination attempts on one president, i will say this, that the issue of an assassination attempt is always a question of price and time, this is, as historical evidence shows experience, no matter how powerful the special services are, it's still... probably the only one who escaped and survived with a huge amount of planning was fidel castro, but with the totalitarianism that existed in cuba, it was quite possible. i would also like to say that maybe this would be an attempt, and
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taking into account that if these are two colonels of the state security service, then i definitely did not miss anything here, and for some reason the security service of ukraine paid attention to this organization too late, because there were many questions . to the security service, to the state security service, especially at the beginning of a major aggression, and if interviewing certain military personnel , we can recognize a lot in this system, i think that the security service will still be able to bring this matter to an end, but at the same time, how then are people close to the president absolutely calmly cooperating with the special services of the russian federation, this says about untouchability or unnecessary attention. from the side of other special services, as regards the activities of this organization, well, maybe i will try to make an assumption here, and you tell me whether it has a reason to exist or not, and today, for the first time, someone was detained there, some men were detained, we don't see
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their faces, but the detention took place, some media write that they detained a high-ranking employee of the udo, the head of one of the departments, andriy huk, i don't know if this name tells you anything, and thirdly, what.. . wanted to note, well, suppose that maybe the security service had been watching these people for a long time and were just looking, so to speak, for a convenient moment to detain them, expecting some information from them. any information from them? well, it's difficult explaining to civilians how it works, how the special services work, is a false assumption, that is, it has no basis, so we will see what the investigation will show if it is completed, and what these people who were allegedly detained will show, time will tell , does the name andrii huk, who was detained, tell you anything at all, you need to see the face in its specificity. and i know people by their nicknames or positions, it's hard for me to say that.
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ugh. please tell me, in principle , you allow that as of now, on the third a year of full-scale war, quite close, let's say, to the president , people can work in various state structures, in particular in the state security service, who can really hatch plans to kill him? er, people who are informants for the special services of the russian federation can work, because what you are talking about. to kill is a separate issue, and its people who obtain information, as a rule, are not used, to kill those people, because its penetration into the structure in which they work is much more effective when these people will continue to work, and those who are used simply as killers to perform certain tasks are people of a completely different category, and completely different funds are spent on them, but in ... you admit that in a fairly close environment there can be people,
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which, for example, then transmit information? i admit, uh, many of these? well, this is not a question for me, it is precisely for the special services, i am not the head of the security service of ukraine for the time being, so far this is such an application, you know, i am joking, of course, everything can change over time, this power is not eternal and maybe those who are real professionals and who are real patriots will come, this will show, and... you, i understand, have a claim to professionalism, specifically in this case to the sbu? no, it's the dsbu, i don't have a question, i have a question, i asked why they paid attention to this organization so late, when already in february, on the 22nd , there were certain problems in certain management of this office. you know, i didn't understand until the end, but vasyl malyuk said that according to their information, the terrorist attack should have happened a gift for the day. putin's inauguration, that is, as it should be understood, it was supposed to take place
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today, maybe the day after and yesterday, maybe the day before yesterday, although if it was planned yesterday, the day before yesterday, i think we would have learned about it yesterday, the day before yesterday, so we will see how the words said by the leadership of our special services will be later confirmed by certain arguments and certain testimony of certain people, and you think that these arguments and testimony, they will be public, as a rule, such cases are not... public and the courts are closed. you know by looking to the way the current government likes to use pr on everything, i think that if there is anything, they will use pr on this. ok, then we put three dots to the front. russia, well, at least that is what independent, osin analysts and the russian military report about the capture of the village of ocheretine in donetsk region. what it means? well, this is what the russians say, and i rely directly on the official ones. reports
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and speeches of the general staff. general staff said we lost the reeds? no, he didn't say that. general staff said that the russian troops are in ocheretino, they are entrenched there and the fighting continues. this was the message on friday. i also heard this, realizing that ocheredyne is not a small village, because i had been there many times in the previous years of the russian-ukrainian war. you can say, more than one. a hundred times i perfectly navigate this village and in half a day or a day or even in a week with the correct organization of the defense, it is not so easy to capture this village, or is the correct organization of the defense a chore? ask a question, this is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. well maybe you know, again, from your sources, from my sources, what is known, and if i tell it, then it will be an accusation against me for leaking information. ok please tell me if i understand now. we also hear this from the military who are directly on
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the front line. the offensive, although it is slow, may be a russian offensive, but it is moving, if it is not possible to slow it down in the coming weeks and days, because at the front they are still waiting for american help, what ter, what time, how much time the armed forces have of ukraine so that they could stop this offensive? the question is not only about american aid, the question is that the existing authorities still pay attention. engaged in the solution of three main areas related to raising the level of the country's defense capability, namely the training of motivated, educated and well-equipped people. to service in the ranks of the armed forces and other power structures, this is the transfer of the economy of ukraine to functioning in wartime conditions, as well as state authorities in conditions of a particularly period or state of war, and plus this fortification equipment of the territory of ukraine, all these things will significantly improve the situation, and
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then we will not ask how many russians will advance, we will clearly answer how much time we need to return these ... and win this war, you say now about such global things, i do not deny that all this must be done, but now there are quite specific questions regarding very specific settlements, well, we talked about chertys, for example, just last week, a top official of the gur stated that the taking of a temporary ravine - it's just it's a matter of time, what are the prospects there, by the way, because this is another very important fortified district in donetsk region, a fortified district, isn't it? perhaps a fortified settlement would be more correct, because the word "fortified district " is perceived a little differently, as far as the military classification is concerned, when the representatives of gur speak for the military, those who are active armed forces, it just causes,
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you know, a certain smile, because the armed forces are fighting on the russian-ukrainian front in full and are commanded by general syrsky and precisely... alrsky has the authority to speak such things. gur, which has nothing to do with the conduct of hostilities, but is only engaged in obtaining information and takes part in certain hostilities as part of the armed forces, then these are completely different things. therefore , precisely as regards professionalism, we once again see that those who are not responsible for it, for some reason talk about it. okay, then what are your predictions in principle regarding the situation in donetsk region, and because that's it. the military, the military, who were on our air, i literally relay their words, they say that ocheretino, there such a line of defense is important, and yar is such a place that has a panim height, and that if the russian troops advance in these two directions, then there are
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real prospects, even access to the pokrovsk-kostiantynivka road, which supplies all ukrainian troops there to the west and south of bakhmut, is such a prospect real, and accordingly, taking the rest of the donetsk region there, as for the pokrovsk-konstantynivka road through myrnograd, then this is just a raked road, in relation to the front edge, and this road is enough important, but in order to reach it to the reed, it is still necessary to drive, walk and crawl for more than 1 km, and this, with the correct organization of the defense, will be quite a difficult task for the russian offensive capabilities. therefore, let's not rush and panic, the task of the military is to properly organize fortification equipment and have reserves for occupying certain positions, and the task of the political leadership is to ensure the needs of the armed forces in full , not only at the expense of aid in the west, but for account of own reserves. to
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things, about aid from the west, here was a statement from the president's national security adviser jake sullivan, he said that... supposedly this american aid of 61 billion dollars, which will gradually flow to ukraine, will allow ukraine this year in the 24th to hold the defense, build up forces there, in the 25th year there almost went on the offensive, well, he literally said to go on the offensive, do you share this point of view? sullivan probably meant that only aid is concerned, and that as regards the work of our leadership in ukraine , we are following the directions that you and i are talking about discussed which... you said they are strategic, they are not important at the moment, they are probably the most important at this stage, and solving these three areas will greatly accelerate our ability to stop the enemies, and in order to begin to advance, it is not only material assistance that is needed , we need active and purposeful painstaking work
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inside ukraine, but it is not happening, it is happening in certain areas and too slowly. what are the weak links? well, if it is possible to voice it? well, that's precisely the work that concerns the mobilization of the country, because in our majority it is perceived due to the submission of information power that mobilization is only a call of people, and although opening the previous law on mobilization, we read that it is primarily a transfer of the economy, state authorities, enterprises of ukraine, and only then transfer of military units to wartime states. we see such a fragmented desire of the authorities to work in certain directions, and then to work in this way, not wanting to make an unpopular decision, and in other directions it will not work. well and if they do not work, then in general the question will always be constant, that we will wait for someone to fight for us, we
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will always try not to make an unpopular decision, and it is a matter of time how we will be purposeful at the expense of our own reluctance defend ukraine and transfer, work out the law on mobilization, and it is a matter of time how long the russians will be able to capture the territory without people. none of the equipment that comes to us will work, every machine gun, every missile, every plane, every helicopter, every tank must be with a person who knows how to work with this, and if we do not work with this, then nothing will work, and i have one last question, again, i have to quote here skibitsky, whom you have already criticized, but nevertheless, he made a statement that there could be an escalation there in the direction of sumy and kharkiv. and there were also reports from analysts of the washington institute for the study of war, they said that russia is now forming some part of it in
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the kursk region in order to go into a possible future offensive on kharkiv. what are you do you see any prospects there? if you followed my speeches earlier, then i spoke about these things three or four months ago and paid attention to them, only then gur heard me, began to develop them, this is the first thing, but this is not self-empowerment, this is realization. as it developed, prospects always rely on three things: time, people and money, the russians have time, they have money, as regards the purchase of equipment and other things, and what remains is only the desire to carry it out, at this stage of the threat, which concerns there is no such large offensive in these areas, there is only the threat related to such border battles and the desire to draw the russians away, to draw part of our reserves to cover... the border, which greatly eases the situation for them in the east of ukraine. it seems to me that
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you talked about time, desire and money right on our air and now you have repeated this thesis once again. thank you very much. serhiy krivonos, reserve major general of the armed forces of ukraine and the first deputy commander of the special operations forces in the 16-19 years and the deputy secretary of the nsdc - in the 19-20 years. thank you very much. well, it took place in the kremlin. the fifth inauguration ceremony of vladimir putin, after which putin received the right to remain in the post of president until 2030, the president's chair, let me remind you, he has occupied since 1999, in fact for a quarter of a century, there was indeed a break when the chair was occupied by dmytro medv yedev, well, but now it's not about that. i will remind you that in march of this year, in conditions of war, censorship, and repression , presidential elections were held in russia, where, according to official data, putin received more than 87% of the vote, despite the fact that europarla. passed a resolution on illegitimacy as stated in the document so the so-called presidential elections in russia, now there were representatives of six
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european union countries at putin's inauguration. according to radio liberty , representatives of france, hungary, slovakia, greece, malta and cyprus were present in the kremlin. on the eve of the ceremony, belgium was also going to send its representative to the kremlin, but by the morning of may 7 it became known that the country would not take part in the inauguration, a diplomatic source told rfe/rl. meanwhile, in gaiza, opposite the international criminal court, during the inauguration, an action was held, the participants of which called to put putin in prison, not the kremlin. what to expect from putin's next term in ukraine, some believe that mass mobilization will be announced in russia right after the inauguration, and what does the presence of representatives of the european union at the inauguration of the head of the kremlin mean? we will talk about this later. maria kucherenko, an analyst of the return fund, joins our broadcast. maria, good evening, good evening, and once again i would like to remind our audience that you are the head
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of the russian study department at the foundation, what is your impression the current inauguration made, i don't know, maybe it surprised you in some way, the impression it made was actually very depressing, because in fact, although it was not a surprise, it was not an inauguration, it was a coronation, in fact with the presence of the patriarch of all russia. with his delivery of a speech about the fact that until the end of the age this will be until the end of your reign, with all this rhetoric, which simultaneously combined some such elements of sovietism, plus elements of such an imperial approach to how the tsar should be greeted there, about what must speak, and here is this last one cyril's speech, which was broadcast as part of the inauguration. it actually fits in very, very well with what we saw from the actual
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world russian council, from the 25th. which became in fact the first such successful, unfortunately, attempt to form a new ideology of russia after the phase of the war that it entered after the 22nd year, which it started against our country against our country after 2022, and this is absolutely such an ideology, in at the center of which is the genocide against those whom the russian federation today defines either as its part... or as its own the enemy, so nothing unexpected actually happened here, but the impression is really depressing, i actually also paid attention to this part, so to speak, the official prayer or whatever it is called, the speech of patriarch kirill, where he actually blessed putin and the victims and formidable decisions, i suggest listening to this
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speech, because i still have a question that the head of state must make. the head of state has to make sometimes fateful and threatening decisions, and if such a decision is not made, the consequences can be extremely dangerous both for the people and for the state, but these decisions are almost always connected in particular with victims, and such decisions have never been made for the benefit of the people, the country has not been condemned either by the church, or by the people, or by the church, or by the people. maria, well , to some extent it was a blessing, i don’t know, for the war, for the murders, or what different decisions may be involved here, or it can already be interpreted as preparation for something new, i don’t know, for mass mobilization, which has not yet been was in russia, or before mass repressions, which had not yet happened in russia? i think that's the point here about the preparation for a new phase of the war, for a new
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perception of the war that they continue to wage against us, i would say that... there is such a very logical shift from the so-called svo, a special military operation to the kto, that is , a counter-terrorist operation, from that information , which was published today by the security service of ukraine, once again we can see yet another confirmation that the russian federation, as a party, seeks to present us as a party of terrorists that must be subdued, that is, all the attempts on volodymyr's life. zelenskyi, head of the service security of ukraine, the main intelligence agency of ukraine, this is all an absolute continuation of the line that they started after the so-called terrorist attack in krokuska hall, and here we really see another confirmation that the consensus that existed regarding putin in society since 1999 year and before the terrorist attack in
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crocus, as the winner of the terrorism that was... supposedly fought in the russian federation, it was destroyed, but from the point of view of the russian federation, it was destroyed in order to propose a new anti-terrorist consensus, regarding putin, as the victor over us, and this speech really is here, it can testify to the intensification of mobilization measures, which in fact did not stop for more than a day, because now in the russian federation there are planned... well, planned mobilization measures, they do not stop, this is an intensification of repression, this is also about additional oppression of civil liberties, again , this is not the first time we hear about this idea, which they introduced in the changes to the constitution, that the family is the union of a man and a woman, and that cyril is there campaigned against abortion and so on, this is still
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the rhetoric of such a total war and the rhetoric of provision. of this war with all available resources, including human resources and treating human resources exclusively as cannon fodder. but you mentioned, i understand that you mentioned the notification of the sbu about the attempt on volodymyr zelenskyi. the sbu reported that they were allegedly preparing this terrorist attack, they call it a terrorist attack, well, from what they described, it really looks like a terrorist attack, and that it was supposed to happen as a gift before the day of the inauguration. you allow you know very well, internal? political schedules in russia, as well as political tradition, you admit that they could really plan this murder on the day of putin's inauguration, i absolutely admit, remember the fate of anna politkovskaya, it seems that it was given as a gift on putin's birthday, and actually there are still some such examples quantity,


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