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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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some understanding, let's say, and if we criticize the ministry, too, friends, please, well, no need, because if i'm not mistaken, there is a ministry of civil service and tourism, well , in general, yes, then, or in britain digital the transformation was entrusted either to the ministry of youth, or to some other ministry, and this is only during the last five years, this is a normal process, colleagues, there is no need to think. that somewhere in some democratic countries, right away, that means, i don't know, in some roman empire, although this is also a myth, so, right away, this means that there is such a pantheon of public administration, it’s all not true, you just don’t have to deceive yourself and mislead the audience, democracy is a democracy that is a living process with a very friendly and quick adoption of various decisions that meet the challenges today, this is her weakness. but this
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is also its strength, i can end on this for now, well, yes, when there is an established democracy and when this democracy does not need any specific correction, and when there are no signs that in ukraine, or in the country there are signs that what one group is political, elected in the elections, but as recently as 5 years ago, and we understand that there will be no elections yet, but that this group may be wrong in something, may be doing something wrong, and this is also certain there is a danger in this, because in the same great britain or in austria, i think that there is no such danger, and this is also a big question, actually, how in the absence of elections, how in the absence of elections, mr. nikita, how citizens can adjust, you say, they elect the verkhovna rada, they elect the president, well stop the verkhovna rada itself. is sorting through its
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powers and so according to the law, the time of wartime , it has until the next election, and how can i, as a voter, implement it? i want, i want another government, for example, serhii , let's not go into, as they say, thin summer, well, we want, we want, we want to stop the war, let's go we will offer the katsaps to stay there for about six months, which means we will recognize the entire occupation as ours. elections must be held here, well, i'm not talking about elections, i'm saying that this tool is not available now, if you say about the fact that society can adjust, cannot now adjust society, look, sergey, there is media, there is civil society, there are, after all, there are western partners, that is, there are feedback loops that remain, and we are great, now here i, so that i do not clog up the airwaves, yulia can also give a lot of examples. when
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due to the pressure of our allies, or together with civil society, with ngos, rostislav can give a bunch of examples, it does not work as well as i would like, but it works, and my colleagues will definitely provide it now to lie, that it is clear that we would, perhaps, each of us would not like that, but it is worth using the tools that are available, well, the main tool is the constitution, the main thing is that the constitution is not violated in, for example, in relation to activities tv channels, regarding their illegal switching off , there was no such thing either, by the way, yes, what we have been watching for the past two years. friends, i am turning to our tv viewers, i will say that today we are conducting a survey, are you satisfied with the work of the government of denys shmyhal, yes, no, everything is fine on youtube simply, if you have an opinion, write your opinion in the comments, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphones or phones and vote if you trust the government. satisfied with the work of shmyhal's government
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0800-211-381 no 0800 211-382, all calls to these numbers are free and please vote. another topic of the day is the so -called inauguration of the so-called president, the so- called putin. today, the world is divided into two parts, part of this world does not recognize the legitimacy of putin and did not come to the inauguration, part represents... states arrived for the inauguration in the kremlin, the united states of america did not send its representative to the inauguration of dictator putin on may 7, but continues to recognize him as the legitimate president of the russian federation. this was stated by the spokesman of the state department of the united states of america, matthew miller. let's hear what matthew miller had to say. we definitely do not recognize those elections as free and fair, but he is the president of russia and will continue to act in this one. ms. topanova,
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what does illegitimacy mean, the non-recognition of putin's powers, will it have any consequences or, well, like the united states of america. they said, well , there were some elections there, they were not free and fair, matthew miller covered his soul a little, he did not say that these elections were still held on the territory of another state, and this is also a reason to talk about illegitimacy and the non-recognition of putin's powers , why the united states of america, which is being targeted, which is a marker for other countries, did not say that putin is illegitimate, ms. yulia, i... i think that the united states, as well as, for example, france, whose representative came to the inauguration, they they are still trying to preserve, you know, such a small gap in the possibility of communication with putin and, you know, how is this such a last
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hope possible, to bring him to his senses, to his senses, but unfortunately, it is useless, they will understand this of course and i absolutely support you about what you say, serhiy, however, it is not enough that these... elections were actually, well , falsified, as usual by putin, they were also held on our territory, on the occupied territory, so to recognize putin as a legitimate president, well, very much covered the soul of many countries, but they, you see, they are still trying to reach some kind of peace agreement, including recognizing him as a legitimate president, because if they said that he is not a legitimate president, it is unlikely that they would be able to sit down with him at a negotiating table or communicate at all? thank you, ms. yulia, mr. rostislav, and what, well , what will be the consequences for ukraine and the world of recognizing putin as legitimate, that is , a person who has a warrant from the international criminal court, that is, a war criminal
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was sworn in today and became legitimate, well in their understanding, and in understanding of some of our western partners, the legitimate president of the russian federation, what, what does this mean? what does it bring to the world? well, look, the representatives of the main countries have repeatedly stated that they see the end of this war through negotiations, to which ukraine should approach stronger, and for this ukraine should be helped, and russia should suffer the price of its aggression, of the sanctions that were would limit russia's ability to conduct an aggressive war, well, but, to be honest, the biggest such denier putin personally has such an approach, because he continues aggression, he holds various forums with religious figures, where he announces, where the so-called holy war is announced in
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ukraine, even today he signs decrees there, which are all good for russia, about how russia will win, the goals that are set on the field'. battle, they absolutely do not correspond to any even hypothetical scenarios, according to which they would stop somewhere, that is, this is an aggressor who will continue his conquest, and the only way to really stop it is to inflict a devastating defeat on him the battlefield, thrown out of ukrainian lands, and already then we can talk about something, and even better think about how to equip russia after its defeat in the war with ukraine, and the sooner... such a scenario will come to the world's main players, the indeed sooner this war will end and less casualties will be suffered. thank you, mr. rosyslav, mr. nikita, but against the background of this partial recognition of the legitimacy, well, i don’t know, half, i would say so,
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of putin, although it is full, the russian federation has taken a number of steps, and in particular regarding a wanted ad for president zelenskyi, and there is a criminal out there for him. the case cannot be said in any other way, well, not only against zelenskyi, but zelenskyi is the president of ukraine, does this mean that the russian federation is not going to negotiate with president zelenskyi, well, that is, instead, to accept notes from western countries that that putin is illegitimate, russia turned this whole story against president zelensky and is now shaking. informational space, that from may 20 , 2024, they say, zelensky will not be legitimate, there is nothing to negotiate with him, or this means that putin will not accept capitulation from putin, capitulation from russia, zelensky, or zelensky will not, well
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, they will not sit down at the table with zelensky for peaceful transitions, about which there is a lot of talk and predictions, a lot. very good questions, mr. sergey, i'll start with the main one, so, well, we know that russia is, oh, i have a word on my tongue, okay. returned to the politically correct language, they are cowards, they did not declare an official war on us, they say that it is some kind of their own, so, but well, you have to see what they they say through their propaganda channels, because they are just cowards to say it officially, that is , this is a nation of cowards, that means a state of cowards, well, you understand what word is spinning in my mouth, spinning right now on my tongue, on the bukus, well, yes, on the bukus, absolutely true , absolutely true. so, but the point is not that there they recognized, that is,
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they declared wanted our president, the russian orthodox church, they called him in general before easter to hang, hang, the russian orthodox church, like a christian church, like a church, so it is very peaceful to hang zelenskyi on on on, so branches, they announced this before easter, no, look, friends, we have to remember, they announced it more than once. the goal of this war is the destruction of ukraine, the point is not whether they will talk with zelenskyi, they will not, they are not going to talk with ukraine at all, they say that there is no ukraine, period, so the goal of this war is the destruction of ukraine as a state and the destruction of the ukrainian nation, well, that is, it has not been hidden for a very long time, but the last time, the last month or two, i think that my colleagues will correct it, if i am wrong it is simply open, that is, it is declared from all their
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public and media fields there, now, as regards the recognition of legitimacy or illegitimacy, i completely, completely agree with both yulia and rosyslav, i subscribe to every word, but there is one nuance, that is, which, of course, cannot please us, the point is not that they recognize or not recognize putin, the point is that they recognize the so-called russia. that's the point, that is, they are actually putin's, look, the fact that they did not come to recognize him as the chosen one the president, it simply means that they state in this way that we do not consider you the president, what the hell kind of president are you, who elected you, what a farce this is, but they recognize russia as a so-called state and him as, well, it doesn't matter, dictator, what 's the difference, what is his name there, i.e. naked , well, let's not forget that the world recognized the soviet union led by stalin in the
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1930s, then the world recognized khrushchev, then the world recognized brezhnev and so on, until the collapse of the ussr, that is, the world recognized the state of the ussr, a criminal state, absolutely, bloody, manipulative, but the world recognized this state, and accordingly, but the world did not care, well, you, well, well, we all remember that in the ssr there were also elections of his kind. everyone voted for comrade brezhnev, so, well, it was a farce, but it was, well, it was clear that he was not recognized as the elected leader of the ussr, he was simply recognized as, well, the person who leads the ussr, that's all, and it's the same here history, that is, the problem is that they, despite what the so-called russia openly says, are our goal - genocide, we want to kill as many ukrainians as possible and destroy, in general, erase the name of ukraine from history. off the map, they continue to recognize this, this is, you know, the creation
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of a pseudo-state, a terrorist state, this is a problem. thank you, mr. nikita, and actually, one more small topic, forgive us for going through these topics so quickly, but they need to be discussed, and i think our tv viewers will also be happy to listen to another discussion of one topic, this is a social topic. speech, because in relation to the public, passions also flare up, flare up, public broadcast may exit the single news telethon and expand its own broadcast on channel one, which currently broadcasts the marathon, if it receives official permission to do so, the official release said, in particular: the telethon is considering the possibility of expanding content production by the public broadcasting team in the context of the marathon for the first time of the public broadcasting channel, not a separate part of the socially important main information association
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of the wartime telethon edyni news, subject to the agreement of such an opportunity by the appropriate by state bodies, taking into account all the standards of the editorial policy of the public and the capabilities of the country's largest network of correspondents throughout the country. before that, we saw how maryana bezugla, a deputy from the servant of the people torpedoed, well, politically torpedoed the public and tried to prove that... in general, this is a tv channel that eats a lot of money, that something should be done with it, and in general it is such the opinion that the public receives a lot of money, compared to a single telethon, but... you have to think something like that, i i would never have mentioned mariana bezugla here, ladies and gentlemen, so that this whole story would not resemble the story of the resignation of valery zaluzhnyi from the position of head of the armed forces of ukraine, when maryana bezugla was shaking the information space for three or four months about the fact that the head of the army should be removed , now this story is with the public, and we see
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that, that marker, which is important for our western partners, now this marker is someone... trying to redraw something with it , so that later in the next report of the state depot of the united states of america, another point appeared that the ukrainian authorities do not allow the development of a public broadcaster, which is independent of the ukrainian authorities, what is the reason, mrs. yulia , that this story with the public broadcaster is now unfolding before our eyes, what, what, what , actually, what is happening is happening. this is a simple thing, if the public announced the exit from the telethon, which in fact no one particularly watches, let's say it directly, here the question is that the tv channels lose their ratings, including because they are in the telethon, it seems, there was a recent study where about 30% of ukrainians watch the telethon, 70 get their
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information from telegram channels and others, or media resources, or telegram channels. and this is very bad, because such information obtained from telegram channels can be very easily manipulated. so, the marathon survived itself, i think that all the tv channels understand this, just no one dares to leave this telethon first, and the authorities do not dare to dissolve the telethons, let media groups, media channels live their own lives life and make your own content. society decided to make such an important and very hero. a step that, as a matter of fact, is being torpedoed by some representatives, but i want to remind you that the public was created precisely according to democratic principles, and it was also created to support democratic values ​​and the independence of the media, so no one will definitely allow it to be closed, destroyed, no
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matter what neither maryana nor the other representatives spoke, individually, because it would be a huge marker for the wrong ones. for western partners, but for ukrainians about strengthening dictatorship, i think that no one needs it, and i hope that everyone will leave it alone socially and give them the opportunity to develop. thank you, mr. rostyslav, how do you see this whole story around the public, well, what is the purpose, what is the reason for the claim of the representatives, well, the faction of the servant of the people is a pro-government, pro-presidential faction. and mariana stayed there or said that she could not leave the faction of the servant of the people, because then there would be no one there to vote and work, why exactly, why servants the people don't like social media, well, look, we can talk about the facts,
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especially in the last couple of months, we state that at least a little pluralism of opinion has begun to appear in the social media, for example, representatives of european solidarity, on the air of the telethon, you can only see it in the slot of social media, it seems all three of us were invited at different times to the discussion there, and just like here on your channel, we exchanged arguments in the same way, absolutely keeping the framework of informational unity there and not crossing the boundaries of a civilized discussion could show society that there are different opinions about... a way to do a common thing, and it is obviously not liked, because there was no one on the other channels except representatives of the authorities, and very rarely representatives of other factions, so very selectively, let's say , far from all representatives of the factions, apparently for some reason decided that even this, even just working according to standards, is too
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much, and therefore something must be done with them, and i think that colleagues are simply taking a step ahead in order not to be just picked up from this marathon, what's next, well, the express tv channel, the direct tv channel fifth, showed what it is like when they arbitrarily get rid of digital broadcasting, three channels, the state department talked about it last year, it seems that it was in the report, european institutions talk about it, all the key ones well, but the drivers are not talking about some kind of media order there, like eh... the opposite of media chaos, which for some reason can be seen in banking, if there is no marathon, but this is all from the sly, actually, the question is that this telethon in... i have long lived my life, my life, my life sincere conviction, and what my colleagues in the public sector say, it is worth simply
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adopting and really moving to the fact that the channels present different positions independently, it has long been learned to hold the frame, it has long been clear what things must be kept, what is called unity , and where to show that... the authorities need to do better in order for ukraine to win. thank you, mr. rostyslav, mr. nikita, you, unlike maryana bezuglai, know for sure, you know much more about the media space, you were a member of this media group, and you definitely understand very well, what, what, what is right and what is wrong with the public, and obviously you could explain more competently, if you articulated the claims from the team of the servant of the people, you kind of observe ... all this, and how do you explain what , which is being discussed now both in the profile committee and at the level, well, in particular, the public one on the air
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of the tv channel, i don’t know, maybe on other channels as well, let’s go, mr. sergey, let’s start with the fact that it is incorrect to say that the servants want, because i also a servant of the people, and the first thing i did, of course, was that it wasn't... i was the only one, because the committee is a collegial body, but i called a meeting of the committee, we analyzed this situation, we accepted an appeal in support of the public, so i also think it is correct to say that the servants are protecting the public, er, so that no, well, no , no, let's put it this way, formulating a position based on the opinions of one deputy or a female deputy and not taking into account the position of other deputies, in particular mine, now what... about the situation with the public, then i think that we may not have enough airtime , because i took part in these negotiations, since this is a zone responsibility of our committee, it means
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that it is not actually about exiting, because you yourself quoted absolutely correctly this joint statement of the channels that create the marathon, it is about actually expanding, well, to one more channel of the production... of the single news format, that means but this, by the way, raises the question of, again, which i have repeatedly raised, and you, mr. sergey, know, because you also had it on the air, about the inclusiveness of this project, because i believe that, i believe that everyone who can and is willing to produce content for of the only news, should do it, well, that is, everyone should be invited, the door should be opened to everyone. everyone who adheres to standards and standards and journalistic and editorial, by the way, well, espresso, by the way, as we know, this is confirmed by many, well, how, as
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they say, studies, yes, reports, so it is stable, so , among those who adhere to the standards, i think that inclusivity could help the marathon, as for the data of the marathon itself, here i am colleagues, a little bit of you, well, i will correct it specifically from a television point of view, see ... if we now let's take the results of the marathon, yulia, they are actually a little worse than what you mentioned, it's not 30, it's 10, audience share, that is , audience coverage, it's 10, but if we take, let's take these 10, add, yes indeed, sergey, i know that there is a disconnection from t2, but you have very good indicators in cable networks, in youtube and so on, then we can in principle... understand roughly what the audience coverage means for espresso and for the fifth and for direct , if we add to 10 , then we will add the fifth direct espresso indicators,
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by the way, we still forget, but it is quite popular, it cannot be mega-popular, because it is an information heavyweight 24th lviv, so if we put all this together, we will get somewhere 14, 16%, 14, 16% - this is the ceiling, friends, in ukraine... more than a total of 14-16% never watch information channels. and that's normal. in fact , we are not much different, one should not think that if the marathon ceases to exist tomorrow, then the ratings of news programs there will immediately jump? no, they will not jump up, friends, in the situation we have such a difficult situation at the front, i would still talk about the need to preserve this single news format, about preservation. of this single information policy, national, not state, but national, but it is clear that it would be better if it were more inclusive, but ...
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more than, you know, 14-16, i think we will not take , and this is how it will be, god forbid, so that there are no such, you know, upheavals, so that they start watching it more, we have, we have to finish it, it is better for us, colleagues and everyone, i wish that we only have such, only such news so that they wouldn't watch the marathon again out of fear, that's because of the perlyak, only because of the victories, thank you, nikita poturaev, rostislav pavlenko and... klimenko were guests of today's program, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program , i will remind you that during the entire broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you whether you are satisfied with the work of the government of denys shmyhal, 6% yes, 94% no, these are the results of the television survey, and we also have the results of the survey on youtube, we have 8 % yes, 92% no, it was a program verdict conducted it
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serhii rudenko, thank you for attention, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow until 20:00, i wish you all good health, goodbye, laughter, physical activity, sneezing, even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt, i was helped by feminost uro, thanks feminost uro, a natural component, helps restore feminost urination control. kuro urination under control is discounts represent coco may discounts on estazifin 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and oschas fm galicia listen to yours. joint problems limit
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congratulations. on may 7, putin officially entered his fifth presidential term, let me remind you that at first he said that he would not even go for a third, and even we still remember how he spoke about it, like this, for example, different people tend to fall for different things, some get addicted to tobacco, some, sorry, gentlemen, to drugs, they say that i had no dependence on the government. the temptation to stay for a third term, never, never, well , there was no temptation, but there was no longer a fifth term left, and in order to make it look like it was not a fifth term, they constantly change the constitution, then there is something there are reset to zero, then something else, so now it is considered that this is putin's first term as president under the new constitution, well, you can change everything 25 more times and declare it obvious. each new
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term as such that the first.


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