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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

7:30 pm
for today, i have everything in the world about ukraine section, everything is only for today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our further broadcast, so do not switch. problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of long joints. these are packets of collagen and vitamin c to restore articular cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on bone health. dolgit joints facilitates motor functions. with stiff joints - move freely. kratal contains natural components, who carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium. normalizes heart rate , increases physical and mental performance. kratal - natural. strength for
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make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro, it helps to regain control over urination feminos uro - urination under control. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime. i generally believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important things every thursday at 21:15 in the great lviv speaks project on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more more important topics, even more top guests. and inclusion experts from abroad about
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ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 until 10 pm for espresso. what to do when there is a liver, allochol, and for the bile, what, allochol. protects the liver and bile, alohol with care and respect for the liver and bile, good evening, we are from ukraine, well, we continue, and now about money, during the war oleksandr morchyvka will speak, he is already next to me, oleksandr, good evening, please speak to you. thank you, vasyl, good evening, in the next few minutes i will tell you about the privatization of the russian oligarch's property, and you will also learn about the water supply, where exactly it will be ... in which city will there be water after
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the russians destroyed the kakhovskaya hpp, about this and not only in a moment . i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. therefore, the search for a new owner, in particular for the property of the sanctioned oligarchs. the state property fund has announced a sale auction confiscated from the russian big cat company. is called, the starting price of the plant is over uah 203.5 million, the auction is scheduled for may 31. this asset was taken from ivan savvid. he has close ties with the leadership of the rfi and supports the occupation authorities in the temporarily occupied territories of our homeland. well, i will add that pentopak is an enterprise that provides a full cycle of production of packaging for products of the meat processing industry. well, let's keep an eye on the auctions.
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a really new owner, i wonder how much he will pay for this object, how much it will replenish the state budget and how effective the activities of this enterprise will be in general, well... our ukrnafta wants to take over the assets of the russian group tat-neft and the agency for search and asset management has already appealed to the antimonopoly committee. ukrnafta said that it is about 110 objects. they are located in kharkiv oblast and poltava oblast. these are oil depots, gas stations and various commercial premises. currently, they are in a bad condition due to hostilities and because they have simply not been used for a long time. according to companies out of 70. the gas station operates only 15. the shortage of personnel on the labor market worsened in april, employers posted a record number of vacancies, but the average salary remained unchanged for three months in a row.
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they offer, in particular, no more than uah 20,000, workua reports. yes, last month employers posted almost 100.12,000 offers on the portal, for the second month in a row the largest number is offered by the service sector, the top ten leaders also include work specialties, production, sales, purchasing, retail trade, well , the business also offers jobs for veterans, they have increased by 20%, but as you can see, the problem among... companies now is that the business is not ready to raise wages, and is also trying to find qualified personnel to vasyl, but as analysts say , in particular , representatives of the national bank in their latest report, that there is, as they say, a shortage of talent in our country,
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that is, there is a lack of people with the appropriate education, with the appropriate experience and with the motivation to work and grow, well and plus she also promised what else 200,000 ukrainians will leave ukraine until the end. this year, at the same time, somewhere around a million should return, but i looked, but to return not this year, later, but i looked at the statistics today for ireland, in particular, 23%, i do not want to return under any circumstances, but i am here to i want to say that not only in ukraine there is a shortage of personnel, oil and gas companies, oil companies of the russian federation said yesterday that they lack 40,000 workers for work, well, these are huge works, they called the problem war mobilization, and 4,000 workers, this quite a lot, let's remember how many ukrainians used to work, because this is oil and gas. well, the oil industry is not only oil workers, it is people who are involved in maintenance, it is a large number of people, and now it is also a problem, i think that maybe they will have even bigger problems with this, but unfortunately , we have similar problems, but our recovery army is being replenished, just last week
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, another 5,000 citizens who are currently looking for work were involved in community service, the state employment service reports. therefore, among the regions with the largest number of unemployed people involved in the initiative called the restoration army, these are people from donetsk oblast, kyiv oblast, chernihiv oblast, poltava oblast, the payment is made by the state not at the level of the minimum wage, let me remind you, it is currently uah 800, in total . citizens are involved in dismantling rubble, rebuilding houses damaged by hostilities, strengthening dams, so those who want to earn extra money and are still looking for another job with the help of the employment center can... join the army of reconstruction, and it is important news for consumers, the south highway company has completed the construction of a main water pipeline that will provide kryvyi rih with drinking water. let me remind you that the city was affected by the shallowing of the kakhovsky
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reservoir after the russian terrorist attack, the water will flow from the ingulets river, the length of the water pipeline is more than 26 km, the capacity is 400 thousand. cubic meters per day, well, really long-awaited news, well , for almost a year, vasyl kryvyi rih was without drinking water, but there is still a long-awaited highway for the residents of pokrov, nikopol region, myrivsk community, in fact, as far as i personally know, it is ready for operation, maybe in the next few days the residents of dnipropetrovsk region will... well, the ministry of reconstruction reported on the results of the construction of this water pipeline, but another interesting topic is that people will now say that they will have to pay, well, these are
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unofficial according to calculations, according to the data provided to me by the residents of the region, roughly 100 hryvnias for a bunch of water, this is a crazy price, but the connection is what it was. remains, that is, there is no need to do additional things there, they already remain here, as people say, it's good that there will be water, it's good that the craftsmen managed, well , the deadline is as short as possible without... drinking water, especially in the arid southern region, it's quite difficult now. well, i'll keep an eye on the details and keep you posted. let's go further. ukraine will cancel tariffs on more than 90% of industrial goods with turkey, this is provided for in the draft law on the ratification of the agreement on free trade between our countries. today, the cabinet of ministers submitted this initiative to the verkhovna rada. prime minister denys shmyhal stated that turkey is in the top five... major trade partners of our state, therefore this agreement creates opportunities, new opportunities for business, well
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, in particular, of course, it is our entrepreneurs, our business will develop new sales markets, earn profits, the treasury will be replenished, and of course, the more there are exports, the more new jobs as well, growth of gross domestic product, investments, a prospective agreement, well, i think that the parliament... will quickly and finally put an end to this issue and the agreement will work, well, the very end is an interesting topic that vasyl and i often raise in this studio, so in your opinion, will vasyl be directly confiscated at least some russian property or russian financial assets, bonds for the benefit of our state, as demanded by the government, the president, the verkhovna rada? this is a difficult question. you are also right, everything depends on many factors, well, that's enough, well, what seems strange to me is the decision of the big
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seven, which in fact is betting on the fact that it agrees that russia's money should go to the reconstruction of ukraine, but here we are talking about interest, which are earned, for example, on russian bonds, i'm all for it just about money and europe, this is one country of the european union, literally as you started your conversation, that it is possible to transfer rubles to swiss banks, but it is possible if the amount exceeds 10 million, that is, for the rich it is possible, for those who are so rich, it is impossible , well , forbes reports this with reference to its sources, so that the switzerland of banking services for the citizens of the russian federation, part of the bank of ukraine continues to accept large transfers in rubles from russia, but really the countries of the big seven. not yet ready to fully transfer financial assets, the frozen assets of russia for the restoration of our
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state, although there was support, declarative support, vasyl was even promised legal support for this procedure, but still they are afraid, they are afraid of appropriate sanctions from the kremlin, because a lot of assets are in russia, and well, it is one thing to say certain things political things, and another matter for the business of the european union to lose... its fortunes on the territory of erefia, well, if we talk about any interest that our state can receive, then 90% of the income from frozen russian assets in europe will be used anyway for the purchase of weapons. german chancellor olaf scholz said this. we are talking about the amount, there is already a specific amount here - 4 billion euros. well, but when we will receive this... money , the question remains. in my opinion, in this topic, there are many statements, declarations, but
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not enough concrete actions. this phrase: the winner will get everything, it is still relevant, but the question is, with what efforts to win in this war, and then, indeed, you will be able to get everything, but the question is different, that even without money, it is quite difficult to win, such a financially powerful monster and human dimension of the monster, like the russian federation. and in vasyl's economic dimension, so far. i will finish the column about money during the war, but a big broadcast is going on, there will be more to come, watch us. well, thank you to oleksandr morchyvka, and you will thank him for his work, and now i will ask serhiy rudenko what he will talk about today at 8:00 pm with his guests in the... program verdict serhii, good evening, please word. good evening vasyl, for the next two hours we will
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talk about another inauguration of the so-called the president, the so-called putin, because today , may 7, this event took place in the kremlin, which means the presence of representatives of six european states at this event, and whether the legitimacy... or not the illegitimacy, which the european parliamentarians insisted on when passing the relevant resolution, will become decisive for the non-recognition of putin's powers by major civilized countries, we will talk about all this with our guests, general serhiy kryvonos and my journalist roman tsimbalyuk, journalist, my colleague, journalist roman tsimbalyuk, general kryvonos and i will talk about the situation on the eastern and southern fronts of ukraine. russia is trying
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to put pressure on the armed forces of ukraine. it appears in the press. this information that the russians are preparing for the occupation of sumy and kharkiv, whether these predictions can come true, whether the russians have enough strength and whether this offensive, the next offensive of the russian troops, which is planned for the end of may, the beginning of june, will be so powerful and, which will be decisive for the russian-ukrainian war. in the second part of our program, i will have folk songs dep... of ukraine rostislav pavlenko, mykyta poturaev and yulia klymenko, let's talk about the next personnel changes in the cabinet of ministers, which were predicted back in april, but did not take place. what does this mean, that is, zelenskyi's team refuses personnel rotations, instead wants to reorganize the current government,
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will this reorganization take place, when will this reorganization take place, how will it affect the effectiveness of state management, we will discuss all this with the people's deputies of ukraine , we will also touch on the topic of public broadcasting, because now there is a lot of public broadcasting around a lot of different conversations, a lot of different conclusions of the representatives of the people's servants, in particular marina bezuglai, that this broadcaster is ineffective, and the public reacts to these statements. and says that perhaps they will have to leave the single telethon and speak on one of the channels that allows them to develop social, in other words , there are many topics for discussion, there will be many different reflections , obviously, including the inauguration of the so -called president of the russian federation
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putin, well, of course, what will happen with e- legitimacy, how will the topic be... legitimacy of zelenskyi to use the russians and their propaganda media, we will talk about all this in the next two hours, we start at 20:00, the big broadcast of vasyl zimi continues, vasyl, you have the floor, thank you sergey, so at 20:00 we are waiting for the verdict program of serhii rudenko and his guests, now still has the information that i announced for you, because during the coming day on... may 8 , the tv channel will cover the topic of commemorating the second world war, the role and place of ukrainians in the union, parallels from modern war and russian nazism. our guests, historians, sociologists, and politicians will talk about it. we will also talk about the world tradition on this day, to attach red poppies to clothes. the presenter of the espresso tv channel will also wear these symbols. we invite
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you, our viewers, to do the same. how to make a red poppy, we remind you from a red poppy is a symbol of honoring all fallen heroes, it is very easy to make such a poppy yourself, it is even easier to wear it. you will need three pieces of red felt and one piece of black, this will be the middle poppy, and it will symbolize the trace of a bullet. you will also need a fastener " such a fastener is sold in all hardware stores, you can glue a black circle on the fastener, or you can fasten a poppy and so on, but i think you will make a similar red flower with a trace of a bullet, but no, then buy it, well tomorrow we will definitely be in these poppies, do not miss the special broadcast on
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the espresso tv channel, it will definitely be interesting and informative, and we need to continue donating: for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, the military approached us with request, and i will announce it to you, please join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone of the open air, in all weathers, day and night. so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, including tanks, combat vehicles, infantry, armor. transporters need a minibus that will deliver mobile repair groups to the combat zone and equipment, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000, i believe that we will be able to close this collection as quickly as possible, i thank you very much for donating to the needs of the armed forces and trusting us,
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the armed forces of ukraine trust us and you together. thank you for that, and let's congratulate natalka didenko, she is already in the studio, ready to talk about the synoptic perspective. good evening. congratulations, vasyl, congratulations. of course, now we will talk about the future weather, as usual tacos, such... around natural interesting facts and events, it's all literally in a second, we start our traditional column about the weather, and today we will talk about the lilac, well, how can we not talk about this unique flower, or rather bushes, well, and actually, the flowers are just at their peak now. their lilac, i was recently in our botanical garden, i watched all this luxury and i will share with you very interesting facts, well, lilacs have been cultivated for about 500 years and there are
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also about 2300 varieties, a very interesting fact that i liked is that lilacs can be odorless, to be honest, i can't imagine it at all, but there is such a hungarian lilac, it destroys all stereotypes, it does not smell at all, the lilac lives longer than... well, that is, if you planted it, so will your future generations they will smell it and remember you gratefully. busku essential oil is more expensive than gold. for 1 kg, essential oil of bosque, somewhere around $100,00. it's hard for me to imagine why it is needed, i don't know, but here - such a value of a busk is also there. well, and poisonous, at the same time, beauty is always dangerous, flowers contain toxic substances that can cause headaches, dizziness, even. but at the same time it is used in medicine, lilac ointment helps with rheumatism, the flowers relieve pain, and the actual
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flowers, these branches, can and should even be plucked, because it benefits the plant, next year there will be more lilacs, well of course, do not break lilacs in the city, especially so often, as they do it in such a barbaric way, admire the lilac and mention some other interesting facts about it and... of course, be sure to visit if possible botanical garden, there is simply an incredible number of varieties, the fragrances are wonderful and very, very beautiful, ms. natalie, my colleagues tell me that there was such a tradition, i don’t know if it was the first time i heard that they plucked lilacs, they looked for five flowers and my god, of course, we are always at school, well, for exams we always plucked a lilac and looked for five petals in the flowers to eat and you will get a five for the subject, or even that. for such happiness, so to speak, well, let's go further, from the scents of the busk to the upper layers of the atmosphere and talk about magnetic storms.
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now for your attention is the prognostic chart, and it shows that some kind of activation will be observed at the beginning of the day, then the situation is calm, so uninteresting, and in this situation it is just very good, no one and nothing will negatively affect our well-being, and well on the radar. system, of course, this is very, very important. well, actually , we are now moving on to the weather forecast for the next day, and we will see together whether there will be rain, whether there will be frost and what the air temperature will be. traditionally, we start our forecast from the western regions of ukraine. and now for your attention also to reinforce, so to speak, the material, vasyl and i mentioned the school about five petals and then i continue something in this tone, +13 +18° will be in the west tomorrow, well that is... normal, it's not hot, you obviously understand, there is a chance of rain in the carpathians and around the carpathians, but finally the western territories will still be without significant precipitation, that is, there will be clearing.
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a dry air mass will prevail in the north of ukraine tomorrow, well, at night, be careful, there is a chance of frost in zhytomyr region, kyiv region, chernihiv region and sumy region, during the day the maximum air temperature is +13, +15°, it is quite comfortable, but still, i would advise tomorrow. dress warmer, because especially in the evening and in the morning, well, the cold will be felt, the further we go to the east of ukraine, tomorrow the weather is expected to be moderately warm, +15-+17°, there will be no precipitation, increased atmospheric pressure, in short, here is the weather, which, to be honest, is more like the weather of the second half of april, in the central part of ukraine, tomorrow... also without precipitation, there will be a lot of sun, but not many degrees, no high, +13 +16°,
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the weather is expected in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow. also moderately warm, i would say, not like it was recently, when the air temperature reached 27-28°, tomorrow it will be +18 +20° and without precipitation, and in kyiv on may 8 for the day of remembrance and reconciliation, the weather will be comfortable, fresh, the degrees will be low at night, somewhere +3 +5 in the suburbs, there may even be frosts, during the day the maximum air temperature will be +15. and there will be no precipitation in the capital and the sun will shine, this is the weather, this is the nearest synoptic situation, i want to say, it is important information that on the night of may 9 and on the night of may 10 frosts are expected in most regions of ukraine, and not only on the ground, but possibly in the air, but in general the weather is anti-cyclonic, there is little precipitation, there is a lot of sun and it is fresh air, so of course always keep a close eye on the updated forecasts on the espresso channel.
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thank you very much natalsa didenko, by the way, i was really waiting for a spring thunderstorm, just yesterday there was information that there should be thunderstorms over kiev somewhere, i even left home earlier, but although they were not there, then they realized that they are in the oblast, in any case, this is one of the beauties of may, may thunderstorms, i hope that we will wait for them, well, maybe they are somewhere, but what if they were not there, well at least i didn't see them in kyiv, but this... it's wonderful, i remind you that tomorrow is the day of reconciliation and memory and on the espresso tv channel there will be a special that we are preparing for you, we will invite historians, politicians, people who will tell exactly more, a lot of information, you know, it is known, yes, but people study it, people find it, people it is analyzed, and in a concentrated form , television has the advantage that here in a concentrated form, a lot of information can be provided, as they say, scientifically'.
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information can be provided for our viewers, by the way, this often happened, well, not often, but it happened when you invite scientists to a conversation who had never come on television before and they were very offended that they were not given the opportunity to give a lecture at 45 minutes, and as the traditional half of the academic session of the lecture lasts there, it is an hour 20 lecture and 40 minutes plus 40 minutes 20:00, i remember at the university, but really television does not give such opportunities, at least an informational tv channel, but we will definitely invite people and give the opportunity to talk briefly... exactly, but essentially, about german nazism, about russian nazism as well, so tomorrow be with us, and plus all the events that will take place on the territory of our state to coincide with the day of remembrance and reconciliation, you will also be able to watch with the help of our operators, correspondents, we will have inclusion, that is, nothing for sure don't miss it, be with espresso and be with espresso now, because literally in a minute serhiy rudenko and his guests will start with the verdict program, and it's definitely worth
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watching before... good evening, we're from ukraine. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. russian atomic hysteria. in response to the military strengthening of ukraine by the west, moscow threatens the world with tactical nuclear weapons. are the allies ready for further escalation? peacemaker from the east. china has pledged to refrain from selling any weapons to russia and will do so strictly control the export of dual purpose goods. results of xi jinping's visit to france. coronation of putin. the inaugural show in the kremlin marked the new six-year anniversary of the eternal rule of the russian dictator. why were there representatives among the guests of the toxic event.
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which european countries. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhii ordenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today we will talk about the situation the eastern and southern fronts, the coronation of putin and the special role of china in russia. ukrainian war, we will talk about it during the next hour with our guests, general serhii kryvonos and journalist roman tsimbalyuk. in the second part of our program, which will start in exactly one hour, we will have people's deputies of ukraine, mykyta poturaev, rostislav pavlenko and yulia kuzmenko. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how the shock unit mace of a separate of the presidential brigade named after bohdan
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khmelnytskyi broke up. enemy tank column with drones where...


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