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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EET

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ok, but i think it's us, we have to talk about it today, iryna fristu will be with us today in the next hour, we will talk with her, but now we will pass the floor to our colleagues, iryna koval is ready to share relevant information, iro , we give you the floor and ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about, and thank you very much, marta, well, the official visit of our prime minister has just ended in the polish capital, he met there with donald tusk, about we will find out what was agreed in the news release, more second anniversary where occupation of irpin, what is happening in the city today and how, shall we say , they celebrated this anniversary. we'll see more about everything in a moment. in ukraine on the 16th. o'clock and for your attention
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the news program on the tv channel in the studio of iryna koval, i greet all viewers and now to the most important events. the official visit of prime minister of ukraine dinas shamagal ended in the polish capital, during which intergovernmental consultations, a joint meeting with polish government officials and the signing of documents took place. what was agreed upon our correspondent maria chernyakhivska, who is currently in warsaw and knows all the details, will tell you, maria, i love you. i congratulate you on the word, we are waiting for you a more detailed review. congratulations iryna, the prime ministers of poland and ukraine came to the press in a good mood, they immediately sat down to sign the document, which was the result of their mutual consultations that took place today, half of their promo. the polish
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prime minister devoted his speech to assure that poland remains an ally of ukraine and that it will always support struggle against the russian aggressor, but as with close friends, our countries also have certain disputes, which are actually being resolved now by the government officials of our countries. the prime minister of ukraine , denys shmegal, spoke in more detail about the five points on which the governments of our countries are currently working. they concern a huge range of issues, because the government officials decided to approach the problems comprehensively, it was about weapons, and the situation at the border, and the situation with agricultural products, and it was also about the export of russian and belarusian goods to the territory of the eu, and about the ukrainian european integration processes, we can actually listen to certain details live. our
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governments have a common understanding of the importance of this project, as well as a common understanding that the border issue must be solved comprehensively. ukraine proposed certain steps, we discussed them with mr. prime minister, he already mentioned some of them today, i believe that we are working very efficiently and so optimistically on this. today , ukrainian grain does not enter the polish market. our government has introduced a procedure verification of four grains. agricultural crops of corn, rapeseed, sunflower and wheat. without a license, the export of these categories does not take place, we do not issue such documents, such permits, we will issue them only upon mutual agreement with the polish government, and accordingly, this is the first element of our cooperation, and this is the first step on our part. we are looking for the best solution for both parties regarding agrarian issues. here... we took a step
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forward, since, as agreed back in kyiv, poland started the diplomatic process in the matter of blocking russian and belarusian grain and other agricultural products and had an effect equivalent to an embargo. i will only add that the press conference was structured in such a way that journalists could not ask questions. that's all i have, irina, you have my word. thank you maria, thank you for this inclusion. maria chernyakhivska, our correspondent, was in touch with us just from warsaw, and it remains only to add that we would like this mutual understanding to be not only in words, but also in actions. well, in the meantime, polish farmers have temporarily unblocked truck traffic at the checkpoint in hryna in dolgobychuv. cars can pass without delays in both directions, the state border and border service reported. of ukraine.
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currently, 120 trucks are waiting to cross the border at this checkpoint. the polish side noted that the rhythmic passage of trucks will approximately last until april 2. i would like to remind you that currently the blockade continues at two checkpoints, rava ruska and yagodin. there, the protesters do not allow a single ukrainian truck past poland. one person died and three were injured due to russian attacks in the kharkiv region. in the morning, the enemy struck the kupyan region and vovchansk. this was reported to the regional police. a 57-year-old resident of the village of monachynivka died in the kupyan district. at the time of the shooting, she and her husband were in the car, the woman died in the ambulance, and the husband in the hospital. and in vovchansk, an enemy projectile hit the yard of a private house, a 60-year-old man suffered a gunshot wound. another resident was injured. bank on wheels. in the donetsk
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region , a mobile branch of oschadbank was created on the basis of an armored car. residents of relatives. to the front line of communities they can receive social benefits, wages, issue a card or pay a utility bill there, said the head of the region, vadym filashkin. the branch has the necessary communication, so it will be able to work in the most remote settlements. routes of the mobile branch will be determined according to local applications. during the attack on march 22, all blocks of burshtynska street were damaged. lyzhen thermal power plant. dmytro sakharuk, the executive director of the detek company, told about it. according to him, each of the blocks in different degrees of destruction, some of them were completely destroyed, some were partially destroyed. he noted that this was the largest attack on energy since the beginning of the war.
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generation was damaged and ukraine lost 50% of installed capacity. this is a matter of honor. in irpen , the memory of the fallen defenders and residents of the city was commemorated on the second anniversary of the de-occupation. a memorial liturgy was held at the city cemetery. there, oleksandr markushyn, the mayor of irpen, announced the creation of a new military cemetery, especially for the brave soldiers of zirpen and defenders cities they are working on the project together with representatives of the armed forces and promise to present it in may. let me remind you that the city of heroy irpin was liberated from the russian invasion two years ago. during the defense, 39 tro soldiers, 58 servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine and 300 residents of the city died. this will be the honor for our boys that the community owes. i
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am sure that we should do this, because if we do not honor them, then who will we honor, because they gave the most precious thing that they have, they gave. life so that you and i can today to be right here, to work and help the armed forces, who but me, when but now, these were his words, look at life always, and even when i have already arrived, he says that i am going to defend my city, i was born here, here my children were born, i'm leaving, germany announced a large package of military aid to ukraine. it included, in particular , ammunition for leopard-2 tanks, 155-caliber shells, drones and evacuation vehicles, according to the website of the government of the federal republic of germany. missiles are also being prepared for delivery to ukraine for patriot air defense systems, which are extremely necessary
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ukrainian air defense, as well as 20 combat vehicles, marder and other equipment. let me remind you that on march 19, as part of the ramshtein meeting, the minister of defense. boris pistorius announced a new batch of military aid to ukraine worth 500 million euros. today, latvia is celebrating the 20th anniversary of joining nato. the highest representatives of the alliance arrived at the celebration on the occasion of this day. in particular , lieutenant-admiral of the royal netherlands navy, chairman of the nato military committee robert bauer, and in his speech he mentioned the courage and bravery of ukraine. which now chooses its freedom, according to him, despite all the suffering, ukraine is strong and it deserves the strongest support of the alliance. there is no indication that russia is going to attack any of the alliance countries,
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so i don't think there is an immediate threat. this is not the point here, the point is that russia has more ambitions than capturing ukraine, we know that, and the alliance as a whole must be ready. we agreed to view russia as a threat, as a terrorist organization, now all our work is aimed at being sure of the possibility of deterrence and protection against threats. and i want to remind you about our urgent collection, we need to repair a car for the 65th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, which is destroying the enemy in the southern direction. a faulty car at the front can cost health, or even life. thanks to you, we have already paid for some spare parts and the collection is ongoing, so please join us, your help is very important, you can see all the details on the screen now. such was the news for this time, our team is working so that you will see the updated issue already at 5 p.m.
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news, then my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and vasyl zyma continue the broadcast. well, let's continue. to work for you , right now at this hour, this is how we will probably sum up everything that was said in the previous two hours, marta ulyarnyk and vasyl zyma are currently working in the studio, and you will be in such a company for exactly an hour, and now we we will actually talk about weapons, traditionally we will talk about it with our experts, military valery ryabikh, military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express is already in touch with us. today, by the way, we started our information day on military topics, and actually, mr.
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valery, we would like to develop this topic with you, because now we understand that there is a certain expectation that spring and summer will take place, so this period, but we understand that it is necessary to prepare for any possible scenarios, in particular, as regards enemy missile attacks, for example, russia hit kharkiv with a new... aerial bomb, what kind of aerial bomb is it, we would like to ask you and whether we can to fight with such a bomb, do we have it? means for this? good day, studio, good day, dear viewers, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, well, it should be noted that russian terrorists continue to terrorize the civilian population, and obviously ... inflaming the situation in the information space with threats to destroy ukrainian
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cities , they are supplemented by such and such informational pretexts with striking by frankly terrorist means, and precisely the latest actions of russian terrorists in kharkiv confirm this and all the inhumanity of intentions and precisely because russian terrorists do not choose means. well, this time they used a kind of bomb called umpb d-30sn, and this is a new tool, well, it stands for universal interspecies gliding munition, this is what the russians want to do , like that glsdb bomb, which is made on... on the basis of small diameter bombs and which can
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be launched, including from highmores, so they are working on the same concept now, and on the basis of the fap 250 bomb, they made this umpb, which most likely they launch from airplanes, this bomb is quite primitive because it is still being equipped. it has an engine and wings , and this allows it to be launched from a fairly long distance, well, what the russian terrorists and their propagandists say, that this distance can be up to 90 km, which allows precisely those terrorist planes that direct their bombs on a populated city, to such a large one as kharkiv, not disdaining these. and - causing such great damage, including
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the damage to an educational institution, somewhere around 18 houses were damaged, unfortunately killed and there's a lot of people injured and uh this bomb it's obviously intended by them to be uh... highly accurate and there's a question as to whether it's as highly accurate as they wanted to make it, they say that this bomb... is even equipped with a comet device that allows it to be guided by gps, iglonaz coordinates, and that would give it the ability to hit any military targets that it could be directed at, but we see that as a result of the use of these bombs, and most likely that it was so-so
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experimental application, because russian terrorists continue this practice. e-e proof of military tests of their new means of both e-e zircons and these e-bombs in peaceful cities of ukraine. in the first case it was kyiv, now it is kharkiv. and it should be noted that this bomb appeared recently, because the first mentions of it, well, we noticed at the beginning of march this year, when this bomb was used. against ama in mirnograd and then also many civilians suffered and there were many civilian objects was violated, so this is the practice in order to fight against those with similar threats, and this is an aviation threat, well
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, first of all, we need to strengthen air defense, well, and fight against... first of all, the carriers of such bombs, and this first of all, most likely their su-34 bombers, which can operate from the same baltimore airbase in voronezh, which is two, well, about 250 km away, so in principle, in order to fight this threat, ukraine needs means that can would be to strike namely... on the landing sites of these terrorist planes, with which the russians are terrorizing kharkiv, and of course to strengthen air defense, well, not only kharkiv, unfortunately, now such a situation has developed that many cities of ukraine, well, yesterday there were increases in mykolaiv, for example, i know why they targeted there, because i have acquaintances there, but it is not announced in the air, well, let it be an
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infrastructure object, but these are tangible blows, in fact, in odesa, in kharkiv, in other cities, well, kyiv now protected, thank god, well... there are those missiles for the patriots, that's it again the issue of their supply, and the situation is that the russians are doing what they want, they are knocking out energy, they are knocking out the economic potential, they are hitting some other places there, ukraine, well, cannot deal with this adequately, how to act here, well, 20 patriots will not arrive in ukraine right away, and f-16s will not fly into the sky the day after tomorrow and will not try to shoot down these russian planes there from some distant distance, how to act in this situation, which is again this corridor. opportunities for putin, what he will try to use it as much as possible, so that we have energy and economy, first of all, and it is possible to strike at places where he has some information, that there may be some kind of equipment, or something is being produced, what corridor of possibilities he has, until we let's strengthen ourselves significantly so that we can have paratroopers and , well, at least resist and inflict painful blows on enemy aircraft as well, as it was, say there near avdiivka, and on
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the launch sites of surface-to-air or surface-to-surface missiles, please, well, it should be noted , which is exactly western equipment and western means anti-aircraft defense, they are effective precisely in countering such threats, threats to the air, well, including those means that , according to the russian terrorists themselves, were supposed to be indistinguishable and to be designed to pass deep-echelon anti-aircraft defense, such as the same ones, for example , cocoons that were developed to counter the more powerful and newer systems that our western partners have, but unfortunately we have not yet been provided with them, like the faat or other, even older petriut systems, they just can knock down, as and the same
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european sumpty systems, and here it should be noted that precisely against the background of these attacks, ukraine convened an emergency meeting of the ukraine-nato council, and today this meeting took place and they were talking about these preschool attacks by russian terrorists on ukrainian cities, and well first of all, of course, the order of the day was the rapid supply of the necessary... munitions for the existing anti-aircraft anti-missile defense systems, and , of course, the question of the supply of newer systems was raised. patriot, well, those who are able to counteract these threats, and we hope that against the background
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of what is happening, the allies will be able to make a quick decision to help increase these means, and in fact, one of the key such stages may be the appearance in ukraine today. western aviation, which could already counter the carriers of these guided aerial bombs at long distances, and they would no longer be able to carry out these terrorist attacks on ukrainian cities with impunity, and here, if you are talking about a window of opportunity, then of course it is a window of opportunity for russian terrorists, it will close just as soon as ... the moment when the armed forces of ukraine will receive modern western aviation, it will be able to operate, when our troops will be saturated with the necessary amount
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of artillery ammunition and long-range means, and we hope that this can happen in the near future, as they say our partners, well, there are separate ones. already at the beginning of summer this year, this situation may change. mr. valery, we agree with you, we understand that this mission of ukraine to nato, which actually reported that there was a meeting of the ukraine-nato council, is important messages, it is important that we are asking , but whether they will hear us is another question, because we are already talking about the fact that we need air defense, we need missiles for air defense for i don't know how many months, but still we see , that our western partners... are delaying help, and i don't know what should convince them to somehow speed up, because our diplomacy says that time is not on ukraine's side, time is now on russia's side, we
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we need their help immediately, but look, let's talk about the coalition armored vehicles, because this coalition already includes at least five countries, namely poland, germany, great britain, sweden and italy, armored vehicles, for which we may need them now, as we understand, in the perspective of armored vehicles. probably needed if we are planning certain counter-offensive actions. is it appropriate now to pay attention specifically to the coalition of armored vehicles, or perhaps, after all, now it is worth concentrating more on the coalition of ammunition, which we so desperately need. well, these are parallel processes, and of course, the coalition of armored vehicles is one of many coalitions that our partners are creating within the framework of the coalition of opportunities and within the framework of just. coordination of the efforts of all countries from ukraine's partners in providing assistance in certain areas, and of course, it seems that
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they all said correctly that armored vehicles are needed in order to conduct some offensive operations there, but we should not discount the fact that we we have armored vehicles, and now, well , ukraine has perhaps the most diverse... armored vehicle park is concentrated in one of the armed forces, and, of course, the main problem is the maintenance of this armored vehicle in a combat-ready condition, and this is repair, this is recovery after damage, this is the provision of ammunition, well , comprehensive provision, well, and of course , the necessity of forming accounting for the forces of ukraine in the future, and now we need to talk about equipping our units with armored vehicles and, accordingly, creating conditions for
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closer cooperation between ukraine and our western partner, including the organization of the production of similar equipment in to ukraine, and here this coalition is significant, its initiators are significant, these are germany and poland, the countries that made the greatest contribution precisely in the field of armored vehicles, and here it should be said that the main directions of activity of this coalition speak for themselves. this is the supply of armored vehicles and ammunition for them, this is a separate thing, maintenance and repair, which we talked about, and the third is training, this is just training and... those who operate this equipment and technical personnel who repair directly in the troops , well and accordingly, another direction is very important,
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which is valuable not only. for us, but also for partners, this is working out effective tactics of application against the background of the fact that the battlefield is being replaced and new threats are being created for armored vehicles, which means that some new means must be made so that this armored vehicle can perform its tasks on the field fight against those, for example, threats to us, thank you very much, valery rabykh, military expert, director of development of an information consulting company. we go for a short break, after which we return to our studio, stay with the espresso, but by the way, before we take a short break, i want to remind you again about the collection, because it is important to help our armed forces, as always you should help, and if you have the opportunity to make your donation, then please help and do it together with us, because now we are collecting funds in order to buy three fully electric cars, and our goal is 900 00 hryvnias, we have already
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collected almost 800... thousand, there are about 100 00 left to collect , so we will be grateful if you help us close this collection, numbers, the number of the bank card and the qr code you can see on your screens now, so if you have the opportunity, please join us, we are going for a short break, after it we will come back, we are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then a saw... just for you , with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, also a reliable battery is included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, do all this in one movement with the strong saw and
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of the russians in the project of the chronicle of the information war with olga ley. tuesday thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. the most odious offending judges. how to keep a job while in a pre-trial detention center. they continue to be judges and receive a considerable salary. but why does the vrp weakly consider complaints against the servants of themis? the council of justice acts to maintain the status quo, not for cleaning renewal of the judiciary. on thursday, march 28, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. the premium sponsor of the national team represents.


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