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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EET

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united by football, stronger together! 11 on the clock is the time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. in kiev. strengthen security measures against the threat of missile attacks and possible infiltration of enemy derg. this decision was made by the city defense council. during the meeting, they discussed the holding of mass events, the operation of transport and disinformation in social networks. law enforcement agencies were instructed to patrol places of gatherings of people more thoroughly, and also ordered to ensure constant access to shelters and points of invincibility. one person died and two more were injured as a result of shelling in donetsk region. said the head of the region, vadym
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filashkin. at night, the russians hit the city of hirnyk with s-300 missiles. as a result of the hit , the gymnasium was destroyed. the occupiers also shelled kostyantynivka. three private houses and power lines were damaged there. more than 30 high-rise buildings and three administrative buildings are built in the region per day in nivech region. the russians continue to terrorize odesa. occupants in the morning. hit the region with an kh-59 missile. it was destroyed over the water area of the black sea - reported the southern defense forces. in addition, the occupiers attacked odesa at night with kh-22 missiles and shaheds. the air force managed to destroy two enemy drones. fortunately, people were not injured - said oleg kiper, the head of the region. 12 people were injured as a result of the russian attack on mykolaiv - the head of the regional military said. administration of vitaly kim.
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presumably, the enemy attacked the city with an iskander m ballistic missile . a fire broke out at an industrial facility. the fire was quickly extinguished. in the morning, russian troops attacked from drones in beryslav, kherson region. a 38-year-old local resident was wounded in the arm and leg. there were two victims of enemy attacks and five wounded in zadoba region. the occupiers aimed at the port side and the critical side. structure, a shopping center, farm buildings and residential quarters, - said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin, two high-rise buildings and 10 private houses were damaged. the number of victims of the night attack in dnipropetrovsk region has increased. at night, the enemy attacked nikopol with drones and artillery. fragile a 65-year-old man and a 53-year-old woman were injured, they were hospitalized. said
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serhii lesak, head of the regional military administration. a farm building was destroyed, a hotel, four private houses and a power line were also damaged. at night, russian terrorists also attacked private houses in zaporizhzhia with drones. two women, aged 72 and 74, were previously wounded, - said the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov. due to the wreckage of the drones , several residential buildings were damaged. houses, generally significant five houses were destroyed and another 40 were damaged. they prevented a potes missile strike in the dnipro. the security service of ukraine detained a russian agent who wanted to correct an attack on the city's critical infrastructure. the intruder recorded the location of the thermal power plant and the technical condition of the facility for the occupants. another potential target of the enemy was the military hospital in dnipro.
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the suspect scouted the number of ukrainian defenders undergoing treatment, monitored medical transport, the 22-year-old traitor was arrested red-handed near the hospital, he faces life imprisonment. one of the bloodiest events of the russian-ukrainian war. today is the second anniversary of the liberation of irpen in kyiv region. commemorative events take place there. espresso correspondent kateryna galko will tell you more. she is with us. live, katya, i congratulate you, how do they remember the fallen heroes today in irpen? i congratulate khrystyna, i congratulate the viewers of the espresso tv channel. two years ago, ukrainian defenders managed to stop the russian onslaught on the approaches to the capital. the russian invaders stayed in the city of irpin for 23 days. as a result of fierce fighting there was about 70% of the residential infrastructure of irpen was destroyed. evacuation the roads were almost
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blocked, the railway was cut off, the romaniv bridge was blown up, but this did not prevent it from becoming a way of life for about 40 thousand peaceful residents. today there is a hero in town. commemorate fallen ukrainian defenders and peaceful residents. in the morning , a memorial service was held for them at the city cemetery, it was conducted by a military chaplain and a representative of the ukrainian greek catholic church, joined by military personnel and families of the victims. the mayor of irpen announced that a special military cemetery will be presented at that place very soon, it is a matter of honor - he says. let's hear his comment in more detail. this will be the honor for our boys that the community owes, i am sure that we must do it, because if we do not honor them, then who will we honor, because they gave the most precious thing that they have, they gave their lives so that we you could
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be right here today, working and helping the armed forces, you died during the defense of the city. 39 soldiers of territorial defense, 58 servicemen of the armed forces and 300 civilians residents, in addition, 126 townspeople have already died defending ukraine in combat positions, the name of each and every one will be entered in the book of memory of the irpin community, which was presented today, unfortunately, it cannot yet be paper, because it is visited almost every day new and new names are added. nowadays, on the streets of irpen you can see and meet many... eyewitnesses of those terrible events, as well as the families of the victims, let's hear their comments. that's what he said: "who, if not me, when, if not now." these words were his motto for life always, and that's it even when he has already arrived, he says that i am going
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to defend my city, i was born here, my children were born here, i am going, young men died. they have to live, raise families, raise children, but she, they are in a row of land, in a raw land, she just came to support everyone. irpin, along with other cities and villages in the kyiv region, became an outpost on the approaches to the capital. the russians deliberately destroyed the city, however, according to... the mayor, 40% of the destroyed infrastructure has already been restored, in addition, 90% of the residents have already returned to irpen, and the city has also become a new home for many internally displaced persons. today, the city continues to live, but no one here will ever be able to forget
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the cost of this life. this is all the information, as of now, khrystyna, i am passing on etre to you. thank you katya, our correspondent kateryna galko told how it was in irpen. killed during the occupation of the city. on world washing machine day, another 780 russian occupiers forever lost the opportunity to steal appliances from ukrainian homes. instead , the day is favorable for long journeys. they went to hell forever. they are already waiting there almost 440 thousand russian soldiers who died on our land since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. but the russian military scrap metal is already on its way. don't shine, only yesterday the armed forces of ukraine destroyed 10 tanks, 21 bmps, 32 artillery systems, two anti-aircraft guns, an anti-aircraft vehicle of the occupiers, and 62 units of vehicles and special equipment. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and we ask for your help,
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we urgently need to repair a car for the 65th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, which is destroying the enemy in the southern direction. not auto on the front may cost health, or even life. thanks to you, we have already paid for some spare parts, and the collection is ongoing. so please get involved, your help is very important. you can see all the details on the screen. it is a problem for national security, that's how the head of the main intelligence department, kyrylo bodanov, assessed the telegram messenger. he emphasized: the danger is that any person can create a page. and spread misinformation. at the same time, he noted that telegram remains the only means of communication with residents of the occupied territories. march 25 people's deputy from the eu mykola knyazhytskyi submitted a draft law to the verkhovna rada of ukraine proposing to regulate the work of this
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messenger in ukraine. there is no question of complete blocking. the group of people's deputies, who developed the draft law, proposes to introduce the same rules for internet sites that distribute information. as for youtube-type platforms, that is, to register in ukraine the representative office of the owner, who will be responsible for the published information. an exhausted muskrat that failed. emergency workers in chernihiv oblast saved the dam. the animal climbed onto the technical structure of the stryzhen river and could not get out on its own. the rescuers caught the rodent with a special net and released it. we will summarize the morning at 12, read more on our website and on our social networks. join, put your preferences. then the ater will continue mine. oleh, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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welcome to the espresso channel and thanks for watching and with us, thanks for donating once the qr code and number are available cards, we continue to collect three cars. a jeep, a pickup truck and a refrigerator, it's 99,500 for us , we have to pick it up in order to buy it all, not so much in fact, 99,500 uah, not even 100, please, the details are already on the screen, join our collection, we are the ones from time to time we will pay attention to completely different news that reaches us from our brothers, from our neighbors from poland, and here in warsaw yesterday it completed its work... the armored police in support of ukraine, it was created, and this is their ministry of defense, and
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mr. sikorskyi said that the country will double its contribution, in particular to the czech initiative, this is about the purchase of ammunition for our army outside the european union outside this european aid, well, great news, but then we pay attention to what is being done at the borders and there is a huge polish-ukrainian and polish-russian language. it also occurs, they moved and grabbed their heads, yes, we looked at how many russians were leaving belarus, but in paska, the easter holidays turned around and left, what can you say about the ukrainian-polish border, and such a state of mild information schizophrenia, as if we are talking about two different countries, two different cohorts of people, we will now ask the head of the association of ukrainians in poland, myroslav skirka, in connection with our studio, mr. myroslav, congratulations you are welcome, have a good day. glory to ukraine. glory as a hero. glory. yes, and what, what kind of a brawler are you? it turns out that some
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protesting farmers on the polish-belarusian border say that we are good catholics, we have to celebrate easter, we left. and those are some bad catholics are sitting here at our customs crossings, they don't go home to celebrate easter, they will continue to hinder everything. unfortunately, the situation with the polish. er farmers are such that they are quite strongly subordinated, influenced by the influence of russian propaganda in poland, er, and very often and very strongly they use such rhetoric, which shows that russia's war in ukraine is a big threat to us, but an even greater threat to us is the presence of ukrainian agricultural products in poland, because, and a number of answers to the questions appear here, because in... the polish village has really serious problems, because they, the structure
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of the polish village is backward, there is, it requires reform, and the reason, if for why that reform should be done, it will be painful for the polish village, unfortunately, this happened or coincided in time with the war and the appearance of ukrainian agricultural products on the european market, on the other hand, it is obviously very easy to manipulate it, and we... see that some narratives that are thrown into the environment of polish farmers , selan, er, different pro-russian parties, various pro-russian factions take root very easily and are very difficult to dislodge, which, unfortunately, is sad that neither polish media nor polish politicians want to debate the arguments of polish peasants before the elections that will be held in our country on april 7. that in poland there is such a... such a belief, such an idea that the polish peasants have always protected and fed the polish people,
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the polish state, that is, they are essentially a little, have a little such a status as holy cows, that is, it is not allowed to touch them too much, and any and all changes that should take place here should take place so that they are satisfied, this is very easy to manipulate and this was also very easily manipulated by various centers of russian propaganda in poland, which showed that russian rural... products are not in poland problem, but ukrainian agricultural production is threatened, yes, i hope that the elections will show that this expectation will change, or that it is still quite big . polish village, which is in polish, in polish society, and a rational, rational discussion will begin, which will show where the essence of the problems is, where there is a correct diagnosis of this disease that has appeared here and how to treat it correctly, yes , mr. myroslav, but there is a bit of a civilizational-philosophical collision here, we understand the problems of a polish boy,
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a farmer in that plani, a person from the plow, from the earth, let's say so, is not the most knowledgeable. specialists in geopolitics and jurisprudence of the european union, and making them sacred cows is somehow not right for a country in which the pro-european coalition has now won, because the peace mainly relied on them earlier, and in this case we look at it this way, but as of today, our deputy prime minister olga stefanishyna says that having negotiations on monitoring the export and import of products to... through poland, we are not we have a dialogue about how to end the crisis related to the blocking of the ukrainian border, that is , there is no dialogue from our government, we do not know what intergovernmental meeting will be held today in warsaw, and it turns out that poland is ruled, let's say yes, politically, people are nonviolently aware of
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realities of politics and geopolitics. unfortunately, i completely agree with you, because peasants always have a perspective, a vision of problems, i would say, from the position of such a frog a little, a little from the perspective of a person who works on the land, and this is not surprising, it is normal, they have the right to look at it that way. the problem is that the parties that represent them, especially when they have the prospect of elections, that is, the prospect of gathering support, electoral support, agree to that prospect. to the perspective that i see only from below and there is no perspective of looking from a perspective, from a higher perspective, i would say from the perspective of a buska, maybe not the one who necessarily wants to eat the frog, but sees a little more than, than what the frog sees, polish peasants they see their problems, someone answered them that it is a problem, that the development of the problem will be
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the blocking of ukraine, it is for them, it is for them to calm down, polish, polish political parties. especially the polish polish peasant party, but also the confederation and to a large extent pis, which wants to win back the rural electorate, uses this perspective of the frog, and for us this is a very , very dangerous and very unfortunate phenomenon, because it really harms, causes real harm to the polish and ukrainian economy as well. what is interesting about polish business draws attention to the fact that it brings real losses, but also has... fears to start speaking openly, to protest openly against the protests of polish peasants, despite the fact that the executions that bear polish business are significantly greater than the executions of the polish village. mr. myroslav, today an important meeting is taking place in in warsaw, the two governments are meeting, and it was understood that they will talk about military affairs and economic affairs, but they also have to
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sign a certain document, a protocol of disagreements, yes, because, in fact, already. we are on that path when we go to the eu and we have to agree with each country, please, what kind of document will it be between our two countries, is everything okay with this signing? i don't know the content of this document, i don't know what it is, because this joint, joint meeting means a joint meeting of the governments of polish ukraine, that a rather exceptional phenomenon of such events happened not many times in our history 30. summer, it seems, five, six or seven such joint meetings, and it is very important that what was managed to bring to such a meeting at such a level, er, what it will mean, it will mean that in the future there are certain, certain inviolable principles for poland and ukraine, this is a matter of security, this is an unequivocal assessment of russia, this is an unequivocal assessment
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that ukraine should be supported in matters of victory over russia, here in poland. there is no doubt, on the other hand, there is a problem in poland at that moment, the feeling of threat from the fact that ukraine is entering the real path of membership in the european union, and for us, i would say so, this for this, this fear on the polish side indicates that these mechanisms of ukraine's entry into the european union union are becoming real, that is, in essence, it pleases me that the poles are starting to fear, because it means that we are entering the... tactical dimension of ukraine's association with the european union. i want to say that such a situation, or a similar situation, existed in poland and existed in european countries countries when poland is at the beginning. years included whether this process of poland's accession to the european union was intensifying, and it was really necessary to solve a lot of complex issues, including the issue of agricultural products, and there were
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mechanisms, there were fears, such terms were introduced, blocking terms and so on, and this, unfortunately, is a normal phenomenon in the process of negotiations, real negotiations, because for so long, as long as we talked, declared that we want, that we will, that it will happen... that it is important, that it will change geopolitics, but nothing it was done concretely, it was possible to talk about it, and when it is necessary to agree on concrete things, this means that it is necessary to find out exactly where your interests are, where our interests are and where we can reconcile these interests, and the whole mechanism of negotiating membership in the european union lies precisely in the ability to create and seek compromises, that is, to show where there are common interests, where we must make concessions, where other members of the european union must make concessions, so that... the signal that ukraine has entered the real world, a real path that
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opens us on the way to membership in the european union. while we are listening to you, we also have this video of this meeting. the ukrainian and polish governments do not hold meetings so often, we are usually concerned about one point, which we will verify as. we can't, we can't, because we haven't seen the draft, nothing, but there was information that this protocol on disagreements will include some not only economic, political issues, and there are terrible fears that they won't start again now to play the map of political history, borders and everything else, and as they say, no new confederations and new kresovyaks have come out, i want to talk a little about the elections, because the elections are about to take place... in a week and a half they will go to the seimas on local self-government, the anti-ukrainian card, as we can see, the confederation and the latent pisivkas
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are playing precisely under these elections, does this mean that if they, for example, make a revenge for themselves, because there is enough of a situation that peace looks like it can have a local revenge, that they will finally close this agricultural anti-ukraine. or on the contrary, they will begin to develop it, which are yours expectation? my expectations in this matter do not end with those elections, why? because we must realize that these are elections at the local level, poland is a state with a highly developed system of self-government, that is , the local government has a very large competence and a very large budget, and it can influence many real processes. happens, which affect the lives of citizens, what is decided at the state level, at the level of the parliament, this big politics, er, it
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even applies to a lesser extent to what takes place at the local level. the first polls that showed that the civil platform or civil coalition is winning in our regions, that is, in our voivodships. now these ee polls. indicate that it 's not the same, no, not quite yes, uh, so who wins at the local level is going to have a pretty big impact on how the local communities are going to function, but it's also a first indicator of how people evaluate, er, really evaluate, by giving their votes, the ruling power, and it is always known that these are the first, the first checks are the first ee analyzes not very useful for the authorities. which is starting to reform something , we understand that it is about the problems of the polish coalition government, 100 days of tusk's government , but it turns out that this can also be
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problematic for ukrainian-polish relations, we just have one minute for a snack, i am reading it right away from the election newspaper, and it reminds me of ukraine during yanukovych's time, the episcopate issues instructions before the elections, i see that the episcopate of the church is already telling who and for whom to vote, it usually sounds like a european deacon, a catholic a maglossian is a catholic, and a jew is a jew, well , this is roughly how it all looks, the moscow church used to say this in our country under saint yanukovych, but we have already experienced it all there, here suddenly in civilized poland this is the case, unfortunately, unfortunately , the polish episcopate, conferences of the polish episcopate. i have always been from pisa, i have always been a conservative-rightist and i have always believed that being conservatively right is more about being a catholic than being different or having one.
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political views, and this problem that proved to the gigantic crisis of the polish church now , because the polish, roman catholic church has lost, lost the trust of the polish neighborhood very much, i think that there is no polish institution that has lost so much trust during the reign of the previous government as the church itself, unfortunately, on it's a pity, even if the bishops didn't make a lesson out of it, they didn't draw any lessons from it and there are still more. pisovsky as cathorics in the sense of being more universal and open, er, what could one hope for, but i think not we should be afraid of that, because we have had similar communications before, and they no longer have such a strong influence on how polish voters will vote. there are circles in poland for which the voice of, for example, radia maria is very important, and therefore, for example, we saw such a,
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i would say, union of radia maria and some extreme extreme polish bishops of the ruling peace party, and this was essentially reminiscent of such a little moscow model of the union of the royal throne and the patriarchal throne. this model no longer works in poland because the church ceases to be such an important and decisive force in social life, as it happened, i don't know 20 years ago, but that's why, then the church also had a slightly different position, had slightly different leaders, i would say better, mr. myroslav, and thank you for the analysis of the situation, let's see how things will change after the elections, that is, i hope to continue our conversation with the analysis after the april election campaign and the run-up to the elections to the european parliament, myroslav skirka, the head of the ukrainian association, was with us in poland, yes, we have a
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short break, and then we will return. and we will talk, well, about the same things, because we will also talk about grain, and products, and about trade, in particular with the european union, stay with us, you damned climbers, my legs can't walk anymore, wait, i'll tell you that i 'm healthy "i'm not there, but what kind of health is there in the sixth decade, and i thought so until i tried gerovital. gerovital+p is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and blood. organism herovital+ good health, active life. the novelty of herovital energy. more more iron for good works. herovital energy - reception once a day. there are discounts on maridoz, 15% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. everyday life is now full of stress and anxiety. melamach b6 will help to cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute
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