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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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autumn of this year, so that the control of the enemy's reserves is now the main task of our intelligence, which thus provides our command with a correct assessment of the situation against the background of various political statements there, but in fact , our armed forces, of course, rely on information from intelligence, which is balanced and gives the most reasons for our military to draw correct conclusions. these were the main results of the day, and more international... news later on vasyl zama's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. it was military summaries, thanks to serhii zgurets, well, we will continue, and now i have told you in detail about the most important news as of this hour, and the second hour of the great ether is ahead. the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, money during the war with oleksandr morshchivka, today's cultural news from liena chuchenina and also about... year from natalka didenko. well,
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let's start with the news, which, to be honest, was like snow on my head today. not ashamed of his work, oleksiy danilov commented on his dismissal from the position of secretary of the council of national security and defense of ukraine. the corresponding order appeared on the website of the president of ukraine. oleksiy danilov has held this position since october 19th, as the new head of the national security and defense council, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi appointed oleksandr lytvynenko as the head of the foreign intelligence service. the white angels evacuated five people from krasnohorivka in donetsk region, this was reported to the regional military police, to the regional police, the russians dropped a one and a half ton bomb on a five-story residential building. three people were caught serious injuries, the house was destroyed, but the residents were not able to leave the city on their own, which is attacked by the russians every day, so the rescuers helped people leave. during the evacuation, the occupiers inflicted a second
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strike, fortunately no one was injured. well , volodymyr zelenskyi took part in the celebrations on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the creation of the national guard of ukraine, the president noted that the defense forces defend ukraine at the same level as the national guardsmen. also, the head of our state presented state awards to military personnel, including the azov brigade, which is part of the national guard of ukraine. in addition to combat, the national guard of ukraine also performs a protective function within our country, helps eliminate the consequences of russian attacks and supports security. i am grateful to all soldiers, all commanders who, in the full sense of these words , serve the ukrainian people and the state. robbed the grave of the deceased zakha'. in
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vinnytsia, the court imprisoned the perpetrator for six years, according to the investigation materials, a 60-year-old man stole flags and statuettes from the burial place of a soldier. about it to the law enforcement officers reported the mother of the dead soldier. it is known that the criminal was previously involved in another theft from the household of a local resident. the law enforcement officers found the stolen property during searches. living space in the capital new center. opened, which will help people overcome gambling addiction, it is the first center in ukraine that works according to the standards of social and psychological rehabilitation. in the space , psychological, legal and medical assistance will be provided, the organizers stress that the consultation is anonymous and free of charge. contact with the space of life is possible by the contacts you see on your screens. this level of stress that society is living in now, it
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needs to go somewhere, to pour out somewhere , and therefore gambling is on time, and the problems associated with no can grow, detection occurs when there are already many of these problems, when it somehow everything is clarified there, this problem manifests itself, but here it is already necessary to help purely medically, well, that is not enough, here it is already needed. we need help, social, legal, probably some kind of financial, and also medical, psychological. stolen childhood, russia conducts active ideological work with ukrainian children in the occupied territories, thus preparing the future mobilization reserve for the occupying army. for the russian army , crimean children suffer the most from propaganda, because they have been under occupation for 10 long years. today in the occupied territories of ukraine. more than 15 million children live there, of
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which 615,000 are school-age children who become victims of propaganda through the kremlin's education system. today, we are primarily talking about such a crime as propaganda, among children, serving in the russian army, this is prohibited by the fourth geneva convention, because the aggressor state, the occupying state , has no right to carry out such propaganda among children. moreover, if we look at crimea from the point of view of legal qualifications, it is important to say that this propaganda, which has been spreading to children for all these 10 years, is in fact... a means of committing a specific war crime, and this war crime is precisely coercion to service we fully understand that russia deports all children from newborns to 16-18 years old, and if children in consciousness, i.e. somewhere around 11-12 plus they still know
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who they are, then children are newborns and up to 10, they are very much for them 2 years, a full-scale war is going on, this is absolutely a very long period of time. when they can be washed and told what they should think about themselves. unfortunately, we are talking about the fact that time is working against our children, and the actions that ukraine must take and the international society must take, they are needed here and now, so that in 2-3 years we will not be talking about an increase in the number of children on so-called new occupied territories in these movements, because unfortunately, the russian federation still feels impunity. unfortunately, children continue to be recruited, and this system, since the full-scale invasion began in 22 , has been greatly strengthened. hero of ukraine and theoretical physicist ihor rafailovich yokhnovsky passed away at the age of 98. known for his
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authorship of the idea of ​​a referendum on december 1, 1991 . in the same year, yokhnovsky took part in the presidential elections and took fifth place. he was also a co-founder of the ukrainian institute. of national memory, in addition to had her remarkable scientific achievements, worked as the honorary director of the institute of physics of condensed systems of the national academy of sciences of ukraine, was a doctor of the ivan franko university of lviv. it is known that the last years of his life were spent in lviv, the espressu tv channel expresses its sincere condolences to the family and relatives of igor rafailovich yukhnovsky. they have been working tirelessly for 10 years. in crimea realia began its work in the first days of the occupation and annexation of the crimean peninsula by the russian federation. and to this day, they continue to tell the truth for the inhabitants of the peninsula. as part of the anniversary celebration , a photo exhibition was opened in the crimean house and a thematic discussion was held. our correspondent
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tetyana golunova knows more. she is with us live. tanya congratulations, please tell me what they talked about, who came to the event and did you like it, did you like the photos? i congratulate vasylya, i also congratulate the viewers of the espresso tv channel. 10 years of occupation and resistance, in photos of crimea realia journalists. today, all those who came to today's event were able to watch, and today crimea realia gathered their friends, colleagues, as well as partners in order to remind how crimean journalists worked and continue to work, as well as to discuss... the future of crimea, the photos of journalists are really strong, they convey the strength of those crimeans who remained loyal to ukraine, the photos depict the resistance of civilians of the crimean tatars, political prisoners are depicted, as well as their relatives who
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suffered from the occupation authorities, who were persecuted by them, and i will note that the occupation authorities persecuted not only ordinary crimeans, of course, that it harassed the media... the media will tell the zmi what is really happening on the peninsula, so as soon as the occupation authorities came to the peninsula, they started jamming the tv and radio transmitters and started harassing the zmi. so the journalists who were then on the peninsula only had a choice either to work for the occupying power or not to work at all. so the crimea of ​​reality is exactly those journalists who... started working, started their work during the occupation and continue it today, they work to tell the truth. we talked with the executive producer of this project, he told us how it was born, so now i will ask to include
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his direct language, and it was because of this that the decision to start the crimean project was made. we gathered a team for several weeks, because... all these people were in shock, there was a very difficult political and moral situation, we were preparing, we worked for several days in a single position, that is, we worked, published ours. materials, but the internet did not see them, no one read them, and only on the 25th we realized that we were ready to go to the internet. the crimea of ​​reality today is about the truth, it is about objectivity, it is about love for our ukraine. that's right - said the chairman of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, refat chubarov. we also spoke with him, so i will now ask for his comment. for any occupied. territory, it is very important to get objective information when we talk about the occupied
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crimea, and especially now, when this occupation has been going on for 10 years, we can firmly say that the very idea, in relation to the organization 10 years ago, of a special resource such as crimea-reality, it was absolutely the right idea and it was right that it was created. because it so happened that this particular resource, it turned out to be one of the few, where there is concentrated information about what is happening in crimea, around crimea. let me remind you that march marks the 10th anniversary of crimea realia, an informational project of radio liberty's ukrainian service about crimea and crimeans. journalists worked and will continue. to work so that both crimeans and ukrainians, as well as the whole world, really knew the truth, really knew what
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was happening on the occupied peninsula. now, i have all the information so far, thank you very much, thank you, tetyana golunova, espress correspondent. 10 years of the crimea project. let me remind you that a photo exhibition called 10 years of occupation and resistance of crimea opened in the capital. in the photos, thank you to our correspondent, and also to crimea realia for the work, well, i'm adding to the conversation yuriy fizer, world about ukraine, yuriy, good evening, please, good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined the us, today there is a lot of news, in particular, i will tell you about in the usa they claim that ukraine was not involved in the terrorist attacks in the suburbs of moscow, the european union is going to help ukraine as much as it takes, but in the eu , a long bridge fell into the water in the united states of america, this is only a very small
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part of what i i'm going to tell you today, so sit back and i'll get started in a moment. well, let me start with this: the usa warned russia about the possibility of terrorist attacks on its territory. an official representative of the state department said this during the briefing. usa matthew miller. he did not specify the communication channels through which this warning was transmitted, but he emphasized that it said that militants of the terrorist organization islamic state, and in particular its afghan wing, may be involved in the terrorist attack. at the same time, mr. miller categorically rejected statements from russia that ukraine may be involved in the terrorist attack in the suburbs of moscow. according to him, russia has not provided any evidence of this, because such evidence, says mr. miller, simply ... does not exist, and the united states of america does not have any
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intention to provide security assistance to russia in connection with the terrorist attack in the croc city hall concert hall. this was announced by the coordinator of strategic communications of the white house security council, john kirby. according to him , this is how he answered the journalist's question about whether the door is open for such an american? of russian cooperation, mr. admiral added that official washington simply had information from its intelligence services that a terrorist attack could be committed in russia, but the kremlin did not know about it, so here is a short quote from john kirby: we should have told them about this, but about the terrorist attack itself and the fact that the russians are now trying to link ukraine to it, he said the following, let's hear john kirby directly. no one should be surprised that putin and his friends in the kremlin continue to try to find a way to blame
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this terrorist attack on ukraine, but it has no connection to ukraine. it was an attack carried out by the militants of idil and krakpa. this is just another kremlin propaganda. they are trying to connect it with ukraine in order to come up with some excuse for continuing the violence and abuse they have been perpetrating against the ukrainian people for more than two years. and they do connect, and today information just appeared that both bastrykin and patrushev, in a word, everyone is talking about the fact that there is no evidence yet. no, but during the interrogations, the suspects will confess, and ukraine may be involved, in addition to ukraine, the usa and great britain, in a word, after such torture, everyone will confess. let's move on: the draft law on the allocation of additional financial assistance ukraine, can get the support of the majority, even in the house of representatives. it just
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needs to be put to the vote. she said this the day before during the briefing. karin jeanpierre of the white house, according to her, the speaker of the lower house of the us congress, mike johnson, is simply doing everything he can to avoid bringing this issue to a vote, and for this he is inventing various explanations, saying that this bill is not needed or is not timely. well, at the same time, the spokeswoman once again emphasized that the bill has already passed the senate, where it received bipartisan support, and the fact is that in the house of representatives, she says, there is such bipartisan support and... there will also be, well, she added, but you just need to vote, and in order to vote, you need to put it to a vote. healthy pragmatism: the european union will continue to help ukraine as much as it needs. moreover, the official brussels calls on the leadership of the united states
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of america, congressmen to unblock the adoption of the bill on allocation of funds as soon as possible. in support of ukraine, said the head of european diplomacy josep borel said in an interview with the american journalist christine amanpour on cnn, according to him, if the ukrainians are not given everything they need now, it will show russia that it can do anything, with anyone and anywhere. well, then, let's hear the chief european diplomat josep borel in direct speech. win this war, otherwise the interests of the united states and europe will be greatly damaged. it is not just a question of generosity. we do not support ukraine only because we love the ukrainian people. it is also in our own interest. it also in the interests of the united states, as a global player that should be perceived as a reliable partner,
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provider of security for allies. oh, would you like to hear how to comment in russia? this statement by mr. borel, they said, finally admitted what he always thought, they don't want help, they are just such cynical pragmatists who only think about themselves, logically, they think about themselves, but how much money did they give us and how much equipment and weapons they gave us and continue to do so, for which we thank them, and by the way, mr. borel also spoke about the possibility of creating a single european army, but to his great regret, he said that in his opinion it is impossible, it is... some kind of utopia, it is better to have combat armies of all the member states of the european union, but do not think about it now. let's go further: spain, like other countries, members of the european union, do not plan to send their troops to ukraine. after all, kyiv is not asking spain for this. about this. in an interview with kade nasser
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, the country's minister of foreign affairs, jose manuel albarez, said. at the same time, he emphasized that neither the european union, nor nato, nor madrid are not preparing for any hypothetical war, according to him, these are not offensive alliances and they were not created for this. well, if the minister of foreign affairs of spain says that all those who say that nato wants to attack someone somewhere, russia in particular, then in belarus they think completely differently. lukashenko made such a statement. nato does not perceive peace. the self-proclaimed president of belarus has warned of the threat of a nato attack on his country. he said this during a working trip to the oshmyan district of grodno oblast, where activities are carried out to check the combat readiness of units and military units. according to him, belarus and russia are not
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going to attack anyone. but this, the west, says grigoryovych, why. digs anti-tank ditches near the border with belarus and increases the number of its military personnel there. next is a short quote from the self-proclaimed. we are sure that if we calm down somewhere, they will attack us. this is absolutely correct. and i will show you from where, from which side the attack was being prepared. god, it's all so familiar, and continues to be sitting in such a pose, like, there is a war going on. world powers, but in principle it's still more or less, because he controls everything here on the border with russia, but if it weren't for him, that 's all, and by the way, for a very long time i waited for one direct speech from him. did not wait until the broadcast , unfortunately, it was he who explained how the terrorists escaped from moscow and where they fled, and how the belarusian special services helped them, i just
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have this quote of his for you in the text version, it was posted on the page of the president of belarus in on the internet, but they didn't post the video version, so i have it i will read: the terrorists could not go to belarus, their supervisors, we have suspicions about some of them, i will call putin. i will tell you my suspicions , they understood that it was impossible to enter belarus , because in the first minutes, as in russia, part of the region switched to a heightened security regime, the same thing happened in our country, they could not enter belarus in any way, they saw it , that is why they turned back and went to the section of the ukrainian-russian border, that is, there is such a discrepancy between what putin said in his statement and what his close friend lukashenko says, putin immediately said about... some window that was opened on the ukrainian side of the russian-ukrainian border, the same one says that no, they didn't intend to go there, they initially wanted to get to belarus, but it didn't work out, because the belarusian
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border guards, the best border guards in the world, well, of course, they didn’t let it go, well, now it’s a pity that i didn’t wait for this direct speech, but at least i read it, now you will know: the threat of using nuclear weapons has increased in the world, moreover, such a threat can remain... effective even during the next two decades, it is said in the report of the government of great britain, dedicated to the future of the british nuclear deterrent, which was presented by the minister of defense of the country, grand chaps. according to him, russia is trying to use irresponsible nuclear rhetoric to force other countries to stop providing aid to ukraine. next is his quote: china is rapidly increasing the number of its warheads and expanding its arsenal of means of delivery, in addition to. iran and north korea have become significantly more aggressive in their statements and actions, therefore, says the minister, great britain is simply obliged to continue work on updating the country's nuclear arsenal.
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well, of course, any country would do that, seeing what threats and dangers lie in wait for it, may lie in wait for it, and by the way, this statement of the minister of defense of great britain in... this was commented on in the kremlin, by a person who calls himself putin's spokesman, dmitry piskov said, then i will tell you how the position of the british leadership is extremely anti-russian, hostile to russia, there is nothing new in this, this is a quote from piskov, you thought he would say something else, i didn't, let's move on: the odious wikileaks founder julian assange deported from great britain to the united states of america, but only if within three weeks the american side provides guarantees that in the united states, he will not be sentenced to death.
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accordingly, the decision was made today by the high court of england and wales in london. in the absence of such guarantees, assange will have the right to appeal the decision of the head of the british ministry of internal affairs on his extradition, and the court will again consider the full set. defense arguments, in which case a new court session will be held on may 20. i will briefly remind you of this assange's story. after he was charged in 2012, he lived on the grounds of the ecuadorian embassy in the british capital, london. in 2019. ecuador also deprived him of diplomatic immunity, so the british... services immediately arrested and detained him, or rather, in june 22, the united kingdom approved his extradition to the united states, and there
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he was charged with telling a secret information that did not need to be told, and also published confidential military documents and even diplomatic cables. well, he has it now, or rather, he doesn't have it. washington official has three weeks to ensure that if he is transferred to the united states of america, he will not be executed there. we will see the answer from washington. well, an incident with possible, but even impossible, human casualties in the american city of baltimore - this is the state of maryland, on the east coast of the usa, in the morning, a large cargo boat crashed into one of the pillars of the francis scott key bridge, because of which the car crossing was blocked. .. a little more than 2.5 km fell into potapsko river. as a result, several cars that were on the bridge at that moment fell into the water,
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people from search and rescue operations immediately began, at the moment the reasons for the collision of the container ship flying the singapore flag with the bridge are unknown, well , you just see it on the footage, it’s terrible, and for now the last information from what i found was at the time of the collision on the bridge eight people, two were immediately rescued, six were sent away. unfortunately, they are still listed as missing. and in conclusion he burned out, that's what putin would say. in the city of rubtsovsk, which is far away in russia, in the altai territory, while russia was still in the area, a fire broke out in the premises of a hypermarket. this was reported by local mass media. there were no casualties as the fire broke out at night when no one was inside. dozens of firefighters and even
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a fire train worked on the spot, but they were able to save. and everything that was in it, they failed. the regional office of the ministry of emergency situations reported that the cause of the fire is unknown. you just don't need to smoke in unspecified places, that's all there will be no fires. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more, there will be more in our next broadcast, so don't switch. thank you very much to yuriy fizer for his work, and now for your attention the plot, i will offer on march 26, the national guard of ukraine celebrates the 10th anniversary of its creation. during this time, more than 900 national guardsmen were awarded state awards of ukraine, among them is a soldier from poltava region named ruslan with the call sign myron. in the first days of the great. war
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during the battle in the suburbs of volnovy, he covered his brothers at the cost of his own health. not all wounds have healed yet, but the mood is combative, the story of the hero's formation from firsthand accounts. he is still limping, a long period of rehabilitation is ahead, although it was not possible to return the device, ruslan believes that tela will agree. today he is the senior operator of documentary support of the military unit of the national guard of ukraine. in 2020, the young man began his career here as a conscript, and signed a contract six months later. in january 2022, a unit of the military unit performed official tasks in the east. it was on the second rotation that ruslan was appointed the commander of the combined support point. on the night of the 23rd , shelling began on the positions, and then we were already a little busy there, because... because you don't
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see something like this every day, at first the communication with the command was lost, that is, we could not find communication for a long time, and not ourselves understood what it is and how. from now and for life, the eighth day of march 2022. there was some foreboding when he and his comrades received a combat order to repel an attack in the suburbs wavers, - says the guardsman. under constant artillery fire and the sounds of air bombs , they had to stop a column of enemy vehicles and infantry. from the task. managed, but had to go to a safer place. myron was the last one to cover the boys. at that moment it sounded from albgrad. it was a school, and near the school there was a big intersection between the streets. and i run right in the middle of this intersection. on me, this is still like grenades from an rpg, yes. i 'm running over, well, it was difficult. a mine is flying,
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it hits me in the leg. and i drop it in the middle crossroad thanks to the bravery and bravery of his brothers, ruslan survived. the wounded mironenko was evacuated to dnipro, underwent surgery in a local hospital, and was sent to lviv for recovery. father herself bent over, she was so shy. no one understood that there was a damaged nerve. they thought it was due to swelling, but i can't feel it in my feet. i am praying, yes, as soon as the contracture has developed, that i am standing incorrectly. for his heroism , ruslan myronenko was awarded a badge for military service to ukraine. during the war, the 22-year-old hero had a daughter. the defender is convinced that it is still worth dreaming and working towards the realization of these dreams. let's return all our territories and live in peace, and let our children have the same future. everything will be fine, i'm sure of it.


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