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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EET

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i'm oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money, during the war at night, today the russians struck dniproges, objects of the electricity distribution system, oil and gas objects and a number of thermal power plants. ukraine received emergency energy aid from romania, slovakia and poland. this was reported to the ministry of energy, problems are observed in the network, in particular in kharkiv and dnipropetrovsk. in odesa, khmelnytskyi regions, in addition, some ukrainian mines remain without electricity. in the dnipropetrovsk region, more than a thousand miners. well, before analyzing the situation with the expert, oleksandr kharchenko should join us. let's look at the story about dniprogest, what are the losses, what are ukrenergo, ukrhydroenergo commenting on, and what are the prospects? dniprovska gest is the first
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hydroelectric power station built on the dnieper in 1939. in addition to generating cheap electricity, several problems of the dnieper region were solved. first, a powerful industrial and energy center was created, and thanks to the hes dam, which raised the water level in the river, the possibility of shipping from black sea to kyiv and above. according to history , dnipro-hes was blown up twice. at first , nkv employees were ordered by stali. in 1941 , they did it to stop the advance of german troops, and two years later , the nazis did the same thing when they retreated. thousands of ukrainians died as a result of those disasters. after the second world war, the gas was designed according to a new model. hydropower, of course, is powerful, super powerful. as for the mash hall, the mash hall, you understand, it is somewhat simplified, it is the mash hall, where the units are located, where... the upper part, but where
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the aggregates are located in the construction part in the lower part, it is also a very powerful building. the dnipro-g dam itself consists of 49 so-called bulls, supports, which are connected from above by a monolithic reinforced concrete bridge. the length of the dam is 760 m, and the height is 60 m. there is a tunnel inside, which is necessary for technical personnel to monitor the condition of the structure. the power of the station before a full-scale invasion of russia was more than 1500 megawatts. the dam may be in danger if it breaks through the dam of the kremenchug reservoir. according to from the website of the zaporizhia district state administration, in this case the wave will reach the dniprovskaya hpp in 6 hours and 18 minutes. in 20 hours, the water will reach the breakthrough level, i.e. 53 m. in this case, the dniprovska river will collapse and the lower reaches of the district will begin to be flooded by the kakhovsky reservoir. in this case
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, the territories of the vozneseniv, dnipro, komunar and oleksandriiv districts of zaporizhzhia fall into the zone of catastrophic... flooding. the rise of water in some places of the zone of catastrophic flooding will reach 8-12 m, that is approximately the fourth to fifth floor, and will receive from four to seven hours, followed by a drop in the water level for two to four days. but to destroy this hydroelectric plant from the outside, you need to plant explosives from the inside. how did the russians from kakhovskaya gs do it? according to experts, it is almost impossible to destroy another powerful facility - the kyiv hydroelectric power station, which was built according to the same principle as the dniprovska one. according to forbes , 215 haimars missiles or 40 storm shadow missiles are needed to blow it up. which should explode simultaneously. general director of ukrhydroenergo ihor sorota stated that it is also possible to destroy it if three 500-kilogram aerial bombs are dropped from an airplane at one point, but russia is unlikely to be able to use
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such an arsenal of weapons at once. scientists also modeled the worst-case scenario. in the event that the kyiv sea overflows its banks due to a man-made disaster, the northern part of kyiv will suffer the most. obolon and troeshchyna microdistricts, the dnipro islands, as well as the left bank of the capital. what is already obvious - noted the head of ukrhydroenergo. the enemy will not stop in his intentions to damage our critical infrastructure, because the terrorist attack in nova kakhovka did not lead to a world reaction. well, let's add oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center, to the conversation, he is on the phone. good evening. mr. oleksandr, well, a direct question to you, the enemy not only destroys infrastructure, energy infrastructure, civil infrastructure. the question is direct. it seems to me that the enemy is trying to deprive ukraine of electricity exports. already in the essence of grain transit,
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but in poland we see these protests, now they have started, i am sure, there is a hand of the kremlin, and they have started to ensure that ukraine cannot sell electricity, and what has it been doing in recent weeks . abroad, your answer. well, you know, lately our exports have been so meagre, that i don't think they are in principle seen as a target by russian terrorists. this attack, which was the most powerful in the entire war, had an absolutely clear script, and energetically it was aimed at creating a blackout in ukraine, a cascading accident in which the power system breaks down into... and then it is very difficult to restore its operation, it takes a long time, a huge number of consumers remain off the grid, but they did not manage to achieve the goal that they set for themselves, the power system is working, controlled, and all those who now, unfortunately, they are suffering due
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to the lack of power supply, i am sure that within a day there will be a maximum of recovery, but what is the power of dniproges and... and now we see interruptions in dnipropetrovsk, odesa, khmelnytskyi, kharkiv regions, well, in the plot various scenarios were voiced, and in particular, a negative one for the kyiv hydroelectric power plant, are there really direct so-called fan outages, as the residents of odessa are already talking about, in the coming days? well, look, let's divide it into two parts, the first is the actual effects of the attack, to be honest, well, dniproges was there for three or 5% of the total attack, and the damage done to dniproges, of course, is unpleasant, but not more than that, ah , which concerns disconnections in general, is really very difficult in kharkiv and odesa
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situation, there are many disconnected consumers, during the day, due to technological reasons and actually caused by attacks, there were disconnections in some regions, including. there sumy region, including kirovohrad region, the most difficult situation, in fact, it is kharkiv, odesa-kryvyi rih. at all these points, intensive work is underway to restore normal power, and it will be restored. as for the long-term consequences, so to speak, well, how much our generation has suffered as a whole, it is too early to say now, because it is necessary to carefully assess what exactly is damaged and how it went. will be able to restore those resources that have been damaged, once again, it is not only dniprogest, it is many others, including coal-fired power plants, and here we have a lot of work to do in order to restore the potential of generation itself. well, the government
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reported that the work to restore the networks was indeed underway and said that this time it was the protection financed by the international community that helped. let me remind you that it consists of three levels. in your opinion, you are familiar with the protection of energy facilities, which was often talked about in the government, and in fact they were preparing for enemy attacks even earlier in the winter. does this protection really work, and we are grateful to international partners, and it may have saved our energy system from more catastrophic consequences. well, that's absolutely correct, in fact, the goal of the attack was not achieved precisely because the defense on all ditches worked. well, it is clear that the anti-aircraft defense worked and a lot of means of impression of moscow were shot down, but where there were flights, at all points where defense was built, this the protection worked, another thing is that, unfortunately,
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the ideal is very difficult to achieve, the ukrainian energy is huge, and to protect absolutely all objects, so far, they simply have not had time to work. they rush and fight, but where they managed to install the protection, where it is already available, there it worked absolutely properly, and we once again made sure that the ukrainian energy workers did their homework correctly and did it well, because believe me that any - which european country, having received such an attack, would not only go into a cascading accident and have a blackout for several days of electricity, so i would think for a very long time how to recover in principle and how to start in principle. its generating capacity, mr. oleksandr, and the last question, i want to ask you, the united states, they say, called on ukraine to stop attacks on the energy infrastructure of russia, well , what will this lead to an increase in world oil prices, well, it was written about in the financial
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times, already there are various comments on this matter, well, i will voice one comment, it is, for example, they say that this is an article ordered by russia, that there is no need to attack on this matter on... at the security forum in the capital , the head of the national security and defense council also said that we will attack where ukraine needs it first, and not what the united states demands. what kind of information do you think this is? which is thrown into, shall we say, space, does it have a foundation, in particular an economic one? you know, i don't see any logic in the argument that is presented in this article, because when people write that attacks on oil refineries will lead to a decrease in the supply of crude oil to the market, well, that's just absurd, they will lead to an increase in the supply of crude oil to the market, i am not inclined to consider this article to be highly commissioned, rather it is the result of such, you know, powerful work
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by the moscow special services to push narratives that benefit them in the western audience, which, unfortunately, are still a very large number of people in the west are ready to accept, but in my opinion this article is completely unargued and unprofessional, and here i can only support these statements of the secretary of our national security council and... other government representatives who say that ukraine has the right to attack with its weapons there, where, where he considers it expedient, and attacks on oil refineries of russia, they are more than expedient, and here i only support this position, we should do it. thank you for the conversation, for joining the column about money during the war. oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center, was on the phone, and i continue to talk about money during the war. ukraine is not going to extend the contract for the transit of russian gas. energy minister
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herman galushchenko announced this this week. no additional agreements are planned - says the government official. our the gas transportation system passed the stress test and is ready for life without fuel supply from the aggressor country. true, earlier the expert environment discussed the possibility of continuing fuel supplies from russia to bypass contracts with gazprom, but the cabinet of ministers and... this scenario is rejected. this week, the verkhovna rada supported changes to the bill on the rights of military personnel and police officers to social protection. people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak reported this. the revised document talks about the possibility of the military to be treated abroad for up to a year without the need to undergo a medical examination and receive a one-time leave for the birth of a child with retention of salary. a monetary payment was also established for the family of zaga'. the size of the military is 15 million hryvnias. we will bill
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muscovites in kyiv, they opened an office for the register of damages caused by russia to our state. the first applications will concern destroyed housing, more than 500,000 applications are expected, and the total number may reach 8 million. the representative office will accept requests from businesses, government structures and ordinary people. let me remind you that last year the eu adopted a decision on... the international register of damages caused to ukraine by the russian federation, the main office will function in the hague, and the representative office in the capital of ukraine. let's listen to the direct speech. it should be remembered that the loss register is only the first step. we continue active work on the creation of a compensation mechanism that will consider applications registered in the register and make a decision on the amount of compensation awarded. and we, of course, work to ensure that these decisions can be implemented, and people, companies and
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the state received real, effective and fair compensation. in addition, we will support potential applicants by informing them of the steps they need to take to apply. we will conduct information campaigns so that ukrainian citizens can submit appropriate applications to satisfy their interests. we will monitor how... to make these applications and inform you in detail in the next issues, i'm oleksandr morshevka, i'm saying goodbye, but the big broadcast is going on, there will be more, watch us, well, let's continue, and now i will add serhiy rudenko to the conversation, the verdict program starts at 8:00 p.m., what will be discussed today, although of course i am guessing, but let's still give serhii the opportunity to tell us in detail, serhii, congratulations, please , vasyl, congratulations, today... we will talk about the massive missile attack on ukraine by the russian federation, on the night of
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march 22, more than 100 different types of aerial weapons, ranging from missiles to drones, were used by russia to strike critical infrastructure objects on territory of ukraine, about what happened as a result. and what is the current state of ukrainian energy, let's talk with the minister, the former minister of energy ivan plachkov, he will tell us about whether he will be able to... continue to exploit the dnipro-hes, which was hit by the russians today, and in general, what this attack means already at the end of the heating season, why are the russians actually now starting to hit our infrastructure, critical infrastructure. in addition, in the first part of our program , we will have valery chaly, diplomat and
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former extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, let's talk about the situation. which revolves around the allocation of money from the american budget to support ukraine, we know that the congress of the united states of america has not passed a decision on providing ukraine with 60 billion dollars, and now the british edition of the financial times writes that washington is calling, saying no to ukraine, to strike on oil refineries in russia, because they say this may affect the price of... oil on world markets, what does mr. chaly think about this, we we will hear in literally 11 minutes, well, at 9:15 p.m. we will have a traditional journalism club, its guests will be two of my colleagues, they are olga len and olga musafirova, we will talk about what is happening in russia, because
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right at this moment, when we are on the air, on the air, there was information that... there was a shooting in the suburbs of moscow, three unknown people entered the crocus city hall shopping center and apparently shot people, there are up to 12 victims, 12 killed and 50 wounded, well, that is, something is incredible there is happening, and it's all happening during the week, putin's holiday at the pseudo-elections, because russia... right now it's just throwing itself into such a very serious corkscrew, apparently, uh, two large shellings, massive shelling of ukraine, well, plus this situation in moscow suburbs, in a word, let's talk about what the next six years of the so-called president putin will bring and how it will end for
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ukraine and the world, that's all in the journalist club, we start at 20:00 and at 21:00. 15 we continue, and the great broadcast of vasyl zimi continues. vasyl, you have a word. thank you sergey. i will wait patiently for the verdict program. well, some news. the european union is preparing sanctions against belarus, iran and the dprk with the help of russia, well, that's obvious. that there is help, it is important here what the sanctions will be, they want to remove the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson , for his posts, cnn also gives this information, it is important and it is long time ago, it is not possible. one person who is always in touch with donald trump, well, delaying processes that are important for the security of ukraine, for the security of the united states, for the security of the european continent, only because he cannot understand how he what else can he come up with so that ukraine does not hold back, we understand everything that is happening, the delay in funding, the delay
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in military assistance, and the blocking of the borders with poland, whoever there is will name some reasons and these... ukrainian oligarchs are making money well, this is all a lyric and there is simply an adequate reality, plus shelling of the energy infrastructure, attempts to deprive ukraine of energy exports and imports, this is a blow to the economy, we understand that russia is now making the most of the time we are in, and with a shortage of ammunition at the front and missiles for air defense, the delay in funding from the united states of america, again with weapons, domestic certain. all this in the verkhovna rada, which cannot in any way be born with a law on mobilization, very correct, clear, which would give results, and many other nuances, and putin uses it to the maximum, he has accumulated, he has invested huge money, now in this rush to war, we understand, he will not have this money and resources indefinitely, but it must be endured, and now we need the support of our partners, well, the netherlands say that a huge amount of ammunition will now arrive somewhere in
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ukraine, let's believe the prime minister of the netherlands said this, now about sports, yesterday the national team of ukraine. she proved that she has character. let's see. the national team of ukraine took an important step towards the 2024 european championship . the day before in zenica, serhiy rebrov's team won a dramatic victory over the national team of bosnia and herzegovina. in a tight and not very spectacular game, our team was the first to concede. at the beginning of the second half, mykola matvienko cut the ball into his own goal. gate, however in the final 5 minutes of regular time, ukraine managed to turn the course of the meeting in its favor. roman yaremchuk, who came on as a substitute, first restored parity, and then assisted artem dovbyk. so in... ukrainians scored twice within three minutes. the head coach of our national team, serhiy rebrov, noted the opponent's defensive performance, but praised his team for the will to win. the national team of bosnia
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changed the structure, they played three central defenders. so we were preparing for it, but i think today was such a tough game because bosnia is very good defended itself and it was very difficult to break this line of defense. so it's good that we won, it was a very tough game and we expected that kind of game. today, the ukrainian national team arrived in wroclaw, poland. in this city, on march 26 , the blue and yellow team will play a decisive match in the fight for a ticket to the euro against the national team of iceland. in one of the other face-to-face matches, the icelanders did not leave a chance to the israeli national team. the vikings crushed the opponent with a score of 4:1. also on thursday, georgia beat luxembourg. 2:0. greece crushed kazakhstan - 5:0. poland is not small poland had no problems with estonia - 5:1, and uel won over finland 4:1. for
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two more tickets to the euro, wales will play against poland on march 26, and georgia against greece. two ukrainian women reached the third round of the wta tournament in miami. angelina kalinin and dayana estremska won their matches the day before. kalinin in willful. yastremska won over australian daria savil. two sets were enough for dayana - 75-75. in the next round, the woman from odesa will compete against maria sakari from greece. it's late tonight the first racket of ukraine elina svitolina, who will play against the japanese naomi osaka, will begin her performances in miami. marta kostiuk withdrew from the competition in the united states of america due to illness. and another ukrainian, lesya tsurenko , lost her second-round match in miami, losing to the belgian grete minen 57 16. we
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continue, you know, like yesterday's match of the ukrainian national team, well actually successful substitutions and the class of players decided why i say the class of players, well there they criticize the national team of ukraine, there were, of course, especially strange... moments when the players go to the field next to their own penalty area, losing the ball and creating threats , but you know why our team still proved that it is a higher class, higher skill , still the same yaremchuk and dobbek play in the spanish championship, they play in good teams, valencia gerona and the leader , the legend edin dzeko of the bosnia and herzegovina team, and who is currently playing in turkey, already at an age not in the prime of his football powers, the man had two moments, two moments in front of the goal, and once... a shot at the sparrows, the other time so barely pushed in the direction of lunin, yaremchuk and dovbek had a moment, and after a blow goals, so everything is deserved, we will wait for the match
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with iceland, and now, but cool, by the way, european fans reacted to the victory of ukraine from different countries, wrote how happy we are, said, as the italians said, how happy you are that you overturned this bus , well, attacking football really has to win , then football develops, so today i will... announce the weather, and today is the day of water, water resources, and tomorrow, march 23, is the international day of the meteorologist in ukraine, well, tomorrow we will congratulate natalka dadenko the weather on saturday promises to be warm with sunshine, only in the west a little rain is likely. on sunday, it will be cooler, rains will pass in the north, in the western regions and in some places in the center, but the east and south will be warm. at the beginning of the week, fresh weather will still hold, noticeable warming is expected from march 27, especially on the eve of the meteorologist's day of good weather and a sunny peaceful spring, well, let's look at magnetic storms, this is important, so tomorrow the situation will be calm, and the weather
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will be more specific in various regions of our country, in the west it is raining in places +10 +16 in the north without significant precipitation, well we are now looking west and looking west, i will not rush, i just don’t see well there on my with... perfect, but not very, but you you see, yes , north, without significant precipitation, 9:14 above zero, let’s see, north 14, 14, 13, 12, there, well, you can see everything and, further to our east, no precipitation is expected there either, temperature +8 , +10°, donetsk, luhansk, kharkiv, let's see, the center, what will happen in vinnytsia, kirovohrad region and so on, and... it's dry, which is interesting, +10 +14, so tomorrow you can plan your day, of course, take into account worries, different situations, wars, and, but plan your
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day, some work, walks, as much as possible. effectively in the south of our country tomorrow it will be +10 +14, this is how the temperature will be and there will also be sunshine, well, a little clouds, but in any case it is possible, it will be possible to wear less warm clothes, let's say so, and in the capital of ukraine without significant precipitation, that is, they can still be, but not significant, and the temperature is +14, also the same again, therefore. the verdict program starts, it's important, well, a plus a lot of events are happening right now , serhiy talked about it, there were some shootings in the suburbs of moscow, there were explosions in odesa, there was something without light, that is, stay with us, because you, in addition to hearing the analysis, the answers of the guests, the discussion of these topics, you should also be aware of what is happening now, because serhii will have this information, we will again discuss it immediately, it is important, and always be not only aware of what is happening, but immediately have the opportunity to hear the opinion of experts
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and understand what should be done there, what... what happened, thank you for this week, for being with us, thank you for your donations, and goodbye to you until monday, take care, stay with espresso, good evening, we are from ukraine, welcome to the espresso channel, today in our program war and weapons, we will talk about what revolutionary measures to introduce. ukrainian army to bring victory closer, and this time on the basis of artificial intelligence technologies. as an example, the armed forces reported that our military is mobilizing artificial intelligence to control fire the french howitzer caesar, and this should reduce ammo usage and impact time by around 30%. and colonel vadym sukharevskyi, who now heads a new kind of army, is the unmanned forces. said that
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unmanned drone projects with artificial intelligence, which were transferred to us by great britain, are already being tested at the front, in turn , the minister of digital transformation mykhailo fedorov announced that in the first quarter of this year , the mass use of fpv drones with artificial intelligence will begin, and this is partially confirmed. in general, about 20 of ukrainian companies is currently engaged in the implementation of techno-artificial intelligence in unmanned aviation complexes, so further in our program war and weapons we will talk about the possibilities and concrete examples of using artificial intelligence to strengthen our defensive and offensive potential, while we will try to maintain critical thinking in our assessments for the perception of this direction, because when a developer talks about artificial intelligence, it is not always clear what
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exactly it is about... it is given, so we will be able to use examples understand all these details. my name is serhiy sgurets, i am the director of the information and consulting company defense express, which, together with the espresso channels , aims to highlight the most relevant military, industrial and technological trends that affect the combat capability of our army. and then we will talk in more detail about the ukrainian startup called buntar aerospace, which has innovative projects related to artificial intelligence. attracted quite significant funds from private investors, there were publications that it is almost about 1 million dollars, the team is working on a number of technological areas, and now they are all integrated into the company's top product, which is an unmanned long-range reconnaissance aircraft complex called buntar-1, and this is actually a project focused on military goals and military needs, and now in
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bohdan is in touch with us. sas, is the co-founder and development director of the buntar aerospace project. mr. bohdan, i congratulate you. thank you for joining our broadcast. congratulations, mr. sergey, thank you for the invitation. i would like to start with something so simple the question is, why exactly did your team decide to take this direction, because you are such certain neophytes, newcomers to the market of creating unmanned equipment, and after that , a sub-question arises, what? planned to do and what do we have for today? actually, it all started with a deep understanding of the problem, the co-founder of the company is an active military serviceman, an entrepreneur who, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia , was mobilized by the head of the armed forces, and during this time brought a huge number of intelligence cloths, aa on different types,
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different classes of aircraft. a-ae at distances in the rear.


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