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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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for such institutions to exist, yes, because people who receive some kind of injury or some kind of trauma need support for a long time, and our patient himself is such an example of patriotism, an example of endurance, strength of spirit, a person has a lot of resources, fortunately, to survive the events that are happening to her now, on her own, not to lose her spirit, music helps, a white defender, she believes that she will recover soon and will still serve her native country, and i will be able to hold a weapon, i... i can't run, i can't go there to storm, although i like to storm, me i stormed better, sat down, defended myself, i prefer this, i really hope that maybe they will pass a law that 60 plus can leave voluntarily, well, they can leave voluntarily, let ’s not be in the assault units such units , units that are on the second line , and i... if necessary,
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even on the first one, if they climb there already, then this is the same thing, from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazor, the financial times claims that the us authorities have called for an end to attacks on russian refineries. washington does not comment on this, they have already answered in kyiv. we will talk about it soon, but right now we will show you the consequences of the night attack on the energy facilities of ukraine. let's start. the largest attack on the energy system of ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. thus, the head of ukrenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi commented on the russian shelling last night. russia.
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attacked ukraine with shahed, ballistic, aeroballistic, cruise, guided air and anti-aircraft missiles. the air force says that russia used 151 means, that is, both drones and missiles for attack we show the consequences of today's shelling below. on the night of march 22, russia launched a combined mass attack on ukrainian energy infrastructure. the ministry of energy of ukraine stated that this attack has become... more serious than in recent times. thus, russian troops launched almost 20 rockets over zaporizhzhia, ivan fedorov, the head of the zaporizhzhia regional military administration, reported. three people were killed and 20 were injured as a result of the attack. more than 40 residential buildings were destroyed and damaged in the city. explosions began. i looked at dams, i think, my god, dams. thundering, then
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i got up in such confusion and then i think , even though i was washing myself, as soon as i entered the bath, the windows, and the door, and the glass all flew away, the poor cat almost died of fear, and i myself, and i myself, it was around 5 o'clock, i can't tell you exactly how it is, whether i heard the explosion or i. maybe i heard the glass, well , in short, somehow i covered myself with this blanket, i hear it hitting me, these sticks, well, everything, everything was flying there, it stopped flying, i looked, i look, there is no window, and the house no eight russian missiles hit the dnipro-hes hydroelectric power station, the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine reported.
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reported in the state eco-inspection of the southern district. at the time of the attack , a trolleybus was driving along the hydroelectric power station on the dam. the 62-year-old driver died. there were no passengers in the vehicle. russian troops also struck more than 15 energy targets in kharkiv. as a result, the city was completely without electricity. this was announced by the head of the kharkiv regional military administration, oleg synigubov, in the telegram channel. without about 700,000 electricity remained.
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consumers, in addition, trolleybuses, trams and the subway stopped working in the city due to power outages, they were replaced by buses, as well as due to power outages and air alarms. will be carried out through a sound message on mobile phones, and employees of the state emergency service and the national police will notify citizens through loudspeakers and walkie-talkies while going around the city. critical infrastructure facilities were also damaged in khmelnytskyi region, where as a result of the russian attack, two one person died, five were injured. residential buildings were also damaged, the regional military administration reported. the arrival took place in a row, there, unfortunately, are our patients.
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due to the russian attack, energy facilities were damaged in four districts of the region, there are interruptions with light and water supply, reports the head of dnipropetrovsk ova serhii lysak. we woke up, there is no light, there is no water , accordingly, we also have centralized heating, it began to disappear, the batteries are already practically cold, we realized that the matter is perhaps some kind of arrivals, after the mobile internet began to disappear, that is, we crawled to read the news, almost nothing is loaded and... it became clear what the reason is, during the disappearance of electricity in the dnipropetrovsk region, more than a thousand miners were in the mines , the company detek informed about it, the evacuation of miners to the surface began there. in addition, critical infrastructure objects were hit in ivano-frankivsk, lviv,
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sumy and poltava regions. in some a schedule of emergency shutdowns has been introduced in sumy and poltava regions. energy facilities were also damaged in the odesa region. in... my odesa, partial blackouts were recorded. anastasia potapenko, radio liberty. oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center, has already joined the broadcast. good evening. and good evening. usually , we talk about attacks on energy facilities before the onset of winter, before the heating season, two years in a row. and here it is spring, summer is ahead, and here is such a massive attack. why, you, you can you explain logic, how to understand it? it is difficult to say why exactly now and why exactly in this way, the only thing that can be said is that this attack is not emotional, that is, this attack, from its scenario, from what objects are attacked, exactly how they are attacked, this attack was prepared
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for a long time and with high quality, and it was prepared both by special intelligence services and by energy workers of the moscow territories, because of the nature of the attack. it is quite clear that the objects were very clearly indicated what exactly was to be attacked, how it was to be attacked, and here , it was absolutely impossible to do without professional specialists, power engineers, that is, the goal was not only to frighten, if i understood you correctly, not only to sow panic, but also to achieve some specific goal related to power supply, well, the scenario was definitely... try to provoke a large-scale cascading accident in ukraine, which is called a blackout, when the energy system actually breaks down into parts, when a large part of consumers, in principle, does not receive any electrical power, and usually in order to
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to remove the consequences of such an accident, it takes a very long time, so it is clear that the attack on it from... the way it was built, what was attacked and how, the attack was aimed at making a blackout in ukraine, and that , that we can state that the result was not achieved, that our system, thanks to the preparation, the homework we did, is stronger than it seems to the muscovites, and i think that they are not just... no have achieved their goal, and they are very far from achieving their goal. however, it is officially known that eight are russian rockets hit the dniproges hydroelectric power station. it is reported that the dam is now out of order. what does it threaten? it does not
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threaten anything. well, the dam is not out of order, there is a broken road that leads over the dam, so there is no traffic. but, well, it's a technical problem that will be... restored, people are using other routes now. as for the number of hits and so on, this dam has not yet survived such a number of hits and will remember it someday. his old age, so this is not a significant damage from the point of view of the threat there some physical problems with the dam , dam failure or something, really damaged, the power plant itself has damage, the electrical equipment is damaged , moreover, i think that the video that you show is a mistake, so they definitely did not intend to hit the road, which leads along the dam, they tried... to hit certain equipment of the power plant, which is literally
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50-60 meters away, and this is a definite miss of the missile past its target. and if we talk about other cities, a blackout was established in kharkiv today, i i don’t know, maybe something has already changed since the evening, but partly, if we are talking about a separate city, then i understand that the goal was achieved, well again... yes, i am talking about the goal of the entire attack, that is, clearly that the attack was aimed at destroying the ukrainian energy system, as a national one, and then the already isolated pieces would simply be finished off, but it was not possible to do this, the situation in kharkiv is really difficult, you have to admit it, the situation is really difficult in odesa, you also have to admit it, there are a lot of people there work, but i am sure that during there literally 16-18 hours power will be restored and people will get the electricity they need.
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and you have already started talking about it in part , but i would like to go into detail, well , before the heating season, it seems that both the government and ukrenergo spoke several times about the fact that ukraine prepared for attacks as well as possible, and that the infrastructure is protected as much as possible, what this attack actually showed, that the infrastructure is not... sufficiently protected, or that it cannot be sufficiently protected in principle, or that it is, on the contrary, very good protected? let me try to draw a parallel, if the same attack befell germany, france, britain, or at least the same amount of weapons were aimed at the general energy system of europe, half of europe would be in a real blackout in the regions. when one or two cities were out of service, in such a real half-continental blackout, and
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this i can tell you absolutely responsibly, and i can see from the consequences of this attack, how well the defense that we had enough time to do worked, the defense is definitely not complete, of course, the work on the physical protection of objects continues, of course a lot still needs to be done in order for the objects to really become... secured, but for those objects that managed to be protected, where appropriate structures have been built , mine damage, that is, they are small , they are there, but for the most part the buildings played their role, there are very individual direct hits on such objects that caused some significant damage, but it is not comparable to what would have happened if this there was no protection there, so... we can honestly say to anyone that what we, what was done by the ukrainian energy companies
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as preparation for attacks is 100% working, another matter is that yes, there are not enough resources to cover absolutely all objects, both time, and physical, and financial, because these are huge resources needed , but this work continued and continues and will continue in order to provide the energy facilities as much as possible. and you said at the beginning. that is, you see all the signs that this attack was prepared by the russian side quite thoroughly, involving intelligence, if i i understood correctly, energy experts, why did you come to such conclusions, well, because i look at those objects, and i understand exactly which objects drones and missiles were aimed at, where exactly these means were directed. in the vision, and i see a clear map that, in the case of a successful
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impression of our objects, had an absolutely specific goal, and to me, as an energy expert, it is absolutely, well , clearly visible, i clearly see from this picture what they wanted to do, in what way they wanted to break the connection between ukrainian generation and consumption, which they wanted to isolate cities and not two cities at all. they tried to insulate, so this is for a person who works in this field, who has some experience, absolutely, well, of course, so i don't have any regrets. what i am telling you is that this attack was not some kind of improvisation, it was prepared for months, they prepared for it diligently, they scouted where and what and in what condition it is, installed, working and diligently scouted this information and calculated everything really, well, as far as they could calculate
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accurately, they did it, what about this is another matter the accuracy was not enough for... the defense that we managed to do during this time, and when you say we scouted and scouted information, did i understand you correctly, that to prepare for such an attack only with the help of some open sources, maps it is not enough, it was necessary to have accomplices on the territory of ukraine or not, it is not necessary to have accomplices, although i suspect that there are obviously some agents and the sbu is doing its... work and we often see reports of the detention of various agents working for muscovy, but well, there are satellite groups, unfortunately, it is very difficult to hide huge energy objects against pictures from space, it is impossible to hide them, so it is clear that they had very complete
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information and understood where and what was happening when they planned this attack and understood certain nuances. of how the ukrainian power system is being restored when this attack was planned. thank you very much for your comment. oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center. we talked about the aftermath of the russian attack on ukraine that took place that night. thank you very. the authorities of the united states of america called on ukraine to stop attacks on russia's energy infrastructure. at least, this is what the publication claims. financial times citing informed sources. according to interlocutors of the publication, washington allegedly fears that drone strikes on russian refineries could lead to an increase in world oil prices, as well as provoke moscow to retaliate. according to the financial times, the american administration allegedly repeatedly warned high-ranking officials of the security service of ukraine about this and
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the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. both, i will remind you, these units from the beginning of the full-scale war. are constantly expanding their own drone programs to strike russian targets on the ground, at sea and in the air, we have seen it all over and over again. one of the interlocutors of the newspaper said that the white house is getting more and more nervous about the brazen attacks of ukrainian drones on russian oil refineries, terminals and storage facilities. washington is also concerned about moscow's possible response to the attacks, writes the financial times. in the white house believe that as a result , the energy infrastructure on which the west relies may be affected, for example, the pipeline of the caspian pipeline consortium, through which kazakh oil is supplied. well, i will note that russia remains one of the world's largest energy exporters, despite western sanctions on its oil sector. the office of volodymyr zelensky denies that the us asked ukraine to stop attacks on russian refineries,
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at least the adviser to the head of the op mykhailo podolyak in comments, here i should note that in a comment to the russian tv channel dosh, he stated that... this is allegedly fictitious information, but deputy prime minister olga stefanishyna stated that by attacking an oil refinery in russia, ukraine is acting in accordance with nato standards. these are absolutely legitimate goals from a military point of view, and this is the first, second, we understand the appeals of our american partners, at the same time we are fighting with the capabilities, the resources and the practices that we have today in february 2022. i spoke with the headquarters nato in order for them to play their part role, turned to the un, and since they are able to close the sky, they said that olga, you don't understand nato standards. in the nato sense, to close the sky means, first of all, to destroy the infrastructure on the territory of the russian federation, which gives
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the ability to bomb ukrainian cities, factories that produce missiles, that's why... actually, we act in accordance with the best nato standards. hanna gubko, head of the board of the network for the protection of national interests, joined our broadcast. hanna, good evening. good evening. hanna, or do you admit that such hints, requests from the united states not to strike at russian refineries, could really have been addressed to the ukrainian authorities? well, let's analyze the full-scale invasion first. let's remember in the black sea, when we were also, as they say... given such signals regarding our attacks on the black sea fleet, and they delayed the delivery of those weapons, and even before that ... they repeatedly said that our actions on the territory the enemy, so that we, as they say, are not very creative and so on, that is, it is not firstly, when ukraine is trying to be limited and
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our security service, gur receives such signals, as for now, it is obviously the interest of the united states of america, what they are afraid of, is the rise in oil prices, then fuel, even jake sullivan's consumers. once there was an article about foreign policy and the middle class, that's why now the priority for the usa is the presidential election, so they will do everything in their interests. ukraine should have drawn its conclusions a long time ago, independence from the problems that are currently in the usa, turbulences, delays in helping us. our victory cannot depend on what the usa wants and how it acts. our victory must be based. on our proactive activity of developing a plan b, if there is no american support, if we hear various signals about limiting actions, and so i think that despite this information outpouring,
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we understand that those signals that were from the cia earlier, and now sullivan's visit to kyiv, but we don't really see support, instead we read in the press and hear from various about... some conversations with the russians for ours, i.e. i'm just, i'm just generalizing, do you admit that such proposals could really have been made before kyiv? yes, i admit it, what to do then, you partially answered, but i still then paraphrase the question of what to do with ukraine, or whether ukraine can afford not to listen and continue to attack russian refineries, given the fact that in kona there is us aid and maybe i'm just here... i guess, or rather i'm asking you, the states can give an ultimatum, or you stop and wait for help, or well fight like you fight, then?
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well, in fact, the united states of america should for the first time recognize the russian terrorist attacks, as russia, as a state sponsor of terrorism, this is what sullivan and burns should have done, advise biden, this is a long time ago, this is a decision that is already late, but it is all one thing is important, so... for ukraine, the fact that we are modernizing and increasing our electronic warfare, well guys, our naval drones, the fact that we target those targets, this is our right to self-defense, you understand, if the world allowed genocide, and already for two years he has been watching us being destroyed, and we already are several months without american help, thank god, the americans have woken up, oh , americans, europeans, thank god, eh, maybe this is some kind of sign in me that i still do not give up hope that the congress will come to its senses and think about its reliability, its the prime minister
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will vote on this aid package in the near future, it is good that there is an initiative by macron, we need it, we will soon do a new t-shirt diplomacy, where we will ask that they really send military missions to ukraine, it can be patrol missions of special forces there forces for protection. objects of critical energy infrastructure, look at what russia is doing, it can be inspectors who will be, instructors who will do training and make our work easier, it can be hospitals, so on, that is, there are many options, and i think that macron's leadership now in order for russia to suffer a defeat, which was picked up by both the czechs and the dacians, i am silent, now i am in vilnius at a large international forum. dedicated to kalinovsky, that's where these discussions also sound about plan b, if there is none american aid, what will be done by the european continent, the european union,
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plus norway and so on. therefore, i believe that ukrainians should do what is our duty, to protect our nation and our country and destroy the enemy. listen, well, for 10 years , we heard, let's just have a political and diplomatic settlement, for eight years, i'm sorry, we were tortured and told not about... weapons for 8 years minsk-1, minsk-2, it all failed, as well as the approach as long as it takes and led to genocide, and now during the genocide they tell us, please don't defend yourself, let you continue to kill, and we will not give you attacks, which we want to write off soon, but we will not give them to you. then i will also quote, i will quote political scientist serhii sumlenny, this is what he writes, he says that... the administration of us president joe biden is encouraging putin, and that yesterday's visit by jake sullivan, the national security adviser, and we showed it, was
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nothing. of ukraine. the usa does not give weapons to ukraine, and now they demand that ukraine does not use its own weapons. continue to pretend that ukraine's problem is donald trump? well, i don't know, maybe the honest one has meaning that joe biden is not very interested in supporting ukraine, and that if he really wanted to provide the aid that is stuck in congress, he would have found a million options, but he doesn't. what do you think about it? well, actually. if we talk about sullivan's visit, the position of national security adviser has existed since 1953, if we analyze american foreign policy and the failures that were somalia, haiti, bosnia, afghanistan and what they are doing now, we are not it is permissible for ukraine to be next the failure of foreign policy, foreign policy of the usa, due to the fact that we are not provided'.
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what was promised, where these hellish sanctions, which biden promised even before the invasion, which were supposed to prevent the aggressor as a diplomatic tool, did not happen. let's remember what the anti-escalation position of the politician sullivan led to, who delayed the provision of haimars, then atakams and f-16 as well, so sullivan is a triumph of education over experience, he is a man who, you ... do not understand at all what is the nature of russian imperialism, how to defeat her, that's why it's disgraceful, disgraceful, but we didn't hear that in kyiv, but from andriy yarmak, in principle, from the ukrainian authorities, we don't hear any dissatisfaction there regarding sullivan's policy. well, you know, i'm hearing here now from various international partners that the president of ukraine should appeal now to continue macron's initiative, and to start sending us military missions, in particular
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to protect critical objects. structures, this is important, secondly, the president of ukraine should ask romania, poland, other countries, members of nato, for that they, having their air defense systems, protect our cities, such as, for example, romania - odesa, poland, part of western ukraine, and we direct the rest of the air defense systems to the protection of cities or front-line communities, that is, we can already demand in nato , in view of the genocide that russia is doing, so that... countries, our neighbors use their systems, create this shield for us and protect us from massive russian missile attacks, and this is what the president should also announce through diplomatic channels, so i not i know what jake and yarmak have there, but the president of ukraine should definitely protect the national interests of the citizens of ukraine and go ahead and support this initiative, which is now on the part of france. and to tell
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europe, while we are waiting for a decision from the usa , that is, well, in general, and if there is no such decision, or there will be election results that will not please the civilized world because no one will, america will not continue to invest in european security, that's why we now have precisely and especially those that are massed now missile attacks in order to stimulate discussions, to explain to western societies, because people do not understand, they think that we want french troops. for them to go to the ukrainian trenches, no, because russia is already playing on that, is starting to spread horror stories about parasitism, to discredit macron's idea, so we have to explain what this means and proactively defend ourselves. hanna, thank you very much, hanna gobko, head of the board of the network for the protection of national interests, people's deputy of the previous convocation, we talked about, including the pressure that
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the united states is allegedly exerting on ukraine and... asking it not to strike russian refineries. thank you very much. well, now an internal ukrainian topic: the family of the head of the antimonopoly committee of ukraine, pavlo kyrylenka , purchased real estate and cars with a total value of over uah 70 million in the three years from 2020 to 2023. this was found out by our colleagues, journalists of radio liberty's schema program. the antimonopoly committee of ukraine is a place where, in fact, the fate of big business is decided, its main task is to prevent monopolies, protect competition on the market, monitor the conduct of public procurement, the antimonopoly committee is currently headed by pavlo kyrylenko. president volodymyr zelenskyi personally offered him this position. in 2019, he appointed kyrylenka to his previous place of work, the head of the donetsk region. in short , kirylenko is a close and quite loyal official to the president. just when kirylenko... in
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the donetsk region and close to him.


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