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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EET

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today's combined russian attack on ukraine, on our energy system, well , our colleague anna eva melnyk is ready to tell us more news, who with the news editor has already managed to prepare fresh and relevant information. we give you the floor and ask you to tell us what this issue will be about. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work. in this issue, i will talk about the consequences of enemy attacks on our country, as well as about the help of partners. all details. next, be with espresso. three people died as a result of a russian strike on zaporizhzhia, among them an eight-year-old girl and her father, as well as a 62-year-old trolleybus driver, who was targeted by the enemy at
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the hes dam. the number of wounded in the city has increased to 20, said the head of the region, ivan fedorov. in general, the occupiers fired almost two dozen rockets into the city. more than 40 residential buildings were damaged and destroyed, according to the office of the prosecutor general. the muscovites immediately aimed at dnipro-hes with eight rockets. the biggest blow fell on one of the supports of hes-2. there are broken beams, the damage is critical. the fire that broke out was contained, but it still happened scale. leakage of petroleum products into the dnipro river, the state environmental inspection informed. specialists took samples for water quality research. traffic on the dam is currently restricted. a 57-year-old civilian died due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. in the morning , they occupied the village of zmiivka of the beryslav district, residential buildings were hit. oleksandr prokudin, the head of the region, informed. also, from the very morning, the russian...
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invaders hit kherson, targeting a residential high-rise building in the center of the city. enemy shells damaged four apartments. on happiness, no one lives in the house at the moment. three people were injured due to an enemy drone attack in chernihiv oblast, the regional military administration said. it happened around 2:00 p.m. in the novgorod-siverskyi district , the russian said... a drone targeted a minibus with civilians, the occupiers also hit the city of semenivka with guided air bombs, destroyed a cultural center, two people were injured. more than 20 rockets were dropped by the russians on kharkiv, aimed at energy facilities, the city is completely without electricity, - its head igor terekhov said, because of which there are problems with water and heat supply.
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light supply schedules are being introduced in odesa region, about 300,000 subscribers will be supplied with light at certain hours, all because of the russians' night attack on critical infrastructure facilities, oleg kiper, the head of the region, said. currently, according to the schedule, 260,000 consumers are out of control. while repairmen eliminate the effects of enemy hits, boiler houses, water pumping stations, hospitals and maternity homes are powered by generators. about 400 points also operate in the region. unbreakable ukraine received emergency energy aid from romania, slovakia and poland. the press service of the ministry of energy and ukrenergo reported. they also reported problems in the energy system as a result of a massive missile attack and damage to facilities observed in a number of regions. in addition, some mines in donetsk region and dnipropetrovsk region remain without electricity. more than a thousand people are underground. this
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must stop, and all those responsible will be brought to justice, said the head of european diplomacy, josep borel reacted to a large-scale nighttime russian attack on ukraine. he emphasized that dozens of people were killed and injured as a result of the shelling, and the safety of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant was under threat. is creating a new group of 100,000 soldiers, the enemy can use this reserve for an offensive in the summer, alexander pavlyuk, the commander of the ground forces of the ukrainian armed forces, said on the air of the telethon. he added that there is a possibility that in june the enemy will intensify offensive operations in one of the directions. pavlyuk did not specify which one he was talking about and assured that the armed forces of ukraine is doing everything possible to the putinists failed to accumulate this resource. the security service announced the suspicion
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of associate shareholder serhii selimov, who was the head of the so-called committee. of youth policy in the temporarily occupied crimea. in this position, the perpetrator recruited crimean schoolchildren to the russian army, where they are being prepared for the war against ukraine. in 2022, after his release, tselimov became the kremlin's local mouthpiece on the peninsula. to spread pro-russian narratives, the collaborator repeatedly appeared on television and distributed propaganda posts on social networks. joining the eu and nato, this is exactly what they are talking about today at the 16th kyiv security forum, our correspondent dmytro didora listens to the discussions and statements. he is with us live. my friend, i congratulate you, so what are the prospects for the european and euro-atlantic
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integration of ukraine. i congratulate annoyeva, i also congratulate our viewers. it was from this that the second day of the kyiv security began today. forum, he was visited by the deputy prime minister for european and euro-atlantic integration olga stefanishyna, and she answered even the first question , it was not about european integration, but about whether ukraine can continue to attack oil refineries, about this financial times article, she was asked, to which she replied that ukraine is according to nato standards, such attacks can be according to nato standards. regarding admission to the european. commented that the intergovernmental conference and the negotiating framework will be approved in august, they have such a gentlemanly emphasis on this, regarding nato, let's hear further in direct language. we are not we have no illusions, we have a very simple position,
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the issue of the invitation is much more important than just a political signal for ukraine, i want to draw attention to the fact that along with all the absolutely statements made by... nato, in support of ukraine's membership in nato, over the years independence, these were just words on paper, but in 2020 at the nato summit in brussels, i heard that these were words. they told me: olga, understand, it was never a real intention, it was just words. the discussion panel was dedicated to that. ukraine's accession to nato and the possibility of an invitation of ukraine to the alliance at the washington summit, there were sharp statements about it, some doubted it, some say about other prospects if ukraine does not receive such
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an invitation to join the alliance, regarding such statements, let's listen if we have another summit as it was in freedom, then ukraine will look for other options, and then , apparently, this discussion about nuclear, nuclear weapons will be more actively raised in ukraine, the kyiv security forum continues, they will still talk about the prospect of elections in america to expect if ... donald trump comes to power and they talked and actively mentioned about the front, what challenges await ukraine there, you will learn about it in the next issues, we will definitely tell you. anna eva, thank you for the information, thank you for your work. dmytro didura, press correspondent from the capital, about the main points of discussion at
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the kyiv security forum. and then about this historic agreement: france and germany allowed the tank manufacturer k&ds to create a branch in ukraine, he announced. the agreement also includes an arrangement equally distribute industrial volumes between the two countries. we all know that we need to have more capacity in the defense industry, especially in the production of munitions. however, the defense industry is now thinking about what can be done together with ukraine, in which area we can cooperate, whether it will be only production, or it will also be maintenance and repair systems. now we have started cooperation from a certain side of the defense
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industry. soon in the skies of ukraine, the first 10 ukrainian pilots have completed basic training on f-16 fighters in great britain, the press service informed. of the british government. our pilots have mastered aircraft control, instrument flying, low-level navigation and piloting as part of an extended formation. ukrainians also completed english courses. languages, which should improve their interaction with nato air forces. the group of pilots will now move on to advanced flight training conducted by the french air force. for clear skies, lithuania will provide ukraine with systems to combat drones, reported ministry of defense of the country. it was recalled that, in general, military assistance for the armed forces includes a wide range of weapons. this includes ammunition and military training, as well as repair of heavy equipment. and other support. previously, lithuania announced the provision of 35 million euros for the purchase of art shells
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for ukraine within the framework of the czech initiative. the espresso tv channel is starting an urgent collection of walkie-talkies and headphones for the 65th separate mechanized brigade. the boys are heroically defending our land from the russians in the hot zaporozhye direction. occupiers spend there endless assaults, use anti-defenders artillery, armored vehicles. and chemical weapons. despite this, the soldiers hold back the daily attacks of the muscovites. unfortunately, resources are running out, so they need your help. we need only uah 160,000 for means of communication, we already have uah 53,000. join our collection as soon as possible, let's close it, you can see all the details on the screen. that's all i have, i'll see you at 5 p.m. the information
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day of the tv channel continues. well, bad news: as a result of the blow to the private sector a daughter and father, an eight-year-old girl, and a 35-year-old man died in zaporozhye. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration of the zaporizhia region, ivan. fedorov was cut short, i quote: the morning enemy attack also cut short the life of a 62-year-old man, the driver of a trolleybus that was moving along the hydroelectric dam. there were no passengers in the vehicle. according to updated information , twenty people were injured. the aim of the strike, now i quote. major of the armed forces of ukraine, journalist yehor checherindu, yes, who joined our broadcast a couple of minutes ago. egor to me sent additional information, asked to voice it. attack on dniprogez, to sow panic among the civilian population, so that civilians do not have electricity, heat, gas,
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electric transport and work, so that people leave the city, the russians understand that they can only take ukrainian cities empty, without local population, because if the cities remain people, they will resist the russian interventionists, even civilians, so i appeal separately, i am quoting yegor checharinda to the zaporozhians, do not panic and protect your city from the occupier, from the prying eyes. end of quote: we are adding ivan krychevskyi, military expert of defexpress, to the ether. mr. ivan, we are glad to see you, glory to ukraine. well, actually. glory to each other of the council. yes, for the second time yesterday we talked about the previous night attack. it was a massive attack on the ukrainian capital. today we are again talking about a mass attack, but already across ukraine. and actually, what is somewhat surprising in this situation is... how quickly the enemy was able to redeploy the strategic aviation, whether it was other missile carriers,
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that is, let's understand why in general, it seemed possible that the enemy made one mass attack and on the same night, the next night, more likely, carried out another mass attack, or would this mean that it is not possible to do such continuous days? well, judging by everything, they had such an opportunity, especially since, let's put it this way, on the example of some episodes at the front... which had a scandalous discussion in social networks, it was already possible to conclude that, unfortunately, the enemy improved the intelligence cycle , there is the planning and assignment of strikes, especially since if the russians were able to prepare for, let's call it, quite such a simultaneous use of essentially 200 means of air attack, well, almost 200, well, 31 missiles the previous day and 150 means of air attack today, well, that is , it was clearly planned such a purposeful campaign of strikes, well, it just has... such a multi-vector character, because yesterday, as it is stated, the target of the attack was the gur facilities
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, but today it is critical infrastructure, and in this case, in principle, we even have such, but for some reason it is a miracle that on the one hand the russians, but today, unfortunately, it has to be said that they came up with something fundamental, when, for example , shaheeds, subsonic missiles, supersonic missiles, or even ballistics and daggers could go to the same object in a coordinated manner, and at the same time they still managed to shoot down a significant part of the air attacks, i.e. well... well, we have to be prepared for the fact that they won't need a few weeks or even a few days to repeat the strike, maybe this cycle will be shortened a lot, so to speak, well... mr. ivan, well, a very interesting version was voiced by the major retired national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian russian-ukrainian war, oleksiy hetman. so, i am quoting now an extremely important comment that i will share. when enemy cruise missiles fly into the zone of damage of the radar station, the station turns on and begins to track the target. our radar stations are built according to
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a certain tactical scheme, they are mobile. russian cruise missiles flew over ukraine . all our stations, seeing where our stations are located, the enemy understands that we can move the stations, that is, and so on there were no radar stations, but they understood what tactics, what our construction system is, how deeply the affected zone overlaps with the stations, that is, everything that is in the tactics of ukrainian air defense, and the veteran of the russian-ukrainian war added that the russians looked at what tactics uses our air defense, they took into account our capabilities and... the topic of defense construction, they did not feel sorry for the cruise missiles they launched the day before yesterday, they were scouts to calculate our stations, we see how many of russian missiles that night reached the target , that is, we did not shoot down as many missiles as usual, not because we ran out of suitable missiles, but because the russians used quite smart air tactics of air attacks, i believe that the next attacks
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will not be soon, well at least tomorrow there should not be any, mr. ivan, we would ask for your comment. i met him with a very deep sense of surprise, because, well, how can i tell you , i won't say that i have experience there, to put it mildly, well, what can be compared there in terms of relevance , my experience, the experience of mr. hetman, well, let's say so that a cruise missile whose on-board equipment is designed to, you know, improve or worsen the accuracy of hitting, so that it still leads to development, well, this is, to put it mildly, a discovery, and there are other pluses. it is meant, it's not directly, that there were some sensors installed there that calculated, no, but it was the launch scouts with the help of, i don't know which radar stations they then calculated, that's what i think, he meant that in general, it is the first echelon of detection of cruise missiles that are flying there, and then we are
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nato allies, well, we don’t see what ’s going on there, for example, somewhere in engels... we don’t see the takeoff of planes there, we don’t even, let’s say, calculate the probable time of entry of these missiles into the air space, so you know , there can still be such a simple story here, that here is such a detailed explanation that he will give, it is simply to explain, how is it that we still lived there with such paradigms, that here we have western air defense systems and we are so downright cool, and we are capable of 100% knocking down everything, and today there is such a situation close to shock, when well 90 means county. of the attack shot down 60 no not shot down there is a corresponding well say there is a corresponding critical damage, but then you need to understand this: any anti-aircraft missile complex, it actually has a rather limited channel, well, that is, in simple terms, how much it can to accompany the whole at the same time, how much to shoot down, here mr. hetman is right in that the russians tried it and they had it, unfortunately it turned out to overload the channel, but in
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this case we should not talk about the fact that they have some super powerful the possibilities of reconnaissance, what... there, they reconnoitred everything, reconnoitered everything, found weak points, the problem here is that, well, unfortunately, we do not have enough anti-aircraft missile systems for any missile attack russian in any format, and here, in principle, we should actually talk about a miracle, a literal miracle , that our anti-aircraft fighters did, because the russians did not just have time to plan this operation, they even had time to make it so that we in principle, they did not repulse, that's the point just the nuance, and the fact that they were scouting something there, reconnoitering? well, you know, one gets the impression that people who talk about some super intelligence capabilities of the russians are drinking with the russians. mr. ivan, let's also want your analytics regarding exactly which missiles they used, how many such missiles they still have, because we understand that they have been accumulating for a certain time, and actually, well,
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so many missiles that they have drones launched in these two days, how long do they need to replenish these stocks? well with that, well, we can say that on the one hand, today they shot down a month 's supply of kh-101 missiles, but they used not only kha101, because according to ishander the figures of at least 30 ballistic missiles per month were known, today they were used, according to daggers they also used at least 10 rockets per month, well, that is, they are hardly currently working in the mode that they shoot everything that is there and do not keep anything in the warehouses, they could just accumulate more. a certain stock, not he of them may still be, accordingly, here for us in principle, it is worth not to go into the question of how many missiles they can have to continue the strike, because in general they have the main striking force today - they were shaheds. and with the shaheds they have there, unfortunately, with production it is much better, much better than it could be, plus let's pay attention to the fact that, after all , the calibers of the russians lie in such a strategic reserve, the calibers of the nation
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were produced today and they they keep them, and plus, by the way, the winged iskanders, which we can also see now on the video, they use them limited, that is, unfortunately, they definitely do not have problems with their missile stock, unfortunately, yes, and if we are talking about the prospects of delivering the same massed in... strikes, well, right away, to warn people, then we cannot get into the head of our enemy , well, but i think you can also outline certain scenarios, that is , they began to use strategic aviation intensively, this is one point, the second point is that they have a sufficient number of both ballistic and cruise missiles, and the third, the spring-summer season begins the campaign is already underway, you know, here is what... personally i see the situation, it looks like this: the russians always try to choose the moment for any missile attack so that it is unexpected. let's note that this time no one made
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any intrusions in the style of there must be a very frantic attack, let's not be careful, there will be 200 missiles and so on, no one did, they did it in conditions of operational, so to speak uncertainty, respectively, if to talk about some practical things for our viewers, you know, you should just always be there some... always ready there, if , for example, someone needs to leave the city to a safer distance, or to have a necessary supply of basic necessities in case the electricity may be cut off, because then begins the period when really no one will not be able to predict exactly what, how, where and when and on what criteria it will not be possible to rely on, accordingly, here salvation is completely in our hands, there is no other way. mr. ivan, let's touch on the topic of anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense. because the president today reacted to this massive attack, said that our partners know everything, they know everything, they have something to give us, but there is no political will,
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and we understand that we are waiting for their decisions as much as you think, that's what now are even close to the ukrainian borders, our partner countries, nato countries, how many air defense systems do they currently have, which they could transfer to us literally today, if there was a political will for it... in fact, if nato partner countries, european ones, then no, here the question is simply in the usa, here we can recall that in 2023 there was an announcement that block martin received a contract for five batteries of patriots for us, in theory, at least one, if the battery was ready, it would improve our capabilities, but here it rests the capabilities of our dear partners in the usa, because if we were to go further, well , the poles have them... two or three batteries of patriots, but they cover warsaw, and let's say, warsaw was covered by the s200, and here we next, let's talk about the polish s200. as for the romanians, there is basically a story there
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such that they have two or three batteries of patriots to cover budapest, then everything is based on old soviet s-75s, we don’t even have such an old one, it’s somehow inconvenient to talk about other eastern european or western european countries, why, for example, the story came out , which is france from italy. and we were thrown together for one battery of sampin complexes, well, because they also objectively have few of them, the united states of america opposes this, they simply may have the appropriate material and technical part, something can be restored there or something can be given from presence of the us army, but then we have what we have. and the countries of scandinavia, for example, everything is sad in them too. ugh. thank you. they calmed down, they calmed down, mr. ivan, say something optimistic, you know, here the monsters have caught up with ours. tv viewers , well, we understand that the year will be difficult, it promises to be extremely difficult, yes, but, well, at least tell me, this is the schedule for the supply of ammunition, yes, when we talk about
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the situation on the battlefield, we understand what we lack, well, and accordingly , how soon do you think they will start delivering, well because the president of the czech republic, a military man, yes, general petr pavel, well, he understands how critically it is needed, but there is also the issue of logistics, and you know, if there is already some bright moment in history, i suggest that you focus on something otherwise , it would seem a little illogical to start hitting the energy system already in the spring, when there will be no shortage, here you can simply build such a logical structure, well, what is energy-intensive in us, heavy industry, heavy industry is exactly, let's call it the basis for our protection, if the russians decided that they need to attack our power system now, but when it is even a very inconvenient period in general, well, in terms of creating a deficit, then... it means that we do not know something about our heavy industry and about its successes in terms of our independent provision of defense capability, but but the russians know about something, they guess, or they are
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hyperbolizing. accordingly, starting even from this fact that the russians are so afraid of, let's call it, the development of the ukrainian defense industry, this means that we actually have a much higher chance of withstanding this all the onslaught of the enemy and to get out of it with dignity than we now imagine at the moment, it's just that while we are such a starting moment, when a new campaign of strikes does not begin, it must be digested somehow, but if you look at it from a strategic perspective, this just means that we are stronger than we think, and we have much more chances to survive... than we currently imagine. thank you, mr. ivan. ivan karychevskyi, a military expert from defense-express, was on our airwaves, talking about another massive missile-drone attack on ukraine, yes. a record number of ballistics the enemy used well, we will continue to inform you, we will continue to inform together with yuriy prodan, the minister of energy and coal industry, we will discuss in more detail with the former minister of energy yuriy prodan.
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