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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine. the world, the front,
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society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. well , this is the material, and now the second hour of the great ether is starting, interesting and important information ahead, the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, money during the war, today's economic results of the week, and sports news. and also the weather from natalka didenko, let's now talk about the most important events for this hour. by the 19th, unfortunately, the number of victims due to the rocket attack on odessa increased. 73 people received injuries of varying degrees of severity. prosecutor general andriy kostin announced this. 10 private houses, a service station, a gas pipeline and two fire and rescue vehicles were damaged. the russians hit odesa with ballistic missiles and fired two iskander-m land-based missiles with a temporary. crimea
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rescue operations and assistance are still ongoing in odesa after the russian missile attack. two rockets and the second when rescuers and doctors arrived at the scene of the impact of a very vile blow of these bastards. among the dead and injured, paramedics, ambulances, rescuers where. my condolences to all relatives and friends. once again , sincere condolences to relatives and friends, of course, to all odessans because of the enemy attack, and i believe that there will be revenge, and of course there will be more protection from our partners for odesa, in particular, because you see that this city is constantly under attack from the enemy. and, olaf scholz, emmanuel macron and donald tusk meet in berlin as part of the weimar triangle. germany, france and poland, which are the largest countries in europe, will try to reach an agreement with... regarding the strengthening
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of military support to ukraine. the disagreement between the european capitals arose after macron's statements about sending the troops of western allies to ukraine. according to diplomats, the european dispute arose in the background weakening of support for ukraine by the united states of america. we hope for a fruitful conversation and positive results for ukraine, first of all, and for the security of europe itself. they are protesting from all sides. polish farmers blocked the crossing point with slovakia. this is reported by the polish media. farmers from nearby settlements will check every truck in the area of ​​the village of khyzhne, because according to them, it is through these roads that ukrainian grain enters poland. the blockade was announced, until the end of march cars and buses will allegedly pass without delays, allegedly, the most important key word here, allegedly will be missed. color voting, russians continue to fill ballot boxes with zelenka during pseudo-elections, another, successive pseudo-election of the president.
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putin's russian federation. in this way, they are trying to spoil the ballots on which voters have already voted. local media reported similar cases in moscow, karachuevo, cherkessia and rostov region. and even this year, explosions are heard at their polling stations as well. thrown like cannon fodder the russian conscription campaign with forced mobilization is exhausting its capabilities, so the aggressor country is sending mercenaries from other countries to the war in ukraine. today there are citizens in ukrainian captivity. not a stick. and some african countries. for them, captivity is a lucky ticket, because most die in the first days of the war. ukraine reminds all occupiers of the only chance to save their lives, to turn to the khachuzhit project, which deals with issues of prisoners of war. russia intensified its efforts to campaign, mobilize and throw citizens to the front, countries, with a very low income, that is
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, they are citizens of countries who cannot earn a living, as of today, we have more than 33,000 requests to... our resources, namely to hotline phones, as well as whatsapp, telegram, and telegram chatbot, this is practically the existence of the project for two years, the number of those who surrendered is more than 270 people, it is actually about those whom we can voice and talk about, but we cannot show for relevant reasons, by the way, one surrenders the fact that the armed forces of ukraine, of course are taken prisoner and called to surrender, despite the fact that the enemy is dealing with our... prisoners, shooting them, torturing them in captivity, but despite everything, of course, we try to take prisoners, but the story was this week, when two of russian soldiers were wounded, they were in a position there, and they could no longer fight, it was clear
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that they had lost, and then the armed forces called them to surrender, and they wanted to leave that position, and those russians who were behind them , they just threw grenades at them, shot them, well, that's the relationship your own to your own, i.e. you don't even give them a chance, such barricade detachments, life hacks did not help, three evaders illegally tried to cross the border towards romania. to carry out this plan, the violators used online instructions, for which they paid 400 € each. this was reported in the western regional office of the state border service. law enforcement officers detained evaders in chernivtsi region. currently , the search for the organizer of this illegal scheme and the creator is ongoing. online instructions. too expensive business trip. it was stolen in the lviv region organizer of illegal border crossing. this was reported in the state border service. so, the so-called businessman employed men of draft age at one of the enterprises, after which he made them
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a certificate about a foreign business trip. such a service for evaders cost 6.5 thousand dollars. the violator was detained while receiving the next tranche. the memorial of chess warriors in lviv hosted the first international charity chess tournament in memory of the heroes of the russian-ukrainian war organized by zahid-lviv state the university of physical culture and the chess federation of ukraine. about 300 players aged from 5 to 80 took part in it. both from all over ukraine and from other countries of the world. the competition is held according to the swiss system of nine rounds with the calculation of the international rapid chess rating. the organizers will direct all funds from charitable contributions to help the armed forces of ukraine. as you can see, there are a lot of children who are just starting their chess journey, and they have the opportunity to meet at the chessboard with the grandmaster, we and the masters, we are also played
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servicemen, that's why it's such an integration, let's say a tournament, which still has a more charitable component as its goal, and we also wanted to honor, of course, and honor the memory of these people who heroically laid down their lives for the freedom of ukraine, an extreme week guys from my native platoon, from my battalion, they call and say, uavs are urgently needed, drones are urgently needed, cars are urgently needed again, food is needed again, it is needed again, because one or two flights and everything we brought, handed over, he is not there, trying to do what we can do, here you see now the qr code, there it is, and
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, here, here on your screen, follow the link, we are collecting cars for our soldiers, there for different units, three different cars , 900,000 is our goal, and i urge you... to join and do it, culture, war, oscar, and what is the state doing here? for the first time, a ukrainian film won the academy award of the american film academy. 20 days in mariupol is a real creative human feat, to which neither the state cinema nor the ministry of culture participated, but only with feats citizens without the participation of an effective state is difficult to win. about the life of the ukrainian cultural space, in the conditions of war, talented and honest compatriots who bring the world truth. and the role of the state in supporting cultural and artistic projects. in the conversation between people's deputy mykola knyazhytsko and our tv viewer lina chechenina, who is chechenina, who actually hosted the oscar ceremony for ukrainian television on the public tv channel, in my opinion. don't miss the live broadcast today on
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mykola knyazhytskyi's youtube channel, you can too ask your own questions to the host and the expert. sell ​​to england, we will swell from. hunger at the end of march , it will be 91 years since garath jones' lines first informed the world about the famine in ukraine. 32-33 years became black pages in ours. stories about ukrainian families and their losses are told by the exhibition of dolls for the unborn. more from kateryna halko. how in a dead field the ears of corn have bent, the young mother is crying bitterly, she was sad, her baby did not appear in the world, it is a pure angel in the sky settled down these lines of valentina mirushnyk became the epigraph to the exposition of the doll for the unborn. is also a participant in the project, together with other craftsmen, she creates
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motanka dolls, a visual element for stories about the terrible tragedy of the ukrainian people. it is impressive, truly unique, it gives a visualization of the holodomor, which is very difficult to organize, not only to read about the holodomor, but also to show it. each puppet composition tells a true story about the tragedy of ukrainian families who had to... survive organized by the soviet famine regime, the cultural and educational project was created in 2018 and presented for the first time in hamburg, germany, its author is a folk craftswoman, now a diaspora tetiana zolochevska. it was her doll that started such exhibitions, which have been shown abroad and in ukraine for the seventh year in a row, virtually and offline, to remind the world of those terrible years. this one is sad. the tragic topic should be highlighted not only at the end of november, as we are all used to, lighting
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a memorial candle. today, all those who will come to the opening of the exhibition are the children of those who was born thanks to people who survived the famine. currently, 65 works created by 40 female artists are exhibited in the capital. mom, cut off my finger, golopupyanki, or soup. all these are the names of the creations, which are difficult stories from... ordinary ukrainian families, mrs. natalia, for example, created her doll based on the stories of relatives, before going to bed i asked her to tell a fairy tale, and my grandmother probably did not know fairy tales, so she told me stories since childhood, and every time before going to bed she told me... a scary fairy tale. natalia portrayed hers great-great-granddaughter varvara and her youngest son
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andrii. both died of hunger in the 33rd. i have never seen grandma varvara, so i wanted to make some kind of bright image, leave her in memory. and such a terrible family history has been experienced by almost every ukrainian family in memory. about unborn children, about their murdered parents, about the terrible crime committed by the soviet union, and exhibit such dolls. in the capital , the exhibition can be viewed until april 12 at the national museum of medicine of ukraine, as part of a permanent tour museum exposition. thanks, by the way, to the late garrett jones, and this is an example for many journalists today, first of all in the west. europe, that it is necessary to tell the truth about and not only journalists, politicians, the truth about what russia is doing, 100 years
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ago, let's say, there was another journalist who received a police award for exonerating stalin, today, unfortunately, there are also such, well, now about events outside the borders of our state, the most important thing, and a lot of it has been collected by yuriy fizar, he is ready to share with us, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you, good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us this time, here... today about the following: to the president of france, vladimir putin, do not scare me with your iskanders, why the president of the european council, charles michel , has already congratulated putin on his victory in the elections, well, god help lukashenka. my name is yuriy fizar, this is world about ukraine and i will start in a moment. i am fat. i support president macron. yes, on his page in the x microblog network. this is the former twitter,
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commented yesterday, yesterday, quite anti-russian address of the french of president emmanuel macron, president of latvia edgar srinkevich. well, then i will simply read what he wrote on his page in full so that you can understand his power. we shouldn't draw red lines for ourselves, we should draw red lines. for russia and not be afraid to follow them. ukraine must win. russia must be defeated. russia delenda est. well, here. i consider it not only necessary, i must tell you what the president of latvia meant when he said russia delenda est, delenda est, delend is a latin expression used by the roman general and statesman, marcus porcius cato the elder, was an implacable enemy of carthage, and it is said that every
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speech he made in the senate he ended with these words, besides... i think that carthage must be destroyed, that is, if to translate literally what the president of latvia, edgar serinkevich, wrote today, russia must be destroyed, completely, i agree, so in the end, like every ukrainian, i agree with this statement of mr. president, and i thank him very much, well, i already reacted to it today dima medvedev is the one who is now the deputy chairman of the bezu council, that is, putin, so he said that... everyone who says similar statements, including the president of a non-existent country, he meant latvia, should be hanged pillars, like nazis, well , once again he showed his, his mind, well, or maybe just again in what he said after the speech, let's move on, the truth about russia, the president of the european council, charles michel, congratulated
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putin, congratulated putin on his victory in the presidential elections, of course. he did it with sarcasm, since voting only started today and will continue for 3 days. on his page in the x microblogging network, this is again the former twitter head of the eurocouncil wrote literally like this. quote: i would like to congratulate vladimir putin on his convincing victory in today's elections, no opposition, no freedom, no choice. well, that's it. well, to close the topic of today's elections, which... are taking place, have started to take place in russia, the leadership of this country continues to openly violate international law, in particular in terms of holding the so-called presidential elections, especially in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine.
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matthew miller, the official representative of the state department of the united states of america, said this the day before during a briefing. at the same time, he said that the official washington condemns the constant efforts. for russia are aimed at undermining the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of ukraine with the help of sham elections, and added, further quoting mr. miller: the results of these upotemkin- style elections will be dictated by moscow and cannot reflect the free military service of ukrainian citizens who are forced to participate in them. well, after all, it is an involuntary expression of will. but what did the president of france say the day before, which is what everyone is talking about today: to help ukraine to the victorious end, since russia cannot be allowed to win a war that it itself started. this was the main message of french president emmanuel macron, during his communication with journalists the
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night before, the conversation was exclusively about russian aggression against ukraine, and therefore i... the countries of the civilized west should help ukraine to resist this, more weapons and more money. this is the recipe of the owner of the elysée palace, and in no case, he says, do not give reasons to the kremlin dictator to think that the unity of the west has been shaken. next, let's listen to french president emmanuel macron's first live speech. if russia wins this war, confidence in europe will be destroyed. to zero, which will be entrusted on our land to the powerful european union, to those of its members who allowed this to happen. what do you think? poles, lithuanians, estonians, latvians, romanians and bulgarians, could they stay in peace for even a second? and i'm not even talking about moldova, which , admittedly, is not a member of the european union today, but which
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is under threat at any second. by the way, he also mentioned the possibility of sending. french soldiers to ukraine and said that it is not being discussed now, it is not the right time, but he did not rule out that at a certain moment it may be necessary, well, he also said and sent a message to putin, let's not scare me with your iskanders and with its nuclear weapons, and why? and because france also has nuclear weapons, and also about supporting ukraine, mr. macron said the following, let's listen: once again. two years ago we said that we would never get tanks. we did it. two years ago we said we would never send. we've done that, we've said we're never going to send planes, some of them are already in the process of doing so, so we've put too
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many restrictions, so to speak, in our vocabulary, we're not in a state of escalation, we're not in a state of war with russia, we just have to be clear to realize that we must not allow russia to win. messages from the president of france. countries that support ukraine are not at war with russia. german chancellor olaf scholz said this today in berlin during a joint press conference with french president emmanuel macron and polish prime minister donald tusk. at the same time, he added that these countries will continue to steadfastly support ukraine, providing it with all the necessary assistance, and for this, says the head of the german government, europe must. to buy more weapons for ukraine on the world markets, they will be paid for with profits from russian assets frozen in europe. this spring, this summer,
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maybe even this fall, the outcome of the war in ukraine will be decided. the next months will be decisive. such a statement was made by the head of european diplomacy, josep borel. the day before in washington, therefore, in his opinion, the west should accelerate in providing all the necessary assistance to ukraine, while he admitted that without the help of the united states, it will be difficult for europe to cope with this alone, and the main european diplomat urged congressmen to unblock the provision of assistance to us as soon as possible and added: if russia wins in ukraine, it will have serious consequences for america and for the formed system of alliances built around the usa and europe. if we want to preserve the freedom and sovereignty of hungary, we have no other option than to occupy brussels.
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hungarian prime minister viktor orbán said this while speaking at a solemn event dedicated to the next anniversary of the hungarian revolution of 1848. obviously, he meant political occupation, but, according to the head of the hungarian government, the leaders of all european countries should... have a clearer position and be less dependent on brussels, just like hungary, mr. orbán says. at the same time , the hungarian prime minister called 2024 a turning point because, according to him, the people of europe and the united states of america will choose their leaders in the elections, and the elections will be held in many countries, including the european union. and he says that it is there that the citizens will fight for their sovereignty. and finally, the chosen one by god, the self-proclaimed president of belarus , oleksandr lukashenko, said that four years
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ago, god himself protected the country from a treacherous event. he said this during a speech on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the belarusian constitution. according to him, if he had not won the presidential elections then, not only in belarus, but also in the entire region , real chaos could have started and, but what if we listen to the self-proclaimed person in direct speech. god helped us in 2020, and if we did not stand then, there would be a war here, they are everywhere nato troops pulled in. imagine the reaction of russia, nato troops near smelensk, this is a nuclear war, and we exhibited. well, that's it, they showed it, but here's one more very interesting point, i'll tell you... the last part, the text version had a little more, the press service of the president, the self-proclaimed president lukashenka, cut out
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the following words from the video version. lukashenko continued to say the following: god helped us, not the president who was running around with a machine gun there with a child, no one, god, he simply protected us. like this. well well, that's all for today in the world about ukraine column, that's all, and this week i'll meet with... with you next week, but don't switch, because there's still a lot of interesting stuff on our air. thank you very much yuri fizer, now we will continue to talk on international topics, and oksana melnychuk is with us, a political columnist, ms. oksano, i congratulate you. good evening. we will talk about france and macron's statements. yesterday, until... that evening , his first quotes appeared about the fact that troops against french troops would be in odessa, and then they said that it was a fake, or maybe, let's let's start with what kind of resource it was
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that published these words of macron, and then... well, not everyone understands french and not everyone is familiar with all these resources and what it was and what they twisted and lied about there, because very there was a lot of discussion on this topic, many people quoted it, well you know, this is a completely fake story, yes, because this phrase was released by some journalist who said that at three o'clock in the morning over a cup of coffee or wine, macron said: guys , i don't rule out that we... my guys will be in odessa, well, somehow this is what was said to these journalists that even french journalists doubted at all that such a thing could have happened, although they do not rule out that it is possible that somewhere in the sidelines the president is also a living person, maybe he said something like that, but the words of the president must be taken into account only when he makes official statements, when he does an official interview, or makes some speeches, that is, in france it was received with
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a smile, but of course that... but macron never said anything like that. well, but it is important that macron said that france is not will allow russia to win. and father, these are very important, encouraging statements, and we have already learned , well, the ukrainians have been taught many lessons during these two years of full-scale invasion, we no longer believe to the end, because we heard many different statements, and then, or they were not implemented, or the political reality has changed, as in the state. and we have been fighting for six months for the help we were promised, almost faster than we ask, so in your opinion, how serious is macron, and why exactly is he now resorting to such rhetoric and taking a leadership position in the european union, in fact? look, this is a very important question for us today, yes, because you and i are now watching such historical transformations, from guys, let's live amicably, and from
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negotiations with putin, from ... eternal concern to absolutely clear and i would said a harsh position, but we expected this position almost from the first days of the war, didn't we? there have been a lot of different events happening in france right now, that is , since macron said that i do not rule out that the troops, our troops could be on territory of ukraine, and before yesterday's interview, which he gave, it was a very extensive interview for french people for... french citizens, even in france, in paris, during the last two or two days, a very big and significant event took place, it was a security and defense forum, 2,600 military personnel from all over europe and even from canada, australia, in general from 68 countries of the world, and from the united states, of course, took part in this forum, that is, it was a huge security forum, on who spoke exclusively
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in... the military and strategists, those who are engaged in strategic communications and strategic forecasting, so this forum was closed by the chief of the general staff, yes, that is , the equivalent of our syrian and luluzh, the general of the french army, they also said a lot of things, which were just going to confirm what macron was saying. the most important thing that macron said in... yesterday's interview is that russia has become our enemy, that is, this is a clear demarcation of the borders, that today he said: we are not at war with russia, russia is not our enemy, but russia is our adversary, and this is a very important statement , compared to what he said, but as for the presence, so to speak, of troops, yes, when he said, i do not rule out,
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it was you ... is excluded from the context, and it is necessary to pay attention to this context. he said these words after the parliament said putin would come to transnistria, and everyone was waiting with a sinking heart to see what putin would say in his message to the federal assembly. yes, we remember this situation. and here , amidst all these expectations, macron comes out and says, and it should be reminded that macron has 1,500 of his contingent of french troops stationed in romania today. french soldiers are in estonia, the airspace of estonia of the baltic countries is controlled by the french air force. let me remind you, france is a nuclear power, in france, and i can pick it up, because we have very little time, but we want to show the first graphic, which shows the nuclear response russia will receive in the event that it resorts to its nuclear arsenal, now you see, this is all that will fly to russia.


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