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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EET

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weapons at the ready and they can afford to unnerve mr. putin a little bit, if i understand correctly, well, relatively speaking, if macron says, well, he hints that he does not believe in the possibilities, and scholz hints that he believes , well, he does not even hint, directly says , well, at least this is how i translate it from diplomatic to ordinary language, please, this is a very difficult question, in principle, if you can say it roughly and as you formulated, i, maybe more general, that is, this question, as in i belong to the category of whether we will allow further, and i have first of all in the mind of our partners, to allow putin to intimidate us and win with a bluff, that is... er, er, now, er, a very
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important issue in all calculations and in determining the results of a possible war, this is the fear of a large part of western leaders, whether it is the use of nuclear weapons, whether it is chaos in russia, some unforeseen events, and so on and so forth. at the time, it seems to me, right now it would be necessary to focus on the aid provided to ukraine and do everything possible for this, despite, perhaps, some fears there, that is, on the one hand, take it seriously, monitor the situation, but do not let this apprehension, this fear determine the strategy of action, partners, it is very difficult to say
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who believes more, who does not believe, i think that this factor, that is, the possibility of applying russia's nuclear weapons, well, to a lesser degree tactical, especially the fears associated with the use of really serious nuclear weapons, it is very difficult to say who is for, who does not take it into account, who takes it into account, but certainly that everyone ... means it in in the sense that it is not excluded, but why do you think we then we will move on to biden, to the united states, you also worked as an ambassador there, and what prompted mr. macron to make such a statement, and this is the first time, before that, the leaders of major countries did not talk about it, avoided, at best case, and then they simply said, no, this will never happen, we must forget about it. again, this is a difficult question, i have already
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commented on it several times, and in principle i thought about it, it seems to me that domestic political motives can be left outside the scope of the discussion, that is, it is particularly connected with the fact that he wants to force the lepenov party. the national assembly, the national union , to speak out and speak pro-putin , thereby spoiling their chances, first of all, before the elections to the european parliament, how can we leave this outside the framework, if we speak essentially , apart from this, apart from external political considerations, apart from the efforts of... macron
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to position himself as a european leader, as a strong man, if you will, of europe , certainly it reflects the concern about the situation at the front, a serious concern that macron has and that basically all of our partners why macron made such a statement, this is typical macron, he is famous. with their bombastic statements that should provoke a discussion, and i think that in principle the goal was this, and it was achieved, to start a discussion, but as it was before, in my opinion, everything was not very well prepared, thought out, because almost immediately we got the automatic almost rejection of the idea by the more...
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western leaders, except, if i'm not mistaken, the czech republic, estonia, and there was a message about the netherlands, at a time when the idea... could have really made an impression on putin, if it was supported, well at least the possibility of discussing it, by other western leaders, and certainly it should have been done earlier, immediately after the beginning of the russian invasion of a large-scale war, then it would really have the necessary influence on putin, but if he from the very beginning i heard from... stoltendeng, others, and by the way , biden also said about this in his address to congress, the main thing is not to prevent a large-scale war in europe and not a single nato soldier or a single soldier, in particular
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of the united states, on the territory of ukraine, i.e this essentially correct idea of ​​creating strategic uncertainty, i.e. all possibilities on the table, everything... its effect, in my opinion, is small now. okay, now to the point, actually, what you just said, mr. president of the united states spoke before the congress, so you, what did you see for yourself in that speech, was there anything that was so unexpected, or that surprised you, or whatever it was said as expected, yes, we need ukraine, we need to help ukraine, so-and-so. well, in short, everything is traditional, let's say, well, if we say in general, then for the majority evaluations of this speech, they are positive , that is, biden had two tasks, that is, in fact
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, to offer the antithesis of what trump is saying now and to determine what his next four years of the presidency could be, that is, ... the years of the biden presidency, and on the other hand, no less important will be how he does it, whether he can prove himself to be experienced, that is , a politician with the experience of a certain age, but completely prepared with the cognitive abilities to be the president of the united states in the future, and he has succeeded so far, now that concerns ukraine, no, well to some extent not... and i think it was positive that he started his speech precisely from the foreign policy segment and spoke about the need to help ukraine, putting it in the format of a fight against democracy, in fact
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he compared hitler to putin, and once again confirmed that the united states will continue to provide support to ukraine. to expect him to say more would obviously be unrealistic, that is, i believe that in principle we received the necessary messages, the republicans received them, putin received them, it is another matter that the republicans, as almost everyone says, whoever analyzes this speech, it is unlikely to make a strong impact, and they will continue to block in the house. experts in providing aid to ukraine. ah, mr. ambassador, the republicans, well, now they started talking about it, some kind of their own bill, separate, preparing to help ukraine. we know something about it, you know something about it, about this
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bill, or we know nothing. i, i know about it, i even wrote about it in a post, in the mirror of the week. that is, now. johnson is the speaker, he is under pressure from the extreme right, well, actually he is extreme right, and they are all under pressure from trump, on the one hand, on the other hand , sympathizers of ukraine are trying to put pressure on him, well , of course, in the democratic party, but also in the republican party, and the leaders of western countries are turning to him. allies of the united states, so now he's trying, or trying to create the perception that he's trying to give the republicans a chance to find some third option, there are two key
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figures in that effort, congressman fitz-patrick and congressman mccaul, who are the chairman of the committee in of foreign affairs, and in fact they are now... over such alternative options, moreover, if you watch cnn regularly, then such a one appears there now. is a kind of political advertising, i.e. call from fitzpatrick in essence and his singers, call speaker johnson and demand that our proposal be put to a vote, i.e. there are various elements, i.e. fitzpatrick, first without humanitarian aid, i.e. reduce the amount ... help there are other figures and incorporate provisions which
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regarding overcoming the migration crisis , what makol was working on, as the americans themselves told me, is now to bring back the humanitarian bloc and, in principle, maybe part of the aid to be provided through... loans, by the way, this, in my opinion, absolutely not a bad idea, what will be the final version , it is clear that there can be one, there should be one bill, i think we will see that in the near future, and again the question remains whether johnson has serious intentions to allow this bill to be debated and accordingly voted on or not, plus it is necessary to understand that in in that case, at best, if this new proposal is voted on, according to the procedure
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, it should be sent to the senate for concurrence, and if the senate and the house of representatives agree, there should be a new vote in the senate and the house of representatives, that is, again, as he said makol, this is a vote, well, at most the end of march, the end, the end of march, april. that is, again, a question of time, time that neither we nor our partners have, that is, the situation, in my opinion, remains very difficult, i would say, even alarming, but then explain something else, if you remember odessa and the famous phrase checkers or go, but can the internal, internal, internal american struggle lead to, well, what about me, well, news. the draft law, or the republican one, or maybe because, well, or they will accept the democratic
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one, it will be that the democrats will not agree with the republicans, and you did not agree with ours, so we will not agree with yours, and then ukraine will be left without a republican and without a democratic bill, everything is possible in politics and everything is impossible, you correctly guessed, that is, if the new bill will contain... stricter wording on overcoming the crisis at the border than the package agreed and rejected by the senate , a bipartisan proposal developed by republicans and democrats in the senate, then we can really expect some opposition from democrats, democrats who belong to the so-called progressive , that is, of the left wing. party, that is, it could make things even more complicated, that is , the best option would be, of course, if
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what was voted in the senate was voted in favor in the house of representatives, but how do you see, i meant we, well, not we, but the us legislators are very far, far enough away from that. thank you very much, oleg shamshu, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to the united states and ambassador of ukraine to france. and he worked in his positions from the 5th to the 20th years, first 5 years in the usa, then 5 years in france. now we will have, to be honest with you, we will have advertising, but after the advertising we will have nataliya plaksienko butyrska, expert on east asia, master of foreign policy, just about china, let's talk about china's position, but now advertising. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during
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so nice, it was quiet. we went in. to untie the chains of their slaves, until the men's blood flowed again, the executed executioners, like dogs hungry for butter, gnawed again. shevchenko, prophet. and good health once again, ladies and gentlemen, as i promised, we are now flying with you to the people's republic of china, east to... an expert on east asian issues, just a master of foreign policy, good health, ms. natalya, thank you for meeting with you today, i have a question for you, a diplomatically, i would even say, but i would always be like that, as i was once taught, i put the presidents in place,
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the ministers of foreign affairs in the place of prime ministers, and it seems to me that a very simple version of the conversation can be. i mean this visit of this li hui, i know how it is actually pronounced, but i will not say it so loudly, because my wife taught in chinese and she deciphered for me what it is, how it should be pronounced, but here he comes and probes there, that means the soil in moscow, and in kyiv and so on, travels west there to europe, but here in my opinion, to say yes, chinese gentlemen, you... don't discuss that taiwan is china, you don't even want to talk about it, it's obvious, and you allow yourself a lot of different ambiguities, about , that taiwan is china, and we will do anything just to get it back, if it resists, then we can
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do anything, what we can do, and we can do anything, and when it comes to ukraine, then ... let's negotiate with moscow, so crimea is ukraine, isn't it ukraine, taiwan is china, isn't it china, the east, south-eastern regions of ukraine are ukraine, isn't it ukraine, that is, well, it's very simple, if you say a, then let's say b. then, then what negotiations can be, or they can and can be with russia, but the negotiation that russian troops... leave crimea, donba and donbas, and then it is clear, it is the same as the official beijing actually broke its neck hong kong. and now this is hong kong, all of china , no one has any doubt that this is full-fledged, full-blooded china, that is, chinese the people's republic under the auspices of the communist
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party of china, this is what i have in my head, so things are obvious, and i think that in china, in general, i understand that there are obvious things, but there is such a multi-layered chinese diplomacy and multi-layered chinese. interest, and that's why china, unfortunately, plays on different strings, and you know, what concerns taiwan and what concerns russian aggression against ukraine, at the very beginning of the war many asian countries were compared, well, in particular japan, for example, they said that those events that are happening in ukraine, we can have them in asia in relation to taiwan, and then china said no. these are different things, by no means , he is malicious like that, do not compare it, taiwan is our internal issues, and ukraine, there are different historical factors, that is, on the one hand
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, yes, they say that they support sovereignty and say all the states, that is, even characterizing the specific situation, russia's aggression against ukraine, they say no, not like that, that they support... ukraine, especially in those peace proposals, because it is clear that those peace proposals were written on the issue of russian aggression against ukraine, but they speak for all countries, because we still cannot understand about this sovereignty, because of this ambiguity of china, what they are talking about, to what extent they are ready to somehow understand where, where is the truth, and where is not. in their negotiating positions, this kind of diplomacy, cunningly ambivalent, what they are trying
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to reconcile the parties about, that is precisely the lack of a clear answer, who is the aggressor, who is the victim of aggression, where the territory of ukraine is clear, where should the aggressor go, due to the fact that they do not give an answer to this question, faith, trust in china's peacekeeping actions. not in ukraine, not in our western partners, and the representative of china was clearly told about it. well, while we're at it, you know, there is an impression that you and i are conducting ukrainian-chinese negotiations, this is not true, we are just finding out, but as, if they say, these are historical factors, so in the history of china there was also general chan kaishi, and he fled to taiwan and founded there... the republic of china, if in in the history of china there was also such ambiguity, well, less so, and it will continue, that is, if i understand correctly, that in
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certain issues, in particular, we are talking, you are talking, i am talking about ukrainian-russian issues, china’s special policy, there is uncertainty , that is, here we are such muddy water and such a fog of war, and we are here, we do not know here, here... we have clear positions, and here we have such positions, well, completely unclear, and we will be, as they say, in should beijing continue to pursue such a policy? well, actually, mr. mykola, everything is obvious for us, well, for ukraine it is obvious whose side china is on, if it is not called, it is on the side of russia, neutrality of a pro-russian character, yes, because about this sovereignty, as we said, china has there... a conversation about historical sovereignty, about ambiguity there, well, despite the fact that they do not recognize crimea, well, none the less, because china, as a great power that is used
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to pressure, as a great power that dreams of big powers deciding how to live for small states , she speaks about this historical sovereignty quite consciously, because it is so in this way, it also claims taiwan, because before taiwan was never... the people's republic of china, then, if you take it historically, there was a long period of time when taiwan was not a territory of mainland china, so good, that is, if you take and do , but nevertheless, china has its own historical grounds on which they want to rely and say that this is their territory, thus they also say that 90% of the south china sea is also theirs... because they found the cards, and now they are a strong state, and they put pressure on their own neighbors, and with this force they are trying to kill their opinion that it is theirs, in the same way they...
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they behave on the border with india, they have historical sovereignty over certain territories, that is, it is understandable. now, why, and in the case of russia, but they are very close to the subject of russia and the behavior of russia, which, as a great power, wants to impose its will. as for the proposals regarding this war, there are clear things that both ukrainians and western partners are trying to get from china. "talk to putin so that he brings out his own troops from the territory of ukraine, in accordance with the borders recognized by you in particular, everything is so simple, but what does china say, it tells western countries and on the territory of the un, their representative, here is one of the last meetings, he says that western countries should not fan the fire, fuel the fire, you should not provide weapons to ukraine, and then the war will end, well..."
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a cool recipe, and i think you and i have already heard this thesis somewhere, and we heard it from putin , and in particular in an interview with an american journalist about what is for the war will be over in two weeks, as soon as they stop giving weapons, but here's another thing, mrs. natalya, here's another, here's another beautiful story, if we've already delved into history, i apologize for the taftology, who interestingly gave weapons to the communist party? china mao zedong , who stood behind mao zedong, who supplied weapons throughout the civil war, if not the soviet union and joseph stalin, this is not an independent victory for china , the people's republic of china, the chinese communist party, which, which now, which is now in power , well, then you had to give up, as one ukrainian president said, you have to be
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consistent, that's how you have to be. consistent, no one will get away with it, yes, please, well, and that's why, and when we talk about all this peacekeeping, about china's position, well, it 's obvious, it's pro-russian, and what, what should we do in this case, on the one hand , well, there is a situation, we understand that china is quite a strong, strong player, we understand that it seriously helps russia, and it is important that during the visit of the chinese representative, the ukrainian... in the office north korean missiles were also demonstrated to the chinese by the president, because periodically there we on the ground again hear that there is not enough evidence, and we talked and talked, in particular there was a representative of the commission, the commission that deals with mcfall, the fair mcfall, who is actually engaged in what he analyzes collect information about spare parts that get into russian weapons, and we
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find here in our fields... and there is information that it was demonstrated how third countries receive these elements of weapons, but the third country and re-export is china in our country, and very importantly, that in such a delicate, diplomatic way, for example, ukraine begins to tell china that somehow some spare parts here and there go through some third parties, look, well, that is, we will also have to... conduct such multifaceted diplomacy relatively china is also possible in such a form that we don’t seem to know, well , somehow your label is also your neighbor’s, because in any case, china feels itself in such a strong position, because it alone now enters these offices with its will, the truth, because in the russian offices, one of those who can go there and transfer
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it to their russians. and try to push them among our european partners. thank you very much, i'm sorry, ms. natalya, nataliya plaksienko butyrska, expert on east asia, master of foreign policy, we will definitely meet more than once, and now you will meet with anna eva melnyk, who will tell you the latest news. good evening, thank you for your work, the novyn team will work further, we will tell you where the ukrainian record was set with the longest performance of works by taras shevchenko. but i will start this issue with the situation at the front and in the regions. be with us. during the day, 45 combat encounters with the enemy took place in the tavriz direction. our warriors.


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