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tv   [untitled]    March 3, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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managed democracy is bad, and on the other hand we say that there, conditionally speaking, iphones that we can buy are good, i don't know if there are samsungs, it doesn't matter, there we will not er think that there some alone, some products come to us, then there is a simple illustration, so of course, here we can say that the president of the czech republic is also an interesting thing, that he is a general. that he is a person who worked in the nato apparatus, that he can imagine the nomenclature of weapons, as a professional in different countries, where to turn, well, it can also be joint work, again, it can be joint work, the united states, the czech republic, great britain, other european countries, they understand who should represent this agreement. we understand that weapons are sold not only by the countries that produce them, but also by conventional, such world powers.
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yes, because this is a whole set of contacts in one person that you can sell, a nomenclature, only if you know personally that this will happen, all of your possibilities, even when it comes to the russian federation, another state, in other states it is more difficult, from of the russian federation puts there, conditionally speaking, the main intelligence department in general. has authority there, some kind
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of contract, and you remember, they were incredible, when during the time of the president , there was a sale of weapons, the so-called contras, well, it is with serious for the administration, because they. to advertise the participation of the administration in these graves, and this is always a problem for the americans, they cannot, no way, people, people who dare them, know that they can get into reality with the best intentions, just as there can not be represented president of the united states, you can't be special. powers, because this
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is the law, and when, during the second world war , he was the president of this institution, they tried to put him in prison, because they are without positions there, negotiations, they said, they are there at the time of things in the democratic world, which limit very a lot, they do not allow to do. considers it necessary, accelerated the processes, the process, but the law is in favor, well, on the other hand, maybe that is why the democratic world is as a result strategically effective, tactically not very effective, which of course is the mafia, what ke to solve everything, i wanted to pay attention to returning poland to her after all, the fact is that this...
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who is not interested in the russian economy products that go through poland are tiny, compared to the volume of ukrainian products that even go to poland transits, on the other hand, somewhere in the south. european,
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russian agricultural to make up to a third of the market there, which is no more than 40%, in this way it is realistic. in the interests of rural people, because if there were russian there would be polish, spain, it is not so far, if, therefore, all these arguments that ukrainian economic products in large quantities outstrip polish ones from the market are all a bluff, because most of our products are sent overseas from absolutely to other countries, ugh, and therefore products.
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after the start of the war, european countries talked about the possibility of limiting production, latvia was the first to do it, no one talked about it at all, to a certain extent, i can’t, to be honest, we say all the time that we have to weaken the economic potential of russia at that time, how the russians calmly transport grain not to africa, but to the same european union, this one moment, another moment, we perfectly understand that this... uh, the conflict that arose on the border has a distinctly political character, because it is not our grain that is the cause of the problem, uh, the desire of those people who organized this process, to receive subsidies from the government of the european commission, taking advantage of the situation, and this
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is simply something that must be clearly said, and polish politicians, they cannot say it out loud for one simple reason: they have elections, and it turns out that both political... camps have electorates among the farming community and the law and justice party, because it has always been a part of this electorate, and in the coalition that now governs poland, the polish peasants' party, well , the peasants' party is a farmer's party, and the defeat of this party means a blow to the coalition, this is the second point, thirdly, this protest enjoy... the absolute support of polish society, where 80% and again the prime minister of poland, as well as the president of poland, as well as politicians from the law and justice party, which is now in opposition there, as well as politicians from the former civil platform, which is now the center of this democratic
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coalition, we have to immediately consider two points: the fact that the poles support ukraine and the fact that the poles support the farmers, they do it at the same time. uhu, so what, we have not yet had such schizophrenia in ukrainian society, at whom we can throw stones, we have done so many times, yes, it is true, and we can say three thousand times, are you friends, don't you see that this is schizophrenia, if you support us, why do you want the destruction of our economy for unknown reasons, we do not interfere with anyone, then these begin amazing conversations held by ukrainians themselves, it's just that we have... fundists, and in poland there are poor unfortunate farmers, ugh, who suffer from the actions of our agricultural oligarchs, although statistics show that the products that go through poland transits, i emphasize
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, transits through poland, nothing goes to poland, because there is a restriction that was introduced by the previous government, and this one did not remove it unilaterally, illegal in violation of the decision of the european commission, but you did... this, but even in the products that are coming transit, the production of large enterprises is somewhere up to 40%, and 60% is the production of small farms, well, when these products are not allowed, these farms are really destroyed, in poland there are huge agricultural corporations, which are many times more, because they are corporations of the european union , and these holdings are known many times more than ukrainian large corporations on... the so-called agricultural oligarchs, they are midgets compared to polish agricultural corporations, so when ukrainians, i don't know, how to say it intelligently, well, some ukrainians say all this stupidity, it reminds me of the year 2019, a story about how
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it was necessary to get rid of barikhs, well, they already got rid of the elected ones, they already ate their fill, why do you continue to eat from this plate a dish that is not very tasty . in general, it stinks, you are not making it up, and at the same time you blame the ukrainian authorities, which are trying to solve this issue in favor of its ukrainians. the producer is that it is stupid and spoils relations with the ally, the ukrainian authorities, the president there, whoever the authorities there have something to blame for, we are we always do, but i don't understand why, when the president of ukraine, the ukrainian government , make absolutely fair demands on a neighboring country, they immediately start saying, oh, they're such idiots, they quarreled with another ally, and you just have to agree to everything so that the poles they helped us. but this is not help, because if on the one hand russia
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destroys our economy, and on the other hand poland blocks our borders and also destroys our economy, then this is the simultaneous destruction of our economy, it cannot be said that it is ukraine is benefiting, no, if we reduce our economic opportunities, therefore, in this way we reduce the tax base, reduce the possibilities of financing the armed forces, and we do not need to invent when... even the poles say oh, well, we will help you with everything in defense, this is our defense, poles do not pay money, taxes for our defense, we pay, and it depends on the purchasing power of our population, the purchasing power of our population depends on the potential of our economy, therefore every polish farmer, so-called or otherwise member of the protest that stands there at the border and blocks this border, he is absolutely conscious. does he unknowingly act in favor of the russian federation, russian president vladimir putin
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and destroy our defense, he does nothing more, just for another portion of money from the european commission, which these people did not earn and do not earn in the first place for the european integration of poland, receive these subsidies, great , that advice is always received for them, that i regret the subsidies to develop polish agriculture, i don't regret it, i still remember the times when i came on... to warsaw or krakow, and there in the supermarkets there were only french and german products, there was nothing polish, there were times like that, imagine, and now, when we go to a polish supermarket, we see all polish products, wonderful, i'm very happy, by the way, ukrainian super, i went to a ukrainian supermarket and we also see polish products, what else do you want from us, listen, well, give us a little drop of sweet lemonade from this sour lemon at the end, did you come up with this idea? in the head: do not all these mean events on the polish-ukrainian border, which, in
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fact, are where the real negotiations about our country's accession to the european union and about the principles on which we enter there purely economically have begun. well, look, we are now, by and large, part of these problems is also in the fact that we currently exist in the regime of the european union, the member countries of the european union, but this is an advance, but it is an advance and a very advance. for the simple reason that we do not have the same problems as the eu countries, but we have the opportunities that the eu countries have, the same green card, that's all, but this will all pass, we really need to clearly understand that when we become a member of the european union, we need such negotiations that would not create restrictions on the supply of our products to the european market for another 40 years. ugh, as some say in poland by 35, by the way, this was not an exaggeration, i just
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heard that it will be necessary to limit the supply of agricultural products of ukraine to the european market by 35 years, and why? and because we are two competitive countries with a very similar type of economy. both in ukraine and in agriculture in poland is very developed, not in all the countries of the european union, it is so developed, and our land has better conditions, better than in poland. in poland, agriculture is developed on very poor soil. well, everyone knows this, it’s a textbook thing , wait, what will we get out of this war with, they won’t take it away, they won’t take black earth away from us, you know, in any case, you can take it out with this production, you can throw a bomb somewhere, but black earth will not be exported, i'm just telling you about agriculture, aren't we we are talking about the european union, about the fact that we are both countries in the european union, you can read ukrainian or polish poets who praise peasant labor there and see. that this work looks different in polish and ukrainian poetry, differently, you understand
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, because it is more difficult for a polish poet to work in such a land than in a ukrainian one, well, i am not saying about russian poets at all that you just have to work there, i leaned back there, okay, okay , well, but it’s not called black earth, how to work there, ugh, well, so the only thing left to do is pour vodka over the grief and try seize someone else's black. everything is absolutely classic, in poland the land is better than in russia, but worse than in ukraine, which means it is competition, and this, that, and again, if they will offer us. "we should demand subsidies, it 's very simple, subsidies that would compensate our industry and our agricultural sector, restrictions, probably years, not restrictions, but losses from the introduction of restrictions, so these should be professional, tough negotiations, because if we talk yes, so do everything wants everything that will be replaced by you
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just so that we can enter into as soon as possible ugh, we'll just lose the economy. the poles delayed joining the european union for a couple of years until they got these subsidies for agriculture. why am i talking about this? i'm very afraid that ukrainian society, with its willingness to vote for populists, will simply force any - what kind of person will be in power to, say , bring results to the elections. and here i am so-and-so and so-and-so, who brought ukraine to the european union. elect me for a second term. conditions, well, what's the difference to you on which conditions, we are in the european union, you wanted it, i did it, but if i resisted, then it turned out that he said, we are still in the process of negotiations, and you will not re-elect me, so it would be better without agriculture, but with me as the president at the head of ukraine, i am not saying the reason for the president, he can already be history in this moment, i say , let's talk about myself, here i am the president of ukraine at
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this moment, and i need to be re-elected, and people say that this is how the european union will be, it won't happen, and i have a choice, either to save... the economy, ugh, or to save my presidency, whatever was chosen in my place, i would save agriculture, but i'm a romantic , but you're a romantic, that's right, and we're talking about the president, i'm not, i think, i'm also a romantic about agriculture, but then i need a subsidy, the portnikov fund after retirement is big, i could do good things, if i am not elected for a second term, not only the farmers, but also i need a subsidy then, you see what a difficult situation it is. so if the parliament may not vote for such a fund and i have to sacrifice agriculture, so jokes are jokes, but here i show you that if seriously speaking, if we approach this story with populism, we will lose everything, we will be in the european union, but we will be a poor country unable to really cooperate with the european union on equal terms, tell me, what about nato, by the way,
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a short remark, the same story or to nato, there are any conditions, any principles, this is a rainbow, we need it here and now. nato does not offer competitors to the competition. nato takes strategic opportunities into account. this is why the nato countries were in such a state when they waited for sweden for two years in connection with turkish, and then with hungarian claims. by the way, it should be said that everything will be finally next week, i think there on march 5, 6, 7, the new president of hungary. will sign the parliament-ratified law on sweden's accession to nato, and this will be the end of this ep, but what did the nato countries, first of all, the united states, come from? they believed that in this situation, control over the baltic sea, the ability of the nato countries to fully control this space in
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the gotl island area, despite the fact that they had relations with sweden, but not allies. it a huge contribution to the situation with the alliance, as well as with ukraine, if joining nato will stop being perceived as a contribution to common defense, then this is the answer to the question, uh, absolutely obvious, and here no one is competing with anyone, because nato does not give out money, as you understand, well, it gives out, well, it is implied, on the contrary , nato requires money, let's quote the classics, immortal quotes of president trump. who told angela merkel then and 2% for defense, 2%, yes, the truth is that there seem to be four in my opinion, which merkel now say yes, four percent for defense in the budget , so it's different from the european union, it's a club to which you have to bring money, so that's a different story, i just don't think we
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'll get there so easily, but you know, the world is changing so much that one can only hope that it will be so. mr. vitaly, we have 10 minutes left, and a few words about what happened these days in russia, navalny was buried there. yes, it happened traditionally, in my opinion, for russians, accompanied by russian special services, policemen, cars, there are already several dozen people who were detained, but in the end the procession was quite large, it was not 1 thousand people, and it was about... they demonstrated that gasla is not a war, for example, or putin is a murderer, or something else that does not like the regime, does not lead to the fact that everyone packs. everyone has already packed up, there is a certain number of people who were demonstratively arrested, but they came out to say goodbye, and the disaster did not happen,
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it did not happen, maybe because it was not, there was no mass protest, the authorities once again showed that there are not many people in society who have a different view of events than her, well, how many people were there, well, 10-20 thousand people. there were, well there were, yes, different estimates, i saw hundreds of thousands, but it seems to me that this is very optimistic, very, i think that there were no more than a few tens of thousands of people there, this is, you know, i would call it a hybrid totalitarianism, well, that is, it exists, but it allows such things up to a certain point, we always compare it with the soviet union. and now we compare with the soviet union of stalin's time, but now the question arises, and with which soviet union of stalin's time, stalin's soviet union, stalin's was
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different until 1934 and, it was one soviet union, after the assassination of kirov, it was a completely different soviet union, in the soviet union, in which stalin was already at the top, it was possible to conduct such alternative demonstrations. in support of trotsky and against trotsky, the workers, not some there, the bourgeoisie, the workers of the putilovsky factory, ugh, held demonstrations in support of zinoev and his group in the party, and it was the 20s and the beginning of the 30s, in the year 36 the secretaries of the regional party committees took a plan for the number of those shot. yes, this is a completely different story, because in 28 or 29, if you told the secretary of some bolshevik party committee, and you had to
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write a plan, how many people you were going to shoot this year, he would think you were crazy , in 37 it didn't seem like madness, it seemed like the norm, and only 10 years have passed, and in russia 10 years have passed from the 14th to the 24th, you see how it has changed. imagine the next 10 years, it just doesn't happen overnight, that's why when we say navalny's funeral has passed and that's all, maybe it's not the emergence of an alternative, but a slow massacre of the alternative, because again these people gathered for navalny's funeral, but remember 10 years ago they didn't go to the funeral. they were gathering for demonstrations in support of navalny in the center of moscow, not on its outskirts, there were much more of them, and now they are afraid to even come to the funeral,
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you know, and this is of course, i’m not saying anymore, this whole story with the handing over of the body, shameful , with the fact that actually they, we yes, we learned about causes of death can be found out by looking. who to trust, if our intelligence is a thrombus, well, ours, our intelligence, i won’t even comment on it, i mean, was there really a body examination, after a thrombus-thrombus, well, who could be trusted , the relatives did not insist on a second investigation, they agreed that the person would at least be buried in exchange for the fact that they would not ask unnecessary questions. well , this is also an important point, no one asked this question at the funeral, as if a person died, but she did not die, as
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the president of ukraine said, in order to refute the statement of our chief military intelligence officer, more officially, this person was also killed, and i absolutely agree with the president of ukraine in this regard, so... for me it is not the beginning of some development of events in russia, and for me it is just a confirmation that putin has once again shown that he can do whatever he wants and nothing will happen to him, because you understand, navalny, let's say, was a symbol of a much greater social consensus, than war with ukraine, but we said that the russians, they do not oppose the war in ukraine en masse in 2020. well, in the second year there were at least no such actions in the 14th year, do you remember a lot of things , what were the huge actions in the 14th year, they were nothing did not change, but we saw a huge number of people who took to the streets in all
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russian cities, not only and now it is absolutely obvious that even the destruction of a person who was for many there a symbol of some hopes, we are not saying now whether it was justified or not, but it was oleksiy navalny was destined to become a symbol of these hopes for change, and these people absolutely sincerely believed that this could be the president of russia. when, if the putin regime collapses, this is exactly the role they saw him in, and everyone saw him in this exact role, i never understood why, for me it was a matter of a religious nature, that people believe this, but they exactly they believed in this, they associated their faith in change with this person, by the way, once in the late 80s, early 90s, they associated faith in change with the person of boris yeltsin, that is, rational or irrational, that's another question, but it was
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a question of faith, and now this person. was killed in the colony in a terrible way, and the person sat there for absolutely nothing, everyone knows that too, well, it’s just because she was slandered for wanting to destroy the existing laws there, that’s what these 19 years are for, man, who, by the way, uttered all these slanders in court as a witness, was at the funeral and after this funeral was detained, also surrealism, the truth is, the person who, according to navalny’s testimony then they gave this actually death sentence, she came to say goodbye to him and was detained by the moscow police, her last name is zelenskyi, navalny's operator, former fbk, and
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there are coincidences. so they still arrested zelensky, you see, you at least another zelensky, but at navalny’s funeral, because they value this symbolism, they needed to arrest zelensky at navalny’s funeral, that’s all the problems of solving, and this also says a lot , so in this regard, and what i wanted to say, what i wanted to emphasize, is that it is not either resulted in no mass gatherings. the question arises, what else does putin have to do in russia to cause mass unrest, this is actually an experiment, because there is nothing else that can stir up a huge number of people, there is already a war, the death of the most popular opposition leader is already there, that he has to make 10-year-old children eat for breakfast, well, they will say that
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volodymyrovych has to feed. something, he knows better, so this is what we are talking about, in fact, we are talking about a tamed society, this is a decade, exactly a decade, everyone could think about why he started it with ukraine, from the 14th to the 24th year, it was a decade of tamed society, the transformation of an authoritarian country, this controlled democracy, remember, we said that, which was absolutely disgusting, but with it you could to live in a totalitarian state under which. it is impossible to live, it is disgusting, low , vile, inhumane, but they live, and they can no longer do anything about it in the 14th year, they still could, the opportunities for change were not used, and now there is no change in totalitarianism, in totalitarianism changes - only the death of the father and there are some cataclysms that have not yet been observed. thank you khrystyna for this conversation, thank you very much vitaly portnikov, and the saturday political club, which will return to you,
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is easy to guess khrystyna yatskiv. see you next saturday, stay with us. time to learn about the most current events at the moment, i'm naeva melnyk, greetings to everyone from espresso. the government has allocated more than a billion hryvnias for the construction of fortifications in the zaporizhia region, ivan fedorov, the head of the zaporizhia regional military administration, said. he assured that the erection defense structures will be completed as soon as possible . currently, military and civilian contractors are working on it around the clock.


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