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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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volodymyr ogryzko, a diplomat and politician , will also join our broadcast in just a few minutes, and please don't forget that we are conducting a survey during this broadcast, we are asking you today whether you expect further staff rotations in power from zelensky , as zelenskyi announced that such changes will occur not only in the military leadership of ukraine, but also in the political leadership of ukraine. what positions are we talking about, what positions are we talking about, so far ? it is not known, but the fact that zelensky announces such and such a reboot is obviously it should happen so, if you are waiting for further personnel rotations in power from zelensky, click yes, and if you are not waiting, no, well, on the corresponding button on youtube, if you are sitting in front of the tv and have a smartphone or phone in your hands, please call if you are waiting for further personnel rotations from zelenskyi at number 08. 211 381 no 0800 211 382 all
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calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will definitely sum up the results of this vote, and please don't forget, friends, that we have the wonderful site espresso tv, you can go to it, read the latest news and learn everything about ukraine and the world, we work for you 24... hours a day, 7 days a week. the most up-to-date information from ukraine, the world and front-line chronicles are all available on our website esreso tv. and of course, of course, what ukrainians are most interested in right now is how quickly the united states of america will resume financing projects in ukraine, in particular, financing the armed forces of ukraine, supplying weapons here. over
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the past two months, we have been watching how the republicans block in the congress of the united states of america, consideration of the issue of providing ukraine with 61 billion dollars. the senate today voted to give ukraine, israel and taiwan its aid in the amount of more than 95 billion dollars, and... but next there will be this bill, a complex bill, will be sent to the house of representatives. the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson , criticized the text of the bill the day before and made it clear that he would not bring it to a vote in the house of representatives if it will pass the senate. biden called on the house of representatives to immediately pass this bill and help, accordingly. israel
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and taiwan. i will emphasize once again that the americans promise to allocate 61 billion dollars to ukraine. a huge amount, of course , which will be used to a greater extent in the united states of america for the purchase of weapons for the armed forces of ukraine, well , respectively, in order to help ukraine in a difficult situation when russia is trying to use weapons, including and north korea, that is, we see how russia is trying to build up its forces, is trying to restore its military-industrial complex, is trying to do everything in the current situation so that their, their army prevails over the ukrainian one and prevails , including on... the battlefield, and
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volodymyr ogrysko, diplomat, former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine , head of the center for russian studies, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, mr. serhiy, good health, mr. volodymyr, well, first of all , i cannot but ask you about these great personnel changes in the military leadership of ukraine, obviously such personnel changes do not happen often, but i would say that... there have never been such major personnel changes in the military leadership, especially during the war, and this in a certain way raises questions among ukrainians, to what extent do foreigners have these questions, do they understand the logic of what is happening in ukraine, and what they talk to you about, what they talk about with you and what they ask you in private conversations, well, you know, mr. serhiy, here usually... .. natives behave
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quite delicately, because it is a straight line competence, but also the direct responsibility of those who... make decisions, they are usually not discussed, because it can be similar to interference in the internal affairs of the state, that is, the president of ukraine has the authority to appoint and dismiss the commander-in-chief, other high-ranking military leaders, what he used it, but it also means that he took full responsibility. range for everything that will happen after that, the generals will not be responsible, but the responsibility rests exclusively on him, after his decision, our foreign colleagues take it, well, as a matter
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of course, of course, i repeat once again, in the public plane such things are not discussed, well, when it comes to some such... personal moments, well, they differ from who is to what extent involved in such very specific topics, but usually such topics are really discussed little, but mr. volodymyr, these personnel rotations took place against the background of a difficult situation, when the issue of providing aid to ukraine is being decided in the congress of the united states of america. in in the amount of 61 billion dollars, and it is clear whether or not in this situation it can be considered that these rotations were on time, or after all it was necessary to wait and wait for the vote in the senate, well, it took place today, and obviously in the house of representatives
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it will not be so easy to pass this bill, how can biden's opponents articulate what is happening in our country in order to say... well, listen, it is not at all clear what is happening there, he changed the head of the armed forces, he changed the entire military leadership, we we don't know how to work with them, they are new people , and it takes time , let's postpone it, and this time will be played exclusively against ukraine, it's true, but here, mr. serhiy, you can also apply the logic that you just said and the other one, who said, look, well, there were certain problems with... the situation actually froze, we need a new perspective, new approaches, and here the president wants to take such a decisive step, then here, you know, how will anyone look at it and
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what interests this someone might be pursuing, so the situation is, i think, 50 in this case by 50, it's very good that now the senate ... still voted in favor, more than 20 republicans voted, it means that in the republican party there is, and this is not completely not the discovery of america, there is a very powerful group of sober-minded, intelligent politicians, who perfectly understand the importance of aid for the national security of ukraine, well, the figure that you and i, gentlemen, have already talked about... for a long time, 5% of the military only military budget of america and the destruction of half of the ground forces of the biggest enemy of the united states, well, they they speak for themselves, i.e. there is no need to go to vorozhka, it is obvious that by helping ukraine, america is helping itself to reduce
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the capabilities of its main adversary, so both democrats and republicans understand this, but they do not. only those dirty trumpists who really dance to the tune of trump , for whom the main goal is not ukraine, not israel, not taiwan, or any other things, but winning the elections, and that is why he will drown everything that touches the democrats, democrats support ukraine, so he will be against it this, israel supports democracy, so it will be against this and so on, that is... a typical domestic political threat, which once again confirms that very often political ambitions are put above national interests by some populist politicians, and this is very sad. well, about the national interests, in particular of the united states of america, i
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also wanted to mention trump and his statements about nato and how the countries that are members of the north atlantic alliance, those that do not... or pay their contributions to the north atlantic treaty late of the alliance, that they say we will not fight suddenly suddenly that the head of the joint committee of chiefs. of nato headquarters, charles brown in an interview with nbc commented on these statements of trump, it is actively being commented on in world politics, in the world press, and he, let's listen to what charles brown said. we have an alliance, we have a strong alliance. i think we have a responsibility to preserve this alliance. confidence in the us is at stake in each of our alliances, and us leadership is still sorely needed. he is longed for and looked upon. and olaf scholz warned about the danger of devaluation of
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the provisions on mutual defense of nato, let's also listen. one for all and all for one. any relativization of aid guarantees by nato is irresponsible and dangerous, and corresponds exclusively to the interests of russia. no one should play with security in europe. can we talk? about the fact, mr. volodymyr, that trump is now playing with putin? i think, mr. seragi, that he is playing with biden, after all, and not with putin, putin is the background for him, it is what he uses for his the main goal. and let's understand that there's only one thing that really matters to him, and that 's being re-elected president of the united states of america, it's for many reasons, including his individual sins, which are
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many, including that he wants to secure himself for the next four years, full immunity, full immunity, which is very important, because you know, a certain period of time passes, and what was relevant four years ago. he forgets a little, that is, for him now it is, so to speak, a lifeline, which must be grasped and won at any cost. therefore, i think that it is more about his use of all possible and impossible tools, whether it is putin, whether it is help to ukraine, whether it is help to anyone, whether it is a solution to the border issue, and listen, well, actually, there is no, eh.. . a serious problem with this border, biden agreed that he made serious
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concessions to the republicans on this issue, both in terms of the amount of money allocated, and in terms of the essence of the reform itself, which is supposed to regulate immigration problems, but biden, sorry, trump is not going for it, why, well, because he wants to keep it as his trump card in the entire election race. the other thing is that he can play, and now that the senate has voted on aid, when it is obvious that these two topics should be separated, and they are already separated, the border and aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan, now he will be in a weaker position, because now the democrats will hound him at every turn, talking about what we see for. but this is not an adequate politician against, so
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it seems to me that the situation here is not unambiguous, it is not at all means that johnson's statement today that he will not bring it to a vote is final, there are a lot of procedural tools that will force johnson to bring it to a vote, and if you think that in order for this resolution in congress... to gain a majority, it needs only eight or 10 votes, i'm afraid i'm wrong now, but a tiny number of republicans, well, you really need a little more, because not all democrats want to help the same israel or taiwan, but it's really for the republican party mizar, there will be many more such people who will vote for, so let's not give up, mr. volodymyr, on the eve of consideration in the senate and in the upper house of the issue
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regarding ukraine, and not only ukraine, but israel and taiwan. a big interview between putin, a supporter of trump, and trump and a man who is called the future vice president of the united states of america, tucker carlson, a well-known american propagandist and ... showman, i would say so, and obviously it was not by chance that this interview appeared in these days and it is no coincidence that now putin is trying to convey in some way. signals to the world that he is ready for some negotiations there, how did you perceive what putin said, not historical or pseudo-historical , but what he tried to tell the world and did he succeed in saying something? well, mr. sergey, there are many layers to this
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question of yours, you are very right when you say that this carlson... is actually the personification of anti-journalism, that is, i think that this so-called interview will be possible later take as an example, well, for students, journalists, who will learn how not to do it and take it apart in parts, because there are really several of them, when the interviewer fits the one who... is interviewed like that questions that a normal journalist can't ask, but this is so to speak of his pseudo- professionalism, at the same time i would like to thank him, you know what, for the fact that he showed the whole world putin's inadequacy , even with this absolutely miserable interview . well, uh,
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believe me, the way he looks in the eyes western audience, well, it’s just... a disaster, because the style of communication between western politicians and journalists is completely opposite to what putin demonstrated, although he considers himself a great nobleman of the west, because he says that he was there in to the first department of the kgb, i.e. in intelligence, well, i scouted the cultural center in dresden, what do stasi employees do there, apparently, that's right, interviews... no no they are not done for a western audience, it's a completely different style, a different dynamic , another system and so on, but apart from that he really is through this carlson conveyed the main message: i want negotiations, he repeated it during this two-hour interview, i think three or four times, maybe five. what does it
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mean? this means that he perfectly understands the limits of his capabilities, and they are limited in the first place in the economic sphere, he is now puffing his cheeks and telling that the russian economy has grown there by 3 and a half percent, this is a fiction, this is , which is actually very far from reality, because it is about the fact that now he is simply transferring the russian economy to a war economy economy and throws blank pieces of paper in the form of rubles into factories. weapons, this is something that will not work, literally in two or three years, because it will not give what is called, starting the economy for growth, what interests the russian economy is called stagflation, that is, when the economy does not develop, but inflation is on the rise, and this
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means that for the average russian , really very, very... hard times will begin, he has a reserve of strength for a maximum of two years, and he, understanding this, wants to move on to this topic now under any circumstances negotiations, to record what he won, as he said recently, and this is the main topic, for which he agreed to this interview, and i think that in part he conveyed this idea, but as always very very constructed, well but despite this public interview with carso. speaking just yesterday at the world government summit in dubai, he said that putin wants to end the conflict and is ready to compromise, that putin is ready to compromise absolutely, well, it was clear from the interview, here the only question is whether in this case, ukraine in general ready for some kind of conversation, because
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putin's main condition was and remains the recognition of the new territorial reality, and by the way, the recognition that the occupied regions of the ukrainian state are part of the russian federation, and this must be recognized by all the united states of america, nato and ukraine, that is, that is how it looks to him, then what, mr. serhiy , is the compromise we are talking about, that is, it is a fiction, it is a deception, it is what russian propagandists and putin want to pass off as a compromise, in fact there is none. there is no compromise, it is a pity that in the west there are people like, what a mask in fact, well, he is playing this very, uh... putin's pipe and saying completely inappropriate things, he is talking about the fact that putin cannot
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lose, the question is, where does such confidence come from, he must lose, why? well, because he is a war criminal, because his country has violated all principles of international law, and for that he must be punished. that's all. what is the logic of elon musk, it is that ... because they say that it will stop people's suffering, yes, maybe for a few months or at most a couple of years, and then they will be renewed, but in much greater scale, so, unfortunately , there are no less useful idiots in the west, it is very sad, but this does not mean at all that the western world should pay attention to the kremlin's deception, and it is very good that now and... scholz in washington and europeans in general the leaders are beginning to realize very clearly and clearly that it is necessary to get involved
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seriously, if america slows down the aid, then everything will fall on europe, because europe is first and closer and the threats to it are also clearly clearly more serious, so i think that despite all these attempts... to push the world together, the western world with their foreheads, to sow contradictions between america and europe, within europe itself, within its own america, by the way, today i read interesting information from russian anonymous publics, that their main russian goal is not trump, but a split in american society, and what the longer and deeper it will be, the less american. will pay attention to russia, here is the answer to the question of whether russia needs trump, and whether russia needs this "divide and
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rule" policy, so that everything becomes absolutely clear once again. mr. volodymyr, in poland, there are again protests by farmers, several dozen farmers who block the road in... ukrainian trucks, a shameful case when ukrainian trucks that crossed the ukrainian-polish border were stopped by these farmers, i don't know if they are not farmers, who is there, protestors, and they opened trucks and scattered grain right on the road that was going to europe, already the embassy of ukraine in lublin turned to the polish, probably the consulate, turned to... the polish police with a demand to open a case on the fact of a crime, and the ambassador of ukraine in poland vasyl zvarych called on the polish side to resolutely react to the incident, i quote
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vasyl azvarych. such methods of protesters should not be tolerated in a european civilized country, not to mention the moral side of this provocation, so we demand that the culprit be found and brought to justice. the polish authorities should resolutely react in the legal field to this shameful and offensive crime for... ukrainians and the majority of poles and not allow similar barbaric actions in the future. minister of social economy of poland, in his statement, checheslav sekersky apologized to ukraine for the incident with spilled grain that happened on sunday, calling such actions not quite an adequate form of protest, but noted that farmers in various countries often resort to this. over the course of two or three months, mr. volodymyr, we see how poplar carriers, that is... farmers, close this big window, which is now very important for us to europe and try to prevent
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ukrainians from trading with european countries, they close the corridor to us, the main corridor, because all our ports are now under fire from the russian occupiers, why do you think this is being done and... why, why is there no reaction, a strong reaction from poland, because well , we can also create certain conditions under which polish agricultural products are not will end up on the shelves of our stores, and do we need to mirror it like this? well, you understand, mr. sergey, there is really a question here, a very delicate question. i mean the government, society, they helped and are helping ukrainians who were forced to flee from
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russian aggression. the poles help us with weapons, the poles help us in many issues that are not publicly discussed, and that's for sure, and for that we should be grateful, and we count on the continuation of this help, on the other hand, there are polish farmers who are afraid that the uncontrolled the flow of ukrainian agricultural products to poland, their e... will lead these fields of polish farmers to collapse, and this is also true, because our, our products are cheaper, so they will easily replace polish ones, and this will mean that polish farmers farming will cease to exist, and these are tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people, so the polish government has a difficult situation, that is, they cannot but help ukraine, they are doing it and
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will continue to do it. on the other hand, they cannot help their farmers. how to react? well, reacting, as always, it seems to me, is subtle in such cases. we really need to sit down at the table, we need to talk about what can be delivered to poland, and what will go further, under what conditions, under what control, and so on. neither should we be interested in neighboring poland. got additional serious problems because of us, this will not do us any good in the long run, we still need to join the european union and nato, we still need the polish parliament to support these decisions, and will it support them if we do, well actually to destroy polish agriculture, so unfortunately it's not that simple here, but you mentioned mirroring,
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some things in that regard. it would also be possible to apply a preventive measure, let 's say, to knock down ukrainian store shelves polish cheeses, well , they can be reduced by half, it will give ukrainian agricultural producers the opportunity to earn more, and why not, like some such small but symbolic steps, it will also be a signal to the other side that you will also lose, so let's sit down , let's negotiate, after all, in this situation... kyiv, probably the official kyiv, should be more , let's say, more proactive in this matter, and try to talk with the polish authorities, because the authorities are new there already, it's true, and to be honest, it was a big one hope that the new government will look at this situation in a different way, but you see, and donald tusk recently said that we do not want some groups of ukrainian oligarchs to ...
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attack polish farmers, i do not think that this the statement is adequate, we do not have such a number of oligarchs who would profit from this, so i think that this is an exaggeration , all the more so we need to find ways to sit down at the same table, take technicians, specialists and go over all possible issues with a pencil in hand, and then bring it up for... assertion by a political leader. thank you sir volodymyr, thanks for the interesting conversation, this was volodymyr ogrysko, politician, diplomat, former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine. during our broadcast, friends, we conduct a survey and ask you about whether you expect further staff rotations in power from zelenskyi. 66% - yes, 34% - no, these are intermediate, already intermediate results, polls, in the second part of our program we will continue this poll, in 15 minutes we
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will have it on the air. nikita poturaev, rostislav pavlenko and andriy osadchuk, stay with espresso. blockade traffic and grain on the road on the ukrainian-polish border , farmers protest again. can the food crisis affect relations between countries? we analyze it in today's issue of bbc ukraine. i am olga polamaryuk. polish farmers threaten to completely block all border crossings with ukraine. they are against, as they say, the uncontrolled influx of goods, primarily ukrainian grain. who and what is behind the protests and how does the ukrainian government act? protest actions on the polish-ukrainian border.


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