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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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burns stated that it is strategically important for the united states of america to continue supporting ukraine against the background of russian aggression, quoting william burns, who in an interview said literally the following: "maintaining the flow of arms will strengthen ukraine's position if the opportunity for serious negotiations arises. this offers a chance to ensure a long-term win for ukraine and a strategic loss for russia. ukraine could defend its sovereignty and recover when russia has to... constant spending because of putin's stupidity, stupidity. for for the united states to withdraw from the conflict at this crucial moment and stop supporting ukraine would be an own goal of historic proportions. mrs. iryna , will there not be this own goal, which the director of the circus, william bertz, is talking about, because we see the development of events in the united states of america, well , it simply pushes us not even to the tenth position, probably to the 20th or 30th,
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because there is texas, there is trump, there are some other internal problems in the united states of america. well, indeed, the situation with the vote in the congress on providing ukraine with such the $61 billion in military aid we need is now suspended primarily because of the start of the actual election campaign in the united states, and i think that's what 's needed here. to activate our efforts to work with the congress, with the senate, at this time they block the inter-parliamentary activities of the deputies, we communicate a lot online, because there is no other opportunity with our partners from the parliaments of the countries of the european union, and you know, it is very positive and so poignant when our true allies are now also working with by our colleagues in the united states in order to... convey to them this position of the criticality of this
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aid for ukraine, really, i think we need to raise all our allies here now to convey this signal to the united states, and let me make one more remark, you know, another event happened today, i personally really expected it, the decision of the un international court in gas, this is the first such big decision regarding the financing of terrorism by the russian federation, the lawsuit was filed in 17. in that year, it was being prepared since the 15th, and i he was referring to mh17. it seems that what more evidence is needed by the world and the court in order to realize who was behind this terrible crime, who sponsored this terrorism, at the same time the court decision is incomplete, only partially the court in the hague recognized the position of ukraine and ours, partially supported our lawsuit, and this is also very disturbing. a signal that indicates
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the need to strengthen our advocacy, strengthen our legal position, our evidence base, this is very serious, unfortunately, russia has been preparing for war for a long time, and it is using all its capabilities on all fronts, including including, well, we are now seeing hybrid methods in order to weaken ukraine, and this also causes concern. thank you, mrs. iryna. thank you for participating in our program, it was iryna gerashchenko, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we work live on the espressu tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live, there. please don't be stingy, like this video so that it can be trended on youtube and facebook. well, take part in our voting. today we ask you about such as whether it is necessary to block the accounts of the petitioners and deprive them of their driving rights. car, because these norms
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are laid down in the new draft law on mobilization, or at least in the new old one, as, if you can say so, which will be considered by the verkhovna rada of ukraine already next week. shmyhal's government has prepared another bill on mobilization, we will talk in more detail about what norms there are in our second studio, which will start in literally 40 minutes, but now we, friends, are in touch. kateryna galko, who is located in victoria nuland, deputy secretary of state for political affairs of the united states of america, came to kyiv, and she was at the event today. katerina, please tell me what the results of victoria nuland are, because she is such an important and powerful figure in politics, american politics, as i have been through it. what did she say
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about the situation in ukraine, and most importantly, when the congress of the united states of america will restore funding for ukraine and the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. i congratulate sergey, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel, so that's really it the most important question , we still haven't received an answer, mrs. victoria nulan's speech was quite brief, however, she managed to mention all the main aspects of her visit, in particular , she said that it is important for her to come to ukraine in winter, when it is especially difficult for us, i should note, that she came to ukraine last year as well, and was also here 10 years ago... during the events on the maidan, during the revolution of dignity, we know that she had meetings with representatives of the ukrainian authorities today, she also said that came to the rehabilitation center in which they invested funds, there she managed to communicate with the boys and girls who
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protect our front, she said that they really admire her, as they admire all americans, she said that she was glad er... glad to note , that america is still helping ukraine , is trying, and this year we succeeded, and last year, and this year we managed to return almost half of the territories occupied by russia, we managed to restore global exports, we managed to maintain our energy sector, however, this is the main question, when will the congress approve the aid package for ukraine, of course, representatives of the ukrainian media asked it this question, let's hear its answer. americans they think and admire the miracle that ukraine has already achieved in defending itself against such terrible russian aggression, and we also understand what will happen if you cannot not only survive, but also prosper. so, i am absolutely sure that this understanding will be
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indicated in the decision of the congress on the proposal of president biden. mrs. victoria too noted that they will try to continue to support our defense sector, are ready to invest in the development of our military industry , are also ready to develop their military-industrial complex in order to help ukraine, in particular, she mentioned the small-diameter ground-launched bombs that are already on their way to ukraine. actually, that's all the information we've heard today, all i know so far, so sergey i'll pass otert on to you. thank you katerina. it was kateryna galko, our correspondent, who today was at a meeting with victoria nuland, deputy of the state secretary of the united states of america, who is visiting kyiv. next, we will contact mykhailo samus, a military expert, an expert of the center for army research, conversion
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and disarmament. mr. mykhailo, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. mr. mykhailo, well, maybe this is a political issue regarding the zaluzhny. i do not want to discuss the political aspect of the issue of what is happening with the military command and the supreme military command in ukraine, but still these discussions that are taking place public debates about who will be the next commander-in-chief, whether to remain in office or not, they are on the front pages of the world media, that is, all the british, all the american newspapers came out with this report. the atmosphere of the ukrainian army, and most importantly, how can this affect the course of the russian-ukrainian war? well, i would like to point out that in
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fact the primary issue in this situation is not personnel, that is, not personnel, and in fact, we are talking now about the fate of the ukrainian nation, and not about... the fate of individual generals or even individual politicians, ago it is still necessary to put aside emotions, especially regarding specific individuals, and think that we need this year, this year ukraine should not go on strategic defense, as some politicians, westerners, and some media advise us, obviously calculating that for our the account will be able to sign some minsk agreements again and then calmly return it. to business with russia, because to advise us to sit on the defensive for a whole year so that russia can accumulate more resources and form an offensive potential to launch a large-scale offensive in the 25th year is a very good idea advice, but i think that it is clearly not to our
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advantage, but the main thing is how to succeed in the 24th year, the turning point in this war, it is obvious, and general zaluzhnyi himself wrote his... that in in 2022, in november, this is the first article that came out then, regarding the plans for the 23rd year, he spoke then about the center of gravity, according to the definition of the clause, this is still in this war. and he defined this center of gravity as crimea, that is , it is obvious that the turning point in this war will come when ukraine begins an operation to de-occupy crimea, without this operation it is possible sit for several years in strategic defense, you can talk about it, but the key change will not happen, so the question is not personnel issues, but the question is how we are in the 24th year. will be able to resolve the issue of the turning point in the war, actually carry
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out the beginning of the deoccupation of crimea, this is a key issue, and when we look at , let’s say this, this situation, then the question of personnel disappears, that is, the main question here is who will be able to conduct such an operation that will be able to turn this war, if general zaluzhnyi can do it, he can do it if president zelensky believes that... we need other personnel who will decide the fate of the ukrainian nation in fact in this war, i think it can be done, because in fact, despite the fact that there is a really emotional factor, still, i would i believe that it is necessary to return to a still more technological question, a disciplined question of how we can achieve a result in this war, and not to look after all at the emotional, political processes that... always steal from us in the information space. let's return to the situation in the east and
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on the southern fronts, because all these political battles, discussions of possible personnel rotations, somehow they simply put all front-line information on the back burner, and now the general staff reports that the occupiers have become more active in the kherson direction, in a day the armed forces of ukraine repelled 15 attacks here, and no... the politicians of the american institute of war say that the russians are unlikely to be able to turn their tactical achievements in the kupyansk area into the most extensive mechanized maneuvers necessary for an operationally significant advance. simultaneously today putin talked a lot about avdiyivka, about these 19 houses, which are maintained there by a veteran or veteran unit that is ahead of the russian troops, and they said, these are the guys, under... they should be, that is, putin's rhetoric is changing a little, that is, he is already he is not
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talking about the capture of large cities, he is talking about avdiivka, about the 19 houses that they captured there and they are holding these 19 houses, does this mean that the capture of avdiivka is fundamentally important for the russians in this situation, and these are the 19 houses, about which he with... have strategic importance for the russian army, and for the ukrainian one as well. well, of course, there is no strategic importance in avdiivka, it cannot be. putin said a lot more there, it turns out that this is his entire svo, its purpose is to push ukrainian troops away from the russian borders. what he did not say right away, then there were no ukrainian troops there at all, and now it turns out that he needs to move these troops away so that the artillery, as he said. of foreign production, which is in service with the defense forces of ukraine not until
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did not reach the territory of russia, it turns out to populated areas, he said, to cities, towns and forces, such pu, yes, well, of course, that populated areas, in general, putin carries a lot of illusions, but he has started a so-called pre-election campaign, i.e. he has, as his press secretary says, to bear all kinds of blizzards, about avdiivka, about moving away from the borders, in fact he understands that this is a war. this is a chance to stay in power at all, that is, he cannot stop this war, in fact, based on this, he must increase his potential military, i have on russia, to invest all the resources that they earn now from the sale of oil and other goods into actually into military materials from actually turning north korea into a kind of military workshop where they produce ammunition. and not only ammunition , i think that missiles will soon be made for the russian army, that is, russia is doing,
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that is, this whole huge russia, it is working now to wage war in the interests of a group of people who are going to just stay in power, that is and that's the whole war, and as a result, they are ready to kill hundreds of thousands of russians, and of course hundreds of thousands of ukrainians, for them it is not a problem at all, and therefore again... i will repeat myself, when they tell us that we need to sit down on strategic defense, well , excuse me, look at this leader of a neighboring state or empire, and what kind of strategic defense we may be talking about, we need to... increase our efforts precisely in order to change the nature of this war, and not try to stop and sit down in strategic defense, perhaps we will be advised to really withdraw from borders and allow for putin to declare that he managed to create some kind of security belt there on the border with russia, well, that is, you don't need to listen to putin, you still need
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to achieve your tasks and goals at the front, at the front, the head of the main administration. intelligence of the ministry of defense kyrylo budanov predicted on the air of the telethon that soon the fall-winter offensive of the russians will be exhausted and then the move of ukraine will begin. budanov says that this move will happen and obviously this move will already be in the spring, because actually there are a month or so 29 days left until spring, and it is clear that budanov has his own vision, but budanov... gave a lot of different forecasts regarding crimea and the development of events on the front, whether it is possible to perceive these forecasts as such that they can really be implemented in the spring of this year , well, i would not say that they will be implemented in the spring, first of all , the russian offensive will really end in the spring, why
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will it end, well, first of all, it is impossible to advance in such an intensive manner. for since october they have been waging a simply mad offensive in various directions on a huge front, beginning with kupyansk and ending with the really left bank of the kherson region, trying to break through the front at least somewhere and demonstrate victory or some winning results for putin's so-called elections, now putin has to tell some fairy tales about pushing ukrainians away from the border, in fact, he should tell... about the breakthrough and the deoccupation of the entire donetsk region, for example, it would be much more powerful before the elections of this next emperor, all of the entire movement, but in reality they will not achieve, of course, their strategic goals, it is already clear, they actually have a little more than a month left, they
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will throw in even more resources, it will be a very tense situation in february, but... i think that they will not achieve any operational success, after that they really have at the beginning of spring and the end of the election campaign, they will have to regroup, recover , mobilize clearly, because they have lost a lot of people, a lot of equipment, so they will have to recover, and this period is very similar to the period that was last year, then also in the winter the wagnerites and... tried to take bakhmut and then in the spring they stopped active hostilities and went on the defensive, at that time the ukrainian army began to conduct active offensive actions, i think that this year this algorithm can be repeated, and the russians have even greater losses, in fact, because now there is no wagner who would dispose of the zetas on such
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a scale, the soldiers of the regular units are being disposed of now, so the regular units will have to be restored. even more intensively, for this it will be obvious, i repeat, to carry out mobilization for the ukrainian army, again, we cannot know, and this year, i think, it is necessary to launch more disinformation into the information space, unlike last year, when in fact there online mode, we talked about the offensive and demanded all this information from the ministry of defense and the command, where our tanks went or armored personnel carriers, that is, here i think that... the information policy this year should also be modernized and adapted, but the fact that in the spring and ukraine will be in the summer of this year to carry out offensive actions , for example, i have no doubts about this, despite , i repeat, the requests and proposals of our western partners to stand up for strategic defense, well, obviously, our capabilities will be correlated with how
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weapons, in particular ammunition, will arrive in ukraine, because today. .. josep borel, this is the supreme representative of the european union for foreign policy, after the meeting of the defense ministers of the countries of the european union, stated that the eu can supply ukraine with only 500, more than 500 thousand artillery shells by march instead of the promised million. let's listen to what jorzep borel said. from last march to the beginning of this year, we delivered 330 thousand boe. so, we have a third of the goal, mainly - these are shells taken from the available stocks. by march, i expect that number to grow to over 200,000. thus, having reached... the union
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, it does not keep up with russia, because russia has more opportunities, of course, they connected north korea there, they still take missiles there, but this means that the european union never even thought of going to war with russia, now they are simply forced to rebuild on the march. its entire economy, military-industrial complex and more to produce more and more ammunition, because if they are not enough and we are not enough, then the question arises, what will happen in the case of a direct conflict between russia and the european union? absolutely right, i think it is very useful for europe in a situation where the united states may, even voluntarily , give up its global leadership, that is, if under certain conditions. the united states can close in on itself, declare that their only problem is the mexican border, and in principle, the european members of nato
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will be forced to defend themselves and take care of their security by their own means, which means that it is really necessary to have a defense-industrial system that provides ammunition, provides armored vehicles, provides all the necessary military instruments that could, together with ukraine, of course, with ukrainian potential, oppose russia and prevent russia from attacking europe, including, for example, the baltic countries, poland or, well, let's say romania, yes, or bulgaria, that is, this task has not really been carried out seriously until now, that is, even in 23, 22, these measures were not carried out, and indeed the decision to issue a million. ammunition for ukraine was approved only in march, borel said, i think that a political decision was only made in march, then you remember that
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there were long discussions between poland and france about who should finance who, they dragged out this time, well somewhere until june, i think, or maybe july, and only then did they start arriving real funds and began to deploy this production, then there is no surprise that... they will now only fulfill half of the plan in march, they could not have time in six months to actually deploy new plants, find engineers, provide raw materials, components and so on, this is not such a simple matter, in fact, to produce 1 million ammunition, if the ammunition industry was actually collapsing for 30 years, and now, in principle, there is a chance that the performance of this european system, including ammunition. will increase already in geometric progression, i.e when the factories will be built, or they have already been built, and the scaling of these production processes will simply go in the normal direction, and
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indeed europe will be able, for example, to produce a million rounds of ammunition for ukraine by the end of the year, plus provide for its armed forces at least partially, and if the united states still, after all, even if they had endured the 24th year, in the same way as they supported ukraine before, ukraine could actually receive 2 million ammunition this year, which means that about 5 - 6 thousand shells on day the ukrainian army could use, this is quite a decent level, russia can now use even more due to the fact that north korea actually, according to some data, the combined, combined capabilities of the cock... korea and russia, they are somewhere 50 to 50, meaning four or even more million munitions per year, and this, well, it means that europe itself and ukraine
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will have a hard time resisting such an alliance, this axis of evil, and therefore it is desirable that the united states still remains the leader and still remains in our coalition, western coalition fighting the axis of evil. well, the very end of our conversation. the military-industrial complex of ukraine, it should also, in principle, cover our needs, including artillery ammunition. what is happening in the military-industrial complex now, is something happening? yes, of course it happens, but unfortunately, a lot of time was lost, in fact, the ammunition industry began to develop only in the 19th and 20th years, and then there was no such momentum for really large-scale projects. and only literally there in 22-23 years later processes of full-scale aggression began, when we say that both 155 mm ammunition and...
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mortar mines began to be produced on such an industrial scale, there is, of course, hope that, well, let's say this, in a year or two, ukraine will be able to partially provide its needs, but it will definitely not be able to independently produce, for example, a million or 2 million munitions there, we see that the entire european union, let me remind you that it includes germany in principle, a powerful, superpower, and france, and... the netherlands, that is countries from the top ten economies of the world, they cannot in a year even more establish the production of ammunition in sufficient quantity, what to say about ukraine, which is in a difficult economic state, in a state of war, that is, there are, let's say, plans, there are efforts, but obviously, that we ourselves will not be able to do it, we will not be able to produce 2 million tons, 2 million pieces of shells, for example, in half
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a year, there are absolutely no illusions here. we are now all waiting for the decision of the congress of the united states of america to open the funding, and what about this large sum of 61 billion dollars, and, of course, internal problems in the united states of america do not allow it to be done. how will it affect the armed forces of ukraine, our capabilities, and in particular, the capabilities you talked about. not to stand in a weak defense, but to do everything in order to exhaust the russian army, so that it does not accumulate resources and opportunities for further offensives or further massive strikes on the territory of ukraine. the logic of the process suggests that these are actually the contracts that were financed last year are executed, well, yes, like the ammunition contracts, they were financed in the 23rd
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year, and they are executed in the 24th, and there are also contracts regarding the maintenance, for example, of our f-16s or glsdb supplies, which should already arrive at armament of the armed forces and so on , that is, the logic of the process suggests that such a failure will not happen immediately, that is, we have a chance to receive a certain amount of ammunition under the contracts of the 23rd year, to ensure, for example, the arrival of aviation, its maintenance for a certain time, the arrival other tools, including among the long-range ones. that is, i mean that, for example, in the 24th year there is still a chance to extend the contracts that were in the 23rd year and apply them in the 24th, but what will happen in the 25th if the united the states will not give money in the 24th, which means that, for example, even, well , i would say, the maintenance of the f-16s that will enter service with the armed forces of ukraine, and the f-16 is a very delicate machine, it needs constant maintenance and very expensive
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and... means that, for example, without the support of the united states, europe, of course, can try to carry all this burden and ukraine will try, but again, without these financial resources of the united states, in the 25th year, or even at the end of the 24th year, there may be a real failure, a failure that can already categorically affect the situation at the front, and we will not be able to somehow compensate either with our own or european resources. thank you, mr. mykhailo, it was mykhailo samuts, a military expert. friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel and we are joined by dana yarova, deputy adviser to the deputy minister of defense of ukraine, a member of the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense. ms. dana, i welcome you and thank you for joining our broadcast. greetings from ukraine, greetings from the studio. yesterday, mrs. dano failed in the higher anti-corruption office. the courts
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chose a preventive measure for liev, who worked for the ministry of defense and was involved in, let's say, accused of embezzling 1.5 billion hryvnias of shells for the armed forces, and this criminal scheme was with the managers of the lviv arsenal and several foreign companies. what can you tell us about this story, why is it so difficult are they given to anti-corruption? cases and cases where people are suspected of embezzling huge sums during the war, these are just catastrophically large sums, how the ministry of defense perceives the course of these cases, and are there any safeguards against such devices and such sums, embezzlement of such
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there was no scale. let's do it.


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