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tv   [untitled]    August 5, 2023 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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[000:00:00;00] the russians are in syria the fact that the russian mercenaries are in the target the fact that wagner is in syria makes of course israel's relations with the russian federation absolutely not what they were when er in the territory siri completely controlled your father's regime hahaha the same applies to the actions of russia in any similar situation when it creates a border with russia, you understand, we were talking about africa, where russia is creating a border with russia with the help of wagner, and there are some countries that have borders with burkina faso little people could say that they have a border with russia, it is dangerous, today the coat of arms was a border with russia and what did it lead to, now the russians are creating a border, they are increasing the border with poland, lithuania, they sent the wagners there, of course, well, poland so there are borders with russia in the form of
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leningrad oblast but this is a completely different situation, it is simply an enclave in which there are legitimate power structures that cannot respond to any provocations because, one way or another, this immediately puts russia and er too much on the real border of the declared conflict, i remind everyone absolutely a different situation by the way, you can see that the provocation is not only with the help of the armed forces, but also with the help of the belarusian armed forces. these are helicopters that entered the airspace of the republic of poland. it is not so simple. everything is possible to provoke some kind of response from the western countries in this regard, there is a red line of the west, but we don’t know it now, putin will try and somehow grope, i will say all the time that it must be true, the vagnelovians entered the
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the territory of poland or lithuania found some kind of weak point on the border, so the fact that the border needs to be strengthened seems to me to be a fact and they entered some village in polish did they kill people there or did they just burn something there , destroy it and return to the territory of the republic of belarus, what should be done, what should be answer this is a good question, there are several answer options. the first answer is to call the temporary representative of the republic of belarus to announce a protest to him . the second answer is to answer from hit on wagner bases, this one on the territory of the republic of belarus, these are two possible options. what will poland choose, what will the nato member countries choose? i don't know if they will rely on the opinion of their own citizens. well, from the side of the poles or lithuanians, for example, and they were killed by their fellow citizens. maybe there
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not much, but still , it is already a danger, the specific question is, if we answer, we understand that russia can intercede with belarus. a serious choice, yes, putin understands that, so he will scare with it, then the americans say that the representative of the united states in nato, in nato, in the un says that they perfectly understand that these are not wagnerites. i agree that it is later. but again, how to answer that it means that we will be hit by which military objects of russia or that we will call neither the ambassador of russia nor the ambassador of belarus, the ambassador of russia and a statement of protest . that is, it is a choice between force and non-force reaction, at the same time, we know that a forceful reaction can cause a reaction, the answer to what happens if we simply limit ourselves to statements about the test and the summons of the temporary attorney-in-fact, this expands putin's opportunities
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, this expands the possibility of provocation, so in fact, we do not see anything new , practically the same was in 2014 year, at least in donbas in crimea, russia quickly took responsibility for the events when the decision was made to annex the peninsula. and in donbas, the hybrid situation has been maintained since 2014 or 2020 and all the time the west also said listen, you are not russian troops after all, they are after all some local scumbags, of course russia helps them, we condemn it, but this is not a war with russia , that is not what they said. that the territories occupied by russia should receive a visa-special status not because they are occupied, but because this is the desire of their inhabitants, although it was an ordinary brutal occupation and it was essentially a recognition of pseudo-referendums no, there was no recognition
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of referendums, but there was recognition, let's say so differences, differences, if it were, you know freddie, then the western agreed to the annexation of these territories to russia, this referendum will be about it, well, think about it, but the essence is not in this, he turned that now the west itself will find itself in the situation in which we were, and he told us that it is not the russians, what will he call the varners? who were they ? well, i am not saying that this will necessarily happen. i am just saying that such a danger definitely exists and how to deal with this danger is a good question. i now think that all leading western analysts and in the case of the national security of the united states and in the polish, let's say, lithuanian power structures , they are analyzing this situation, thinking about how to react, in principle, this is a classic thing if we say to the west that russia can of course be satisfied with the fact that
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the war in ukraine is taking place on the territory of ukraine whether it is limited by the state borders of ukraine, even a part of these ukrainian territories has been declared part of the russian federation, but in any case it is a war on the territory of ukraine, even if peaceful residents are ukrainian citizens, you can refuse any territorial history there at any time and say oh, we did not think that we violated something, this is a kind of political training ground, but the measures are yes, please end them, but if the war moves to the territory it was a murder of russia. this is another quality of war. and i wanted to continue about this. there is a third option to provide ukraine with an unprecedented number of weapons of long-range missile fighters , and they will not use their own hands, but ours, they will simply hit the russian federation. the russian federation can think in the same way that if someone wants to move
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the war to its territory , why not move it to a hybrid war on the territory of nato ? to invent such things well, they will invent the russian shebekin volunteer corps, and we have it in some polish village, that is , it can mirror all this and show poland and lithuania that you support ukraine, but you can meet village house but not legally recognized, i will say that it is not going to and there are no wagnerites there, they went to the territory of poland , they want to take revenge for their fallen comrades, you can win anything and then win some lithuanian liberation corps from oppressed e-e russians who were forced to leave because they are being discriminated against. something, i don't see a way out of this situation, what can it be, remember, there can
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be only one way out of the situation, it is the end of russia's war against ukraine, if the war against ukraine ends the opportunity for it to grow into something more is ending if we agree on what all western analysts are talking about now - this is a war for a long time. you have to understand this for a long time. all these defense lines of russia will have to be crossed. she can also attack you somewhere. and she can be more stable. you see all these comments, and for some reason, when they talk about it, everyone thinks that it will be as it was, well, that is, it is so typical. i would say the style of thinking when you prepare for what will happen. on the territory russia and that's how it will be absolutely safe war through the borders of ukraine, the shepherds don't cross. and when
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it crosses the borders of russia and we say we don't want it. we were not interested in the fact that the peace of the russian population suffered. we only want ukraine to liberate its territory and that's how it is. can continue until 2035 to end faster as you say there are only well i see only two options either give us more weapons so we can counterattack faster or they can put pressure on us to end the war otherwise i.e. go to concessions no, that's not all, none of these plans are finished, if we even go somewhere there and free the territory on the border of 91, then the war will simply continue on these borders, nor will the russians try to free their occupied territories whose freeze if a certain time can freeze they have so many resources. she can freeze in any case . we will get somewhere. we will not get anywhere. if there are less resources, she will freeze. this is not a question of where to give us weapons or not, this is a question of the truth of their resources, of course if we have them.
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more weapons will be more of their resources, er, you are also completely logical about er, that we should go to the services. who told you that the russians are waiting for a post from us ? no , it is not clear. that i think that this is also so cool, other absolutely ambitious plans, but here is another question. i think that if we received an offer to join nato in april next year and certain security guarantees, then it stopped without it, i'm just not talking about that, i'm just talking about that that the conflict will grow in including geographically well, we say on the one hand that there are few resources in russia and on the other hand that the conflict will grow, how can this be at the same time, the vagneits can take away all the heavy weapons, leave them with one and send them to the territory of poland so that they just
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they shot machine guns, killed five people and returned to the territory of belarus, for this there are unnecessary resources, that is, there will be, but all the same , russia does not buy a corner of poland and does not occupy lithuania, and i think that it is unlikely to take even this valkiv corridor. although i can only imagine itself such a story, then it is definitely the third world war if russian troops of any kind, even paramilitary ones, cut the sovac corridor, that is, separate the baltic countries from other nato countries. well, everyone, consider that the war has started , it will start in kaliningrad. and here you don’t even have to think long. but if it will be some point attacks, the west will always think about what to do with it, how to react adequately or not to react, and this is a big problem so far, they somehow know that well , nothing terrible happened, it did not have to a random missile that was not launched on the territory of poland or a random drone that was not launched on the territory of romania. this definitely did not happen, but
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citizens of the european union may die, but these are random events when it is absolutely clear that russia has no plans to destroy them. and if it has a plan to destroy them, if a person in the form of wagner will come and everyone will know what it is that this organization is connected to putin, i won't say what it is, you know, it's an unfortunate case of walking lost, well, it's interesting anyway from the point of view of definition, yes, that is, if citizens die of the european union and nato countries accidentally at the hands of russia, well, it happens. and if a special russia strikes, then it’s already serious, well, it’s strange , in one other case, it’s the death of people , of course, then you can do some kind of legal proceedings in e-e, look for the guilty, as it was, let’s say with malaysian plane, no one doubts to understand. was it accidental or was it a special investigation ? it is a completely different story if a drone
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got into some people, for example, you start an investigation, you do not declare war. this is a different legal story. and if on your territory an armed group of people entered. you can't say that it came by accident. well, i say we'll see about it because i want to tell you to remind whether there was a case in the history of russian-ukrainian relations when a whole russian military unit came to the territory of ukraine. and they said that they got lost, and we basically agreed with this version, well, well, what happens, guys , did you understand that they did not wander, they were conducting some kind of reconnaissance work on our territory, but we did not want and this is absolutely true of the great conflict with russia what is it what were we supposed to do to declare war on russia, well, that's fine. well, that's why we agreed with this version . let's see what the member states will do.
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one of the candidates for the position of president of the united states, donald trump, has already been charged with the case against trump , which directly relates to the capitol and these charges. therefore, there are several such definitions that the court announced to him directly in the indictment, it is stated that the conspiracy is to mislead the united states of language in order to obstruct an official investigation, harm and attempt and attempt to obstruct an official investigation and conspiracy to violate the rights and all uh these uh regulations all those violations yes they well, for about 20 years, trump is threatened with imprisonment in general, if of course his guilt is proven in
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a court of law, but i don’t understand one thing, uh , somehow trump’s rating does not fall, why does mr. vitalyu well, is he from the republican party the party is the only one who can currently represent this party in the elections, not from the point of view of people who consider themselves supporters of the republicans, that's right, trump has succeeded over the years. i would say to reshape the republican party in his own image. people who believed that the republican party should look different after defeat. i think that many of the supporters of the republican party simply turned away from the party itself, now it is the party of trump. well, we see that all the other candidates for the position of president of the united states, they are inferior to trump, so that they are not at all in real competitors, some other republican party will emerge if there is no trump, but so far trump is a personal organization that is generally very difficult to call the republican party of the united states . yes, there are many solid politicians who are simply pursuing political careers and are forced to reckon with such attitudes of their own
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electorate, however they have no real influence on how the political agenda is set in this organization . er, directly regarding the storming of the capitol, the representatives of the democrats and the representatives of the republic, the republicans, have a negative attitude towards this phenomenon, and they believe that president trump is not involved in this tour of the capitol, it is being used for his political persecution, and trump himself says this all the time, that he is not involved in the issues he he doesn't say that the capitol was a beautiful thing there, i wholeheartedly support it, well done, it's a pity that his supporters didn't capture him after his calls that the elections were unfair, for him to choose them, that's all there will be a conversation of a legal nature when trump said that the elections are not fair or does he not have the right to do this, it is protected with this amendment by the famous freedom of speech, he
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thought so that people drew some conclusions it is necessary to prove that uh he was uh without a person who directly contributed, this is an accusation. however, they do not blame this accusation that he did not just provoke, that he actually contributed to their activities by his actions, and it is necessary to prove it, but again , it is necessary to understand how long it will take, how it will affect the further development of the situation. uh time is really a problem. by the way, these indictments appeared very quickly, because we understand first where the suspicion is, and then the indictment, and between these stages of the legal process, first the pre-trial investigation , then the legal process, very often years pass, but here this prosecutor, i do not remember his last name managed to complete the investigation very quickly, but now it remains only to understand how fast the process will be
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and whether this process will prevent trump from running in the elections, this is the most interesting thing because it will be very interesting when the president of the united states is to be guided by the united states with their legislation, but he does not say that he will participate even from prison, this is possible. well , america in america works like this, the law does not prohibit a convicted person from participating in political life, which we cannot dream of. well, i do not know even would i like such a level of democrats in our country that from prison , that is, a guilty verdict, to rule our country directly almost from prison, after several terms, he was a thief, a recidivist, which did not prevent the majority of our compatriots, well to choose, for example, in our legislation, when the repayment is a criminal record, then it is possible, it is not even political, what kind of accusations
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against odesa by trump are extreme criminal crimes. a person of this type at the head of the united states and it has never been this all for the first time for the first time for the first time everything for the first time such an accusation the first pieces ka pitoli the first attempt to retain power after defeat in the elections everything happens as if in some a terrible dream and most people who support trump do not want to notice that this is a terrible sun, it is true and we are actually interested in watching it, but it can also affect after the results of the elections in the united states 2024 is already approaching so quickly and there will be so many events, we will not even notice how will the presidential elections take place and we will sit at night, i hope not in a bomb shelter, and watch how the results are counted, as it always happens, and
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these are the results of the elections on which it depends the fate of each individual person in america and here and in other countries is not just a voter , you know, i wonder how they voted there. no , it’s not so interesting here, we just wonder what the personal fate of many people depends on , you have our means of fate, too from when the elections in the united states will end in 2024, that is, this i for now, let's go back. i forgot that i wanted to talk to you about the wagners, the fact that lukashenko's statements appeared that he seems to want to use the english for the creation of a contract army in belarus or not. keep in mind that this contract army will be like a pc. i think that lukashenka meant others, he meant that the army that exists today in the republic of belarus is a soviet-style army, and friends, in general, there are many
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soviet models lukashenko managed to preserve the development of this country for ten years, he simply left such a small soviet union there and in the economy all new structures and the functioning of the political system, if we do not even say what he left because belarus in 91, relatively speaking in 1995, there was no longer a soviet republic, lukashenko returned it to the soviet state, and now he can consider that the army that exists in modern belarus is ineffective from the point of view of the needs of the regime, so if he creates a contract army and cancels the mandatory military service in belarus, he needs to have some people who will be instructors of this army contract , who will hone it, contract workers who would make them uh-uh effective. if you have wagnerians with combat experience, then you can use them, i think what is this ok lukashenko, is this putin ’s initiative also necessary because poroshenko always needs a guard of people who will protect his regime, it is obvious that if you take out military personnel into the streets as a result of a popular uprising, no one knows how
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these military personnel will behave, and the contract army can become like that. would say the protherian guard of the lukashenko dictatorship - he knows this very well and maybe he just doesn't feel confident and by the way, such a contract army if this is a belarusian army that is oriented towards lukashenko can protect him from putin and not only from his own people, because it is absolutely obvious that now the power structures of the republic of belarus. it is precisely these structures that can protect lukashenko from putin. they were loyal while there is a form of good relations with moscow in minsk. otherwise, i decided to get rid of lukashenko. how much will the security forces of the republic of belarus be ready to protect lukashenko. and if there are contracts , the army, if there is a national guard, if there is a kgb. it is possible to balance between these structures, roman, absolutely logical lukashenko wanted to ask mr. vitaly, it was found out from the investigators that the middle son of lukashenko
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, dmytro, is involved in the deportation of ukrainian children and the adoption of illegals directly on the territory. specifically to ap vitaly, can there be a real punishment at least for the lukashenko family, or do they also have immunity if dmytro lukashenko is discovered, and it does not happen abroad like this rights of the child, well, there will be some order of arrest against him. well, he will not go to any country that they can. this means that if we look at the russian children of these officials and the president putin himself, then they are still abroad, and the belarusian ones turn out like this in the same closed environment as lukashenko, protons are all international sanctions for years and then they will be careful.
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it's talking, it's already reported, it's possible, you don't know what he is, but it's nominal time against lviv, there's a case against her , there's an accusation. officials. and by the way, to release these children because they are trying to put the brakes on this situation somehow so as not to be such obvious criminals in the eyes of the international community is an unpleasant surprise for him, but it must be said that he is doing all this himself. now i will say that there may be an arrest warrant for him for his connection with wagner, one more. but you will remember that putin, by and large , is doing all this himself, he himself told about the deportation of children when he met with lviv belova under
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cameras, if this person had there were advisers who thought about the international consequences, they simply did not organize such a meeting . well, what is it really for ? now he has to think. it’s a mistake. now, if it weren’t for this order , he would be arrested and calmly go to south africa . now half of the countries, even those with whom they maintain a relationship, she is closed to him, so what does this mean that they cannot explain to him what things can be said from the point of view of his own interests, we did not talk about our interests, about his interest and about what things cannot be said, but it was not possible to say that russian the state finances it because if you recognize wagner as a terrorist organization and you have the words of a person on tape that we give them money, then this is a completely different legal point, and if putin does not say anything about it, he says that he does not know at all who is wagner, who are the children, no one can do anything about him, and here a person has come, you can say with guilt. well , i say once again that they are completely detached from reality, and putin and putin's technology are all that
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. well, that's enough to talk about, let's say about children, but then there may be some kind of international accusation and you will not be able to go to the bricks summit, where we really want to send you to show that russia is not isolated, instead , a real shame is happening, so they stay there for a long time , talking to the president of the south african republic saying they will come anyway, then they say no, we will not come, we are afraid, well, you look comical , all this well, the so-called russian oppositionist navalny was announced a new sentence of 19 years in a colony of a special e-e regime, and p vitaly , why are there even conditional new oppositionists in the russian federation they do not appear, well, supposedly to demonstrate at least some information, he is not an oppositionist, an enemy of the regime, a critic of the regime, he leads conditional people, he, he, they wanted to kill him, he is a serious figure, but you just have to understand that his political
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views, but positively, it does not necessarily have to be the way we like it, maybe the expressions are incorrect, he is a positionalist towards putin, but he does not coincide with our values ​​and interests . now it's in trend. i think it's not even in this plan. i think that after this war, many people's positions change . but we're talking even about this, we 're talking about the fact that navalny missed the moment the transformation of an authoritarian state into a totalitarian one, as we also missed. when we talk about russia, we also analyze a lot about how an authoritarian state will treat us, but people who say that putin will never be able to drop a nuclear bomb can and will drop it and will calmly watch how a million people will to perish because it is a totalitarian state. putin chose the models of the 22nd year. he couldn't throw them away. but putin took them from the 24th year, and in the 25th, he throws nuclear weapons at everyone because we haven't stopped him yet
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. today, i'm simply convincing you of this. who will remain alive, then you will remember this broadcast , but with exactly the same situation, he believed that he was not touched, he was given suspended sentences in putin's authoritarian state because the regime was afraid of public reaction and he believed that if he came to moscow after the poisoning, then no one would do anything to him won't be able to do it, well, in the worst case, they will be imprisoned for a year , he will come out and be a hero. and when the war started , everything changed, this is a totalitarian regime that gives the stalinist term, we already understand that the term is a mass, what is the previous term there kara morzi is life imprisonment because after 19 years, relatively speaking, if he survives, they will find a new term.
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seen by relatives it is you once a year with relatives once a year receiving a parcel cannot be used it seems to me that the strict regime is informational and this is the regime of complete isolation from others putin's address it is true that about the address it is not a lie, but that the person is completely they are isolating it from the truth and that is why we must clearly say that we have to draw a conclusion from this, we are dealing with a totalitarian state and it is a different state than the state with which we started the war. it has changed beyond recognition even in these 18 months and will continue to change for the worse . therefore, we must to prepare for serious tests in relations and in a conflict with such a state, and that is why i demand that we receive the nuclear umbrella of nato because, in my opinion , this is the only guarantee that we will see
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the end of the war between russia and ukraine at least in some perspective, so the measures should be more realistic, thank you, thank you, mr. vitaly, vitaliy portnikov in the saturday political club program , stay optimistic despite everything we tell you , all viewers of espresso, this is the final news of the week with you anna eva melnyky, the main topics of the issue in a short announcement on which part of the front are the fiercest battles going on, which russian objects are the gorillas of this week,

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