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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2023 12:30pm-1:00pm EEST

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[000:00:00;00] kherson, zaporizhzhia, luhansk, donetsk oblast and crimea are part of the russian federation, the sheikh whom i quoted just a few minutes ago and we showed this synchronicity said that well, if you get there to crimea, then keep in mind that this will mean the full involvement of the united states america, great britain, in a conflict with will cause immediate strikes on the decision-making center on the territory of ukraine. we have heard a lot during the last 15 months of these warnings and threats that there will be strikes on the decision-making center, and all this is happening throughout this great period of the great war, what shoigu and medvedev say, well, we will now use such weapons that you have not even seen what they can do and where well, let's figure out what
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they can do and what they used and what i can use in terms of conventional weapons, they used the absolute absolute, i emphasize everything. there is no such class and type of weapon, whatever they use, all non-nuclear missiles from the first kha-47 m2 dagger 3m-14 caliber, well , the line is very long, it is one and a half dozen of the class rockets have all been used. and for the moment, the struggle between the patriots and the daggers, well, for the moment, it is dry and zero . that is, we are shooting down absolutely everything. well, what if the rs24rts are used? well, this is already a ballistic nuclear weapon . that is, it is already a weapon of the apocalypse. and in terms of non-nuclear offensive there is nothing such weapons that they could use on the news except carpet bombing. maybe 22m3 can be taken on board within the range of up to 70 or 250, but for
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this it must enter our airspace as soon as such a huge heavy machine 100 t with a length of more than 40 m will appear in our sky, it will inevitably be destroyed. and if so , then in terms of weapons, by and large , they can't be surprised , only the nuclear club remains. the decision to launch a nuclear attack is made by five people, and each of them has their own technical and technological chain of launching this procedure and takes something very many people are more than sure that how to interrupt these chains of techniques in our two oceanic a colleague is the president of the united states of america, joseph biden, said that the threat of putin's use of tactical nuclear weapons is real. i remember those conclusions that
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biden made on the eve of the great invasion of ukraine, when journalists questioned him at briefings: will putin go to ukraine or will it begin russia's big war against ukraine , and biden then quite clearly said yes, he already decided on it a long time ago, cut it short and left , today he says the following that i once spoke and talked about the drying up of the colorado river. everyone looked at they look at me like i'm crazy, and now they look at me the same way when i say that i'm worried about putin's use of tactical nuclear weapons , it's real, to what extent what biden says can be implemented by the current leadership of the russian federation. if so, what consequences could this have for of the russian leadership. that is, this is already a suicidal action and
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a suicidal step for the russian leadership or not. and this will definitely be a suicide button , but we understand that if the russians go to such an act of suicide from suicide, that the answer will be the question, what will the answer be, i can't give an exact answer, there is an export estimate, what is it like to predict the future, why is a nuclear precedent created exactly once, it's hiroshima and nagasaki? well, what can we discuss about the toiv explosion, because it happened in the 50s , when your participation 38 a ton bomb was detonated in the orbuy region and immediately the 40th corps was thrown into the epicenter because zhukov wanted to see how it would be in reality, here is a disk discussion of whether it is a full-fledged nuclear strike or not because of how everything will happen in reality in fact, it’s a bit of a guess because there’s only one precedent, it’s not enough to understand how it will happen, plus we understand that it won’t be like the classic bomb
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dropped by the americans. that is, when the 29th went to a combat position over the city, a bomb fell out of the bomb hatch, flew to a certain point and shouted that everything will happen if it comes to this in missile mode and we understand well that a nuclear missile explosion on a test site is laboratory conditions and in the realities of life everything will be different. it is difficult for me to say how it will happen in reality and we understand that the doomsday clock was moved to one and a half minutes to midnight already in the second year, when there was a caribbean crisis and also everything was going to a nuclear conflict , it was two minutes to midnight, that is, intellectuals, when you engage in this procedure, realize what 16 nobel laureates are doing there and this is actually mathematics and not some kind of social philosophy. is everything in the red zone unequivocally yes
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, or will it reach the point of no return? give medicine, i also think that it is true, but the bluff must also be taken into account as such, they did not shout with their own voice. in order to slander our sacred territories, we will show you what we have to show. you yourself have just voiced the topic, which by and large from their point of view of their constitution we are already on their territory and long ago e there volunteer corps made a very serious weather already directly on their yes as part of the ethnic territory and where the nuclear apocalypse while we analyze and draw conclusions about the statements of joseph biden on
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russia complained to the general about the plans of the united states of america to deliver infected mosquitoes on drones , saying that the united states of america, together with the ukrainians, are ready for such an experiment after the explosion at the kakhovsky hydroelectric power station. the spread of infectious mosquitoes in the air , which we talked about wounds in accordance with the description, the drone should deliver back on the area, the container and the liberator when bitten by mosquitoes are capable of infecting military personnel, a dangerous infection, for example, such as malaria in the description of the clone, it is emphasized that the infected military personnel are not able to constantly perform combat tasks in front of them, and it is marked as a similar method of infecting the enemy with a military attitude. full of delusion and how the general of the russian army drives around the ears of probably his own head
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of state and his citizens, but you as a military man, can you explain hm, where do such stories come from, and how is this story replicated, and most importantly, how do they affect the course of this or that war, they will not affect the course of our war in any way, this is an exclusively propagandistic people, we remember the fundamental rule of any tyranny and it lives equally a touch as long as it is supported by its own population , as soon as its own population stops supporting it, the terasoyuz is the whole gene. and this is nothing but the generation of fear specifically for its own russian consumer, who should concentrate as much as possible around the leader and in the part that this is a delusion and an outright lie, then goebbels is a very good principle of propaganda, in fact, since that time, nothing has changed in order to believe the biggest lie
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. it must be terrible, and in their understanding it is a terrible lie. propaganda, propaganda, and once again , propaganda from from the point of view of common sense, this cannot be taken seriously in any way, but from the point of view of maintaining their poor masses in an endless militarized high pitch of hatred for everyone around them, and first of all for americans and us ukrainians, because after all, they are not fighting with ukrainians, they are fighting with america on the territory of ukraine, here it is quite logical, you just need to put yourself in their place and try to look at the process of their nights, mr. colonel, should ukraine in this case conduct counter-propaganda or in what way there, well, to ridicule or talk about the fact that they have lost their minds and are spreading this delusion in their society like mosquitoes . should we react to the informational and psychological special operations
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conducted by the russian army, the russian general only in a part of one's own population to explain, ridicule and the like is the fashionable word to troll, because it is impossible to reach the hearts and minds of the russians themselves at the moment , it's all the same that i would have tried to reach the hearts of the nazis in 1942. it didn't work. carthage should be destroyed, and only when it will be completely destroyed , at least 60 years of complex rehabilitation , cleansing of denial, until the last bearer of it dies sooner, i have no optimism that any conversation is possible with them , even if tomorrow putin turns on the lanterns it will take its place. mass internationalism must be killed by the end. if this does not happen, they will take over again after a while, against the background of the fact that vladimir putin says that we do not have mobilization and there is no such
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resource that we could gather for a war with ukraine, this is it about the fact that graduates of russian military universities are being prepared to go to war in ukraine, after training , personal personnel are planned to be transferred to the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, and we are talking about all graduates of e-e universities of the military educational institutions of the russian federation, this information shows that the number of people with whom putin tried to conquer and keep the ukrainian territory under his control, this number has already been exhausted, that is, putin was not ready for such a war and how quickly he can come to his senses. to find those resources that he was not ready for at the beginning of the war, well , we are talking about providing troops, we are talking about
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equipment, we are talking about the necessary number of people who can administer there in the occupied territories and in what way to ensure order, to what extent is this the ratio of what they planned, what they have now and what they need , well, relatively speaking, tomorrow, this is the fact that they did not have a plan for the bc . obviously, they were firmly convinced that they would be able to eliminate ukrainian statehood. an indicator of how far they are detached from reality at the moment, in my opinion, together with the wounded, we are already dealing with the third contingent. 200,000, the second during the past year was applied. and now, according to the principle of substitution, they do not have any separate two-hundred-strong army within the range of up to 20-22 thousand per month. that is why bulls are put into formation and shod. they give some elementary weapons there and
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throw them into battle, do they have there are no high-quality weapons anymore and there won’t be. the maximum they can earn for tanks is up to 20 machines and 90 per month, understanding that we have already destroyed almost 4,000 of these tanks on the march. at the beginning of the war, there were 3,400, so they will continue to manufacture them for several decades. also applies to other categories of weapons. but at the same time, repeatedly, not once, twice, or three times, he repeated several dozen times that hundreds of thousands of kalashnikov assault rifles, hundreds of thousands of mosin rifles , hundreds of thousands of ppsh and pps weapons of the second world war should be obtained, and they would give such a ppsh in their hands, one round drum on 71 cartridges will put on an okupaipa and they will give a handful of crackers in the kirzaks. and maybe they won’t give an mpl-50, what a small sapper shovel and they will die for putin’s family. and here is an important detail of this very
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brilliant special operation that you caught the drinking of the trenches is the fact that no one was captured, this was very evident. yes, we mowed them down there, but no one raised their hands, and this is a detail that we need to pay attention to and understand that in a psychological sense, they are very poorly motivated and do not want to fight, but still they are dying. thank you, comedian, for the conversation. it was petro chernyk, a colonel of the armed forces of ukraine in reserve, a military expert. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel , as well as on our social networks and on the youtube platform for those who are watching now. us on youtube and facebook, please like this video so that it is trending on youtube and facebook , subscribe to our social networks, and become a sponsor of our youtube channel, now you will see a qr-code, after clicking on which you can find detailed information on how to join to the respected club
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of sponsors of the youtube channel espresso, also read our news on the espresso tv website, we are working for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the most up-to-date information from ukraine, the world , as well as front chronicle, everything is on our website espresso tv will be grateful to you for any help and support. i want to introduce one more of our guests today - this is oleksandr musienko, a military expert and political expert, head of the center for military and legal research, mr. oleksandr . good evening and welcome to our broadcast . good evening. greetings. let's start with biden's statements, because now the world is actively discussing his phrase that the threat of putin's use of nuclear weapons is a reality, and that's what biden said publicly
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on saturday, he called putin's statements about the deployment of the first units of tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of belarus is absolutely irresponsible. is the reaction of the president of the united states of america sufficient both to the deployment and to putin's threats , despite the fact that for two days at the st. petersburg international economic forum, putin thundered his weapons and tried to prove something to the united states america and biden personally well, first of all, this statement is made, i think, by the president of the united states deliberately on the eve of the very sinkings that should take place. he will be released soon, i want to remind that one of the issues, not even one, there will be two or three issues on the agenda, which will relate to the strengthening of security in europe against the background of russian aggression , support for the eastern flank of nato and the future of ukraine, that is, two points, this is support for
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ukraine, plus a solution to the issue of the statement where it should be the promised membership for our country after the cessation of hostilities, so i think that this is being done deliberately and in the context of the exercises that nato is currently conducting in europe. i want to remind you that in germany it was over the baltic wall and over the black sea exercises involving more than 250 aircraft are being conducted, now these are the largest aviation exercises in the history of nato using aviation and one more event, without which it would certainly be incomplete. these actions of russia are really about the transfer or plans to transfer nuclear weapons to belarus. and that is also a threat , and putin deliberately chose the date eh with lukashenka, this is all being done deliberately on the eve of the nato summit, including themselves, which freedom will come if, in principle, it is not far from the directly obvious places where they
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plan to stockpile and place the same nuclear weapons. therefore, i think that the position of the united states is to once again draw attention to this event, to shake those who perhaps still look pessimistically at the threats and say that there are threats from russia, so let's coordinate efforts, unite in this , counter it. and now we let's come to that part of your question, and how to counter it, in my opinion. some moments were already yesterday. and what i mean, do you remember several times a few weeks ago, even earlier , lukashenko, then the minister of defense of russia shoigu, putin ah, they talked about the fact that, in principle, they have already transferred or are transferring the means of delivery of these weapons, that is , modernized airplanes, raising nuclear warheads and complexes, and chanting, respectively , i think that this was already a signal to all people
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of good will in the world, what about with these complexes and with these weapons, something would have to happen, and then a serious dilemma would arise and the question would be, there are no means of delivery , so why those nuclear weapons? statements i also want to remind the president of poland, he once gave an interview in one of the polish publications and said that then it is possible for the united states to move american nuclear weapons to poland , nuclear sharing is what is called and it will be a guarantor of deterrence and in some ways he is right because if russia violates the balance that was maintained at the end of the cold war and after , er, we know that ukraine also disarmed, and not only that, nato should
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also counter. reaction i think that before the nato summit, first of all, there will be an escalation from the russian side one way or another, we will see. lukashenko has already started to heat up this situation when he said that belarus is ready to use nuclear weapons. i think he will talk about it, but putin may not personally but his various propagandists are there, these are all the riveters who are already there around him, such as karaganov and experts, others express themselves in them, well, in them, what does it mean to incite us to talk about it well, actually speaking, it is just in time for the nato summit at the nato summit certain decisions should be made, i think after the consultation. well, for example, a practical decision that i believe applies directly and directly to the matter and ukraine is the spread of the actual unified space of europe's anti-aircraft missile defense and over ukraine, this is a german idea, they are actively promoting it now. what does this mean, it means
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that ukraine should receive not only air defense equipment such as the patriot, but also equipment for more than today. let them be located even on the border of poland with ukraine, they will cover a large enough area over the ukrainian state as well, and it will be an integrated system of unified monitoring of air defense threats and means, especially since we have already received the patriots and the most advanced air defense systems of the ska, which are currently in the west and are being used, this is really how i see it why did president biden make this statement right now? i made his statement and another video quote from vladimir putin that he made. the statement that he made at the st. petersburg international economic forum was
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about the fact that the west wants a strategic defeat. for russia, and ukraine, they say, in the west, in the military equipment, let's see what he said, then of course we see that the western country is making a maximum effort in order for russia to suffer, as they say, defeats the battlefield is strategic, and the defeat is what they do for it, everything is in their power, we are a beautiful television, uh, soon ukraine will stop using its own equipment at all , nothing remains, everything they don’t fight for and everything they use, it’s all excused you wouldn't go to war. and in our country, the defense industry is expanding day by day, we mean, on everything , we have increased the production of military products by 2.70 times in
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the last hour, a country that can only create weapons, a country which can produce only death, this is about the russian federation, mr. alexander, are these comparisons correct or correct, what putin is talking about, and whether russia has the strength to compete with the world leaders and the leaders of the western world , the united states of america, great britain , germany, france and others participants of the north atlantic alliance, isn't putin taking on too much when he says that russia is fighting against a collective measure, and first of all, i will briefly answer the second part of your question about weapons, no, russia does not have such capabilities, that's for sure. the fact is that back in 2015, when the first sanctions were introduced against the russian defense industry after the annexation of crimea by russia, they decided
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that they needed to replace more than 800 elements, which means 820 or 825 import replacement , that is, what they imported from outside what they imported in russia and they needed to produce in russia, they replaced it within a year for about 30 and then they stopped publishing the statistics they have about import substitution, it is no longer publicly available. it is a great pity because of certain schemes for circumventing sanctions, gray, black, she is now trying to buy and , unfortunately, there are reasons to believe that she is buying certain elements that are necessary, in particular, for the production of missiles, but still they are not those
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the scale that existed before the sanctions, and according to what putin says about what they increased, and what they increased , they don’t produce chips, they don’t produce a processor, they couldn’t achieve anything in this and advance, they bought it all, that is, a lot in why are the russian weapons he is talking about consisting of foreign components and components, they are not 100% weapons, they are produced in russia and this is also another element to what he says that ukraine imports from the outside, now the second question is that as for ukraine, well, first of all, i have to say that here it is really easy to complete the finalization, and russia does not have such technological possibilities, which are innovative to compete in this sense of the west, to compete in iron , to compete in the number of cartridges, to compete in the number of armor, this is another question to compete with the latest weapons samples no, because you see, they even import shaheds , i would like to ask putin a question. also, relying
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on what are you relying on shahed and on shaheds, where they are produced in iran, in many ways to carry out strikes? and as for ukraine, before things literally, but now i can answer, fresh news appeared that ukroboronprom conducted a successful test of a ukrainian drone with a range of 1000 km yes this is important news, moreover, there are developments in ukraine, this i say as an expert of one of the initiatives of the ministry of defense, mine numbers and the nsdc, which evaluates projects and development startups , of which there are a lot of them. believe me, they are financed both by the state and by volunteers and by private developers. today in the world, even the united states, they are not 100% independent in the field of weapons production, they cooperate
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with israeli companies, with french, with german, with norwegian companies, the nasams system for air defense that we use , etc., that is, but they produce weapons that are then used together, so you understand me i will say that no one approaches the militarization of ukraine as much as putin does with full-scale aggression. because you know, if it were not full-scale aggression, we would not be talking about f16s appearing by the end of this year or at at the beginning of next year, and we could talk about the fact that they did not appear in the 16th, because in ukraine earlier than 2030, i am not saying to petrify and other systems. one goal achieved in the special military operation is the demilitarization of ukraine. this is very funny because in fact the ukrainian army has completely rearmed
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and we are the newest models of the north atlantic alliance and members of the north atlantic alliance, and one of the conditions for joining nato is this uh the arming of the army on samples and the transition to nato standards at the same time, on june 19, anthony blinke flew to china to the secretary of state of the united states of america. this is the first visit of such a level in the last 5 years and the first visit of such a high level during the presidency of joseph biden, difficult relations between washington and beijing and blinky usually talked about uh lethal weapons that beijing could uh could provide, but as he insists blinky does not provide russia, let's hear what the secretary of state of the united states of america said after
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a visit to beijing regarding the supply of lethal weapons of russia for use in ukraine, we and other countries have received assurances from china that it does not and will not provide lethal aid to russia for use in ukraine, we appreciate this and have not seen any candles that would contradict this, but we are worried that chinese companies may provide technologies that russia can use it to advance the invasion of ukraine, and we asked the chinese government to be very vigilant about this. joseph biden praised the results of blinka’s visit to beijing and how now it is expected that there will be a meeting with joseph biden, which also indicates that china and the united states of america are conducting this difficult dialogue is also difficult for china and difficult for the united states of america and for russia this dialogue between washington and beijing what does it mean?
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this is a signal from putin , you know, it was necessary to monitor the russian media somewhat against the background of this visit to see how many fakes they wrote about what blinkin means and was not received that way there and not with that he met and not there and china sends some kind of signals there, that is, they wanted to demonstrate that it seems to mean the humiliation of the united states. well, not at all, that is, if it were not there, this visit demonstrates that for china the position of the united states is important and they had contacts, that is, the opinion is still important and there are contacts. this is direct the signal is the same in russia that not everything is as they would like, on the other hand, we


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