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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2023 9:30am-10:00am EET

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[000:00:00;00] i wish it came out on australian television, where the host is sarah ferguson. if i'm not mistaken, her name is beautiful woman . it's simple. it's simple. it's simple. from yesterday , she invited the russian ambassador, that is , the ambassador is pavlovsky, his last name is and he is coming like this. here at the beginning of the interview, she said to him, mr. pavlovsky, thank you for coming. i want to ask you, do you live here in australia , enjoy all the benefits of an open democratic society, and how are you doing here? you represent the interests of the bloody dictator putin here in australia, and he is so uh, you start. she laughs so nervously, i don't know what to answer, i'm not ready to answer, because she says it's funny, you 're funny
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. and so on. framework, she asks exactly the right question, but she stops him when he is openly lying , says it's a lie, by the way, valentin kim is not who mykolayivskyi who sometimes tells us about what flew off and what should we do, and er, valentin who is that which psychologist and the one who knows how to recognize all kinds of non-verbal signs, he also analyzed this episode as from an interview with the australian journalist and tv presenter oleksiy pavlovsky, who is an experienced russian diplomat, so very briefly i will tell you what he saw in this interview valentin kim so he said about the fact that oleksiy pavlovsky , although experienced, immediately made a block with his hands and closed himself from the journalist, it was obvious that he became uncomfortable from her questions, in addition , he had a nervous laugh, which is a sign of
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embarrassment and slipping on the chair, a sign insecurities. so, in order to remove hmm, a propagandist person in the position of a diplomat. you don’t need to insult this person, you just need to ask the right questions, clear and specific under the show , just between the shovel, what will he think now ? something is wrong. already here, well, everything flashed before my eyes about russia, its traces in ukraine, about how they are from here, how they are being expelled from here, and how they are from here. i do not want to talk about the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, which from yesterday they banned access to the lower caves and to the relics andriy kovalev, press officer of the 112th territorial defense brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, join our heter with him, we will talk about it, we will talk about it yesterday, they were packing their
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suitcases all day, not even the welsh body, the representatives were packing the trucks of the moscow patriarchate to the benches of the kyiv-pechersk lavra, which they don't want to say goodbye to because they had a good time there and at home but nevertheless, they will have to pack and pack just in case, they say that it is not known what will happen until march 25, someone is checking what they carry with the wind , because they carry everything, there are such people, journalists to check, but they are journalists of radio svoboda . people, god's people, and how does one come to responsibility, there is private life, we saw a little bit of this private piece of life by chance during searches somewhere in chernivtsi, and well, that is, if there are any such things there, some there, well , i don't know, maybe there are some there for role-playing games, there are some things, there is something else, well, that's your business, but when
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it comes to some things that are protected by law and are the property of the ukrainian people, well, here , please, you don't need to take them with you , well, well, it shouldn't be like that you have to deal with that. well, in general, it’s possible. look at how they are. yes, very, very far behind that cave, they may have some, well, there are some other caves . and can someone, well, highlight some cave for people, see? for example, i am the pochaiv lavra, but there are also ternopil caves they are not very, very long, uh, not the longest in europe. yes, tourists are introduced there. well, it’s normal here. caves and now there are also cave people. you know that there will be a new opportunity. that is, if it happens , everything will be played with new colors, so to speak, something is not right with us, mr. andriy connect kovalova. the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate is exerting all kinds of forces, white and black, as we already know
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, they are burning balls, er, at the graves of their volodymyr, they say that their crosses there have been blackened, in fact, not in any way they are using all kinds of black and white power in order to stay in the kiev-pechersk lavra, it seems that he has already established a connection with mr. andrii p andriiyu, can you hear us, glory to ukraine, strength, this is just stupid russian propaganda, nothing new, eh, russian church propagandists have always suffered on some fake horror stories i don’t know if you told me, i am now carefully studying the narrative of russian church propagandists in ukraine, well, first of all, i advised such people that the soviet authorities allegedly
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expelled the moscow patriarchate from the lavra u in the 1920s and in 1961 and what russian propagandists threaten us with, in particular, there is a select er-er s-erer russian er-er inventor named iona-cherepanov er, er-er, by the way, he is a bishop who sits in kyiv of the moscow patriarchate, he has the title of pukhivsky, so here he tells. what did they say, after the soviet authorities expelled the monk from his pechersk lavra in kyiv in 1961, the infamous kureniv tragedy happened, of course, when the soviets filled babyn yar with pulp from the waste of the babin yar brick factories and a huge stream this waste came down and the kurenivka bay then had an extremely large number of victims, and now they say that as soon as the monks are expelled from
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the kyiv-pechersk lavra on march 29 , an abnormal flood will begin in kyiv, that's what they prophesy to us , the propaganda of the moscow patriarchate has nothing to do with orthodoxy, and let me remind you all kinds of threats, and all kinds of curses, this is from the evil one, it has nothing to do with the orthodox, it has nothing to do with such and such curses, and the so-called vicar of the kiev-pechersk lavra was always sick and admired from the moscow patriarchate, pavlo lebid, he is already pasha mercedes, he constantly cursed all kinds of uh, activists, journalists, uh, some journalists, for example, said that she was pregnant when she was doing the material while he was doing the pechersk lavra, and he said, uh, you will lose it with the child, you will bury it and does it really mean psychosomatics or something? but really then the journalist lost her child
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. against the illegal construction of a unesco site well, he himself is on the cake of russian propaganda, the story about the blackened crosses of the refectory church of anthony theodosius in the upper lavra, they say that as soon as the monks of the moscow patriarchate were expelled from the upper lavra, the crosses there were blackened, in fact , the crosses there are even older when pasha mercedes served there, these crosses are simply er... from time to time the reserve restores the same er-er black gilding on the trinity church of the upper lavra, but never, for some reason, the monk who his pechersk lavra did not pay such great attention to the fact that gilding in a natural way climbs the fields or climbs from the crosses, therefore it is nothing more than a moscow fetish. you don’t call it here, and they blackened it even
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earlier, and of course they hyperbolize the speech of the respected me and the laureate of the shevchenko prize, tarasyk panichenko, and the cossack choirs, who gave a christmas concert, a concert of carols, and a concert of god -inspired songs in the refectory church of anthony theodosius, and by the way, this is a completely orthodox story about the fact that spiritual concerts are possible to give in temples, it was not in the temple, but in the refectory, uh, and even more so when singing carols in the temple, but the moscow propagandists twisted everything, they said that there was almost a rock concert of satanic songs, this is all you need to know about the propaganda of the moscow patriarchate, mr. andriy you told here about stories with journalists or with musicians and all these curses or with the fact that representatives of the moscow patriarchate say that they say that crosses are blackened and they forget that there is physics and chemistry, i
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also remember that i once wrote an interview with this by pasha himself, mercedes was on the eve of passover, as we all know great lent, but in that small house where he received people there smelled of sausage and cognac, er, sausages, cognac could not be seen, but the smell was persistent, not for sure in front of us, only as our film crew went in somewhere, all that was buried, and under this building there was a huge new mercedes, probably because of which pavel pasha was called mercedes, and he asked who goes to which church, and he said that greek catholics are the canonized holy mercedes is holy, there is a skeet, an underground one is built there, too, there is nothing near them, just people who say that they represent the church, but they believe in some kind
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of magic, how much are those people who are parishioners who come there for how much does it connect one to the other, well, that is religion and magic, it is clear that this does not particularly fit into the post-soviet period, forgive me for such a term hmm ukraine or russia or belarus in conditions when there was absolutely no spiritual education of any kind - what is the perception of a normal church on on this ground of atheism, shamanism, magism began to grow in the church, and the moscow patriarchate actively contributed to this, what can we say here if patriarch kirill gundyaev himself suffers from magism, when you listen to his sermons, they are very far from the orthodox teaching of the church , for example, he preached a sermon about the power
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of prayer, in which he said that our prayer is so strong that it can change the properties of nature . well, if we follow the christian teaching , we pray to god that god will change this nature, and not the power of prayer, which can to transform, if the power of prayer or words can transform nature, then it is nothing but magic, but unfortunately, they are so enamored with their pride that they simply do not notice it. the first mercedes, by the way, tried to explain to the monks why he eats meat, although in general hmm, the statutes of an orthodox monk forbid us to use meat in food, he explained as a monk that he drinks alcohol, why he eats meat, why he eats meat during fasting, he eats it explained so that he, you see, is
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already sacrificing himself so that the monks could to have a quiet life, to take refuge in the walls of the lavra, he has to treat the officials from time to time, to drink cognac with him, to eat sausages in order for the monks to be okay, we see that in reality these 30 years are pavlo lebed e coped with this function of self-sacrifice actively corrupting officials of various levels who turned a blind eye to all the crimes that were committed in the kyiv-pechersk lavra with the construction of simply insane construction of unesco monuments, monuments remind me of the 11th century eh imagine the commission that was finally created the ministry of culture discovered 36 newly built objects on the territory of unesco monuments of the 11th century. i have a logical question. and how did they end up there? where did the officials of the reserve, which all of you ukrainians get for taxpayers' money
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, where did the profile inspectors from the ministry of culture look? it happens that it is not possible to put a construction toilet during excavations by archaeologists, for example, in the same sofia of kyiv, because the ministry of culture of those objects needs to be approved , and the basements, eh, that was all that was needed archeology had to be dug, but somehow it was built. where did the police look, where did the prosecutor's office and the security service of ukraine look, in the end, all these years in the walls of the kyiv-pechersk lavra, anti -ukrainian, ukrainphobic organizations that had offices there and pasha mercedes actively supported these organizations, the question arises and where the officials were watching all this time , well, to finally say, you know, on the one hand, we are finally seeing the struggle with this moscow patriarchate with the sub-sacry paul
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mercedes in the kyiv-pechersk lavra, but what surprised me the most was two days ago. we were all stunned by the fact that the religious group of the moscow patriarchate broke into the government quarter. imagine that they managed to overcome about a dozen saboteurs of retirement age wearing black robes and white buns at least two checkpoints where armed guards stood in the government quarter , none of us citizens of ukraine, even i , a military man, can pass into the government quarter, because since february 24, for obvious reasons, for reasons of security, the government quarter is guarded. there is a lot of force, means and armed forces involved. the national guard
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, the security service of ukraine. the so-called metropolitans of the moscow patriarchate managed to easily overcome two lines of defense and two lines of roadblocks and broke through almost to bank street, allegedly demanding a meeting with president zelenskyi actually had no meeting with president zelenskyi, these representatives of the moscow patriarchate did not need it, it was just a provocation to once again show that some orthodox church is allegedly being persecuted in ukraine . and one more thing, there were at least two people against whom the national security and defense council and the president of ukraine have imposed sanctions, and also, for example , the leader of the zaporizhia separatists, the so-called metropolitan luka
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kovalenko, who imagine even now in under the conditions of full-scale aggression, the same luka kovalenko who said that we need to wait for the words of the russian liberators delivers anti-ukrainian sermons in the cathedral in the center of zaporizhia every day, the same luka kovalenko who already at the time of the large-scale aggression traveled with humanitarian aid from zaporizhia to the occupied by the russian occupiers of mariupol, i will remind you that because of that , public television journalists were present on that trip, and he handed the journalists over to the fsb agents, saying that it was said by the intelligence officers of the main office intelligence of the ministry of defense of ukraine and this luka kovalenko is still walking on svoboda and this luka kovalenko two days ago as part of the er-e group of the moscow patriarchate er-e broke into the government quarter and tried to break into the president's office, this is what surprises me the most, how is this possible in the future, how
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in general, it will be this special operation. they think that they came to the checkpoint and started telling the guys standing there that something will happen there , i don't know, your house will burn down, and someone will die there, and so on. well, with the same methods as pasha mercedes intimidated journalists in every possible way, telling about the uh, how is that journalist that you will lose your child and nothing you will not be able to do that, but luckily they did not succeed in achieving their goal . thank you, you have to follow this very briefly according to sources in the moscow patriarchate , once again it is known that er moscow has now given an order to pavlo lebedyu directly on march 29 to remove all the monks from the lavra. the lavra will leave the lavra, none of them will join
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the ptu - this is all aimed at once again demonstrating that, allegedly, in the conditions of the war, the state of ukraine is allegedly persecuting the kyiv regime, as they say , they are persecuting the moscow patriarchate, that is , for the time being, novinsky has removed it for them the sanatorium of the suburbs of kyiv where all these monks will be taken to, they removed the hangars to where they are giving with kamazs, but during the week they took out various property from the kyiv-pechersk lavra with kamazs , so the scenario is this on march 29, we will see how it will monitor for years what they take away, because they really pack goods there with trucks, and with that goods they can also take away very important historical things for ukraine . with him about how the representatives of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate leave the kyiv-pechersk lavra and what they take with them , well, now let's talk about ukrainian music
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, which, despite the full-scale invasion, still clings to the russian market, and what else is it this is how things are going, let's ask artem the senior officer of the molfar intelligence agency. they conducted an investigation into artem . good morning to you. good morning. so you conducted an investigation into how the ukrainian lei were still promoting ukrainian artists . i don't think that everyone understands what lei was and how. they are still working with russia and who exactly they are promoting. yes, we have been dealing with the topic of music for quite some time. we first showed how they still sound in the ukrainian e-e ratings russian and artists and we actually had a question about who promotes them here, how does it actually work, how does this scheme work in general
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, that is, there is an artist, he concludes a contract with label , it is essentially a company that represents its interests, something like how there are football players and i his agents who solve their cases. that's how it works with labels. but when we found out that there are still russian musicians in the ukrainian charts, we became curious about who is promoting them here. in fact, we watched the youtube streams of such musicians the abyss and they talked about labels american university of music order music and then the news there itself was that they today we left russia and they continue to work and then we actually made an assumption that they most likely have partners in ukraine and thus we found two music labels, it's compusic, it's a representative of an american university, and without music , it's a representative of warner music, and then we found a third label, which is called u mig
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, they look like the same company with a computer . that's actually the result of our research we saw when we googled just the name yusiptsi. when i came, they all have pages on yandex music. is a portal on which various russian artists post their songs, and they still have separate pages where ukrainian music is downloaded. that is, in essence shows that these three labels promote our ukrainian performers on the russian market, that is, from the cultural side, it is possible here and less than preaching money, this is the most important because they, in theory, receive income from it, and what is interesting is that many of these labels seem to two dashes 4,000 artists are posted on yandex and they continued to post them there after the start of a full -scale invasion there, for example, 200
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artists and compositions were added , initially ours. patriotic yes she went to russia maybe she will be popular there maybe even some special songs for them to write whatever there would be so fight certain meanings not what i don’t say there like there putin is famous there who and so on there no no and it's just about well, that's why they conditionally have their instasanka, which our ukrainian children listen to, and even now it 's still in the top 100, for example, on youtube music somewhere in the second half, but it's there . that means that there are hundreds thousands of people still listen to it, tens of thousands for sure. and there are some meanings there, there are no such meanings that let's fight with ukraine or vote for putin or something, i don't know
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, dictatorship - this is good, but there are other meanings that are actually about the same thing i don't know what it is possible to sell your body for money, it's okay there well, it has already become something or , for example, to lie. it is good to lie for the sake of profit. that is, it also has its own meanings . we can have our own meanings instead. come on, i always think about the fact that after the war, serbia, croatia, croatian music was very popular in serbia, it really worried their nationalists and conservatives in our country for two minutes, yes. i think it worked in the first three months of the large-scale war. when did someone still believe that the russians could somehow change their opinion ? there is no theme of war how the arrestee was essentially used to influence the opinions of the russian segment. but it seems to me, as time has shown
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, they understand only the language of force and only military actions, and conditionally this will not lead to some kind of coup in russia, because they have quite a lot of propaganda in the novel and they are strong and this plus-minus does not work, and secondly, uh, there is simply ukrainian music in general, there are no such super-patriotic songs that could affect something. well, plus, they get money there on the market, and in fact they are representative of an american company that did not follow the market, that is, in general, as a good idea, but now it looks more like a continuation of earning money on the ukrainian language on the russian market than a desire to influence culturally. of ukrainian performers in russia, stay with the express, our marathon continues and we
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will return to this studio very soon. we continue the search for five-year-old yaroslav maigur, who disappeared in september of last year on the territory of the occupied kharkiv oblast. and now we received information from grandfather yaroslav that the boy , a living man, even sent us a video of a conversation with his grandson and how the handsome boy recognized me. he recognized me . from there he only contacted his grandfather who lives in kharkiv oblast and is now doing everything possible to find and return his grandson, the man last saw the child before the war because his grandson was with his parents lived in kharkiv in the first days of the full-scale invasion. the situation there was quite turbulent and the family immediately decided
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to evacuate him. there was no possibility . the kupyan district of kharkiv region was occupied almost from the beginning of the war, so for about seven months, mr. serhiy could not contact his family in any way. but i believed that everything was fine with them . those who are not volunteers had absolutely nothing to do. then i learned that they were important. and where i slobbed was still under occupation . the liberation of kharkiv oblast was in last year, the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces quickly entered kupyansk, but kupyansk remained under occupation for some time, and it was there that the family of mr. serhiy was located. it is known that the situation in the village was very tense. has mountains, she took the opportunity and tried to leave, but on the road between the kupyan junction and the village of kyrylivka
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, a civilian car was fired upon, as i would have liked, the daughter of mr. serhiy and her husband died , but five-year-old yaroslav survived and the godfather of the boy, who was also traveling in this convoy, it was he who saved the child and allegedly managed to get to luhansk together with yaroslav. there, the man together with the godson apparently spent some time in the hospital and then it is unknown how he left for russia . the grandson and the mother-in-law and how is yaroslav, well, he is there with him in the belogorod region, now they brought the slogans, i don't know what happened, they don't want to communicate , they don't go out, i don't know what's going on
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, that's why today i can't do anything to make vernychenka go back as far as i know последняя время they were taken from the city of the city that really the grandson of mr. serhiy is currently in russia is not known for sure it is quite possible that five-year-old yaroslav still remains somewhere in the uncontrolled part of ukraine, but no one knows exactly where, so i am appealing to everyone who sees me now, and especially to the residents of the occupied territories who may be watching this program on social networks , look carefully at the photo of five-year-old yaroslav maigur, remember this face , the thin boy looks 5-6 years old he has short light hair and blue eyes. if anyone has seen this child or knows where yaroslav might be right now , don't delay and immediately call us at the magnolia children's search service at the short number 116 000 000 from any ukrainian mobile operator, calls are free. if not it is possible to call, write to the chat bot service of the search for children in telegram , any information is important for everyone, please, if anyone
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knows anything about my grandson, where he is, how he is feeling, please let me know this for me very important. this is my family, my own child , i don't know what

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