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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2023 1:00pm-1:30pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] by the state and must implement them to remove this strange 50%. at the moment, it is necessary to clarify that the resolution says that these percentages can be changed, but i thank you for your inclusion. i think that we will definitely return to this topic, because it worries a number of defense companies, i think that we will devote several programs precisely to these nuances that affect our defense capability, and i will remind our viewers that artem vyunik , director of the research and production company athlon avia, was on the air of the espresso channel. so, the main results of the field are that in we also have the help of foreign partners, which allows us to be strong on the battlefield, and we have our own defense companies, which should be the basis for the development of our defense-industrial complex, the creation of new models, regardless of the help that our partners will provide. therefore, we must remember about the fact that we have the necessary
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potential for this and we have to undergo various bracketing procedures that complicate the production of weapons equipment at our enterprises . so, these are the main conclusions from this military program. her chronicles of the information war. greetings, serhii, we continue. congratulations. on march 14, the russian federation held a hearing in the un council on russophobia, this was, in principle, the main topic of this week . along with the drones , there was something else. that the well-known historian timati snyder was invited to the meeting , who said that the russians are trying to hide their own crimes by pretending to be offended and told that it is the russian federation that is trying to destroy
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ukraine, and the ukrainian people are building such you know systemic ukrainphobia, and it was a perfect example of the style of russian propaganda at the meeting, when the representatives of the res at the un were not at the same time telling that ukraine does not exist and that ukrainians are not a nation, such corrupt russians, and immediately demanded to give them evidence of the statements of the russian federation from inciting hatred towards ukrainians this is what it looked like, we would like to hear examples of that from mrs. snyder. that's what he is doing today, so bespodonny ugal where he heard theognostnye appeals on official russian television or unofficial ones in relation to ukraine and the ukrainian in which there is a village with such simply no and it is not difficult to find them with them, he will be able to find
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them easily. on the contrary , it is necessary to show the shield. they don't hold rallies, these two million people should either leave ukraine or should be nationalized, that is, destroyed well, actually this oleksiy zhuravlyov is the first deputy chairman of the state duma committee on defense, not some expert there or something there, no, it's not easy propaganda is an official and er if you say well, this all happened also on the central russian state channel therefore it is absolutely state policy and here is exactly what tisnender also did when he spoke he said that the use of the word russophobia in the situation
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of the russian federation war against ukraine and also the statement that that ukrainians are as if mentally ill , and in no way is this a reaction to atrocities , this is the real colonial rhetoric , and it serves as part of a wider practice of inciting hatred, and he also said the following an important point is that the statement that you are a victim when in fact you are the aggressor is not actually a defense. this is also part of another crime and inciting hatred directed against ukrainians is not part of the protection of the russian federation or its citizens, it is an element of crimes that russian citizens commit on ukrainian territories in this sense by convening this meeting, the russian state simply found a new way to confess to its own war crimes and show at the state level how it incites hatred towards ukrainians.
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let's see what this leads to. it is clear from this fragment, which was broadcast on thursday on the air of the state-run first channel on e-e, the mayor of kyiv, klitschko, who, as it were, said that he was considering the evacuation of the ukrainian capital in this month of january , and there were timed russian strikes on the infrastructure of the city. this he recognized and called that it was the most difficult painting that lasted there for 14 hours , and it was put on display thanks to the work of the communal services, it was the external lighting of the water, not the heating, but we somehow managed to hold on. the most january er-er-er such a postal strike we just didn't finish it er-er kiev its er-er infrastructure we didn't have a line or what is there in which there was an evacuation about the sense in which it was declared and klitschko by the grace of god and that well, it would have to be done with the native
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capitulation of the capitals of ukraine, well, that is, you know, they show that such a deep people just want to destroy the ukrainian civilian population, and that's all. behind the rear and this is the norm, the new norm for the russian perception of life in general. destroying the civilian population is wonderful and must be done. this is actually absolutely genocidal russian practices. well, if you think that the russians stopped there, then on march 14th in moscow they held the first founding congress of the so-called russophiles, well, it’s a strange name, we can remember who else we have there, phil is everyone. it’s somewhere nearby. well, 84 people from 42 countries gathered there. the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation came to supervise them, and the impression was that in this way, the russians decided to shine a light on their agency around the world so that no one would have any doubts , such a bulgarian politician, a former member of parliament, kolom malinov, who created
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a similar organization in russophile bulgaria a few years ago, and in himself is a symbolic figure of the past, led this organization. that in october 19th , this same malina was arrested and accused of espionage in favor of moscow, and he tried to bribe the bulgarian union to allow him to travel to russia to receive the friendship of peoples medal from vladimir putin, which was accompanied by two and a half million russian rubles. on february 10, 23 this year, mykola melinov was added to the sanctions list of the united states and great britain also for corrupt activity in the bribery of the court. and this is how he talks about the ideology of this movement that they created. they talked a lot in the last years of russophobia and there was no rusaf, the world was divided into, figuratively speaking, all the good and all the bad, and in the complete absence of halftones between this white and black, and someone needs to build bridges, and
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we told the world that there is a following in your world the alternative is a multi-polar world, it is a traditional value, and it is an ideally strong state in relation to the russophiles , who are against and in general any people who oppose the western dictate and the globalist dictate, i want to say that it is definitely a war, that it is a war, and the front is passing, unfortunately, not only the eye of an avdeevka and recognize the russians as a minority of the european union because in germany alone people of russian origin, including children, more than 7 million people in france were two million, that is, in principle, from the point of view of the people there, they had the people of the european union who gave, that is, the logic of how it develops further once - it is some kind of small people there, although it is not so because it is a national minority. but a minority in general is so in the classical definition when it does not have its own state, and when it has its own state, then it is simply emigrants
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of course, emigrants came to earn money there to live there where they have more food there and so on and so on, and no, nothing else, it’s nothing, not something so special , that is, you are going to go to the motherland if if you have a lot there and you don’t like it. why do they speak russian with you in germany or france language, just go home to russia, where do you want to go, but this is the front that he spoke about, which is not only in avdiyivka , and they are deploying it as well. now it is quite strong, and one of the directions of this front this week is actually, they are very active they are trying to counteract the fact that the moscow patriarchate is being evicted from the lavra , well, in fact, they broke the contract with him on the opportunity to work in the kyiv-pechersk lavra because they violated the fact that they built a lot of their strange buildings there i.e. the unesco historical monument. they don't really preserve it, let's say quite the opposite . in connection with this, of course, this week there was also such a total, very big propaganda on russian tv channels, where they told about all kinds of borders. well, for
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example, this orthodox church in ukraine, which belongs to constantinople and which was brought by poroshenko, said the army of the ira, all this was a reference, he said, uh, they also do not get the right to a laurel, they get the right to rent it temporarily for the time of worship and lavrasov places, shrines, icons become something in the soviet years, in which the yaroslav museum, my attitude is decisive because i am a parishioner of ukrainian orthodox churches for me, it is just a return to the condo, the soviet past, when monks were beaten when monks were expelled from us in russia, what happened in ukraine did not happen what happened in russia was the restitution of church property, and our church does not rent churches and monasteries
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, it owns us, it owns us. well, this is, of course , just an outright lie. well, how can we say it manipulation because there is a part of the truth because in 2010 there was indeed a law in russia that allowed the transfer of temples to ownership , but the case is not like that at all and it is also interesting because they talked about exactly the same topic on the air of another tv channel from another ukrainian traitor, oleg tsarev, and there it turned out to be interesting things, which will literally open up for you now from the new year . look at the situation in front of the maidan, we are fighters. all show these, well, as far as it is possible to show pressure on the president, they sold it, and then the churches we have, the church we have, the lavra , this is the property of the state
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, this is natural, there is nothing surprising in russia, in the russian orthodox church and in russia, nothing belongs to the church, there is nothing. well necessary yes yes yes yanukovych is a deeply orthodox person when he came to me in dnipropetrovsk i am the head of the opposing organization every visit we started visiting the church left candles prayed baptized one signature all documents are ready we would have sent a delegation to yanukovych, and he said that i had consulted and they told me that let's not tease kusey, then i will pass it on and then the protests will begin.
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пацаны которые ето самое котурай былы, how beautiful is this ukraine , you are the regions that appears throughout his tenure , he already said something there, he swears on the loyalty of the people of ukraine. when he appears, he has no loyalty to the people of ukraine at all. complied with because they did everything to somehow subjugate this ukraine to russia, they only invented new ways of how it could be done, in which case even yanukovych could not always sign under them, that is , you understand what it came to, and that's interesting . well, that's about it just this manipulation when they say that oh ukraine needs a church there, there will already be a museum there has always been a museum a long time ago , it has always been a museum after the revolution , and what's more, that's what history says, as it turns out in russia, that is, the one who says is lying in russia, we transferred nothing. during all this time, what they transferred , they transferred no more than a thousand or so
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iconic buildings, and as a result , these are a very small part of what there is in the russian federation. these are religious buildings, and 90% of all property, 80% of religious monuments still remain in russia , also in the hands of the state, the same situation that is no different in ukraine, in fact , there is nothing to talk about, it is absolutely a lie , that is, it is a complete story. there is an interesting nuance, so let's continue let's listen to tsarev a little more, or he tells about another great plan, which it turns out they also had in the 15th year of 2015, let's listen to this plan in 2015, there were people who came
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to moscow from ukraine and talked about these release the orthodox church yourself if all this goes to ukraine and obviously all this will be about the ukrainian one, it is obvious that someday they will take the pochaev lavra and other lavras, give it back then release this church let it be independent and completely separate it from russia and then there will be nothing outside of what will be fought, it is impossible, they will say that this is the moscow church, but the people who are there are the same onufriy, i and all the other hierarchs , the archbishops in the regions, practically in everything , took a pro-russian position and they would have stayed, and formally the church would have been accused, but it was not accepted just as yanukovych was not here then, too, in russia , neither of them accepted the second, we accepted the third , wait and here we got what we got, that is , you understand what the matter is, they
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are even the plan was to separate in order to create something like that is a separate impression and well, i would say that in ukraine somewhere there is lucky that in the kremlin there is so much. well, i’ll just give you a heads-up for them . really, such complex combinations are not available . they are very straightforward, but if it worked out, then we simply wouldn’t have seen all these screams and that that there is no way we cannot separate from moscow, on the contrary, the same people who are shouting this now, on the contrary, shouted that no, it is very good , we are now a church on our own, so what is the matter and in the end they started shouting it like this, but already after she received tom, it became to form its own ukrainian local orthodox church as it should be, now they are also saying something about independence and now only this plan they are trying to actually implement, but it is already too late well, actually, this is one such element, and the second element is the arguments given by
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the moscow these priests are in order to intimidate the authorities, to intimidate the parishioners , to prevent people from actually switching to an independent, well, native church. because well, it's just a set of some kind, i don't know , i don't know, just be afraid, in the literal sense of the word, the crosses of the kiev pechersk lavra church are blackened after the transfer of the race. this is a real crime, well, the scale of it is almost biblical, it is the most real crime , yes, because of her, because of him, rather, because we will not have
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to answer. it was a prophecy about the odesa part, kiev will drown and the second part will return home, the mother of god washed away four more shares of holy russia from her son, mount athos and kiev, and the speech about the kiev hydroelectric power plant is falling, that is, the dam that will go two such happy kiev will pay, the fucker will go - in general, that's what they are. how they imagine everything. christ 's march, let's arrange a christ's march after that. what happened after zelensky signed the papers and then publicly repeated that yes, we will take you from the laurels. we will take you away from here. it was necessary to throw it out, not to appeal to the pope, to write in moscow, they will declare a holy war
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, the crusade will excommunicate the orthodox from the church and call to arms all orthodox people living in russia and ukraine . the catalyst will be catholicism , he must dominate all of europe, he must dominate everywhere, moreover, i am sure that there will be attacks on the greek-catholic church , and we will unite catholicism, which is now that's how i understand catholics are already there, like he's looking at what he's seriously already saying, he said, he didn't just listen to the blessing of same-sex marriages, that now it's the 13th century and the crusades really give the impression that they still have such a state. well, let's talk about this actually, this is how the religious theme is used in russia's information war with volodymyr tsibulko, a political expert. and
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that's in- congratulations to volodymyr. well, the main question that interests the moscow patriarchate is that it spreads these superstitions. as if prayer can be such a kind of corruption of the population, which is in principle well, contradict christianity, they threaten that there may be clashes when there are military personnel on both sides, is the moscow patriarchate capable of destabilizing the situation in ukraine now, in general, how should we treat all these scarecrows? about the moscow patriarchate, we are talking more about the distribution of souvenirs, jewelers and jewelers, because they have such a platform plant sofino, which produces all kinds of icons of the cross and the like and sells them on the territory, well, sold more precisely on the territory of ukraine until uh, even before uh, the year 22, more than a billion dollars, that is
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, we are talking about distribution, trade, and only then about god. well, as you know, god does not live there , where is the moscow church, because such uh well, this kind of hatred is practiced there, especially in the times of covid, when hundreds of thousands of believers died due to the carelessness of the forces . whom did they call to the church without the means of protection? that is, this is such a barbarism and barbarism and the essence of the moscow patriarchate itself in recent years it was reduced to khatization it is no wonder that the ukrainian state, the russian agents, co-opted into the authorities, accompanied this church all the time, simply, if such restrictive measures had not been taken at the time, more precisely, i think that russian aggression would have turned out to be something more
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serious, but i want to remind you that for example in the occupied areas, it was the priests of the moscow patriarchate who were the main collaborators, they went into direct contact with the russian army and well, if we are talking about the portnov lists of activists and, uh, participants of the ato, then these lists were somehow formed on territories of ukraine first interesting ve so this is for your ze ze also a souvenir is that uh how in well two russian propagandists went to the monastery in order to, you know, take a picture in the monastery, well that is, well, that’s in general well, they’re tortured something there something there and they went like let's take a picture, let's see, because this is something magical, that is, the power of the world
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rinarch smutnoe vremya akkom vstrechan polyakov , literally everything was happening, that's exactly the same way these cruel roaches came to deal with the stream and again the war for their dawns i'm you he also took pictures and took pictures of putting on a chain in which i ask for lights or narkostovsky, you know for me it was a miracle , i read it like that to go on a tour and hang on the cross, well, it’s about the same , that is, they put horns on the saint, there are a lot
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of things, you know, such crazy people who fix something there in order to worship the relics, well, you can’t transform them at all religion in some kind of attraction, they just don't measure what it looks like. yes, i agree. it's something like that. yes, it's this. well, it's bdsm . this one is not that, but look how they conduct this . they now have this concert that they are confused at times, but there were synchronicities in the line-up when these literate religious people say that this is the same greek-catholics that will be referred to and there too, that is, here it is, well , the level of a third-grader of parsley that allows russian television to produce illiterate
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people who play a completely unworldly role, but the point is that this is a cosplay of the name of the rpc style cosplay. he is absolutely cynical because nowhere in the world do priests bless us with murder, they are so... well, the object of the priest's efforts is very much a person, not a territory , not a temple, and those who bless the killing of other souls are essentially anti-religious persons. and when, for example, the head of the rpc is an honorary doctor academy of strategic forces
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named after peter the great and a priest consecrates satan's rocket well, it's just an extravaganza of idiocy, and it seems to me that the very idea of ​​russia is, well, in such an automation of the consciousness of society's narratives , everything and everything is brought to the absolute so that man and man have no one to rely on, only the supreme deity and me putin or something similar and the exploitation of these completely barbaric contents is what erases russia from the civilized field and, in principle, well, we have seen this barbarism, which, in essence, the government presents as such a great russian disease that she the civilized government still holds under
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in a steam boiler, so that the bird does not tear off the lid and so that this barbarism, this anti-humanity, does not spread to the whole of europe, that is why the russian government is building such a structure so that we, the russian government, you are not that we are anti-humane, but we are actually doctors we keep protecting europe from our wild people, and this concept is constantly played out in russia. well, you can see how many orthodox idiots there are. well, orthodox idiots , so to speak. not facebook was banned, but normally people were jailed for what is splashed from the screens of russian tv, it should be jailed for this, because it is clearly inciting enmity, either with religious grounds or on ethnic
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grounds, and this is precisely the essence of russia in recent years. she has nothing to offer, that's why they , uh, when they see any mistakes in civilized education, they try to drive a wedge into it, so they exploit absolutely sincerely the pope of rome, they brazenly brutally absolutely they exploit why when they blew up an incredible number of churches on the territory of ukraine, they killed heaps of priests, especially non-orthodox ones, including orthodox ones , and they have now seized hundreds of ukrainian churches in the occupied territories. they are now appealing to the pope to protect the kyiv-pechers lavra from the -e from the ukrainian state at a time when this lavra is state property, a monument
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of national culture, and it was only transferred to the operation of some of the parishes, but this one of the parishes was simply mocked architectural ensemble, for which it would be necessary to plant, for some reason they are silent about it. that is why these manipulations, they are, well, traditional for the russian authorities, where russia gets in the teeth. it begins to hunt for someone stronger, the eternal reasons for this exploitation of orthodoxy in general, they do not even hide in conclusion, we have just about this beautiful illustration , such a beautiful synchronist. let's take a look. i am saying goodbye to the president, so in this monastery , i prayed and asked god to reveal who will be our president, the lord revealed to me.
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that vladimir zelensky will be president, i called his friend mikhail, there have not been any elections yet, you can congratulate him, that you, vladimir , will be president, i told all this , gather together the monastery and the parishioners all prayed for vladimir zelensky to become president, and now i am asking him, once we prayed for him, to he became the president in order not to offend our lavra, but on the contrary to protect it, you understand , in such a situation they start talking about the fact that yes, we prayed for someone , somewhere, this is a signal that they are ready to become a religious column for a new polyproject and

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