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tv   [untitled]    March 5, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EET

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[000:00:00;00] no actually because you ukrainian children traveled and were in the territory of the russian federation and learned to love the russian federation , so to speak children in all regions of the russian federation because they are trying to distribute ukrainian and adults and children as widely as possible across the subjects of the federation so that everyone actually sees and participates and is connected to this the so-called special military operation, the fact that they unleashed a war against us, that's why it seems to me that this is very propaganda. the goal is to show ukrainian children as those who are saved by the russian federation from the territory of ukraine, and at the same time, these are really propaganda things that relate to the reeducation of ukrainians children in the russian way and could it be in such a case, well, it ’s just called we will now
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fantasize, but could there be such a plan according to which these children have already been re-educated, maybe even later they will be returned to ukrainian territory, but even then they will be able to become the leaders of the russian world, even if they want it, the question is how the ukrainian state will respond to this challenge, this is a challenge because it is important, because how is the ukrainian state reacting now and will it react, or is there a very a serious problem. i think it is so serious that we still do not know how to correctly assess the seriousness of this problem . i'm sorry that i'm talking with a smile. well, it's me , of course. but how can we solve it? we can counter it, well, at least not to mention whether we have any visionaries who go far into the plans. and for the future , in order to liberate it, the ukrainians are our children . what do you think can be done about this? well, i want
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to say what about the deportation of children, yes the state and public organizations started talking about ukrainian children from march. last year there were already cases where we saw that children remained in some occupied territories and then these children were taken out, and the children tried to contact their parents, they had parents, you are a fact and but they did not gave such the possibility that the children were removed either in the occupied territory of the donetsk luhansk region or in russia, and well , they really started talking about it at the international level. monitoring of this situation yes, and to intervene and return these children, but the situation is really difficult
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because, well, as alyona said . we tried to monitor, yes, we looked at how many children are in, for example, the adama filtration camps, we talked with ordinary people and with children who can talk about it, and they talked about the fact that the children who were in these camps or in the camps created by russia near our borders were children by the families, er, well, about the children who were taken away, yes, my searches are there. did they somehow find out, including from the children themselves , whom we began to return, and regarding the position of the state, i believe that, well, now this topic is in the top of the attention and the world and international organizations but i really think that at the level of ukraine there should be a body, a structure, a specially separate structure , which will deal with the preparation for the return of children of deportees and adults and people
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who were sent there, who were taken to russia and will help all people because it is very difficult cases are not just deportations, those are the cases we work with, they are generally terrifying, for example well, i will give you examples, yes, the child, the family left the war territory there, the beginning of march, the mother died, the father died , brothers and sisters were left, the child who received the injuries are complex, the child was sent to the hospital, and this hospital was in the occupied territory, and now the child remains there. we cannot return it. because there are no legal representatives who can go and take it away , i do not know how to kidnap the child and bring it to the free territory, when there is an opportunity to help . yes if there really is a family, there are, uh, relatives who are ready to go, we help
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, i wouldn't say that, it's not all the same. i want to say that it's really a difficult road, and it's an expensive road , because, well, it's 3-4 days not only to to reach to the point where the child is, and people are really afraid because they are afraid of his trial. yes, they are also afraid of how to go. i know parents who are afraid to return there, for example , to the donetsk region, there is mariupol, because there are still filtering products, and it is a very difficult , difficult situation, but well we already see it, since there are not many children returning, but it is very important to learn about these children and understand, can we help now or not, that is, the first task and problem is to find out where such children are located, it is mandatory, yes, in russia temporarily
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the occupied territory is not important. the main thing is that it is called a location. to know the location is to localize it. how can it be done, in what way, who ? maybe someone from the russians, well, not all of them are there, as it seems to me. there are such people, let me say that we sing about the cases of children, these are the children themselves who got in touch with their relatives and after we took these children back to their relatives, they talked about other children, this is such a chain which we are very careful. well, we are working and finding out about the children. i know that now the database of the national information bureau is more than 16,000 children who are considered deported, but i want to say that when we receive information from the children, we can see that the data about all the children is in the national information database no
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, that's why, er , i think that the number is larger and about each child. we are trying to find out in our favorite ways . inform where a person can contact the police in the sbu. where are there many such channels now? yes, where can you contact this and all the contacts of the authorized ombudsman ? yes, for human rights , and these are the contacts of the ministry of reintegration. you can contact the children's service and you can write on facebook that we have such a child there, help uh find parents there or relatives and i think that now there is a very active journal - we communicate and cooperate with a journalist with journalists and she helps us very well, or you can contact the national information bureau , this is the state body that is authorized to actually
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collect information about the prisoners, the dead , and the deportees, they also collect information actually, these 16,000 are their data on the children of war portal because they they process information from applications that are received by them only when they arrive, then you can contact the national information bureau, they also have a short phone number and there are telegram bots . that is, all this can also be done, but very it's good that the state still cooperates and exchanges information, because even if the police or the sbu are contacted, this information will eventually end up in the national information bureau, because this is really such a body that accumulates numerical information about people who suffered from the war. we have communication channels, how is it fashionable to talk with russia now, are our children there, and are there channels ? can we do this? russia is an enemy, but can we communicate? well, there are things
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about which communication is necessary. in mind, it is necessary to continue the authorized representative of the verkhovna rada on human rights issues, because they do meet regarding the exchange of prisoners, and this is the channel that communicates publicly, at least with the russian side , the official one, yes. there are probably unofficial ones, but the official one is the only one, because miniature molenko is official, now i am trying it on october 26, maria lviv and belova, the commissioner for children's rights under the president of russia, announced that she had adopted a boy taken from mariupol and, according to her, 350 cheeses from donbas already are placed in foster families in 16 regions of russia. is this a crime or not? of course it is a crime because now, in the spring, there was an appeal by international organizations to all the countries of the world
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about the suspension of the international synod between state adoptions from ukraine because, really, before the war, children from ukraine was established, including foreign citizens, and this was done so that the aggressor country could not do this, but what we see is really a crime, it is a violation of all international documents, the convention on rights of a child and really, hmm, i don't understand why they need this, it's so-so, it's also part of the propaganda, because there are a lot of orphaned children in russia, and they, too , know their own problems, and well, in principle , you and i know this. i understand you. i of the same opinion, but you know these opinions of ours from the series that russia has a lot of its own territory , why did it break the sacred ukraine, well, no one can explain the rational actions of russia, gentlemen , it is not always possible
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to explain everything rationally now, ladies. excuse me, mostly gender imbalance, mostly to me men are coming, you understand. come more often, ladies. please. and now i’m going to ask a question that, well, it’s probably not very rational , but it definitely has an emotional plan . i don't know how and i don't know if it's legal whether it's legal or not it's not important now it's been established and here she or he lives a little boy or a little girl in a russian family and in principle especially if this child was or never knew his parents because of what was when she was little, they took an orphanage. maybe someone there is older, but i don't remember her parents, but now she has some kind of family. she doesn't understand what ukraine and russia are, maybe she understands what russia is, but
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she barely understands what ukraine is and russia is finally going to lose the war. i think it will happen sooner than you and i hope, and i am keeping my fingers crossed for this child . according to the idea, we as a state, as a society, should return her, but here she was in an orphanage, and there she has no family. you understand why well, if there is a conflict and how to act in such a case, i have been working with adoption for many years with children who are adopted, this is our mission .
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i want to say that we see that children who are established well, for example, already at an early age , they, well, first of all, they have the right to know that they are adopted. and already well, these are already such moral and ethical issues that are difficult, uh, how are we going to return such children, how can we prove that there are difficulties here, yes, because when a child , for example, this situation that you are talking about, yes, it is adoption at the age of 15, and it is well this is an adult child who understands what is happening and will probably make an independent decision, we don't know how it was, but the children are small children , what about who, for example, i was with her , who were taken away by force, who were deported, and there are cases when a small the child was taken out, but in the child has relatives here, there is a mother who is looking for the child, even worse, these are crimes and these crimes are collected by international
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organizations, legal human rights organizations , i think that russia will be responsible for this , but it is really, well, you understand that i, well, i don't really understand how seven i will live yes, in this because the child will learn about it correctly yes, even if they are 30 years old or whatever, it will be very difficult for the family . how will we to return the child and only mrs. olena zelenskyi is the first lady who constantly keeps this topic under control and does not let the european world forget about it. ukraine is also great, but what is the mechanism behind it? interests of the child because, well, any actions should be in the best interests of the child, but right now we don't have an understanding of what we will do . because during adoption
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, the identity of the child can be completely changed: his name, patronymic surname, date of birth -is and hide any data. therefore, we need to think now and talk about what this mechanism should be and think about what it can be. it seems to me that we do not have much international experience that we can take and use in order to gather at him, but ukraine must have a model of at least approaches to how this can happen, because we do not know how many children will eventually end up on the territory of the russian federation , who will not just be temporarily placed in families, but will actually be adopted by us for the time being unknown unknown scale but at the same time, this does not prevent us from thinking about it together with the state because the state can and wants to do something, but not much can actually because there are no consulates or representative offices on the territory of the russian federation, and this means that we can rely and to hope for international organizations that have shown in a year that they will not be very effective in dealing with this and not only with this small adult
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deportees and to find our ways is already in the consultations about how it will be to happen and how will it be possible to be part of that agreement or disagreement or self-surrender that will finish this war and will fix the defeat of russia because otherwise i understand correctly that you are now saying that in principle we can demand from russia not only reparations of money for the destroyed but and the return of our children we must do it of course we must do it and this not only concerns children but also thousands of civilians who were taken to the territory of adults in the territory of the russian federation therefore it will be i think that it should be such a part of large-scale work on the return of ukrainian communities, but simply with children there are nuances precisely because they may not remember their relatives and do not know where they are from, they often do not have documents and sometimes they do not even have memories of russian documents and this experience for them personally, in their world
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, it looks like a positive one, that's exactly what i tried to ask , what do you think, who listen to which of the international partners, in general, before this question, i have to ask you whether there are precedents in the world of a similar situation or similar situations that we could use as experience. it seems to me that there are none, because if there were acts of deportation of such removal of children, then when the conflict ended, those children were already adults and therefore there were no questions about them. from the point of view that many things in the world will be changed after this war, because it raised many questions about the general functioning of international institutions, so some things can be innovative for us and we need to we need to use all our creativity and our legal knowledge in order to propose and propose mechanisms to the international community, and in the end to work them out here because, after all, it is
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the sovereign right of ukraine to think about how we need to return our children , the right of ukraine and the situation in which as you rightly said, it is possible and no one has been found for a long time. and as it has not been twisted in different situations in different contexts, ukraine is just now creating precedents. well, agree that starting with global regional security architecture and ending with such specific and very important things. please tell me, ladies , in your opinion , are there any international partners on whom ukraine can rely one hundred percent in this easy matter one hundred percent i think we cannot rely on it we must rely on ourselves well, i will say once again that i believe that we need this structure, yes, which will deal with the return of civilians and the return of children , develop these mechanisms, influence international organizations, and well, because it is really
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difficult and, well, it requires a lot of time and resources and professionalism, but we see that the interest of international structures is yes and they want to help, we see that there we would be in geneva in august in the un protection committee in the committee on children's rights and there this topic was also in the top of our attention offered various solutions and in their help in what way they can help whether to look for children or to communicate there with representatives of russian i believe that all the tools of opportunity we should use and meet all the doors because this is really a precedent for that well because we don't know how to return how to find out russia is such a big country and we see that it is a closed country and find out something. well, it is really
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difficult. we, like others, will get to know each other - we will learn about some cases in the research of international organizations, and then we are already building our strategy that will research because they have access, well, it is difficult to say. they probably have some kind of access, and you are analyzing the information that is from the available e-e resources. there are other public organizations that offer their data and their information, and we also we learn from the volunteers and from, well, different people about what they see, we read telegram channels, other channels, we see there on the pages to search for these children, if it is information about ukrainians, is this information systematized, is someone making a database, is it that all these facts are documented i i think alyona will say about this in more detail. but i know for sure that there are many international organizations, unicef and onovki structures, which
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exclusively specialize in war crimes, here this information is collected , analyzed, and it is, well, in any form, which it can only be. international organizations are also different, you know. not all international organizations are equally useful. do you remember a recent story, and when he sent two ukrainian children from austria to russia, it means that he was a deputy butcher. there are some regional tyrolean organizations. does it seem like something like that? the criminal is an accomplice or what should be the case from this situation can be constantly well , conclusions should not be drawn because there is a question to what extent these children were under supervision from one side of the ukrainian side and how much from they were really the educators who had to watch them from the other
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side , of course. this is a precedent that the ukrainian state reacted so actively because it is just such a thing. will take place on the territory of european countries. moreover, parents are not deprived of parental care and parental rights, because they are actually adult children who were in a boarding school , but it was an educational boarding school, so it is together with therefore, we do not know in what condition these parents are, whether they do it voluntarily or not , therefore it is very important here that the ukrainian side very actively insists that if any ukrainian citizen and child, especially those who were there on consular registration, should be under the control of the ukrainian the state suddenly n- there is a dog to them or there is a request for them the origin of the ukrainian side this cannot happen despite the fact that these parents, in fact, the relationship between parents and children must be preserved here , you cannot separate parents and children eh well, actually at the same time, the ukrainian state must understand which children who are citizens of ukraine end
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up in the territory of the russian federation and under what conditions this happened. i hope that the ukrainian and european consular authorities have drawn serious conclusions from this situation. such a situation will not happen again, ms. now i'm squirming with disgust, but i have to ask and this, until this moment, we talked only about scenarios under which children are conditionally taken away, under which children may be adopted or end up in some are there any guardians there that you know of, or maybe they already exist, or there could potentially be cases of exploitation, sexual exploitation, trafficking inga well, and so on in relation to ukrainian children by russian actors, i would say so, are such cases already known, this
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world is a harsh and cruel war even more . which, again, is difficult to document. when a child is in the territory of the russian federation, there is no connection with his relatives. at the same time, there are no safeguards . why, because this did not happen, precisely because in the territory of the russian federation, even if well, i will add or correct later but those children who returned. in fact, they did not talk about the fact that they were treated very well , especially the older children. they faced the fact that they were punished and punished, for example , by starvation, that is, that they did not let them eat because they misbehaved, that is, it seems to me that control in the russian federation over the observance of children's rights is not as trustworthy as their law enforcement system, therefore we do not have any guarantees and prevention that this will not happen and is not happening right now, that is why the ukrainian side and in fact, one must be
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proactive in order to take away children together with those ukrainian citizens who know that children are on the territory of the russian federation, must be proactive and report these cases because i it seems that the ukrainian side does not know much about the statements about the facts of the removal of children, as well as about the facts of the children being camped on the territory of the russian federation, where they allegedly went to rest and then were not returned. but there are not so many such statements, and maybe there are none. it is very important that people turn to the law enforcement agencies and report such facts because it is very important to investigate yes and not be afraid because what we see families are afraid to report this because they believe that they may be suspected of yes some there and although we understand that this is deportation, this is deportation for those cases with which we worked, for example, kharkiv region yes
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, when they were deported en masse to gelendzhik it was a camp and everyone wrote about these cases there are many children yes yes yes this is a bear camp and really we now we see that there are children left there, but we cannot return them, and these children call their parents so that they can keep in touch , they find such an opportunity, but we cannot return them, for example, because their mother is paralyzed, she cannot go for as a child, she can no longer give a power of attorney to anyone, because a power of attorney must be given on the territory of russia, you understand. and it’s just a closed, closed circle, how can we help, and the children who return, they tell, yes, how they were disciplined, yes, what they were told , they showed that parents do not need you, they mean they shout
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glory to ukraine, they sing the ukrainian national anthem, yes, they sing the national anthem of ukraine, this is such a difficult topic that they tell our children that they are not needed, neither the parents nor the country, and if yes, you can return home, but after how many ukrainian children are in the zone of potential risk in the temporarily occupied territories ? are there any numbers? all children, like all adults, who are in the occupied territory have the prospect of being deported and taken away. to be separated from parents if we are talking about children, because any parent can be detained at any moment , filtering camps can be placed and children taken away , there have already been such cases, that's why, actually, parents must understand that if they choose to be in the occupied territory or not. but that's how it turned out. so they are in the risk zone. they must be prepared for the fact that such a situation
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can happen at any moment. for example, it is very necessary to speak. because people don't really understand it, and even when we are arguing there now, whether it is necessary to take out the mad woman, yes , or how to do it, it is a problem now bakhmut, yes, and all hot spots where children could potentially be, because today there, for example, there is kramatorsk there, today and tomorrow we cannot predict what the situation will be . if there is an opportunity, we must report. tell them to leave. camps, yes, because we, as ukraine , do not offer such opportunities
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. bombs. the child did not see anything. they will feed her there. they will go to swim there and the parents think that this is the solution to the situation there. well, yes. and we can protect our child in this way. i think that when we are now looking for how to evacuate people from the combat points , yes, it is possible to offer something similar, but here it is important to say that nothing can be offered from the occupied territories of ukraine, because there was no exit from the occupied territories and we never offered and did not allow to leave for the territory under the control of the government of ukraine, therefore for children . for example, we talked with families who gave their children and returned them, then they did not allow it for a month, in which do you
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mean the russian side? the territory of the government of ukraine and when we talked with one of the mothers who sent her child to such a camp and then drove her and returned her, and this girl is 9 years old, and the others are 15, and the question is whether it is possible and worth it to leave children in the occupation when the russian military is nearby and all these terrible things to tell about the violence they perpetrate on children, in particular, should we condemn the parents who thought that it would be safer for them to send their children away from this territory, i don’t know, but not many of us found ourselves in that situation and in the occupation. therefore, we need to speak, we need to affirm someone , we were not like that, i was definitely not in such a situation, therefore it is very important to talk about the fact that if parents know what children are finding, everyone should not be afraid and contact law enforcement authorities to those authorities that can conduct such negotiations on the russian side, because in the same kherson region where hundreds of children were taken away , there are no statements by law enforcement agencies that the children remain in crimea, we know that

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