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tv   [untitled]    March 2, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] er, fighting him for an infinite time until he falls, it says fight of a bulldog or some such mastiff dog, you know , hold him and don't let him go, and this is putin's logic, putin will hold him for so long and will think that he will do well while he can fight with ukraine is there a very important parallel with another regime? i didn't think about it, but i read it somewhere recently and thought that it makes sense. look, we always think that democracy is better, and i'm probably better, and it's better there that she wins tomorrow because all but this is not the end, because we see that liberal democracy , which was born after the first war, then almost everything from above died, the last device of the holy democracy . is it possible that in slovakia and france, these regimes were completely destroyed by egypt? what actually saved the moral democracy and this is also very strange is that the two largest countries , the most successful economically, were love , further to the political entered the war on the side
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of hitler and it was britain and because besides which didn't have a war because it was divided by oceans and it had its own economy , you don't think anything that the entry of america and in the first and second degree was a decisive factor why the various empires of fascism and communism did not win there because you know that it is i believe that if this passage works i i think the fact that america is on ukraine's side also shows hope that america is on ukraine's side, but america, britain-ukraine again gives high hopes, which are already high, that putin just has a chance. we must not forget and i'm sorry to say so it is important in the end, in the end, it is nuclear weapons, well, nuclear weapons, the chances of victory are measured by vat per capita, whoever has his own economy wins , especially now because this war and we understand the logic of this war, although putin declares a war, not the destruction of ukraine in fact, it is not exhaustion, i happily repeat. we must understand that this war is big, it is more similar to the logic of the monarchy, it is
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second, because you probably remember in the 17th year , british officers joked about this and organized rather if the war continues to move at such a pace, they need up to 70 years ago to reach berlin, there were huge battles there in vain, but there was almost no movement to the front line, or pat was a stalemate, this depth is a trench. some links, but they are small, there are no big battles, and in that case it is very important if there is no decisive battle in this war or decisive victory in this war will be lost by the one who cannot wage war. who is exhausted, you know what? economically, there is no longer anything for resources look - the spirit is exhausted, that is, the population finally understands that we no longer want to wage war and it is very important, you know, we already remember that sometime in may of this year , the british court of war made a similar prediction that if the russian army continues to move as it is moving now in
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march- april is to reach kyiv, then it is kyiv in 1151, it is very important here, the rules are the ball, there are such wars, they end not in defeat, they are decisive, but in collapse, and it is cool and in three years, and it can happen tomorrow, because i don't know anyone, chocolate, even he has a prediction that somehow he lost in the first one by collapsing as a kingdom, the tsarist regime ended because petrograd ran out of bread and in the cold women only had nothing to feed the children, they went out into the street , the soldiers did not resist and on the second day the regime gave up in the same way, germany fell, then our scenario is as follows do you understand that in the end russia will fall even in russia ? as of the 14th year, the year of the beginning of the first world war. it was a fairly successful economic country that started reforms, in the end it was
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a pillar. well, he was already killed before the 14th year, however, the country got involved in this unnecessary world war i, and the tsar did not listen to his entourage the tsar listened to the opinion of grigory rasputin, who always insisted that it was the holy mission of the tsar to enter the entire war, and in the end it ended in the complete collapse of the empire, the collapse and murder of rasputin himself and nicholas the second. are there any parallels between modern russia and putin? you see when we compare hitler with putin with hitler, we are doing a certain thing. it is important that we understand the properties of putin's regime . but i think that the polish regime is deeply rooted in ukraine in russian history. it is not because, in the end, russia, the soviet union, is a big one, but they fell behind as an empire and at the end a tiny bit
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, well, the stops were stepped on. it is important that russia only wins wars when these wars are waged on its territory, if it is a war for them, you know, a defensive war, no, but all the wars that russia waged outside its territory, more, maybe more, they ended up being simply catastrophic for us, japan , i remember, she does not remember you know, we didn't live with you . in the end, it boils down to the same thing. and actually what is important is what i think is very important . there is a key thesis and this is what the historian of modern wars says . this is modern warfare. modernized just very simple modernize or die is very important well, in your opinion, does vladimir putin now remember the story of the epatiivskyi houses about the shootings
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in it i don't know well i can say that i don't know what putin does to his head you know who say there may or may not be complete madness, all the others are, but what i want to say here is very, very very much that here we are certain repetitions of a certain certain scenario, which there are, and the trick is that in fact in russia there were a couple of cases to do with the investigation of the country is normal , con-european ukraine, develop ukraine it was alexander the first after the planned will it was alexander ii what a snow from serfdom and 20 years of elections of course judicial reform reform you know this koropetska then we remember the 17th what you say the end after stolypin is the wind of reform, when everyone suddenly started to get back on their feet very quickly, you know, because it really seems that russia became a normal state in the 17th year, when everyone there believed, he came to power, it was the only way of building, one of two ways to build in russia
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brand democrats, everyone believed that russia would become european, so did gorbachev, and we don't remember that putin came to power. history is also a tragedy of their neighbors in our country, because we feel it the most that after every small attempt to make russia a normal state, a reaction begins that a longer period is even more brutal, a period of such darkness, you know, with repressions, with gulags , with everything else, and necessarily, the war outside is very important that is, you know, this loop repeats itself all the time, and it is a disaster, because in the end, russia could never successfully forget itself, and therefore it is very important to stop this pendulum, you know, i say all the time, it is not mine the opinion that in fact we should go to the crown of the first year and it is clear here and completely all the authorities and the people and society are here, but we understand it. it is certain that the exit at the border of 101 solves the russian threats because russia is such that it is important that
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russia has finally become a normal state, but it itself cannot do it anymore because the diseases of the russians have gone too far, so in russia they only have to do everything normally under pressure under pressure from the west, after that the russian regime will collapse and it is very important to me so that ukrainian voices could be felt in this pressure, so that the samborov event, you know what the guys said in the event, look, you guys fought well, you guys did this job , and now we are starting to talk with russia. the right to this for various reasons, in the first place, i really have a voice, because i have suffered more from this. and secondly, we are really fighting heroically, you know, we are only victims, we are still fighting, and thirdly, it is very important and i think ukrainians are now the best expert no one knows about the russian question, what is russia? ukrainians may know the poles just as well, because i don't remember . it is very important to me that after the war, when it happens, that i stopped . and that we began to actively reform russia, to change russia in what way.
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you can't say it's very important that these votes were because otherwise we understand very well even if we this war even if when we don't win this it means that our grandchildren or grandchildren will be able to fight with russia because we have it constant you know chips pendulum which is all time it is lenin, then stalin and putin, then someone else is chosen, it is obvious that ukraine has changed during this year, and it will never be the same again as it was in february 22nd, and how russia itself , russian society, has changed during this year of war, we do not really know let's say right away that i don't tell about the mistakes in our assessment, it would be ours, it's not my assessment , you repeated them because the mistake was that the russian economy was not viable and the sanctions would kill them no, they didn't kill them because you have to give credit, it's not his putin managed not to care at all about what was right to transfer the russian economy to the war, the military framework in russia, private business is having a hard time, he felt this too with the oligarchs. but russia is doing well
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, the state business that works for the war pedals has oil, has gas, and can continue to fight, all the others are like that, too i think that russia can drag out this war for several years, it can be , you know, because it is, at the same time, it is very important that it is a russian trait that the population is ready to be poor just to have the illusion of greatness, but we are poor, but we are great vladyslav this is part of you we do not know the propaganda that many russians and good russians voluntarily believe. that is, we do not yet see any signs that russia is ready to vote, because the changes were made when we felt that russia was really ready to collect all these things. people from the leaders of the mass supporters, this was youtube from may, and he told how badly he did to russia and how much he drinks and that it was a case of collapse in several places of this place. russia has a margin of safety. he says that it has such a margin of safety that it will fall but a certain margin
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she still has coppers. therefore, this thesis that will lend us now may sound depressing. but i think realistically, i have to watch. we must understand that this is a long-term war, and then i am definitely happy to take it. if this one ends quickly, than the opposite, expect, you know , they must use what is clear. to promise all the time of preparation, to promise that we are here and there, and then more and more to ask the depression that it does not end, that is, you know, it is very important. i remember where in may i read a lecture in ternopil and i would pass by some house, i see a poster there, it is possible somewhere else was that azov hangs and ukraine will be enough, well, it is not a show, and so that i do not stand, they understand the more precise nature of the war, it is a war of attrition, and it is not landed . resources are also very important, but fire is a resource, the presence of spirit is known about the fact that after the second world war , germany repented, german society repented and after that, economic transformations and the revival of the country began , will russia repent after its defeat, after the victory of ukraine, is russian society capable of this in germany, there was no voluntary
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repentance, uh, there was an attempt, there was pressure, you pay with on the part of the allies, germany, who tried to do it, all the others, but there were certain pragmatic calculations, fell for everything because germany was divided in the second half, stalin became and it was taking feelings and fears, it was not even the expectations of many actuals that the question when russian tanks lead in paris, a matter of time, they believed that after the victory of stalin, the entire continent of europe was communist. it was a real threat now, as much as possible, so the americans, the british, were ready to invite the eyes of many things only in order to to get this balance. just saying punishment, we are only the top, instead, the majority of the state apparatus was worked by people who were, i wouldn't say, high-level criminals, but they all had, you know, one or another blood in their hands, and it was also one out of the eye of the bokan, well, like an anti-fascist who was anti-hitler, but that's all one thing you have to keep for the sake of interest, it is for the sake of pragmatic interests, to tolerate these
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people in power, but i live there, many say there practically after me, what happened , the change happened with the appearance of a new generation when appeared between the 60s and the clinics were born during them after them and did not remember the war that reached the age of 60 only the first thing is the starter convenient questions and what did we do during the war for our parents to our grandfathers and therefore the change and in germany we will talk about this significant the change is generational, that is, if we take from the analogy, i believe that i believe that the same thing should happen in russia, it will not happen quickly, a change of generations must take place in order for a generation to appear. says now, i don't know how true this is, i just regret that there is no younger generation in russia, we know everything about the younger generation, then it did everything that it reproduced the values ​​of the middle older generation , there is no change in the generation, it changes, but this does not mean that i like this russia, but it seems that finally there is reasons for thinking about the generation of schoolchildren in ukrainian and in putin is no longer what someone said. i don't know how well you know this computer language. for russian
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schoolchildren, putin is a tank and not a feature. i don't know. what do you understand, grandma, that i am a virus in the program, and what makes it a strong program, that is, for me? obviously, they are visible, again, this is speculation , depending on how quickly putin will fall, which will come , in each case, we must understand each other , it is generational, it is fast constancy, but with something must be started, the first step must be the victory of ukraine without a doubt, and the second step, and here it is already important, must be constitutionally accepted and it must be under pressure, it is under pressure in the constitution that the russians are using that they gathered all crimea and the donbass of the ukrainian territory at the time of the third indicates the georgian territory that russia has no interests in the call to kak and this should be clearly written down because it will be that she has more cases this is a form of reconciliation that is what we do not think that he is more we do not think that the borders are fair in which the story doesn't exist, that's why everyone didn't change, we understand that the population lived in different territories , you know, mix things up, we understand that there are no
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perfect borders, but from a certain responsibility, the border, and they can't be moved, because the movement of one border means that all the rest of europe is falling apart. europe was served in the same way. there are no true borders. iceland is to blame for some kind of boat, but everyone understands that borders cannot be moved . what borders are there ? television and so for some reason you understand, and then we start working and with that we recreate a huge zone of peace, a zone of peace where he and more we do not have the opportunity with all of this, maybe in one until it appears why because russia still hasn't appeared, the russian elite, the liberal elite clearly told you that it is not good for russia, crimea and crimea and donbas are ukrainian territory.
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and what are the main risks for our nation and for our state after our victory, in your opinion, i will start with the risks, and here i am already talking about them, the historian and the historian who, well, not only the history, but also the philosopher speaks very strongly, and bless historians of the basics baring the experience of the 20th century and talking about such an image of the devil of history more of the history of the devil that the idea here is a metaphor for those who i believe in this client and in real because let's say so and oleksandr vat, a pole who survived the war, he wrote very well the phrase that the one who was born in the 20th in the first-20th century could not believe in god but could not believe in the devil because i was there all the time this evil was visible it is very important what is the irony or something of a paradox then i am the devil in history cannot create anything by itself maybe he is pathetic, he is uncreative, god can only create, but the devil can still spoil the dialogue, so everyone, until we feel that things are going well, we begin not to see the threats that exist, but there are threats, and i believe that threats are something that we can rest on
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our laurels and it is also very important that we know what is at stake, we see it now, you know about him, because everyone knows that only victory has one parent, defeats , one parent about moms, stop, stop , stop, parents, i am afraid that it is almost inevitable to quarrel. so who did not make the biggest contribution i am also afraid of this victory. i also warn that it is quite possible that a new specter of authoritarianism will appear in us. the temptation may not be the same as that of yanukovych, but still , authoritarianism is because zelensky will be popular. he has a well-deserved popularity. but after the war , look at what will be missing. and we know that three laws are dangerous, because every government is absolutely corrupt, but it is absolutely very important for the government to do so, that is, threats. i am not saying that this should happen. the best scenario i believe in these scenarios i believe in these i believe that kissing now i believe that at school ukraine will finally do their homework the end of the homework
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reform will be carried out which did not begin to be carried out about the war for me the key thing is that from the product the form allows citizens to protect their there was no ownership in this regard, because we know that the most initiative in economic development comes from the people, on the initiative of not interfering with them, they will certainly be happy, just do not interfere with them, for that they must ensure their owners, all the others, that is, if this all happens if they arise homework i have no doubt that a ukrainian will work with such a part of the bishopric she says i don't know korea can be good because korea is divided but i think they are like that in singapore or about everyone else do you know it's not colleagues poles say they say the guys are worried in 10 years, poland will be, you know, a second-rate ukraine on a level with you. i think that this war, war is not good, well, as a catastrophe, without a doubt, there is nothing to go on, it was created by opportunities and it is the back of opportunity in the sense that even a huge speed up of time is that in peacetime it takes 20 years during a war you can become one in 2 months we remember ukraine was knocking on nato's european door for 20
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years it was not allowed to come to the place of war and recover the seasons of the world establish the ability to jump over a lot of things would does not change us to a state society. do you know such a different thing, the first time since ukrainian independence , you just have to think about the first ukrainian woman in a year and a state that was like that before, you know, for the first time , such a deep irony, for the first time, ukrainians believe that things are going in the right direction in ukraine, we need a war, so that the ukrainians believe it. we , too, and this is a huge energy that explodes like that to everyone else. my favorite comparison is here . are they very similar to the greco-persian wars? well, we know 300 spartans and this movie and comics and we know from school what it is if you knew the paradox a small tribe of greeks defeated a huge persian empire why because the greeks fought like he people and they fought during the day and here ukraine is very similar ukraine and russia are free people always
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citizens fight better, citizens fight better than castaways, because citizens need people to stand around them with whips or something to pray. and you know , they drove them forward through secret squads, but what does this say? greece found such, there were just separate cities there, a branch of sparta, you know, er, delphi there, or do you know something else, it was 400, they say such places that were in different territories, by the way , most of them submitted to the power of the first voluntarily, but what happened, the victory was small the heat tribe was created in those individual cities, the civilization of cultures, let me forget that many of those commercials - we cite as many achievements of the greek spirit as possible. these are the people who fought in the greco-persian wars, so that they lived at once, the mountain mole falcon, you know, socrates, plato and in the end, i owe my profession as a historian to herodotus, who wrote the history of the greco-perpelopontine wars, the sin behind it, he said it, the phrase may be cynical but true, that war is the father of all things in us
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, it carries threats, but war can lead to something that we previously knew even to ourselves i could die, i don't care about the war, the war is a catastrophe, it can be worse, but we have already had time to inform how to make the most of it. this one lived. it has every reason to be in the 91st year. tried to do before the war. i think that the war is finally the word for this language , when you know that we can do it, so that the language here should be an independent issue of security and russia should be here. reforms that we were not able to do and i believe that we are already mature enough to do it and once it becomes obvious here and no one should do it by himself, no state without foreign aid, and here we have help from nato , the european union, the marshall plan, that is, you can stars agree which agree on the fact that you know that for 10-15 years we have been talking with you about what this whole commission is about something very one-sided and
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boring if i really want to thank you mr. yaroslav for an interesting conversation i will remind you that there was a famous ukrainian historian on the espresso channel publicist, philosopher, professor of the ukrainian catholic university, yaroslav hrytsak, stay with our channel, we are looking for four-year-old anastasia tolstokorova, her search has been going on for almost a year, and all this time nothing is known about the fate of the girl. i know that nastya lived with her parents in mariupol on zelinsky street, when the war began, the family was in no hurry to leave their home aunt nastya told me about this, she is also a godmother who also lived in mariupol
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not far from her niece's home, well , i was visiting them on march 8, the last time i saw them once, and his father went to his place on march 11. on march 11, they went to their parents. well, to her husband. they also lived nearby, and on the night of march 12 , the tolstokov family lived in the district. they started shelling en masse, and at about 4 am one of projectiles hit the high-rise building where nastya lived with her parents, we know that on march 11 they did not leave and the neighbors saw everything. and on march 12, when the flight arrived, there was chaos, people were running who where
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, mrs. nina told me that after the shelling personally came to the house where her sister lived with her husband and nastya, the high-rise building was partially destroyed and burned, everyone around was bustling around in panic, but she never found her relatives anywhere, and in fact, since then, there has been no news about the tolstokor family, maybe they ran away somewhere, maybe somewhere, when the wounded person was taken , well, we don't know, people. i'm begging you if you saw them somewhere , please help us. we are looking for them. if you know any information, please call 116,000 - this is the short number of the tracing service magnolia children if you know anything at all about the family of the thick-barked family, call right here, calls from any mobile operator are free, here is a photo of nastya 's parents, her mother's name is olga volodymyrivna, her father's name is pavlo igorovich
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, they were both born in the 89th year, four-year-old znastia is very sociable, cheerful and active , the girl looks her own age, let's watch a short video with her . she is a developed girl. she can read poems and sing songs. well, that is. she speaks normally for her age and has a good memory. she remembers very well. such a lively girl, thin, fair hair. well, a very cheerful child. so, nastya wants to be small , but very sociable . let's take a closer look at the girl's photo. remember those big blue eyes. nastya is thin, she has light hair and looks like a five-year-old child. sees social networks in the occupied territory knows at least something about
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the fate of the fat cow, do not delay and call us at the magnolia children's search service at the short number 116,000 calls from any ukrainian mobile phone operator free of charge. if there is no way to call, write to the chat bot of the child search service in telegram. any information is important. i have another story about the disappearance of a child. we are talking about the ten-year-old anastasia minochno . nothing is known about the fate of this girl for almost a year . unfortunately, the details of the whereabouts are also scarce. i only know that the child lived in the city of lysichanska in the luhansk region, it is likely that nastya was there with her mother and the connection with them was cut off at the end of april, in july the city completely came under the control of the occupiers and chi did the family manage to leave somewhere or are they still there? but they simply cannot report something about themselves, perhaps because of the lack of communication, i do not know , therefore i am asking especially the residents of lysychansk , who may now see me on social networks
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, take a close look at anastasia's photo, she has light blond hair and dark eyes, the girl looks maybe a little older than 10 years old, if anyone suddenly saw her or knows where she might be, don't delay now and call us on the magnolia children's hotline at the short number
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116,000 calls from ukrainian mobile operators are free or write to the chatbot service for searching for children in telegram movies, television, sports, music, education , free people have a choice, choose what you want on megogo , so that ukrainians don't think about it, no matter what they talk about, it still comes out on top war war and our victory seven days a week from monday monday seven different spheres of human activity sports culture politics eight presenters espresso journalists experts opinion leaders in real time about
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andriy yanitsky on weekdays at eight in the morning on espresso what about foreign affairs of russia sergey lavrov on on the sidelines of the meetings of the heads of foreign policy agencies of the 209 group, despite the fact that the tet theater meeting between blinkan and lavrov was not planned, they spoke for 10 minutes on

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