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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] and that country, where you can invest money and be sure that everything will work there, so i left the eyes talking about the fact that they will change what, well, they will change the needle for soap, and who else is there, they will change it for something they want for something -нибудь разоняется после еготог, he is going back to the arab emirates, you know, the time is running, we managed to shoot them down, if it was so official , the representatives are the principle itself, which is normal, but what is the topic of exes, such an interesting moment, er, and suspicion of suspicion that, after all, the americans hinted at the arab and the principle the one that is not it is desirable how poroshenko dreams of a race for some, he dragged his family there, not business , and it ended with the fact that the papers for everything saw him off when lukashenko flew away, but here he was already seen off by the minister of internal affairs, so easy that we have problems because of you, that's why. well, when lukashenko manages
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it's been a long time since i immediately spoke about some kind of investment from the arab emirates, so god like that he will have his own money now, but they only take it out, and they take it out more. a short time later, there was a conversation about the restoration of the er and naked rhythm that nazarbayev was carrying out in himself, that is, the renewal - this is the same, yes, i will transfer it to the government. this is the same in the thickness of what is there , the exact point is visible . to whom? i heard thank you german yes yes yes this center is sorry the former no no no she is the head of the upper upper house of the parliament now the upper house yes
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and let's talk about lukashenko if he was so weak and free trusting him than this you have to understand that i know how you know vitebsk the clan is quite pro-russian and if you sew it up like that, you are satisfied with the eye because there is a specialty that we are even so honorable and using these new useless things that she simply expresses that this clan here is called moscow because it is called moscow. all the same, if he was known for his interests in his country and not in russia, you understand. lukashenko is in such a serious period right now. how would he drive himself to wrap him in something that is actually not a pawn or for tricks? well, what will we watch for for these problems for these questions for what is being done in belarus and in russia and will be, we thank you serhii bulbia, the byuro public figure, the head of the white legion, was
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with us and told us what they are saying in belarus about lukashenka, who just today in moscow entered into negotiations with putin and led and and it is not yet known what he proved. by the way, this always happens with their victories. they meet . nobody says anything. then after 5 hours , lukashenka appears somewhere and starts saying something. it seems like 30 years to me. putin without putin is always like this, they can never clearly see how it happens in a normal world to go to a press conference and say what we agreed on. no well, a press conference for them. it must be some kind of some kind of insult to the usa . they never had a press conference. not adjusted means it should be adjusted accordingly press conference means there should be adjusted questions that means there will be questions that are already there all the questions are adjusted journalists are all trained they just don't think i think that they they don't talk because they can't agree normally and you don't want to talk about it, they always have a problem with how
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they met, always something they didn't agree on, there are always two questions on our agenda out of 31 questions on the unification of the two countries . yes, but two questions, we can't pass a year again, two questions , four questions were solved, and two were not solved, but we will solve it, but he will definitely have it. well, why did you go, mrs. ludmila, and vera writes, it's good that you are vets, be healthy , i'm afraid that this is me - in italy, eduardovych, you so healthy, you don't need to be healthy, a healthy person well, we won't tell anyone who doesn't like you alive, your secrets in asia will create a register of damages caused in ukraine by the aggression of the russian federation , the ministry of justice of ukraine says about this, and a member of the european commission on justice issues predicted no crime investigation center in
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russia in ukraine in the city of the hague the netherlands will start work in july of this year how should this happen how can a court in gas punish putin dear ms. lyudmila, if you imagine this is my version of the answer then vitaliy, it is indisputable, but the important point is. look how it seems to me today , they talked about it casually, how events took place, judicial events in 45-46 in germany, there will be a huge number of trials of various levels, only the highest level will touch putin . i think that putin will not live, despite the fact that everyone treats him, that he is not hitler and will not end his life by suicide , he is absolutely convinced that he will end his life
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by suicide because he imagined himself in a cage during the trial, he can’t imagine that. so, guys, from the doorway and here the whole world, 200 countries are poking their fingers, there are a billion cameras and on all the channels of the world they show putin, who thought that a year ago these days, who does he say i am now in three days through i will stand on khreshchatyk for 5 days and accept the parade, but here it doesn’t work out, i take the word of the prosecutor instead of advice, it’s only putin who can’t get him, there will be some, i guarantee you that there will be more anti- russian lawsuits in moscow, i do not rule out that will be court proceedings in mariupol in ukrainian i do not rule out the options that will run, but now
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we are here. serhiy spoke about lukashenko going to this country, how would he like it, i do not rule out that some part will go to the central african republic to hide there, someone will start to hide like the germans, like the fascists hid in brazil, in argentina, in paraguay, in uruguay , in the same way, the russians will disperse, all these beautiful oligarchs will seek refuge somewhere, try to hide somewhere, either in africa or in asia. it will be a very long and very extensive process, or rather processes it won't happen, the prosecutor and putin's lawyers have come. no, it's tens of hundreds, if not thousands of people, and who will fall under what sanctions . why do i say that in russia there can be sitting because
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the russians are the most any the most the closest future government of russia he will say, "let's give us sanctions , eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes a long time before that to wait and because of the blood and because of the war and because of everything that you and i are watching today, but don't think that this is going to be some kind of court process, it started and ended in two weeks, no, it won't be like that, there will be various court cases for years vitaly , please have two models of trials with war criminals, the first model is the nurburg model. when a special international law is created, it was a very strange
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process, because on the one hand , german war criminals were tried on it, on the other on the one hand, the russians hid the soviet crimes, yes, they persistently hid them. but at the same time, it must be remembered that this process took place in occupied germany , it was divided into zones, the leaders of germany were detained by the allies and handed over to this international tribunal. the german trials where this is my case, the germans tried war criminals as part of their justice and so on, you and i understand very well that the main task of the ukrainian armed forces is now it is to liberate one's own territory from the enemy, one's own, and we do not know how difficult this task is, what price it will cost, how long it will take, it may be that many people who are now waiting for this, it may happen , simply will not wait for it, because they will already be in movila. that is, you are not you will see it because you will die and putin will be the living president of the russian federation for the time being, this can also be because it can be very high for us for
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the liberation of all territories about the territory of russia itself no one says no one is not going to occupy means that the sovereignty of the russian government will remain absolutely obvious to me the process will definitely not be real i say so i will not indicate about absentee trials absentee trials for self-satisfaction and for economic results there is a second result e-e format of an international trial by post-war criminals a trial for crimes in the former his slides but for this, it is necessary that the country firstly recognize the jurisdiction of such a court, all the countries of the former slavia recognized it, including serbia, and secondly, that the constitutions of these countries do not prevent issuing its citizens in other countries for the implementation of justice for the carrier and the first and second options are not suitable. russia does not recognize any international institutions, no russia is not the previous one and putin's flies, which will also be a sign to me, and the main thing is that the constitution of the russian federation does not allow the extradition of citizens of the russian federation for international justice in general for
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any justice abroad it seems to me that this is a part of some basic provisions, i could be wrong here, the latest and updated this so-called previous one is also not allowed this is the first section that can be changed only in a referendum. thus, vladimir putin is now immune from the right of a judge in absentia because he is the president of a sovereign country, he cannot be tried, and when he ceases to be the president of russia and remains a citizen of the russian federation , he will have the immunity of a citizen of the russian federation from extradition, this differs from volodymyr from svoboda misha, which means how can vladimir putin be punished from the point of view of international justice, no way the sentence in absentia will of course bring moral satisfaction to you and me, he will allow some assets to be confiscated if they are found and linked to putin, but putin himself will sit calmly in the chair of the president of russia in this situation and
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an international trial will be organized in moscow against ukrainian war criminals and the president president zelenskyy receives the same sentence that putin received in the gas trial of the moscow international tribunal, where there will be belarusian and russian judges, maybe the northern correction, that is, if putin will receive a life sentence, the same continues. zelenskyi will also receive a life sentence and they will be taken to the interpol base haha, it must mean that we can not hope for this, or can putin be punished like this in the case of not very realistic internal processes in the country itself to the russian federation if the russian federation changes. not now, but maybe because of the war with ukraine, it will end there, and in 3-5-10 years, we don't know when the war will end. well, let's say, in 5 years, the war will end, in
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10 years, russia will change. 80-year-old putin gets rid of power, it can happen and it will end sooner this year. or maybe it will be reduced by 35, so we don't know the term , we know, we are talking about a trend. but i think that no one will hand him over to any court because he will only tell everything about everyone, so what you have above for everything, he simply shoots in his own office, the property of his associates and will say that he is there, he threw paper in the broth . yes, it is as possible, this is so important, that is, the international process of uaz. it is very important from a moral point of view, from the point of view of the judiciary russian war criminals, well, there is strilkov, you read him yourself on the telegram channel, listen to what he says, when you like him, what he says, but if the fsb wants to kill him, it will be of any sentence, that's just strilkovo show , the plaster fell, i don't have everything
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that's all, this is the real situation, both models of international justice do not apply here, this is furniture, he says all the time that this is a special war, this is hai. as the minister of defense of the united states said, on the one hand, we must adhere to the principles that to fight with democracy against hitler, we need 13 international laws, on the other hand, this is the first big war with a nuclear state, so the management of the escalation must be such that it does not cause the death of tens of millions of people one fine day, because then everything will change and we will think not about international justice and about the number of atomic bombs that will happen, by the way , the earthquake in turkey has shown that nothing like this will happen if it does not happen in the future, not exactly 40-50 thousand people will die there at once well, this is not for a country like ukraine, this is not the end of the world, by the way, it may sound cynical, but an earthquake in turkey can cause 45,000 ukrainians who are already putin's death list to save lives, what will he understand that
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this will not give any real victory, yes, yes they died on the other side of course it's nice that we'll give up and we immediately went to kiss it's just a moral satisfaction like how the destruction of the critical structure is nice that there is no light but there is and that and nothing so and here so that you know nature sometimes also does such things with i feel very sorry for these people in turkey, who died a lot, but on the other hand, you have to understand how it changes politics. i congratulate the owner of the cafe in odesa . he kicked out a female visitor because she spoke ukrainian. do you think there are many more such representatives of the business service in ukraine ? what should be done with them, in general? cases in general such cases still happen very easily because a lot of people speak russian, for them the ukrainian language is some kind of exotic what to do i can
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tell you what to do mrs. mrs. tetiana here i have there is only one answer: journalists are not working well, you understand. if such cases were covered on all channels, not only television , on all youtube channels . it seems that there is a law about the language, like me, in principle , people who do not know there is someone we, somewhere, someone there , out of the corner of the eye, read in mind that for a person who simply does not serve the buyer of the state language, he should be fined anything from 100%, but for this there must be a wave, a social wave, for journalists to come and stir up society, but what i hear is this is the situation, this is the situation, so live in the real world , you understand that all these we also very often live in a soap bubble, and the russian-speaking conditional cities both speak russian and
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speak and you’re not going anywhere, it’s a very gradual process, you can’t do it once and everyone became the ukrainian language, it depends on the state policy, it depends on the understanding. well, how do you feel about the statements that putin needs absorb ukraine or it would be possible or perhaps it would be possible to boast of ancient history, what advantages will the russian federation receive from this , yes, listen, mrs. natalya, this is an existential war, it cannot exist, the russian federation without ukraine cannot, well, does not want to, no, they do not imagine it, can she is, that's for sure, but imagine the russian empire got back on its feet in the 18th century partly because of the fact that
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it received industrial surpluses in the form of agricultural production that was in ukraine before that, it sold what was there there was a stump there that i don't remember, there was such a list of bullshit, some kind of fix , there wasn't even in itself yes, it means at least there wasn't so much fur, there was a little stump or wax stump wax something else and something else and well, fish yes and probably black caviar. i don't even know if it was popular in russia at that time, and only when they invaded ukraine and saw nifig how much grain is nifig? it can be sold in industrial quantities and everything they created, all this remarkable architecture, all these shootings appeared when ukrainian money and once when he was not robbed
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just everything that was here, everything that grew here, and then they got it all, and before that it was a field yard, and everything can be made of wood, in moscow they once revived this palace that was before the accession of ukraine, it is a kind of strange wooden hut on chicken legs and they were very proud of it that it is so big there you can paint it in a beautiful color yes, so what do you mean by that if they don't have ukraine, they don't have history , they don't have culture, they don't have education , they don't have such a quantity of something i'm having a beer and quietly telling my friends i understand putin i understand him because if ukraine left, then russia is gone. i think that she could be mykola , just as real as she does not want to be . by the way, two historical dates, if we were talking about history, how
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did i find the beautiful dates of march 12, 1169 ? still there 13 days, kyiv was destroyed by the troops assembled by the grand duke volodymyr of suzal , andriy of bogolyub, the church was robbed with mallets, the peasants were raped and beaten. stolen bogolyubsky - this is the same, everything was stolen, everything was destroyed, the lavra was robbed, sofia was the first time in history, until now, troops passing from the north never looted kyiv, they simply came to imprison some prince, so well, this speaks of such a foreign attitude to a foreign country kyivan as to foreigners and on march 18, 1187, according to the mayor of pereyaslav, the ukrainian claim to me is a creeper, not a crawler, in ukraine and
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near kyiv, and by the way, according to whose model pereslavl was built. so it must also be understood that volodymyr this is absolutely a copy kyiv, which was greatly reduced and named in honor of volodymyr zelenskyi, ours. well, it means that prince volodymyr hlibovych dies, and in the annals, when it is mentioned , ukraine is written by him. it is the year 1187. where did it come from? first of all, yes, even the people who wrote the chronicles knew that this is a part of the land, let's pereyaslav, it's ukraine , where halych was, they called it galician ukraine, but volodymyr, no one created ukraine and never allowed it and it will be oh, let's go here byly russia - this is our border - no, it was not your border, because the table of the grand duke was so close to
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the glorified in ukraine well, it was simply a border , a country, a country, if we speak the slavic language , it was once from the soviet era long ago - a long time ago, someone from moscow came to my friends. we sat drinking and my friend sat, well, as always, even in those days, such a slight friction began, well, ukraine, russia, we are cool, you are not cool, we are cool here, we have a good language , you do not understand what is happening here my friend says listen, if you say that you are russian, then we are russian , and you don’t even have a name for the people. this was a blow to the balls . when he died. when he died. it turns out. well, what is the adjective ? well, that’s when andriy bogolyubsky died. he was killed by his own ascetics, but there was
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a man named kuzmishchi is a kievan who took his body there and brought it to the church, everyone says that even no one who loves god, he did not want to carry it, only a visitor and in the country of kuzma is also a kievan, and as russian authors always write , what does a kievan mean? so these god-loving people didn't need them, i knew that a kyivan is a kyivan, which means that a kyivan was probably a kyivan before the kievans appeared somewhere in 1000 years. well, in fact, 2187 is when it will be soon, well, no, we don't live there, but we can talk that we can celebrate the millennium of ukraine, not even of russia from the mention and now it arises and when did russia russia appear somewhere after the pereyaslavsk council well it turns out yes yes yes before muscovy was a maritime one, then
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metropolitan peter mogila came somewhere and said to the brain you know now you'll be russia oh how beautiful oh collaboration collaboration and that's it so that's all you're saying right and what other benefits will russia get from this i'll tell you what benefits if russia seizes all of ukraine as it wants and the russian tank army will be in the city of uzhhorod well, this is a big advantage. you are holding hungary, poland, romania, austria, romania, yes, of course, by the way . everything is fine there. well , why did they do this territory of the soviet union after the second world war? for the love of the ukrainian people, they did not need a garrison in transcarpathia behind the carpathians, and they want to return there . well, it’s clear, i won’t return simply, but that’s such a different question, yes, another question, why should we wait until the anniversary of the full-scale february 24
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, can russia change tactics and demonstrate something new that hasn't happened before or is it worth watching in a special way i don't believe i generally spread these conversations about what they like to add i say on may 9 nothing happened on june 12 day of russia nothing happened august 24 day of ukraine nothing do you think what do we think they like to give they like to kill any day they are absolutely that's why i don't believe that on the 24th they will do anything but they can do the same as on the 23rd as well the 15th, like the 17th, any other day, simply because they are russians, they won't do anything here, that's why i'm not going to the island, but if they come, i will come. i'm not telling you , mrs. olenka, that i don't guarantee you that nothing will happen on the 24th a massive missile attack
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with the use of e-e kirill there winged ballistic missiles, etc. you can be in a bomb shelter, but this applies to any day, any day and any city , when you see when you see that there is a missile attack on ukraine from everyone there, all the use of various types of weapons, it means it is dangerous. this it is absolutely obvious and it seems to me that this is not related to the date, it is related to your awareness of the dangers. yes, ms. halyna sizin-pin plans to give a speech on the peace anniversary of the invasion of the russian federation . what do you think will be the main reference of this speeches, because during the time he was in ukraine, china did not express direct criticism of the actions of russia , galina i agree, the question is correct, because on the one hand, it is really rolling, he did not express direct criticism, but moreover, he buys oil and buys gas. but at the same time , chinese companies are very intensively of the russian market , the big chinese ones are going quietly, not like the americans are going
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, not like mcdonald's is going, not like coca-cola is going very quietly, it's just going. i also read the information of one car dealer, well, who sells chinese cars, he says, they don’t even say goodbye. in the morning, we came to work. there are no chinese. everything is gone. the office is completely empty. everyone got on the plane and flew to picket. there are many chinese people who will never shout out loud, but if there is really a speech about peace by mr. sisinpin, it’s not for me. i know what vitaliy will say. this is a strong hint. putin, well, who is it? 100, who is he addressing? if it is true, what will be the speech about peace? there is a war going on here in the world. such a big war, where this is
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such a place, there are wars in africa, too. on in the middle east, italy, and so on. and so on, but the kind of war that will be closely watched by this ringleader is in ukraine, and when mzyazmir says these changes, i think that this is a direct appeal to mr. putin. i think that everyone will be ringleader in this line saying what he always says is that the west is to blame for the war, the west is to blame, the west should comply with russia's demands that russia is forced to protect its security , the former nato went to russia's borders . china to the aggressors look at the nato bases, they got closer to russia. look, the american bases got closer to china. look, the american bases are much more sportsman will say, but i am against peace. no, he will say that we are possible , then when the west has now understood its
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destructive role, well, let's see. i even in i don't doubt that, well, let's see, we will have an opportunity to find out about it , we have literally two minutes left, and if you also showed us the stopwatch in your computer , you have exactly two minutes left. we were once told that it was two minutes and they turned off the timing, which we rely on when we run the program so that nothing gets out. just talk about these one and a half minutes, because we will hardly have time to answer the question. to be honest , yes, but it really will it's not even interesting what all the callers will say in the speech. and what lukashenko will say, because in fact lukashenko, who was called here not just like that , without a doubt, and and and and they will also want something from him, but again, that mr. belarusians
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. i can't understand why this could be of interest lukashenko and everyone will fall for lukashenko, what can lukashenko offer him ? i have absolutely no idea what the current situation is. type of consultation, because if lukashenko is thinking about it, putin is putting pressure on him, he doesn't want it, he can ask all the calls what he can do to make up his mind or for putin to make up his mind oh, i don't think i'm anyone now sizingin doesn't really need this war, but we need to finish our program and we are finishing it yes vitaly portnikov mykola veresen thank you for your attention to everything


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