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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 11, 2024 4:00am-4:02am CEST

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to imagine the impact you and your friends can have together, we can end global hunger. please download the app the . this is state of the news and these are all top stories. but you, in general assembly has voted overbuilding, the in favor of a palestinian bids to become a 4 member. as a recommended that the security council, we consider the motto: $143.00 countries, the fault of the motion, which cronsa the palestinians. significantly more rights to participate in general assembly sessions. the result came off day is rarely, officials does quite the resolution as an immortal act. ukraine stays, russia has launched a new ground defensive on the countries northeastern border. officials say that was mess up showing in the town of johnson. now, the city of hockey,
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ukraine has evacuated local residents and blushed reinforcements to the region, ukraine's president for the meals, and this case they some of the 3 had anticipated the attack and a feel special is on the way flash floods in northern afghanistan have killed at least 50 people according to the bond officials, exceptionally heavy seas new rains called flooding in several districts of buckland . province, as well as cobbled officials say the best old may rise as many people remain missing. most alms have been full costs for the next few days. and watching the news from bull in your fun much more on our website, that's the w dot com the of any, may monga or animal, all the tasks welcome to the world of v to be as all the many new possibilities flow stream is proven. very popular, some virtual youtube as old beats. you both have millions of fans,
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