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tv   HER - Women in Asia  Deutsche Welle  April 28, 2024 5:15pm-5:31pm CEST

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i've next task more and more women. i study in size that school and college, but they still faced big challenges when it comes to korea in science fiction for that class is more news coming up at the top of the out. the do big ultima view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have kind of raise all over brazilian reprocess. $30000.00 hides a day and 90 percent of that is one of the forward market. the auto industry for example. the letter will actually cost awesome comes from initial cattle farms in the m, as in. yes, the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. process. all that much
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illegal, let the stats may said on d w, the message to your last by the assignment, this is just to go for it. everyone has the right to be good inside this because this is the will. it's us the hill, the joy of knowing something that nobody knew before the
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the, the, when i was young, i was fascinated space and i wanted to be an astronaut. and i imagine myself and i'm leaving a space where they also realize that i can also those ions, you know, from the, from earth. i'm really an astrophysicist and the, the scientists working here at the university and i did my majoring physics at the university from there i applied to graduate schools in the united states in europe and very fortunate to get into things by universe of me where i did my patient, in astrophysics,
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the use of revisions for millions of galaxies, i think in, by our school, the small additional sky surveys that let's go to the scans, the sky, the and you're able to see millions of like years away. and our able to use is also invasion of success. i explained to the guy with the chase, the theory that explains why know the planets move, reading the guide, access, and was the news and how the universe and was the 1st time i was out in the field. i just fell in love with how we communicate to
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people. and this is basically why i really loved madison and enroll areas. people are so warm, people are so that will come in the senior as it is their families. i am to be none of them. i know i am from indonesia and i am a doctor. it is always an eye opening experience to present this ex, solve a islands and their news and bring madison there. yes. the gap off health care in these places versus any metropolitan status in indonesia. it just tremendous. it's kind of crazy how in one island they would not have any oxygen at all. for example, the, sometimes they would not have any lives at all. if more people understand that this is an issue, i think it's not
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a very difficult task to fall through the work go computational. so these soft materials would describe the interaction of tiny particles in the materials by using fundamental content had novel materials. so very important from the energy of vacation to the special properties that were used to make new devices. it's very rewarding and you feel the joy of knowing something that nobody knew before.
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my name is main shell, a vice president of i came in seneca, a top research in 61, and in the world. this is the institute of atomic and my life, hulu appliances. i'm also a professor. i teach one course for years. said a very good to be called to refresh your memory about the fundamental science for instance, always those are circulating the song. how do the water ways for if i so us into a late the
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used to live and i were the, i'm not picking any kind of financial rewards, but the people in the patients kind of felt guilty of probably about it. and so they will bring fluids like bananas on the, in his places you will also see how culture and traditions are such a big part of their life. i think it's not wise to ignore it. the, you know, on your copier, it would be easier for them to accept me as, as a doctor and someone who found them to, oh, maybe use you it doing isn't easy to do that. the
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i was invited to have a positive. i strongly meaning that anything offended by just the general public and cvo kids were just single tier use the the i think a great opportunity for them and ask their questions of mine. i really was supposed fields by that experience. and i became more interested in communicating science and the public reaching out for the nose, and also eventually decided to come back to the philippines and do my science here . the
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plan i was growing up there or we're not them many role model the situation is changing now. i'm participating in a program in which we go to the high schools and talk to the girls and to give them some opportunities to work in an advance laboratory so that they could get a feeling about the joy doing those very special things. the so one of the projects that i started to come for after the single stereotype of, you know, just the white male sciences is what they call it, the noise science. this platform where the feature filipino scientists working here
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and around the world, you know, from different school supplies for known different genders and different fields. the same message to young female scientists is just to go for it professionally, seeing as i think it would be great if science can make us realize that we are not alone. good picture on the earth now showing that there are many, no boundaries and we're all together. and the more realize that the societies are science to all cultures and we're abrasions in so that we can have a more no peaceful in the
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at the moment. the percentage requirements, the female students are still around 20 percent. no. so far as the sam was everywhere else. if you're working in appeal that is dominated by your male colleagues, you have to learn how students do. you'll tell me when the patients because they may react to things kind of different but if you to focus on your work and size and i tend to forget the, the gender difference. the
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i really see madison as a life, not just of work. and when you do something that gives you the most satisfactory feeling, i think it's kind of keeps you going. right. and that's exactly how i feel. whenever i go through this little places, i've heard many young women coming to me and saying that they're thinking to become a doctor that often having this thought else. can i do this really to be good for my future and so on. my as always, always, yes, yes. again, science is every, once everyone has the right to be good inside us because it's, it's the, well,
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it's us. the key is to can show people waiting for
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200 the most famous infinity of all times, doing points for peace and freedom. everything about the next on dw, with working as long been a male dominated industry and nigeria. but elizabeth, if i, you know, won't do, refuses to go with the flow. she designs and manufacturers, modern furniture in our own workshop. and as a role model for many, and not just when feedbacks and 60 minutes on d, w, conflicts, crises was, every single connection mapped out shows the geopolitical reality. the on the board
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is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the a mazda piece of classical music, near as it's moving assumption a, it's about not losing faith in the darkest of times. we must believe in the light. now the face hovens 9th page that brings us the re from shanghai to sell paulo people all over the world. no and loved the symphony that stands for peace and understanding among nations and not just in the european union, an anthem for freedom.


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