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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 28, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw news live from lin pressure grice on israel to secure the release of all hostages in gaza. protest is demand action on the streets of tel aviv as how most release is the video climbing to show it to me and still being held. israel's foreign minister suggests any deal could see a plan defensive on rafa suspended. also ahead k all set ukrainian passport offices abroad as keys pushes to get military aged men to come home and find the
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jared raid. welcome to the program. the release of a new video by hum us climbing to show 2 hostages being held in gaza is renewing pressure on ease rouse golf. a meant to secure the release of all those still being held is riley 5 minutes to israel. cuts has suggested that a plan to sold on ross could be suspended if a hostage in agreement can be struck with homeless, which carried out the october 7 terror attack. and there are reports that a deal may be close as public anger grows of a sea of white and blue flags on the streets of tel aviv thousands of israelis demanding that the government bring that compatriots home. but after almost 7 months ago, and with no hostage dale insights, many atoning this theory on prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his right wing government, a families of the hospitals is gather to call upon the cabinet members. get out of
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government if you can't secure the hostage the, now this is your number, one of the government of israel jump number one and they failed dramatically. they should go all the governments, all the 60 full members. this protest was further inflamed by a video released by him us that appeared to show 2 hostages, taken during the october 7th tara attack, nursing. yahoo and his government insist that securing the release of old hostages is the top priority. but many a losing face, that is really, leaders are really doing all that they can i want for election to be have held not in a year or 2, but right now as soon as possible. i want all the hostages back because i can see if the government does not want them back. they want to make this war go as long as
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possible to rise by our government, by our lead mode in 6 months. whichever they needed to do as a must consider, as israel was latest proposal for a ceasefire and gaza negotiations have hinted that a hostage deal might be close. but that's a message. these protestors have been hearing for months and the patients is running out. dw correspondent rebecca reese's in jerusalem. rebecca hi, the israel's foreign minister has held out the prospect that the plan defense even to ratify could be suspended or postponed. if a hostage deal is read, st. thomas, tell us what is the likelihood of this as well, jared, i think if a hostage deal is rates, then it's very likely that the roof or incursion will be suspended if not cooled off entirely. i think the question is really whether
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a deal can be reached because even a deal is raged. will certainly be tied to some kind of ceasefire with a permanent or otherwise home. and that is what i'm most demanding. that is something is relevant said is not of something that they can agree to, but i think certainly a delay in any referent cousin would. oh my certainly take place to hostage deal. they come to fruition. now we've seen a huge delay in the talks a stool in a stalemate, if you will. and just recently, in the last few days, we have seen a revival of these talks with an addiction delegation coming. his is around to discuss with his riley officials, they've now taken a proposal account, a proposal from israel back to the most latest that they are negotiating with as well as, and it's a fruitful and they have, they are actually reviewing that deal now. so it's very possible that we've seen, we've been in this position many times now since november, since the last hostage deal was re released a raged router. and there was a more than a 100 hostages released in that deal. and they were also prisoners on the other
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side of the city and sign it as part of that deal release. but that was back in november. and since then the talks of really editing flowed as i say, that it has been revived in recent days. and we'll just have to wait and see what comes out of this light is agreement the most. and israel both very much digging into that to the position you have most cooling, full time. and it's a site as well saying that is not something that they can agree to will. so we'll just have to say what the terms of the slightest deal are and whether or not that's something that hamas can agree to. okay, rebecca elsewhere the secretary of state and the blinking is returning to the middle east on sun diets, east 7th trip states since the israel, how mass was started last october. but what's he hoping to achieve? well i think you'll be coming back with much of the same message he's been coming with for his previous 7 trips and re i'd, he'll be attending an economic for him. but of course the main issue will be the ongoing conflict in gaza. there he'll be talking about that ongoing situation. the
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ongoing sci fi talks he'll be trying to, uh, you know, pushed the saudi, uh, the saudis, the saudi delegation there. his counterparts in saudi arabia to try to make their influence 9 to the, to the minus sign to the palestinian side. they'll also be talking about the humanitarian situation. and of course, a post will garza, he's trying to push for the saudi arabia to, to, to come to some kind of peace agreement with israel. and that's something that was ongoing before the war that took place. and it's something that the, the american certainly still pushing for hoping for saudi israel normalization and that saudi arabia could play a role in a post will gaza. but they are going to be told with the agenda. then on tuesday, he'll be coming here. we believe. and he'll be probably bringing a similar message. similar discussion points with his is riley count of paul to the top correspondent rebecca reaches interest land. rebecca, thanks
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a lot for that. now the news now russia says it has shot down 17 ukrainian drawings over night in several waste and regions. now this comes roughly a day after 8 launched, a massive wave of me solves against you crime, which appeared to target energy facilities and infrastructure as well as a psychiatric hospital in the eastern city of khaki. following those attacks, ukrainian president, florida means the lensky issue to new appeal to allies for defensive weapons. especially when issue has been muscle. and then we saw another massive mrs. drake theater is. he's 34 brush from rocket to various types. some of the main, sorry to was the energy sector, the various facilities in the industry, both electricity and gas transit facilities, in particular, those gas facilities that are crucial to ensuring safe delivery to the european union city bas becca, we managed to shoot down some of the missiles, jessica, and i'm grateful to each of our soldiers who were really accurate, of course,
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and responded in time of the solution. and you've just got a hold off. think butcher categories of the missiles from the nature of the strike were calculated by russian terraced in a way to make the work of our air defense system. so as difficult as possible, each downs rocket is a significant result. the home it is now long side weapons. ukraine is in desperate need of troops. now the chief as announced that it suspending conseula services for man. all fighting i to abroad. now that means man between i've seen and 60 you won't be able to renew their passports. supposing them to return to your crime, the government says it's to boost manpower. shortage is bought some ukrainians a broadside. that being unfairly targeted, confused and anxious. a hundreds line off the ukranian post post office in prague, hoping to pick up the documents before you. crane's new mobilization, little comes into force. it requires old man. if military age you want to renew
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official paperwork to return home where they could be drafted below musical. there's no way i'm going to a recruitment center and ukraine because they won't let me come back to the czech republic. have an official and permanent residence here. i pay taxes or do things for proper way, but now i have a problem with this similar scenes and will also, with people frustrated to the possible toughest is temporarily closed. but it wasn't, they don't ask us why we went abroad. i went abroad legally. the law has not yet commit to force a passport office employees seem to be applying it already. ukraine bonds draft age men from leaving the country off to russia's invasion in 2022. or to say they're only targeting those who are legally evading. the draw. it's fair towards ukrainian man who stayed in ukraine
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and who worked in the korean economy and for the fight. indeed, creating an army. i think it's fair, the words, it will be fair towards them. a man from a man from the broad return to ukraine and spent by them by each other in defending the country. the country that gave them everything russia currently occupies around to say to few creamy and territory. tens of thousands of ukrainian soldiers have been killed or wounded in the 2 years since the full scale invasion began. is the quick round up of some other world news headlines now. mold in 10000 support is of spanish prime minister pedro sanchez have rallied outside. he's potties headquarters to
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a team not to step down sanchez's he's considering doing that off to his wife was targeted by corruption allegations laid out by a file right. active as great public prosecutors have requested the case to be dropped. the chalet has declared 3 days of morning after the bodies of 3 police officers were found salt and burned in a vehicle. authorities say they were responding to a false emergency coal when day went ambushed. it's on korea who carried down get talk tonight, who has swept through the chinese city as long as your killing at least 5 people. i'm leaving thousands injured. died media reports that into a night or 2 or 3 more than 140 factories bought. that no himes hoping damaged. it comes less than a week off to the industrial region experienced it's west flooding. you know of a 70. he's well canyon authorities are wanting residents to bryce for even heavier rain full following the flooding that's killed at least
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76 people since march east africa has been invited by monsoon. ryans made even worse by warm ocean temperatures in the worst heat region in 10 yourself. at least 8 people died off today. a truck was swept away by flooded waters. the religious sizes which the truck that capsized in the swollen jupiter on friday. many of the best singers on board didn't make it. and it was all good. now, you know, there were 2 trucks, but i wasn't the one that went ahead and what was on the truck cross without any issues. and once we got to the other side of the river, we heard screams, and that's another one. i ran back to check what happened during the political and that's when i realized that the truck behind just didn't make it. and the people have been washed away when they come across as a walk. double to really tell you we think that was for the water to go down so they could get across, but it was in a truck offered to take then many jumped in,
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but the powers was good. inspector was equally 5th to teams and local residents tried to see as many people as the quick. but now they have been searching for the victims plus mama. we are just waiting for the water to subside the young men, he can then look for bodies that might be stuck in the sand and hopefully retrieve them. gimme a has been experiencing heavy pains for weeks exposed to climate change is responsible for the harsh read. the. the flat thing has cost white. spect damage. thousands of people have been displaced. and now a community in shock or what defenseless that's of so many people. it's finally now us president joe biden has taken a matt, he's presidential election rival donald trump and even put fund that himself during
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the annual whitehouse correspondence dina, he also demanded the release of us doing the list thing the time during the season spike more broadly to about the big issues that could shape november's election. but he didn't mention the war in gaza despite hundreds of pro palestinian protest is cooling for a boy called off the offend. out outside the venue over the us support for israel school in gauze, up on a more life. and archie had this to say about the claims being made about his age. course. 2024 elections and full. so he and yes, age is an issue. i am a grown man, running it against the 6 year old and with that you're up to date here on the dw, of course there's more on dw dot com, please do follow us through your own. now social media accounts, which you can find, i don't handle as dw juice,
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i'm jared rate in fairly and thank you so much for watching the . every jenny is the surprises. we've gone all out to give you some of the right people in your northern most count the police the free time but still very much alive. your guy to the professional.


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