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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 28, 2024 4:00am-4:03am CEST

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the, the opportunity was, was 1st, the 3 pa documentary series, unless the hezbollah dots may 4th on d, w. the . this is the job, your news, and these are top stories. russia has launched misfire stripes on ukraine's energy infrastructure and other civilian targets, including a hospital in the eastern city of har. key. the latest attacks come as ukraine faces the shortage of ad defenses. preston, florida. muse lensky is now asking our lives supply at least another 7 patriot system. us secretary of state on me blinking has scheduled a visit to saudi arabia or the next week, what all some guys up. the announcement comes of thomas says it is a viewing
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a new is rarely to fall asleep for a ceasefire. it would be blinking 7th wizard to the reason since the beginning of the war. almost 7 months ago. south africa has been celebrating its freedom. dave told us off to the historic elections that marked the end of apartheid. south african leaders attended events, inter todo which intruded musical performances and the 21 gun salute bought disillusionment with the n. c. let the government is growing, fulfilling to tackle, driving, unemployment and poverty. if you're watching dw new stumbling, you'll find much more on our website at the top to dot com. the intense passion for the arduous cross country rally rate life. people often telling
4:02 am
me that i don't smart enough, but give me a good track and i desire to go it alone. even in the most challenging situations. when i did my 1st couple of at least i looked at what was the toughest thing to move in this for it was easy to find on sort of who was the darker and a love for the molly moto class, where without team support of right or most rely on sheer grid to survive each state. i think the bigger basically bedding on yourself and then putting all the finances in into something like this, knowing that the score very well the i'm all she said i'll run a ton of.


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