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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  April 28, 2024 2:30am-3:01am CEST

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all the rest of the classify as disgusting. w series about our complex relationship with animals. the great debate. what you know on youtube, dw documentary, the did you party all night? did you have a hard day at work? or maybe you put yourself to a really tough work out and now you're feeling frazzled. what if you're constantly tired and exhausted for no apparent reason? what could be behind that? p for example is so we can fatigue that you can't even blow dry her own hair. she's about to tell us her story here on, in good shape. the
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it's 10 a n p a is just have breakfast. now she needs to lie down again. she's still exhausted from eating that she 1st needs to rest issue. if it does it, she might end up in bed for the rest of the day. then your stuff is miss wilkes is if i really need to recover from an activity in it's spot done, then i have to spend the whole day in a dock or a move. so i'm hoping that it feels like there's no difference between night and day and then talk enough with what's what this hobble is fatigue is caused by a new rather immune disease known as my allergic and stuff. oh, my lightest or chronic fatigue syndrome known as m e. c fs. the show us up to 13000000 people worldwide assault to suffer from the condition. a 5th of those cases are children and young people, many and no longer able to play, meet friends or like p a. go to school. as of that sounds good. no,
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we don't know exactly what causes it, but what's noticeable is that in many cases, especially in children in adolescence, m e. c, f. s is predominantly triggered by a virus. that's what we think is that they mean system styles. how fighting the virus, but then confuse it with structures in the body of exit and immune reactions to attack the body itself. and guy from water balance works every day with children and adolescents. she says patients like p a often suffer from other typical complaints. as a nation, so in addition to fatigue and intolerance to stress, they experience pains sleep disorders, problems with concentration, memory, so feeling faint intolerance to heat, cold, quick light noise and will say flu like symptoms whom without tell mother here would be helpless and no longer able to cope with everyday life,
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she even needs help just to waco know how to the good window. 2 that's the nigger, how to, how feet independence, 16 year old daughter with hope or plans dream of the software and everything that went with that. you know, she's a young woman who needs help with even the smallest of time to kind of take some things here is no longer able to blow dry her own head. she's lost muscle mass from line down so much on a lack of exercise. so she just doesn't have the strength as of august and i can't blow joy in my head because i can't hold the head joy for that long slice. it's the same with coming. what? yeah, i can't do that myself. i then it took over a year, if he is still needs to be diagnosed, she so many deltas, none of whom could find a cause, the symptoms, some thought it was a mental health issue, or that she was even imagining symptoms of home. and unfortunately,
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that's our experience. genuinely that children and adolescents with m a c f s and not taken seriously enough. that means they don't receive timely and sufficient help on tips on how to manage that condition. in some cases it's diagnosed as a mental illness leading to the wrong treatment, enough guys for solving fluid. there's still no known to a to p is condition spot medication kind at least help with her pain. i'm feeling faint. she's also learning to pay so self to better manage the energy levels. been pacing for us, okay. so you can basically involves the patient finding out where that limit saw. so they observe whether they can cope well with this not to be with example of maybe 2 hours of school or perhaps 2 hours is too much and leads to more appropriate and the next day. so for me, i understand who it is most. so i have to plan the best time to take a shower. before i go downstairs, i have to think, what do i need from up stairs?
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or when i need to go to the kitchen? i think about whether i should go to the toilet too. so that i don't have to walk twice, 2 and a half years off to the 1st symptoms of m a, c f s a p, a p. i had to draw power to school. but she's hoping to catch up on her exams later . something others have managed as a vis finance that i need. we have visa, every child and young person that benefit from a symptom oriented therapy that has less pain back to sleep and fewer problems. but what i'm really special is when a young person with m e c f s, manages to graduate from high school at home with all hilton's i've got one test at some. p is also grateful to have a steady boyfriend. despite the severe limitations of illness. he's really supportive and comes by often. don't host miss, but he helped me with everything, but it looks to me. he makes me a water bottles. he makes me tea. and text me into bed. met said the ms to as the
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um, that super important for me on. and of course he's an incredible source of strength for me to do because of him. i can cope with all the challenges we manage them together. i couldn't imagine how i'd cope in this situation without and of course that was um yeah, i wouldn't be letting him go any time soon. push the game. s p a test results not soneta illness. get head down and wrote to me isn't, isn't on found a study. so young people with m a c that's have a 60 percent chance of recovering from the disease. naturally if you feel constantly exhausted, it could be the after effects of a cove. it infection experts estimate the number of people suffering from chronic fatigue has doubled since the pandemic. one study carried out by berlin chevy to university hospital, found that many patients who develop severe post cove and fatigue still have problems 20 months after becoming infected. but even a harmless,
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cold or mild infection can make you feel tired and weak. that's down to certain proteins that the immune system releases to fight the pathogens. they also suppress the bodies internal clock making us feel tired, that insurance, we take the time to rest and heal. but how do you good fit again afterwards with a vitamin rich diet for example. i'm just as eating differently can your chronic fatigue but it can help you feel better because the mentions is fit. so you can eat your way back into form yourself or replace white flour and sugar with lots of vegetables, lose the process to meet and really made meals and outs for herbs and healthy greens to eat your way back to health experts say if you're feeling drained, eating 30 different vegetables a week is the ideal kick start. i 30 vegetables is a lot when you think most germans only like 3 carrots, potatoes, and tomatoes and
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a lot. but it's the variety that helps to and least plant based healing potential. why not try of lentil soup with patrick or pesto and roasted seeds. ringback ready more cabbage with fennel and mushrooms and that scores around 15 vegetable points and it's stuff full of micro nutrients to boost your immune system. find a corner when you have chronic exhaustion. afternoon, infectious disease in the beam sequenced. all bodies are working to eliminate the passage in yet as always from ice order for it's fighting against another pathogen that's trying to piggyback on the original infection from the often infect offices that bite for bone processes. it's extremely important that the body has enough material or munition to how some human response i need one, unfortunately just to the side. and for that it needs vitamins b, c, and d, as well as the minerals, magnesium, selenium, and sink
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b vitamins are important for cell division in our immune system. our body need sinks to repair wounds. selenium access a protective shield against free radicals and magnesium can help relieve pain. these are also available in tablet form, but that's not ideal. ready combine supplements often have a ridiculously small amount of the body. you mentioned one minerals concerned. and in this form they can sometimes interfere with each other and the way we absorb the individual nutrients for taking the vitamin d is recommended. if you have a deficiency of a who uh, by longer, if you're looking to steve off exhaustion, you need to do so in a way that's got friendly because the god plays a central role in your immune system. our intestines are home to thousands of bacteria, species of whole community of micro organisms that doctors call them micro biome.
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and did they ever decisive impact on our immune system? the more good bacteria that take up residence in and on our intestinal wall, the less space they raise through pathogens that cause disease. and for our good bacteria to drive they need to be fed properly with in the adjustable fiber. the back to the in, in dumb the venture. yet in our guns, produce substances that has the health benefits for us. like you teoric acid for example, that this makes us more resistant to infectious diseases though this is because the cubic acid protects the mucus lining. now we're intestines stopping pathogens from taking the rest of the crew super. his vegetables are rich in pain. digestible fiber, which type you choose is less important than maintaining a variety spicy food can also help to fight for teeth
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chopping fruit, the parts devices not only make your fluid more interesting, i think also have a biological effect taking booster cycle. for example, chilly tends to put us in a better mood to attend the same applies to pepper on it. that's good of off the table. then ginger and horse radish also have a biological anti biotic effect. you know, helping our bodies to fight viruses, bacteria and fun, g using bacteria and taste well, food alone won't cure a chronic exhaustion after an infection. eating many different types of vegetables, herbs and seeds can help us feel fit or more quickly. that's because they provide our immune cells with plenty of ammunition in the fight against pathogens. constant exhaustion is often a side effect vince laboratory, diseases like rheumatoid arthritis for multiple sclerosis. but it could also indicate a non diagnosed conditions. like hypo thyroid isn't. diabetes,
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depression or even cancer, but sometimes fatigue is self induced. we too much too late and consume too few vitamins or too much fat or we have too much stress. a lack of exercise will also lead you tire. but the main problem is we don't sleep enough. the world health organization says 40 percent of the global population has sleeping issues based if someone who knows what it's like not to sleep for months on end is night or restless unknown restorative. finally, he plays don't. his hopes on an appointment with a specialist, but sleep medicine. i'm yes, as an asset. you know, my main problem was being unable to sleep or the night and i could forward a sleep easily, but it was staying asleep until my alarm went off. i always had phases of waking up in the night and then it was difficult to full back to sleep. the die insufficient of the set may not align sleep specialist tons going to vase sees many
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patients with similar problems. and he says the numbers are growing around 5 to 10 percent of adults have problems falling asleep or staying asleep. often sleep disorders are becoming a public health academic in jail. 62. as soon as he done the help was the highest, the main problem is that people struggle to switch off and relax. and couldn't they take the stress and problems of the day to bed with them? and they come forget about the worries and couldn't. and the 2nd reason is that many people then worry about their ability to sleep. and so go to bed with a certain amount of tension. i'm not excited to intention, stop you sleeping, find this office. women are more than twice as likely to be affected as men who tend to be better at ignoring their thoughts. but stressful events affect both men
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and women equally helping to the whole financial fan, i went through a career change. well, i applied for a new job job at a new location at before on tuesdays and after i started the new job, i realized it was a big step, a big change. and it started to really affect me when the hot in your job, i to. ready if you don't sleep well at night, you feel exhausted the next day your i'm focused on less productive. a lack of sleep can even be dangerous noises types, the frequency of accidents is increasing into what pays. i mean road traffic is by sprints lies in gemini, for example, falling asleep, the wheel might grow, sleep. i'm is responsible for twice as many faithfuls color accidents as alcohol. and i go with a 2 to hear one fairly often switched. awesome gift. know, getting enough sleep over a long period of time takes a huge toll with negative repercussions for the entire body. that includes in the
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long term as an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, mental health disorders, metabolic diseases, and age related conditions like hawkins ins and dimension dimensions we have in, behind me you just talk to distinguish between 50 different types of sleep disorder divided into problems with folding and sleep or staying sleep. if you struggle to fold a sleep, stay and sleep or go back to sleep. if you wake up and that happens at least 3 times a week for more than a month, then you'll suffering from a sleep disorder. going to a sleep of oratory can help to determine the right treatment. once the problem has been diagnosed, there are various treatment options, such as learning professional relaxation techniques, like ultra genic training or meditation. cognitive behavioral therapy can also help kinds noise these days. we have new digital apps that teach cognitive behavioral
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therapy techniques, and it gives the user a clear instructions on how to do things, different name, the 5 initial studies show that or at least as effective as face to face therapy or group therapy not suitable for treating mild to motivate sleep disorders. nicole intel p one where the whole going to bed. you should avoid bright light, including computer and phone screens. using sleeping tablets is not advisable. quicker diseases with a sleeping pills, just treat the symptoms if they don't offer a q a. i know i'm with most sleeping pills. there's a risk that you just get used to them. i for you become a dictated, adams, not be the cognitive group therapy was certainly helpful in the case of all patient . he's not able to sleep while again on cope with everyday life is energy and focus of retained in countries where it's very hard
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to work in public life often come to a halt at lunchtime. in europe, the spanish are famous for their cs tense. the midday nap was long considered a relic of the past, but now we know that taking a siesta is good for you. that's backed up by the spanish heart foundation. many companies in spain have introduced yes to friendly working hours or even set aside areas for employees to now. and what's good for the spanish is good for all you can . those are almost anywhere. so how about the power now? trials writing is a sports that requires strength and skills. that mean hays is one of the best riders in the world. after her morning training session, she has to focus on her university studies, but to recharge your batteries, she 1st takes of power and that the vintage was not on the deck as if i sat down at my desk straight after lunch, i'd probably be fine for about 10 minutes,
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but then i'd feel so tired that i wouldn't be able to concentrate on. and and the worst case scenario. i'd fall asleep at my desk. i'm glad i saw the power and that was a must. then was done sign up somewhere. nap is a way to help replenish energy. it's a revitalizing short nap lasting between 5 and 20 minutes. unlike a normal that which often lasts longer than 30 minutes. power naps are intended to help overcome or prevent a major dipping performance, especially during the natural mid day slump between around one and 4 in the afternoon. something in a haze swears by it, she says a power nap at lunch time works better than coffee or energy drink. to me, i guess i noticed that i'm much more attentive in focus after my nap, especially on long days when i do a lot of training, but also need to study along to preventing how i can think more clearly and feel
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refreshed afterwards. on a who went off, and that feeling is actually backed up by science, dr. daniel zip who runs a sleep clinic at the university of tubing. and he says, power napping really works on that. being said, contrast is how and that being has been well researched and is known to have many positive effect. so some i'm, it helps with concentration and memory, but also create tibby and physical performance. and this life says kind of, it has a revitalizing effect on the body, but usually lasts for $2.00 to $3.00 or 4 hours like history. and studies show that pilots are more attentive and to have quicker reaction times after power, naps in companies, power. naps can help to prevent accidents, they can also help to be more creative, allowing you to solve complicated problems. and they have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. but don't those off too often and never for longer than 30 minutes. otherwise you might go into
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a deep sleep, more rems sleep and that's then you'll probably wake up even more tired or feeling slightly down on alpha and come the time of day you take one is also important. those who nap too late often to have problems following your sleep at night. if you already have trouble drifting off or sleeping through the night, it's better to avoid power and that's altogether so as not to jeopardize your night sleep a low payment. jesus tip for beginners. is not to put yourself under pressure, even if you don't manage to actually sleep, the break will still do you good. the speaking of power, now things new findings to adjust the balance is everything. you're some inside from our tech talk channel. leave on left within that price of the research and nothing of mutations that shouldn't be done on a daily basis. taking the only once or twice a week. the best time to sleep is the only afternoon when you buy the experience.
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it's a natural, katie, and not long, and that's 20 to 30 minutes. you want to feel refreshed up. do not need more time than before, especially your brain attack could benefit from us. if you suffer from insomnia, it's a good idea to give up the thing that's fine. beyond says guess mos on dw science. oh, tick tock channel. the scientists have discovered that we don't just need enough sleep to be healthy. mind and body also need rest and relaxation that might come just through doing something other than our normal job. so for example, exercise acting on stage or doing volunteer work. they might all be strenuous but can still be restorative. but trying to eliminate disruptive factors, noise, or music in the background, for example, can be stressful. even if we don't realize that people who come to us with constant demands can also drain our reserves. so if you're always feeling exhausted,
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look at what sapping your energy and what gives you a boost enjoying the sun with your feet up and simply doing nothing. that's something we'll need at times. even if not everyone at flow, it's when you take a break. so might think you're being lazy and just need to get on with some work. but taking breaks is important, especially when you're working. doctors even recommend a short break every 90 minutes minority power for most 9, you should consciously take a break and at least if i'm really sweet joe, have your what? i'm reluctant on as high as and so not just sitting at your desk and we'll go over them down assemblage in 2 minutes. i want you to knock off another 10 e mails to mid does this is that certainly not the right way to do things and that sort of has tried to get out into the fresh air. and if you can go out into nature,
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what by taking a look for example, or if that's not possible, just gazing out the window allowing yourself ranking a time out is important for mind and body. neglecting brakes can have dropped consequences as kindest on the map by mouth, and you might start to feel restless. what now does it have like sol, state, or extremely tight? a new dish, kind of clinton huts, the ones you may have problems concentrating, light came to us money. it can even lead to sleep disorders. and then boone out the whole, or even depression, your kind of an inch deep. don't use your smart phone during a break. it's better to switch off properly. for example, with a sho midday. not of no more than 5 to 10 minutes. holding a bunch of keys can be helpful. done with management teams laugh headed to avoid falling into a deep sleep that you can sit on an upright chair and close your eyes while holding
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a bunch of key name on the quote before more than 10 just before you fall into a deep sleep. as your muscles will relax and go lit up, causing the keys to draw hold of your hungry stuff. when the keys flow you wake up again and you're not in the bathroom. designated thing is the end. so put your cell phone away, lean back and just let the world go by. sometimes we do well to learn from our feline friends. they definitely know a single to about how to relax. and once you've had a break, why not get some exercise in good shape in the house? fitness trainer has a di upfront exercise. now that will really get the air flowing into your lungs and perch you up when you sometimes feel tired. i have a good exercise, like wait, reading the exercise which blue like you know, pills, your pelvis,
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look like this. from there you even hails completely seamless heinously. to lift up your arms over your head. now you breathe out with a mouth open. and to nothing is left and it's totally normal that to my the costs. and it could happen at the beginning that do feel a bit dizzy. so take a longer break between the repetition simply started with a 5 reputations at the beginning. if a few more comfortable and as bonds increase up to 10 maximum of 15 reputation. this is a great exercise for a diaphragm, which is the most important we think and it's
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re energy boosted because there's simply in the hand much more oxygen with, with the take. so you can get through the week with a whole lot more energy. thanks for watching. so you next time the
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so that's the is in the middle of one of the 2. some is the most of the core is edition from the west african shante pm conference schools. let's with that then just to the in 30 minutes dw poisonous prize every day, many risk their lives working in indonesia is illegal goals. but workers also
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face another terrible threats. mercury. it is used to extract cool evaporates seats into the ground and devastating people's lives for ease and poverty. in 75 minutes on d w the we did, you force it on anyone, but we did sell them such a product to us and by agreed in the 2000 store to bank engaged in various high risk business practice to search the bank was basically involved in every shady scandal in the banking sector worldwide. raise ever higher process. if you made money, there was pressure to make more money. and then the minds of the german institution,
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the george of backstory starts main seconds on d w. how many platforms can you handle single attain usually without having the feeling that it's just too much? what see me, how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking diesel, modern man. because if we do too much, we teddy all wrong. we messed things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage humans and multitasking. watching our new to v w documentary the,
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you're watching the news lar fumble in south africa. i'm off cody, us since the end of apartheid breast and drama, posada ended and it was 3 when some for towed out bought going this content with us government across the shadow or what, but what would the celebration also coming up the protesters and telling me of keep up the press. so on benjamin netanyahu, i'm at spectrum. there's some that is threatening him off, might be entering towards the facility and rush of steps, office, the fax on ukraine heating, energy infrastructure, and the cost of it. it comes as long daily is minutes. we age from the us.


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