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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 28, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the news lar, from the south africa mox, 30 years since the end of football type president on my post. the attendance on a was 3 rent and for told him about going to contend with his government costs. a shadow with the celebration. also coming up. russia set up. it's a tax on ukraine, hitting an energy infrastructure. and once it comes as long delay admitted created from the us, it's set to arrive in the country. the massage, as while back into the program,
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south africa has been celebrating its 30th the freedom day. the democratic election headed on april 27. 1994 mocked the end of a ball tide and paved the way from nelson mandela to become the country's flip back president. monday, last fall to b and c has been in fall or ever since. and why it's all down for cms default and events to lock the start of joining point. the discontent with the and c store has been growing, but some of the south africa is celebrating the c a mux the 2 years since the end of apartheid. and the birth of democracy, the countries presidents, serial, run the oppose, the joint in the festivities the in his address. he reminded the crowns and put toria about the significance of freedom day after the describe
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that day. as the beginning of a new heater. moving from pessimism and evasion to nation reconciliation in the see 9092. so, a hi miss orly read or human advised military owners also marked the event, which is a chill on to the south africans of different ages, to reflect on how the country has changed. as sort of the more pressing the level of change, you know, for whatever binded as to what have other people wanted us to become. it's an opportunity to, to become a self. i really have good off with this 1st city is there's been a lot of change,
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especially deval, his blood sugar, and some things that we could never reach as our elders could. and we were able to do a movement. how could i figure, you know, by now during democracy children are able to get food at schools? kind of, there is also a free transport for kids. and now we have no school fees. when it comes to medical matches at clinics, you can get free treatment before we didn't have those things that were been and lots of positive changes. but we know that we still need to do more. we need to pull more menu, south africans feel that more needs to be done. the country still suffers from high in the quality crime and unemployment levels. and polls shows that status of love to face and the governing a n c to tackle these issues. since democracy began, they have be in the policy and power. but with the elections only a month away,
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they face the prospect of losing their majority. for the 1st time you've got to design hawk or in for georgia, explain why and support the slipping ahead of the upcoming election for well indications all of that the election that's due to take place next month will be one of the toughest taste. if not the toughest taste for the routing a and c b r number of factors that have a sort of put the n c in this position. there's a lot of frustration around issues like power outages in south africa. and the growing unemployment levels have really lift the young south africans frustrates it . and of course you add to that the fact that we've got a number of new political parties that have joined and very active opposition. parties that are campaigning on these very issues like unemployment envelopes shooting the crisis, the power outage crisis. and what we seeing in some of the polls that are coming
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through ahead of the election is that although the a and c would still most likely receive a high number of votes, they not going to get the kind of numbers that we've seen them getting before above 60 percent, it looks like they could go lower and they are, or there's also quite a bit of a speculation that may actually result in not seeing a coalition government at the national government level. of course, we have a month to go until that election takes place and a lot more campaigning still to be done. but when you speak to people on the ground, really they are saying that they are open to hear what other political parties have to say. even though they have perhaps, supported the amc for quite some time. and that is a bit of an indication also of how difficult the election is likely to be to design hall court in pretoria that now joshua lost a major massaro attack on ukraine over night, which appeared to talk at the country's energy entrust. our shop it comes is key
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rates for the arrival of crucial from the united states. russian messiah is also struck a psychiatric hospital in the eastern city of hawk cheve damaging several buildings . the attacks once again highlighted ukraine's of huge shortage of ad defenses. press and below it, it means landscape continues to appeal to allies for defense investments. he says at least one of the 7 patriots systems i needed to defend your cran, skype, especially when you showed in muscle. and then we saw another massive mrs. drake theater. she's 34 brush rockets of various types. the main started with the energy sector, the various facilities and the industry, both electricity and gas transit facilities, in particular, those gas facilities that are crucial to ensuring safe delivery to the european union city perspective. we managed to shoot down some of the missiles just and i'm grateful to each of our soldiers who were really accurate report and responded in time to watch them. you've just got out of off 3 categories of the missiles from
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the nature of the strike were calculated by russian terrorist and a way to make the work of our air defense system. so as difficult as possible, each downs rocket is a significant result. the whole monitors are to do you got to be correspondent? katarina g more has more from queues. um, we can definitely say that the attacks from russia has been intensifying, especially in the past month. and this is also because uh, as, as you know, the age package from the united states was on hold in that country. so this 6 months have definitely given russia an advantage not only to advance and take cities like steve, but also to keep on planning their nets, their next targets, like the missile attacks we saw yesterday. now alongside weapons, your cream is in desperate need of troops. cube has announced that it's suspending console of services for fighting age men abroad. that means that men between 18 and
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61 to be able to renew the possible, it's forcing them to load it onto ukraine. the government says it's divorced manpower shortage, has bought some new credence abroad, said they'd be unfairly targeted, confused and anxious. hundreds lineup the ukranian post post office in prague, hoping to pick up the documents before you. crane's new mobilization, little comes into force. it requires old man to minute tree age. you want to renew official paperwork to return home where they could be drafted. the balloons are going, there's no way i'm going to a recruitment center and ukraine to go. they won't let me come back to the czech republic. have an official and permanent residence here. i pay taxes here and do things for proper way. but now i have a problem with this similar scenes and will also, with people frustrated to the possible toughest is temporarily closed. but it
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wasn't, they don't ask is why we went abroad. i went abroad legally. the law has not yet commit to force a passport office employees seem to be applying it already. ukraine bonds draft age men from leaving the country off to russia's invasion in 2022. or to say they are only targeting those who are legally evading. the drug it's fair towards ukrainian man who stayed in ukraine and who work in the korean economy and fights in the training and army. i think it's fair, the words it will be fair towards them. if man, from who a man from the broad return to crane and stand by them by each other in defending the country,
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the country that gave them everything russia currently occupies around to say, to view crane the entire tree. tens of thousands of ukrainian soldiers have been killed or wounded in the 2 years since the full scale invasion began. that's done now to some of the latest developments and the war between israel and i'm us for us to access 0. so your times need blinking to set to visit saudi arabia early next week for adults on god's that the announcement comes as ha says it is your viewing the new is really for for say, for the ceasefire it would be blink and 7th. was it to the region since the beginning of the war almost 7 months ago? these really ami says an offshore po to deliver more 8 to gauze that should be operational by or the next month. the us military has begun construction of the facility off guards, us cost. israel has restricted age entering the territories since the october 7
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home off the attack. now canyon authorities, a warning residents, debrief for even heavier rain for following flooding. the kid it'd be 76 people. the stuff in country has been battered by months when greens made even worse by warm ocean temperatures. now in the was hit region in the south, at least if people died after that truck was swept away by flood waters. religious sizes which the truck that gap sized in the small in jupiter, on friday, many of the best singers on board didn't make it. and what so now you remember there were 2 trucks, but i wasn't the one that went ahead and what was on the truck cross without any issues. and once we got to the other side of the river, what we heard screams, and that's another one. i ran back to check what had happened during the level. and that's when i realized that the trunk behind us did make it. and the people have been washed away when they come up. when i was
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a walk village had been waiting for us for the water to go down. so they could get across the river in a trip of addict in many jumped in. but the problem was good in spectacle. he color we faced eugene and local residents tried to sleep as many people as the quick. but now they have been searching for the victims. the map was mama, we are just waiting for the water to subside. the young man, he can then look for bodies that might be stuck in the sand and hopefully retrieve the gimme i have been experiencing heavy dreams for weeks. expose the climate change is responsible for the harsh read the. the flooding has cost white spec damage. thousands of people have been displaced. and now a community in shock or what defenseless that's of so many people can
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social drive back to rest. wilford happy all has been doing relief work in the capital, nairobi he told us about problems getting age to flood victims. it's not in us. the government has focused on more maybe less video that was affected by the more informal central man sounds. phenomenal ideas. this visually clear thoughts about from what the gross has been sent to and you can see they also by way. so that's why they have to be so, so we owe them as our sense and to medium invest. moving that, that's east where he and us us to be. so a lot of these, but the last 2 days we're able to do 5 bodies. the buy side over by that each kind of good to you this way because even by small, the government is telling people to go to hire brown's. they are not providing it
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any assistance. i bought some good ideas and it was a sense dogs and other people as the student. this is done, some of the government is, you know, desk, i mean i'm giving people. ready a few stuffs, yes, before needs to get a place where they can lead there is as the low. so we are getting most divided, but everybody sports with that being offended to next week. so they have to move out of this was, that is us, you know, they don't have the time of things. that was canyon. social dr. actress referred happier or less. now one of london's iconic time lost our bridge had a spring clean this week. specialist lena is app ceiling from its 2 in high level walkways wash, the structural and the bloss floor that was built a decade ago hanging 42 meters of balls to war to us. so fisher of attempts, the bridge was close to traffic and pedestrians and is expected to reopen on sunday, the to go to take notes. so
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stage 2 that jobs and the dashboard up to date for to sticker on plus 4 slides. that's off off to the break number, such as falls. thank you so much for being with us. the critical this this moment right now and to the conflict highlighted the negative component. survival is is the next conflict for data with china. fortunately, how do you expect to take on top of the conflict on the.


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