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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 29, 2024 12:00am-12:15am CET

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the the, this is vito news live from berlin, convicted crypto currency king sentence to 25 years in prison, signed by when france swindled customers iron billions. the judge saying it's clear he only regrets getting caught. also coming up. i rage as the united nations pick savvy arabia to head a women's rights commission. critics point to the countries of business records on gender equality and france backs a bond on discrimination based on people's hair style. the main victims of prejudice, our black women, the
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unpopular fidelity as welcome to the program. former billionaire crypto boss, i'm buying when fried, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for multi $1000000000.00 fraud bank. when fried sentence was handed down at a new york cortez last november, a jury found him guilty on 7 criminal kinds for speaking billions of dollars from his crypto exchange platform. f t x prosecutor say he defrauded tens of thousands of customers from around the world and spending over $80000000000.00 of their savings on luxury homes and risky investments. well, earlier we asked the financial correspondence against quota in new york. what he made of the 25 year sentence. but so, so well, i mean that was definitely a spectacular case. and to the defense a was saying that most of the money that was the last, a for
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a client's office and bagman suite, actually recovered a lot of their money. maybe even all of it, that's why they were asking only for 5 to 6 years. but then the judge came to the conclusion that same basement for you, what he was doing that it was a huge fraud case. and then he was also found to guilty on or perjury. so that also was one of the reasons why the sense is it came to 25 years prosecution at some point even had as to 40 to 50 years. but to adjust that said that it's pretty, i'd like to get that sent back, men fried would do a fraud, a scenario like that again. so therefore at $25.00 is enough at ease and it comes to the jobs. so it's financial correspondent, james carter in new york. well, moving on churches, the international court of justice of ordered israel to take all necessary measures to ensure humanitarian assistance reaches palestinian people in gaza. the court
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warrant, there is already a fireman and ordered the as rainy government to act with. i've delay it also cold for the immediate release of all hostages held by hamas. israel is finding itself increasingly isolated as the civilian death toll and gaza continues to rise in his rail support for the war remains high, but the leadership of prime minister benjamin netanyahu is coming under heavy scrutiny dw rebecca ritters as more from his room. when his rel, loan states will on gauze in response to a mouse is deadly terror attack is riley, is overwhelmingly support at the operation 6 months on that support remains steadfast. i think it was definitely the right decision because it was needed to happen that they needed to get rid of come off because they've been terrorizing this country. it was reprehensible what they dad, and we had to react a bit of advice. absolutely. i support the work, it's our future to learn. a january poll shows nearly 95 percent of jewish is
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riley's. i think the military has used appropriate or to legal force in gaza and nearly 90 percent think the number of palestinians killed or wounded is justified. but support for the government's will, strategy does not translate to support to the government, especially it's lead a prime minister benjamin netanyahu many hold him responsible for october, the 7th and to the inability to get back to protests against him have become commonplace. is the beginning, and then you know, the small or the east advising is a prime minister or the survival that as a free citizen, concentrated on these trial visit, then do release the, did you in the early days of the war pulse or the staggering 3 courses of his rabies wanted to see netanyahu resign either immediately or off to the room. his
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handling of relations with these round k ally, the united states has put him under even more scrutiny. when the us abstained from rather than veto the un security council votes this week, many, especially in the media, pointing the finger at that in yahoo! accusing him of putting the country's future at risk. but it seems that now who is intent on staying his course doubling down an aggressive rhetoric against the us and promising to ignore international cold not to launch a ground defense safe on gauze. the southern city of ruffled the valves to go in with or without us support. doing so could say strong, the moves against israel by the us. and other key allies like germany, is riley. if we start to cite, they don't care that we don't have to us permissions on the country. so every country needs to take care of themselves. no one should be involved in our issues. we have the right to protect ourselves. and i know that again, i mean if we don't say well, so is there anyone out there that will save us?
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no, we have no choice. it's very difficult to have a sound over there also in the army. so it's, but do we need to do it? so we need to distract from us and be with president barton is coming under increase pressure to start with and supplies to as well. if that were to happen, other countries may soon follow suit, leaving his route even more isolated on the go the stage. it seems almost certain that even benjamin netanyahu wouldn't be able to survive that. rebecca river is there. the united nations has a nice that sadie arabia will take over the un women's rights for them despite having what campaigners call an abysmal record on gender equality. re add will lead the un commission responsible for promoting equal rights worldwide at home saturday, or tardies repeatedly throw the book women's rights workers as of the sun. saki from amnesty international in bay rooms gave us her take on the
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appointment. they me honestly, i don't know whether to laugh or to cry. after you're introduced us on your radio was pointed to the commission on the status of women. every day amnesty international were working on the cases of women were currently in prison because they have tried to defend the women's rights. and the job of this commission on the status of the women is to promote gender equality and to promote women's empowerment. i can tell you that right now we're working on the case of a young woman, 29 years old, fitness instructor and women's women. human rights defenders was forcibly disappeared. so her family doesn't know where she is. and the reason that she was locked up was because she tweeted on the hash tag and the male guardianship. and because she posted a photo of herself in the mall without wearing a traditional buyer. so for me,
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this is absolutely for us to call that the commission on the status of women which have sonya ravia and its chair. and i must express my disappointment with the 45 member states were on the commission and no one that stood out to challenge some of your reviews appointment to to the court commission. i think that there is silence is a betrayal of bruce, how many women were working so hard, perhaps under a quality underpaying. huge, huge consequences based on fucking with to amnesty international and by root there . well, the united nations has described the spiraling gang violence in haiti as a cataclysmic. it estimates at least $1500.00 people have been killed already this year. if claims corruption and poor governance for allowing gains to control the streets the, the sweet teen bus. jenny became a night match when the vehicle was cold. in the crossfire of the games, there's an international and ball go, but weapons of smuggled in,
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from florida to texas in georgia, investigating the insurgency. nope, to all the guns here from the us. if the us wants to stop this, they could do it and one month on the us in the capital approach, a prince groups have been targeting medical facilities, newton and setting fire to pharmacies, clinics and homes. now, one of haiti's biggest hospitals, stuff abandoned this hospital weeks ago, leaving the remaining patients to fend for themselves. but i didn't stay here of my own free will. i have no one to come to my rescue. if i could find another hospital to take care of it, what's happened recently is attack specifically on hospitals are over 18,
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have been documented, they're all, i think, barely half the hospitals and puerto print stuff function. and if the ones that are functioning barely the u. n. report said games continue to use sexual violence to b, 2 eyes and punish women. and to co asked the families of hostages into paying ransoms of the actually stop trying to count the cases of sexual violence and abuse. because they know whatever number they had would be so drastically below the reality that would be very misleading to even give any number. the reports also highlighted the so called self defense brigades setup to count to the intensifying gang violence. those suspects it of associating with games. a mains oma did. the police are powerless against the gangs. the un high commissioner for human rights is called for the international community to step in. i reiterate the need for an urgent deployment of a month to
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a national security support commission to help the national police to stop violence . i also want to stress that enhancing security alone will not be conducive to long dusting solutions. and i cool for concurrent policy is aiming at the restoration of the root of floor. this latest wave of violence has been raging for a month since the groups united to ask the prime minister. he agreed to be replaced by an interim council, but not yet to be installed. the council, in making his now released its 1st statement, vowing to restore public order and put haiti back on the road to democracy as soon as possible. let's take a look now at some of their stories making use around the world. 45 people have been killed in south africa's north, the after a bus plunged off a bridge and into a ravine official saying, 8 year old child has been taken to hospital with severe injuries and is the only survivor. the boss was travelling from neighboring botswana when the driver appears
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to have lost control. a u. s. government is releasing $60000000.00 in immediate age, following the collapse of a key bridge and your baltimore local authority saved the money will help speed up . the removal of deputy and the reopening of baltimore harbor for missing workers are presumed dead after an out of control cargo ship knocked down beat francis scott. keep bridge on tuesday. i have con your hair style. get you fired. not any more. in france, the lower house of parliament today passed a bill binding workplace discrimination based on how people wear their hair. so instead of a loss flux, as a consultant, she's had to navigate the tangling politics of hair as a black woman in france. since she was a child, when i was younger, i remember lamenting the lack of salons and even hair products. there was
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a time when, unfortunately, we had to use products designed for european hair and not adapted to our hair. wedged with the dentist friends sell on owner od junko, encourages women to take pride in their natural hair, especially if they've been told it's unprofessional, since i'm the focus and they say thank you because thank of you. thank to, sorry, i really understand my here and i can, i can well then natural, the way i am not strong here means it's not been straightened. wood heat or chemicals, some black french women saying their employers have tutton, fired them for it. and be all of this so far drafted this bill to bend discrimination based on head texture glint color and style facility i took the of so at this time i'm thinking of all the people who in the work environment made the effort of straightening the hands. he gives a job really and also they'll be able to say, be careful,
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mr. employer. business discrimination. and you'll face sanctions such as prison or a fine. that's why i think it's fundamental that we expand to this legislation. it back at the sell on the consultant says francis draft law could protect anyone who wants to feel comfortable being themselves. there's no reason to be ashamed of who you are, whether it's your hair or even the fact that you don't have any. it can be an issue for bald man, for instance, to feel less valued because they're both of us said, lot of this, i'm just this law the way i see it is that today we're going even further towards taking down these barriers of discrimination. that as soon as fresh lawmakers approve the bill on thursday, which audio faced opposition from the far right? who believe friends already has enough laws to protect against discrimination? you are up to date of max dw business asks if china is pulling ahead with the auto
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motor of electric battery technology, that's after a short break. and don't forget there's plenty more news and information on our website, dw, dot com. and you can follow us on social media, on pablo phone alias for me on the team here in berlin. thanks for watching. take care. the questions, got any issues with a lot say what the name shannon with dw wells singing clearing the sizing.


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