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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 28, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news line from valen outrage as the united nations pick saudi arabia to head of women's rights commission. the kingdom will take over this bible of campaign is described as an abysmal record on gender equality. ukraine's foreign minister heads to india to push those governments piece plan for ending the wall with russia. and divers recover the bodies of 2 was missing in the baltimore bridge collapse in the us. another fulman still on, accounted for the
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god of as well come to the program. saudi arabia will now be responsible for promoting gender equality worldwide looking denies, being chosen as the next terrace, the. when's top for him for women's rights, despite its own questionable record at home, the kingdoms and boss of the, to the you end up as these are, was the old will lead the commission on the status of women. saudi arabia is on a post that has been heavily criticized by human rights groups. this how the government has repeatedly jail, women's rights activists. the least of all is the united nation star backed up as a human rights watch at the awesome audio, how much power saudi arabia will have as chair of that commission. so it is the main body for promoting women's empowerment. it's
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a terrible look. if you were to drop a list of the $1020.00 worst countries in the world, those least qualified to be the face of the united nations, fight for gender equality and empowering women. saudi arabia would definitely be among them and might even make the absolute, you know, small as the top group. so the, the message that it sends is quite a bleak one because the next year will be the 30th anniversary of the 1995 paging declaration on women's rights, which was really a watershed moment for women's rights. since that time, over the last 3 decades, we've seen many attempts to push back on women's rights. yeah, the country is promoting. yeah. traditional family values. we see this in russia, but not just russia. we've seen it from other governments,
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not just in the muslim world, but also in europe. we see it in the united states with the push back on abortion right. so now for the 30th anniversary of that important moment, the face of the u. n's work on women's rights is going to be saudi arabia, a country, the jails, women for pushing for their rights. a country that still has enshrined in law male guardianship. that is not the country that should be holding the gavel and being that public face of the fight for women's rights. literally a saudi arabia's bid was unopposed. uh, was that any effort to find a different country to lead that commission or what kind of holes trading led to this outcome? yeah, that's a good question. it's really disappointing that so many countries,
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the 45 countries that are members of the commission on the status of women. i don't see any evidence that there was an attempt to get a candidate that would be better at promoting women's rights or would be a better face for this important body. and that, that is a huge disappointment. and it's not just a $45.00 countries that are on the commission. we could have seen important member states like the united states and germany, others who, who are voting members there right now, but certainly carry a lot of influence. we haven't seen any evidence that they tried to do anything. there was a lot of complaining, privately diplomats were telling me, oh, this is terrible, but it's too late. and if they were to call a vote or to push against saudi arabia, then there would be some sort of retaliation that would undermine the work of the commission. so they figured that it was better to just suffer with this for another
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year. but i should add that in december of 2022. there was an important moment when for the 1st time a country was removed from the commission on the status of women. because of agree just a behavior of the authorities towards women and girls. and that was iran, and that created a precedent that there has to be a minimum standard for upholding women's rights members of the commission. and this case, we're not just talking about a member of the commission. we're talking about the chair, the one sitting there upfront. so they did that for ron, why is saudi arabia a different? why did all of those member states that, that you do a lot at home for their own populations for their own women? sit back and do nothing. it's a slap in the face to women's rights activists around the world. really shoveling
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over the united nations direct as schumann rice was. thank you very much. i to ukraine's foreign minister the mutual calais bout is visiting india and in an attempt to strengthen ties between the 2 countries. a short time ago he laid a recently memorial for mahatma gandhi, otherwise promoting chief space formula to end the war with russia as well as seeking. she went to terry and assistance and investment aids from debt. but india has traditionally had strongly economic and defense ties with russia and has not backed sanctions against most gall, over the invasion of ukraine. india continues to not condemned as she has in the region. a few green stands rooted in a long history of friendship. between dailey and moscow, dies nurtured by engine diamond internet, and the movie whose metro she has without them, is booked in nearly 20 times since 2014 of india plus the neighborhood forced us to play a balancing act between russia and the west. the biggest trade from china pushing
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up against india borders and trying to influence its neighbors. russia, india, the largest best in supply of an outright support for western positions or sanctions on russia may be india isolated. and very tim daley has repeatedly quoted for the done to diplomacy. we are very my we are indeed ortho benefits, economically from its neutrality dressed. she has bought a new clean fins trust you. as in vision,
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india has gone from bridge using hardly any russian orient to becoming a major importer. it has been able to navigate to western sanctions on russia. american officers have a worry, did criticize, and india us president joe biden sees the indian prime minister as a strong ally in the in the pacific region. i did live with buckner to come to china, this situation for us to, to clean, which has been seeking, oh, great support from india. something that continues to death in yes. try to copy hold. i don't. i mean now is a matter of mouth. he's a political, i'm a center listed, joins us from delhi. now, how is this visit being viewed in india? a good degree. it's nice to be ignored. the ideas are be in the has already announced its latest
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general elections. everything is focused on those elections, to the degree that the governing party 9. their mother is beecham peakins. i show this as a country reaching out to india. i'm sure of the prominence of india that's about yet. now do you think india can play a mediating role between the russia and ukraine and will are 2 separate dates. oh yes, it does have a particular leverage because of its size because it is very important part of the developing world. but on the other hand, you look at the contract next door in management, it's been raging for years. is role in piece, building in a conflict within its domain has been that's level. so it's very hard to see and
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they're taking a proactive stance in a conflict far from ensures that you have been quite critical of modi's foreign policy. so how should he have handled india as responds to the ukraine conflict? well, very bluntly, india is right now on the, on huge amount of access through territory on its border with china. that happened in 2025. so far we've just largely ignored it or the government has chosen to kind of paper it over and say nobody's comment is, is of benefits. sure. which lead from our rules based order. right, though we would actually, when he says we would like it, not to be an arrow for yes, that is what we would like. but the option to do that, you need to strengthen a multi life trip order that's based on international law. so far,
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india has absolutely outstanding from getting involved in, in strengthening the international institutions, off law making whatsoever. and we saw there's particularly when it was on the security council as a rotating chair during the ukraine conflict during the conflict between us rather than goes up india as long as we stay signed. and that is not good for india in dealing with its own conflicts. around good sports. yeah, i know i sent you a list off on the daily. thank you very much for sharing your insights with us. thank you. let's have a look. know some of the other stories, maybe headlines around the world today. bolan's prime minister donald to success his government is close to a deal with ukraine on agricultural impulse to us cause spacing off the totes,
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with you frames, finance, dentistry, help and also, holden's problems have been protesting for months. ukrainian impulse on the cutting then the southern ukrainian city of kind of san has again been hit by russians selling one man was injured small scholars stepped up on boston, the trade in recent weeks targeting bible infrastructure and retaliation for stripes on russian boarder regence in the us, it says israel has agreed to reschedule or cancel a trip to washington to discuss as well as plans for the ground of souls on the southern gauze and city of rough off. israel originally pulled out of the tulips off to the us, decided not to be to a united nations coal for a cease fire and gaza, more than $1000000.00 gall. since i currently sheltering and rough off as israel pursues it's offensive against homeless militants that were responsible for the october 7th, tara tax is really a strikes on the city of
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a nice have raised fish to the ground. a sold could soon be could the aftermath of an air striking rough uh, a now all too familiar theme. rescuers digging bodies out of rubble of the things with normal. that is be no trouble here. the strikes just come at random. the are the problem about 1500000 people live here after fleeing is really operations in the north from kansas city to hon. eunice. and finally, to rafa the end of the line where food and medicine shortages threatened an imminent famine, as well as disease outbreaks. but it's unclear how long people can stay or how safe they'll be marked areas on this map show where israel has been conducting ground operations in gaza, with troops coming close to rafa. but so far, israel has only conducted airstrikes here without send again ground troops. elsewhere,
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fierce ground fighting continues with assaults on targets around garza city and han eunice ongoing. israel's allies, patients is growing sent and both the us and germany have said that a ground incursion into rafa would be crossing a red line. us secretary of state antony blinking, visited the region last week to deliver that message. it risk killing more civilians. it risk reading great or having the version of the manager and assistance. further isolating is really around the world and jeopardizing is long term security in spanish. but israel has been ignoring these calls from its closest allies. it says it will fulfill its goal of destroying her mouth. and that means an invasion of rasa is necessary even at the risk of a deeper rift between israel and the us. and that will be gone, defeat to mass of about going into rafa. i told secretary blink, and i hope to do that with the support of united states. but if we need to,
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we will do it alone. that's the israel says it will move civilians from rough. i enter humanitarian islands elsewhere and gaza, but has released no concrete plans and dodge, with some correspondence to occur and explains what's behind. and that's in house decision to send a delegation to washington. well, i think you can only guess at this point of what made this turn abound a turn about from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i mean, initially it was meant to be a protest about the un security council resolution resolution that was not vetoed by the united states. on wednesday, he said of to visits by a republican senator that he wanted actually to send a message to him us. but also it is discussed here why he was canceling this visit, his defense minister,
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you have gotten both already in washing was about to leave to washing. and they had also talks now about the rough. so it took out a bit the weight of this decision to cancel this a higher profile visit. and we are expecting, you know, 2 of his senior officials of his cabinet, a, to of, of this government to travel to washington. sometime soon, i a ton of the time of the reporting from jerusalem. now the occupied westbank is seeing a search of violets between these really forces and palestinians. the westbank is also home to around 700000 is really settlers. the u. n says they are living that illegally the you and all the western countries recently agreed to sanction extra missed such as the is there any human rights prove? yes. been gold? 2023. the most violent year on record for attacks carried out by settlers, including the area around the city of novelist shepherd, texas,
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heard out degrees in the occupied westbank, a job. not without risk. georgia, maybe it will stay quiet. just maybe i'll get hurt. maybe the symptoms will come again. i don't know. somebody could happen here any minute. elastic. the moon says he's endured repeated attacks by radical israeli settlers who live up on the mountain. the shepherd claims he and his flock had been beaten, and even shot at palestinians in the neighboring village say they've also come under attack near works for an is really human rights group and documents the violence. he filmed an incident last fall that claims to show mass settlers, trespassing on a property, which is really armies standing by and watching old us officially. unfortunately, nobody protects you here that just know the army. so the police, they don't do anything. how they will do you have no choice but to lock yourself on
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your house. to close the windows and doors instead of the attacks are increasing every day. how likely global show a big deal of it. so this man says his car was set on fire over the weekend for the 2nd time, the bus we have someone on i think i've lost 2 cars in under 2 months. then i'm going to move out in the lives close to a settlement, but he's cut off from his neighbors. they have shattered their windows and sealed off their homes with barbed wire. back at my moons, things are quiet. he hopes has heard, can graze for several more hours. he claims the attackers are off and wearing is really army uniforms. the army rejects accusations that it allows settler violence . we drive up the mountain to hear from us settlers themselves. and my so many
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don't want to talk to us, but we find one person who does and that's no, it is a times by us. again, stand alone. i don't think so. that doesn't happen. i wish we could attack the at the moment. unfortunately, we're just defending ourselves. let's me to go to an inquiry on the southern. the human rights group, say violence by settlers has risen sharply since a mass carried out. the october 7 terror attacks is really such as a, using the public climate and as well as the anger of palestinians. the also the fact that the focus of israeli society and the international communities elsewhere is on gaza to basically pursue the objective that they've been pursuing for many years, which is to remove palestinians from their homes. this is the reason why this violence has risen moon and has heard, had a peaceful day. he will return tomorrow despite the risks. after all, he says,
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this is his land. to the us now with divers searching for 6 workers that i'm missing in the baltimore bridge collapse have recovered the body's offer to me. they were part of a crew working on the bridge when it was rammed by a cargo ship safety investigators currently inspecting the best investigators on boarding the cargo ship right where it sits in the water. earlier searchers found the bodies of 2 missing men who'd been working on the bridge. shortly before 10 am divers located the red pickup truck, submerged and approximately 25 feet of water. in the area of the middle span of the bridge. divers recovery to v o. 2 victims of this tragedy
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trap within the vehicle. now they're trying to see what other clues they can cover . what we know so far is that the ship called dolly lost power and steering as it was leaving the baltimore port and hit the francis scott key bridge. 56 containers were damaged during the collision. that's $764.00 tons of hazardous materials, mostly corrosive, flammable and some miscellaneous hazardous materials, class 9 hazardous materials, which would include lifting am i on batteries? some of the has mac containers were breached. searchers have found all these data report or the black box, which may tell seat visuals even more. it contains 6 hours of audio that includes radio traffic between the pilot and authorities on the shore. the ship's crew may also be able to explain even more. the 23 people in 2 pilots were on board donnelly,
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at the time of the bridge collapse. authorities are interviewing everyone involved and hope to know even more in the days to come time knowledge. i have a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. echo as president says, security forces have re gain control of the prison, off the inmates best stage to revolt violence at the complex and why it killed. serves since the escape of a notorious gang lead in january that prompted the governments info's the state of emergency and deployed 20000 troops. nuclear power plots in the us state of michigan this about to reopen, also being shut down 2 years ago. the federal government has offered a $1500000000.00 loan to restart the parasites planned by next year. the us recently pledge to use nuclear power to reduce this reliance on fossil fuel.
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before we us citizen, vice presidential nominee and joe lieberman has died. it was 80 to keep them on and most notably ran as vice presidential candidates to democratic nominee l. goal in the 2000 do ocean, which was long by republican george w bush. difficult responds. china is listed. it's promising terrace on australian wind and a sign of improving ties between the 2 countries. badging slack duties of over 200 percent on wind invoice. in 2020 following diplomatic disputes with the australian government. china being the top expos destination force, frankly, is one before and from lawmakers that they baiting a bill that would then discrimination based on people's past style. the i'm is to make prejudice over the text length, color of style of f punishable by low or instead of a loss flux, as
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a consultant. she's had to navigate the tangled politics of hair as a black woman in france since she was a child. when i was younger, i remember lamenting the lack of salons and even hair products. there was a time when, unfortunately, we had to use products designed for european hair and not adapted to our hair budget where the 10 to the friends sell on owner. audi info encourages women to take pride in their natural hair, especially if they've been told it's unprofessional. sometimes they focus and they say thank you because thank of you. thank to, sorry, i really understand my here and i can, i can well then natural, the way i am natural hair means it's not been straightened. wood heat or chemicals . some black french women said their employers have typed into fire them for it.
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and be all of us a lot is tabling a bill to bend discrimination based on hair texture lent color and style, which is the i took the of so at this time i'm thinking of all the people who in the work environment made the effort of straightening the hands, he gives a job really and they'll be able to say, be careful, mister employer in the business discrimination and you'll face sanctions such as prison or a fine. that's why i think, fundamentally that we expand to this legislation in the back of the cell on the consultant says francis draft block with protect anyone who wants to feel comfortable being themselves. there's no reason to be ashamed of who you are, whether it's your hair or even the fact that you don't have any. it can be an issue for bald men, for instance, to feel less valued because they're bald. said lot of this, i'm just this law the way i see it is that today we're going even further towards
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taking down these barriers of discrimination. so let's, let's french lawmakers wouldn't vote on the bins this week. it's supported by the left with faces opposition from the far right to believe friends already has enough laws to protect against discrimination. you're watching dw, and you see as a reminder of all the top stories to contain is have criticized the appointment of saudi arabia and to head up a key united nations women's rights commission. they say the king them has an abysmal rec, hold on gender equality and divers, uh, searching for 6 workers missing in the baltimore bridge collapse. and they have recovered the bodies of 2 men. they were part of a repair crew that was working on the bridge when it was rams by a cargo ship. and that's it from the end of the stream. for now, i have a web news update for you at the top of the articles, but don't go away. next up,
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focus on europe, reports on both of us. fears of war with russian got office in berlin from me and the whole news proved as follows. the
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these from this involved as a skid of pollution gina and kill to own fields and pro russian transmit street in the separate pistol pharmacies that won't allow them to what that own feels. the impact has been catastrophic. focused on your next on d. w. they have to conceal through sexual orientation, l, g, b, c, people in cameras. they communicate through
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a code. a code appears threatened with imprisonment, torture and murder. where does his hatred come from? the country for being date was once respected. almost sylvia, in cameroon. in 45 minutes on d w the times to show you, i found that you out to the highlight for she every week. nothing was caused about why does that mean? i think it's like, now i'm leave them under the new join us for an exciting exploration and everything in between.
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this is a video and audio production 5 d w. i hope video will tune in the to hello and welcome to focus on europe with me live show the attack on moscow's cro co city hall on march 22nd dropped. all of russian president vladimir puts in hold islam is extreme. is responsible for the attack. that'd be parted, lee left more than a $130.00 people dead. however, russia also alluded to possible links of the attackers to ukraine but has not presented any proof.


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