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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 26, 2024 6:00am-6:03am CET

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us basically a tax, what the alliance really close round out to call nation thoughts, april fools on dw, the . this is the, the, the news and these are the top stories, israel's time and this, the benjamin netanyahu has cancelled a visit to the us. pine is rarely delegation. it comes off of us, decided not to veto a united nations resolution. quoting for an immediate sci fi in guns of washington last 3 previous resolutions. the un security council measured, passed unanimously with the us upstanding russian president vladimir putin has said for the 1st time that logical isn't. this carried out the
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attack on a concert hole near moscow hooting previous, the plane to crane for the assault, which kills 139 people. i used to escape part of the so called the stomach states as it was behind the attack. and your quote has given donald trump a reprieve on a bond payment full of many costs of $1000000000.00. the cost cost the sum to $175000000.00 and gave the former president an extra 10 days to pay. trump was fined for and facing his was to gain favorable loan tubs. you're watching dw news from berlin. you can find much more news on our website. s d w dot com. the, the russian president vladimir putin has admitted for the 1st time, but radical islamist will have behind friday's attack on the moscow, kansas hole,
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which killed at least $139.00 people. but he still insists that ukraine was involved somehow the case could actually has been around the projected outside of moscow with western states clearly pointing the finger at is a lot, make state affiliate, and warning of increased security concerns in their own countries. i'm feel go in balance and this is the day the people came to a concerts. some people came to relax with their families. and any one of us could have been in that situation the, the guilty will be punished. they do not deserve nothing or share then uh, in the file. there was no indication, no proof whatsoever that ukraine was in any way linked to these attacks to positive
6:03 am
i think that it would be both cynical and counter productive of russia itself and the security if it's it is.


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