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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 26, 2024 12:00am-12:16am CET

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the, the, this is, each of the news line from the view and security council approves the resolution demanding an immediate cease fire and guns that united states the sides for the 1st time not to veto the proposal. and everyone else, both in phase up on the program brushes president vladimir putin, blaine's radical islam is full of the mass killings that a moscow constant hold, which repeats his claim that ukraine may also be in bolt. the
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. i'm bringing them home. it is good to have you been us. the un security council has for the 1st time passed a resolution demanding an immediate cease, but in gaza. the breakthrough came as the united states decided not to block the measure, having vetoed 3 previous efforts. the resolution also demands the immediate release of all hostages, still held why held off the group behind the october 7th terror attacks against israel. the drugs hailed a milestone moment. the united nations security council. 14 nations voted in favor of the resolution, cooling for a c spy and java. for the 1st time, the united states refrain from de towing the agreement in steed abstaining to ensure directly opposing a request from israel not to do so. of this resolution,
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rightly acknowledges that during the month of ramadan, we must resubmit to peace. a mouse can do that by accepting the deal on the table. a cease fire can begin immediately with the release of the 1st hostage. and so we must put pressure on him us to do just that is rails planned invasion of rough is causing major concerns for the you with its biggest ally and is really delegation was due to travel to washington this week to discuss alternatives. but it's really prime minister being human missing. yeah. who cooled off the trip up to the security council's decision? and as well as defense minister you of garland. oh, really in the us shows no signs of acknowledging the ceasefire. cool. hope will solve it. we have some of the more right, the duct of war and gaza until the return all of the hostages home based off, you do not reach it clear on the size of the decision and gaza. and they bring us
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closer toward the north of color, middle hop, mommy's cellphone. in john's, the security council vote for some hope to meaning the others marks the crucial step towards halting israel's actions on the us must leverage all of its resources and assets. both the primary and ultimate advocate for israel provide them home while the cx 5 voted foot hope and gaza without israel support. it may end up being a symbolic g ste. yeah. rather than a practical solution for pace. wells dw, use this on simon's in washington dc. what does the un resolution is binding on israel? well, it is, are you in the secure initials is us security council. resolution is the 1st one out of 5 attends. this is the one who actually 6. now remember, there were 3 other resolutions which the u. s. v. tote. and then there was last friday's u. s. resolution you extra for resolution,
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which china and russia vetoed and now we have one which actually states it's adopted. so let's see how this will all end up planning out for israel, for the war and is early and guys, but you see it was only possible to be that way with the us abstaining today from it's the vote in the security council. why? because both the us had still problems with the text of the resolution, but had worked all weekend long with the other partners on crafting and tweaking this language. use their and without a condemnation of how much for their tax on israel from october 7th, the us still was okay with the fundamentals and that's why they abstained. and now we have this resolution. so what impact is this going to have on us and is ready relations going forward?
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it was a little bit of a diplomatic roll of cost or, and probably hasn't been the best day of israel u. s. relationships. what do i mean by this? these riley's are clearly not happy with the us letting this resolution actually happened, letting this pass, upstanding from the vote not to be doing the un resolution. however, the is really defense, but as it was, he in washington dc all day long and had conversations with day sullivan. national security advisor was secretary of state anthony blinking and secretary of defense, lloyd austin. now probably to submit on yahoo obviously cancel the delegation to plan the visit of the delegation here in the united states that was aimed to discuss cease fires and a ceasefire solution for gaza. and a bird a is really encouraging or operation in rough on the us is still very interested in that this is not happening and incursion into rafa and operation bodies raise these
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early say they will do it anyway. so the bottom white house and for me and then you all have their work cut out for themselves and for each other because things are not very good as they stand right now. so what does this mean in terms of trying to ensure that is well sticks to this resolution? what will the united states have to do to ensure that there is some form of cooperation with the resolution diplomatic pressure, diplomatic pressure, and more diplomatic pressure. and there is not only a carrot, but also stick, of course, and that is as president bite. and the headset very clearly, very upfront, straight up that every option is on the table regarding preventing israel from doing this operation. in rough uh uh, by curtailing limiting us support. you remember us support was relentless and straightforward and from the 2nd it happened on october 7th. the president was us present bite and was in israel in a, in a, in
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a time is the 1st time in history that he was president visited is really the time of war, which was ro was in at the time already. so if you see what can america do, it can halt, kept support for israel in terms of ammunition, in terms of helicopters, in terms of the parts for it, for a fighter jets weaponry of all kinds. what the us will not do. i can guarantee that that is correct. any support for the are and don't air defense system for his role. these. this air defense system uses american rockets miss solves to defend israel and this will not be stopped. but anything else? the president said is on the tape. that's the deputies stuff on simon's in washington dc. thank you very much, stefan. a veteran is ready. minutes to get in sar has resigned from the national emergency units. he government saw says he stepped down because he was not included in the highest level full cabinet. he was one of several opposition lawmakers who
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joined the units he government to manage the war in gaza. so let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world of israel says it will stop working with the human agency for palestinian refugees. honora, in the gaza strip. the government accuses the agency of perpetuating the conflict and where are was criticized off to as well accused some of that stuff of being involved in the home off october 7th, tara tax. a new court has given donald trump the reprieve on a bond payment of $90.00 hoffer $1000000000.00. the court caught the sum of $175000000.00 and gave the former president for an extra 10 days to pay. trump was fine for him, facing his wife to gain favorable loan tends more please bowing. theo dave calhoun is to step down by the end of the year. the plane maker says his resignation is part of a wide and management shakeup. boeing has come on the spotlight following
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a series of safety incidents caused by technical failures. is that a goal is government? well, so sorry. you sent a goal is a governing coalition rather has. congratulations, the opposition candidate. pass through g o my fi on winning the 1st round of presidential elections, authority, se official results will be announced in the next few days. or some president vladimir putin has said for the 1st time that radical islamists carried out the attack on a constant hole near moscow boots and previously blaine to crane for the assault, which killed 139 people. i sis k, part of the so called this nomic state says it was behind the attack. some of those allegedly involved in the killings have been charged with terrorism of the one after another. the suspects are dragged into a course in the russian capital. investigators say all of them have confessed of
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carrying out fridays attack inside of moscow concert hall videos have emerged on social media suggesting some of the group or tortured while in custody. one of them brought in directly from hospital in a wheelchair. all 4 suspects are now facing terrorism charges and a possible sentence of 15 years to life in prison. president vladimir putin has now said that radical islamic carried out the attack. but he implied other forces where it work. yeah, could we still could alter bloody attack? was committed by is let me just see from the islamic state organization, which is banned and russia was 9. we know who committed this crime against rusher and its people. is olivia and you know, we want to know you have ordered that nothing to do so with those that gosh, outside the crocus city hall, where the attack unfolded. people continue to move flowers on sunday,
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russell hills, a nationwide day of morning for the dozens of victims. people came to a concert. so some people came to relax with their families to any one of those could have been in that situation. now i want to express my condolences to all the families that were affected here. and i want to pay tribute to these people among those here to mourn or survivors of the concert massacre. some of the 5000 people evacuated from the venue during the attack. many of them with the help of the vineyards workers. so i am so grateful to all of those people who were there that evening. they showed us where to go with directed us. we'd like to thank each of them. they did a great job. it seems like a small consolation in the wake of one of the deadliest attacks on russian soil in
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decades. while satin may of fruits and acknowledge the attack was carried out by isn't this militants, he's still says ukraine may have also played a role. the deputies, russia, analysts causing team it explains, you can say, because your name is the code and you are in total control of everything. and right . the total cost is the total police, the total state duma. everything is under your control, kind of doesn't matter what methods is the propaganda line that you want to spend to most of the, the russians. but also to be, you know, to those friendly people that believe that put in this fight thing nature or whatever they did, leaving quite a few of the countries. and i think that this is the essence of its uh, the uh, in normal demoss. uh, they have sort of this would have been on this causative by polymers. a bunch of the media by the end, jose regarding the failures, evidence data is all the security services to prevent this atrocity. while the
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united states process, other words, the nation seemingly reported over the the crime and they said, it is about the bus. did you section a bunch of russia? no one is responsible. do anyone ready to put in is in total control? so she has to basically spend the slide because there are questions already being off on independent drugs, media and the social media who's of accessible actually also at least for me, the different method wait in rush itself. why did this happen? so the explosion, you know, well, we couldn't do anything about that because it's not some kind of bunch of islamic that is do it is the united states, essentially it's ukrainian l r. the behind that makes it so much more on this. and then i'm sure will lead to repercussions domestically. where are you there in utah for quote
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unquote. and then use of the people will always, you know, that says finish off with a look beyond all talent to what's going on in space. the russians saw use capsule caring. 3 astronauts has docks at the international space station. the spacecraft took a russian a better russian ended american to joining the station. the i s. s has been a symbol of international cooperation for nearly 3 decades. is one of the last remaining collaborations between russia and the west. and his reminder of our top story, the seller to the web security council has approved a resolution calling for an immediate cease by in gaza. us at st. haven't vetoed previous resolutions. measure of cost with $14.00 vote in favor you're watching. the domain is live from berlin or reminder you can find much more news analysis and video on a website that is d w dot com. but coming up next is our women series looking at
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