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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 25, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the, the business dw news line from the un security council approves the resolution demanding an immediate cease fire in causes united states of stains, having vetoed previous votes and everyone else folks in favor also on the program for suspects johnston, connection with the russian concept, hold attack appear in court, and accused of terrorism remain in custody. if convicted i faced life in prison. jones of boasting, you praise will assets that effective of destroying russian defense physicians and ministry strategist more they won't be enough to with the, with the
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feel getting a welcome to the program. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has canceled the visits often these, right, the dedication to washington, to discuss the warning casa, this follows the united states decision, not to veto a un security council resolution demanding a cx 5 between israel on how much the resolution calls for immediate humanitarian sees 5 for the remainder of the muslim holy month of ramadan. and for the release of hostages, the past 14 to 0 asked us to abstain. washington previously veto the 365 resolutions. the security council sprint defined of israel high mask from the syncing october 7th from 10 attacks or this got most of stephan simmons in washington. welcome steph on. why didn't the us a veto, this cease fire resolution when it's done so?
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so many times while the us and best of the, to the un linda thomas greenfield said that the fundamentals were what the us supported to you, and that is the call for an immediate and sustainable ceasefire. now what she also said is that us is not entirely happy with the language used often this resolution, and that refers to the legs off a condemnation of home us and their attack on october 7 on israel as well as the hostage question. however, the us decided to side with the security council with china, with russia, with the 22 of nations at the united. they represented that the united nations in this resolution to call for a ceasefire before this about israel had warned washington that if it's a didn't veto it, then the delegation of that was of venice in washington a would be called back. so prime minister benjamin netanyahu has made good on his
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promise. how is washington responding? of the difference of line is from the white house. that's the us and the why. those is very close, very disappointed. however you have gone to the israeli defense minister is in washington. today and he is meeting with high level officials from the white house from the find that ministration. secretary of state tony blinking and national security advisor j sullivan, as well as secretary of defense, lloyd austin. so they are talking they are mainly talking about the hostages because the us is actively involved in negotiating a hospice hostage release from us in the c, a director william burns were assisting cutter last week to talk about this further more. and on the other side, it is of course, the issue that this is rarely say they want to go in to have an operation started stage and operation interrupt the u. s. is not interested in this,
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not at all. and that was the purpose of this delegation coming here so they can discuss other ways. that's how the us is it. other ways of cyprus satisfying is rolling their security needs by going into rough. now this seems to be off the table now. ok, israel made it clear today that they will continue with the operation in gaza regardless of what the you, when or indeed the us says. so what's the likely next to asked, move this? well, president buying came out with very, very stock verbage he and said straight out that any option the, or all options of american support towards israel for israel military support that is are on the table. israel goes forward with this. the u. s. does not want israel to do this, however, as you said, israel is gotten how about doing it? that's the situation. now. what will the u. s. not
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a title in terms of cancelling support. that is clear. this is the iron dome at defense missiles. they come from the united states. they will not be scrapped at all. um, what other options does the us have? it's mainly ammunition or so called j d m a m or j them a kits they makes stupid bones smart because it can guide them precisely. then the ex, 35 fighter jets replacement parts, all this stuff that is on the, according to joe biden, to the president on the chopping block. if israel goes forward so the us is trying to play that card. on the other hand, they are really, really eager to get this hostage deal with home us signed a, to have another insight, this for israel to hold back. okay, thanks, steph, i'm stuff. and as even in washington, that's a russia where i form and johnson connection with friday's concert, whole attack,
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the moscow being held in custody, awaiting trial on terrorism charges least $137.00 people were killed and fridays, a sold the deadliest on bush. and so for nearly 20 years, branch of the so called is logic state based in afghanistan, known as ices. k says it carried out the attack, a claim boy not by french and us intelligent sources. the kremlin has so far, refused to comment on the jihad, his claims one after another, the suspect said dragged into the court in the russian capital. investigators say all of them have confessed to kerry now it's friday's attack. inside a most school concert whole fee do is have immersion. social media suggesting some of the group were tortured well in custody. one of them brought in directly from hospital in a wheel chair. all 4 suspects now facing terrorism charges, any possible sentence of 15 years to life in prison.
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outside the crook receded hole where the attack and folded people continued to lay flowers. on sunday, russia held a nationwide day of mourning for the dozens of victims. the people came to a concert, so some people came to relax with their families and any one of us could have been in that situation. now i want to express my condolences to all the families that were affected here. and i want to pay tribute to these people. i'm on those here, 2 more and the survivors of the concert massacre. some of the 5000 people evacuated from the vein you during the attack manual of them with the help of its workers. i am so grateful to all of those people who were there that evening. they showed us
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where to go with directed us. we'd like to thank each of them. they did a great job with the countries tightly controlled media has so far notes raised questions about how the security service has dealt with the attack taking place. just days after president vladimir putin dismissed a us warning about an event in a sold. and despite an affiliate of the so called a slot mac state, claiming each was responsible, the cramming has chosen to instead point the finger rate to crane without providing any proof. a claim that keeps as is absurd. well, take a look now that's of all stores making years around the world. donald trump says he will pay a $175000000.00 us dollar bond within 10 days after new york appeals court slash the original amount down from nearly half a 1000000000. the following president, unexpected republican presidential nominate was fined for inflating. he was to
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secure a favorable loan times before the reduction had been facing the seizure of real estate assets are sending gals governing colors and candidates. i'm going to buy a house. congratulations. the opposition comes with it. the best true jo. modify on winning the 1st round of presidential elections. as according to preliminary results is not yet clear why the 5 will secure a large enough majority to prevent about more clearing c, e. o dave calhoun is to step down by the end of the year. applying manufacturer assess his resignation as possible by the management shakeup. i think his face increased scrutiny following a series of safety incidents caused by mechanical issues. russia says its forces have down 11 drive is launched by ukraine of the region of rust of caves, increasingly relying on drones and its fight against russia to make up for his lack of october, re power unmanned aircraft, effective of destroying russian defensive positions. the minute you have
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a list of one that drones a low won't be enough to win this will ukrainian soldiers are instructed in how to operate drones on the battlefield and increasingly valuable skill in the nation's defense against russia. in the absence of expensive ammunition drums, which can cost just a few $100.00 euros apiece, have played a crucial role in ukraine's ongoing defense. the 1st person view devices allow the pilots to see live images of the ground as if they were on board. and those onto the explosives can attack, can any positions from kilometers away? there are 2 important points to in drums for ukraine, so they are really, really cheap. they are destroying very expensive hardware on the russian side. and the 2nd deals, the credit is trying to compensate for the shortage don't show up in the 1st from the wes, ukrainian officials estimate this as many as $120000.00 drums are required each
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month in order to sustain their defense. and it's 2024 budgets key upsets a side more than 1100000000 euros for manufacturing drugs. while allies such as the united kingdom and fonts, sending them and that's thousands. yes, drones do have the drawbacks. it's estimated that less than a 3rd find the targets. well, they're also quick to jim while in operation. then nimbleness also means they can only carry ups a few kilograms of explosives that the time fire with even large fleets, unable to match the potency of ups. hillary fire, the ukraine is not able to solve the russian invasion. these draws alone. so it is absolutely impossible. so drones can compensate to a certain degree, but they cannot stop the russian army. and we've drones alone. you can come up to
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the right to come by to it was what small russia has optics on drone usage, in response to ukraine's relative success with the technology the russia typically is going to, it's not always in iran and go these very cheap, low tech drones that it flies over really and it kind of must formations a hits civilian targets in any war. you need a mix of different websites. it is because if you rely on one particular weapon system, your opponents will just look at how the accounts that weapon system in reality, ukraine needs both and all of these and more types of lessons. while modern technology and the use of drones has served you crying well, thus far, the traditional weaponry will be crucial in the stages to come. millions of hindus celebrating the festival of colors. festivities that held mainly
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an indian nipple unpacked is down to about the stats of spring. if the country has its own traditions to observe the holidays which celebrate the tribes of good of evil. smeared in the vibrant colors of holy one of the most loved festivals in india. millions participate in the celebration of spring. they gave me a hot head on google. everyone present here has been a way see miss day for so long. and today we're very happy to be able to celebrate the fun field holy. the down to school can be here in neighboring pockets. done the him do community more the evening before. holy weather go on fire and cut out you observers gathering to light the fire. they believe will destroy the bad to make way for the good, the speaking the i think you oh,
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should celebrate holy if we can get it and enjoy life with different colors. yes, life is very difficult. but there are ways to make it colorful that they have the life of some regions, particularly in northern india, pulled celebrations for a whole week in the lead up to holy along the river gun geez. taking part in festivities. people dressed as they didn't do god. chiva the nipple to crowds rejoiced with colors, music. and then we're celebrating the festival that has been here for generations. the now inventories are enjoying our tradition for over a 1000000000 hindus worldwide. it's a time to welcome to good in life and renew one. so in the hope that brings
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it fits you up today. so have little world news in the top of the our next on the w . uh, looking at how poland to speed upgrading its military central russia. it went into you the 1000000 people in what it's in just a 100 days. my parents because of my family, what killed, how was this age? i'm on a journey to find out about the result of 19 or to put you on the site, but they expect to see through rhonda, my name is some way to ship me here. i'm a student makes lead shaming history documentary stuffs, april 6th on dw. okay . that's what it's what transfer can you hear me can.


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