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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news live in from berlin tonight, massive air strikes. russia begins evacuations from a region bordering ukraine. authorities have released images that show the aftermath of the attacks in belgrade. pro ukrainian or russian forces have carried out several rates in that region. also coming off america's top diplomat holding talks and saudi arabia as part of washington, his latest efforts to secure a cease fire and gauntlet. but his real insisting it is moving ahead with plans for an invasion of ross and find out which country is all smiles after being named the happiest on the planet. for the 7th year in a row palm. they do that. the
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ivory gone to our viewers watching on cbs in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin tonight to near the ukrainian or russian border with reports of a massive air attack in the russian region of belgrade, the governor. they are saying that 2 people were killed today. the overwrought has increasingly been targeted by shelving with anti criminal russian fighters believed to be operating in the border zone. russian authorities now say that they will move forward with plans to evacuate children, and that they plan to scale up security there. this kindergarten in belgrade is one of many buildings damaged and showing to the kindergarten principal witness the blast firsthand. it was loud. the glass was ringing, all the doors were shaking after the last and the loudest bang. we understood that
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it was somewhere nearby, but didn't even suspect that it was at our place. we thought it was close, but not at our place. then when everything comes down, we saw the aftermath. no children were injured. but in another part of belgrade, a man was killed when shrapnel from the showing hid his car, rushes military since the attack is aimed at the stabilizing the country after its recent election. can use the modem, of course we kinda respond to the same way you can buy for guarding civilian infrastructure and all the other objects you know, the and the me a tax on what we have our own views on this matter and our own plans. we will follow what we have outlined. so far, west has plans include restricting entry to nearby cities in the belgrade region and evacuating around $1200.00 children, but with the war and ukraine. now in russia's doorstep, the border region is feeling the effect and the source of enemy fire is getting harder to detect. the rush is shut down, dw,
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as well scale bureau 2 years ago. since then, our team is been based in the why fi and capital re got a correspondence, a partner, a mercy. they are told me more about the situation in belgrade on so very good is feeding the impact of the water 1st. and the situation seems to be very things that this is a region which as you mentioned, is near deal creating in florida. and it is phasing your data, your tax last call thought it is a blaming these on q. basically, the baltic told take long with us are about like 20 miles from the border with the queen. it is be a good time, beautiful queen in fire, which is reported to be increasing the past 2 weeks. you know, we have heard from the governor of belgrade that i don't, 9000 children going to be evacuated from the city. he said, these children will be moved from belgrade, farther east, away from the beginning border. now we don't know any information about are those what would happen to the others, but for now,
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children can be back later on. the 1st group of them can be evacuated as early as on friday, which is march 22nd. so so far, 16 people have been killed a 98 in georgia just in the past week. this comes in on his announcement of a recreation comes days after a strikes for sclerosis students i to not to attend the school from monday from this monday and the even shopping st doesn't cause to their places have been closed . gosh, as defense ministry said it's add defense systems shut down, thought the messiah so far as the president boat. and it says that brush will respond to these attacks, and they'll, russian strikes are already hitting ukrainian cities and civilian infrastructure. what more do we know about that? of the, the compared with the destruction across much of a crane gras. yes. which you, which debit street surgery has been lost and you still on the edge. but what is the main exception now this situation has forced visiting, wanting to speak about that. so now we're using to the wife engine fulton,
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on his recent victory speech doors, but he wants to create a bottle fee zone to help in product the board of regents from cross bar didax, he promised to restore russia safety as i should like safety and joshua as modern regions, and on the other hand, the grand has increasingly taken to fight behind russian lines and always just attacking washer. it's really reason as scenes. and it's obvious didn't seem to diminish most cause many to operations. most recently, that's even a backbone on infrastructure. so it humans on clear what impact the attachment have on to, for i think it's amy, but still russia has the advantage on the, on the battlefield and has been passing along the fence line in recent weeks. and we will see that continuing more intensely in the near future. and it seems that she has really like, it is to increase its attacking ami, especially now after president fulton's re election. use upon the members of joining us tonight from reagan, with the latest on the situation. they are one of the border between ukraine in
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russia and a thank so today's image has a lot of sold to spoke of with parliament, reaffirming his commitment to ukraine. now he comes ahead of a 2 day european union. somebody in brussels, we're leaders will discuss support for ukraine, as well as other topics. now, the german chancellor today reiterated in germany, is with ukraine saying that time is not on russia's saw been that was to ship president the russian president believes that he just has to set, told this war. and we will, we can, in our support that he has miscalculated or stuck is russia is not strong. it cannot speculate that we will let talk support. we will continue for as long as necessary, fucked at some via fathers. michelle does not a load. they are here in your most leaders, continue distress their long term commitment to supporting ukraine. but increasingly there are risk silver. just tell for that support should go. some
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countries have been calling for higher defense spending. the divisions have been especially public since frances president emanuel macro on went out on a limb with an idea that he floated earlier this month. and i got his phone on a hitler stay on the face of things, the french president and the german town. so that our line goes committed pro europeans who also both explicitly support to ukraine, but it's starting to become clear, they might not be getting on related to how your credit background started talking about sending european grind treatment to ukraine kind. the top sholtes said no, my crumbs suggested gemini, should be sending long range taurus besides jokes was forced to say no, i think my home is put shelton, a very difficult position. and in some ways, schultz shouldn't have shot. but he should have stuck to a message and it shouldn't be true and consistent because he have full but we're getting around the place and changing things. it doesn't look very effective once
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he's responding to my. com dw his head speculation by some senior you did some of the showcases refusal to send the tourist missiles to ukraine. is personal on his part. that having being pressured into sending to that the tangs, he mounted ones to be seen, to stand firm on something. the president of the chancellor met in berlin last week, commercial smiles and friendship, but no public expression of change in political positions. the reality is the germany has actually become ukraine's 2nd biggest supplier of military aid, off to the u. s. a mine seem to 17700000000. yours is significantly move and not to fronds, which has committed 635000000 years of military age. according to the ukraine support seca study. do craniums with the austin? well, uh you may call talks a big game,
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but is he willing to back that up by a significant increase in military assistance to ukraine, france and germany guessing along with each other is fundamental for the european union. not much happens invest the 2 can agree. and ukraine is just one of the issues you lead is a discussing during that process and the summit and the dogs, the crisis in the middle east will also be on the agenda, the israel's a prime minister, benjamin at yahoo today saying that preparations are still under way for the invasion of robert and southern gaza, but he says it will take some time. us secretary of state entity blinking, he has met with his counterpart in saudi arabia today for further talks that are aimed at securing a ceasefire between him off it is real us officials say that he will travel to israel on friday. i was speaking earlier this week, week and said that 100 percent of gauze is population. everyone is now in need of
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humanitarian assistance. yost hilton long is a middle east and north africa expertise. also have program director at the international crisis group. i asked him what needs to change for a ceasefire and hostage release guilt to have as well. in order for us to fire to happen, unique's work has been lucky all along, which is us pressure as well to add to except one of course, there are differences between his role and how i'm asked if i thought ceasefire should be a. but regardless of those differences, the fact that we're facing the imminent threat of feminine in gaza and we're close to 2000000 people who may this may suggest that a ceasefire is urgently needed. and so united states is still only power that
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can help bring that about if it's were to use the leverage that a test. what about the leverage? what about the power of saudi arabia? what role do this, all these have to play and shaping an agreement here? sorry, maybe the role of places to go back to united states to put pressure on israel to continue to cease fire. so you may be, doesn't have meeting any significant leverage piece of the israel, that's a month. i understand that the us secretary and stage is traveling decry row. next, we know that egypt is already constructing a walden camp in the sy, not peninsula to receive displaced, palestinians to be can you walk us through what's at stake right now for egypt, leaders, or yeah, of course the for egypt to the stress of a better cities from gas spinning into sign i in into egypt. therefore it's, it's a, you know, really yes, right, great. and they want to avoid such
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a scenario. is there any pulse at the same time? if it's the situation in southern guns that develop such a way that the students will out of desperation, throw themselves across the fence into sign a. it would be very difficult for egypt to refuse the a 2 project for entry. so it must make a combination for some of them anyway, and i think that's what they're do. it's a plan b, or can see certainly not all day long. and what all of this is happening at the same time, i mean, is really delegation. if there's any washington to discuss the plan to solve on rafa, we know the united states oppose is that how might these 2 competing if you will diplomatic efforts influence types of a ceasefire deal? so it's, it's permanent, significantly better. but there's one thing that to us and is what agree on that it's the defeat of from us. but there is one thing also that the disagree on that
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is how it is done. and, and that is the key question, because it's for israel defeating, i'm asked me to destroy and god, and expanding its function ation or displacing the conceptual ada. for which god, i have no surfaces and can only stand, you know, starved to death, then that is the red flag for you guys to state. so that is why the united states also has a close invasion of the offer. that does not include a provision for the population that's currently living or displaced. now you'll still to enjoying us tonight from russell's this be helpful and we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you so much i. so let's take a look now, some of the other stories that are making headlines this, our ireland prime minister leo, veronica has announced that he is resigning, saying that he's leaving for both personal and political reasons. he also says that he will no longer the party leader. his departure follows the failure of dual
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constitutional referendum. earlier in march that veronica and his government, the champions 12 workers have been killed after an explosion of the coal mine itself. western pakistan, officials say that the west was caused by a build up of methane gas. deadly accidents are common in pakistan's mining industry and be in bar the auction of the home we are in prison. democracy leader armstrong, suv. she spent years under house arrest as attracted no bidders. the court ordered sale follows along legal battle between the nobel peace laureate and or her estranged brother. sushi has been jailed for 27 years on a variety of charges brought by the ruling military point. and to the users electoral commission has confirmed from all to be on to as the winner of the presidential election that he's expected to take power in october. following the transitional period, his to rivals say that they will file a legal complaint over alleged irregularities. during last month. the police have
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arrested 6 people and rated the home of former spanish football federation president, louise ruby, alice. it's all part of an investigation into alleged corruption and money laundering. now the former football boss is already facing charges in connection with kissing spanish player jenny and also without her consent following spain's world cup when last august for a weeks. now farmers in countries across europe have been protesting against what they say is too much red tape, too much government overreach that threatens their livelihood. farmers are also upset about cheaper ukrainian in forage flooding the market. today, farmers again blocked roads in european countries ahead of tomorrow's e u summit, which they hope will address their concerns. building fires in the middle of the roads. polish farmers are once again blocking traffic in nationwide protests.
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they brought their tractors and even a coffin, they say symbolizes the death of agriculture. available throughout the all subsequent ring is coming, the document there will be expenses will for the lives of fuel and everything else . so some of it goes by these things are very expensive. i don't know how long i last saw doesn't give you protesting high cost and low produce prices. it's part of a 3 month action plan by farmers across the u. many of them blame there was on the used environmental regulations. they say they add more bureaucracy, leaving farmers with even larger bills. and they're fighting for the abolition of the green. the that's our top priority. lot protests and the czech republic too. much of the farmers anger is also directed at cheaper ukrainian produce, making its way into the you tax free and without having to conform to strict you
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rules. like maybe cheaper to blame it because of the problem of the ridiculous regulations. importing grading from you. craig would not be a problem, you don't have to, we don't under the same conditions as we have here. and we've a same taxes that we paid on the market. he bought the, they claim those in ports are driving down the prices of their own produce. so far, the european commission has denied the imports have a quote, significant impact on prices. while the u has reached a provisional deal, that would continue allowing duty free ukrainian products until mid 2025, with new caps on some food in ports like outs and corn. farmers are now waiting for the outcome from brussels, where the leaders are set to meet for to day summit. where you've heard of a sub in your it's in finland. it's more like the 7 year smile for the 7th year
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running finley has been named the world's happiest country. well that's according to the humans world, happiness report that looks at life satisfaction in a 143 countries and territories around the world. denmark suite and iceland also continue to talk the leader board coming in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. but this year there's been a significant slide down the rankings for germany and the united states, mainly due to the gloomy outlook of younger people. if you're looking for a good cheer, you'll likely find it here. in finland, the world's happiest nation for the 7th year. you'd be forgiven for thinking there must be something in the water, but researchers put it down to fins own life satisfaction as well as social support,
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health, life expectancy, freedom, generosity, and g d. p. finish people and most probably are happier because they can rely on a good institution. so meaning wells, function, governments low level of corruptions and robust welfare, a faxed or is that since have a great depreciation for? well, i think i have, i have had the opportunity to is to do what i want. i have a good education. i can arise my child in here quite safely. i think. so that's, that is maybe the most important thing for me. right now. we all are for now a will for states that we have quite strong equality here. but this of course, something that for us and book or in the government, this is going to run down. so i think this is something that we would really need
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to find to still keep such appreciation may be in shorter supply in the united states and germany, which aren't among the happiest nations ranking, 23rd and 24th, respectively. germany is also one of the countries in which older people are no happier than those under 13. afghanistan is at the bottom of the table, a made a humanitarian crisis after the taliban regain control model, that goodwill remains universe. so the report find that in our post cobit world, acts of kindness are on the rise across the generations. giving us all something to smile about. well, mr. smiley and self john hallowell, you're going to be now. he's one of the founding editors of the world. happiness report, the 1st one, released back in 2012. he's also responsible for this year's edition, john,
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it's good to have you on the w. i just don't want to get to philosophical here, but i want to start by asking you. is it really possible to, to measure happiness? i mean, we don't even really know what it is. do we as well. aristotle said to find out whether someone has led a good life or not. you ask them to think about their life as a whole and a reflective moment. and that's exactly the main question that we use. of the past, people to think of their life as a whole or the latter, the best possible life is a 10 and the worst is a 0. how did they rate their lives today? and what's not about brokerage about like, well, so what do you do if they say, well, i would have different ideas about things that make me happy. um, or maybe people are not happy or unhappy at the same time as possible. so you could any survey, you're going to have a couple of people who are in
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a really bad state that week or that month, and then on average. so the, what goes on in your own life is gonna average out across the whole population. you know, one of the most surprising, i think most disturbing findings of this year's report is the decline and happiness among young people. particularly in the united states, canada, australia, and germany. people who actually should be in the prime of their lives are use and yet they're say, how do we know why or not? yeah, i it. but we've looked at the respondents because we know quite a lot else about them, from the surveys and from what you get the data. and that isn't because they're poor or less or more likely to be unemployed or, and less healthy than the people. 12 years ago, we're comparing them to um, so it has to do more with what they're thinking about life. and we're expecting to
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find one of the theories anyway is a bit there. it's actually enough negative news around about their colonial histories, about the treatment of the people of different races, different religions, a different backgrounds. uh, and it's creating tension in most of the public institutions, from schools to hospitals, to universities, to firms. and it shows up and then it wouldn't get drunk. then you think that that is what's making young people feel so blue. i mean we're talking about people who are digital natives who tell us that they feel more like a digital permits. is it not? i guess connecting to the fact that they are on social media all the time and that they have a bigger a bit of a closer relationship to
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a gadget than they do to other human beings. is that something that could be making them say yes, just to give you a short answer. yes. certainly part of the story. and is it what we're seeing also in other places? i'm thinking of eastern europe, africa, south america, asia are young people. they are also saying they're, they're not so happy are known. it is one of those things that we're focusing on because it's just in these rich english speaking countries that are we thinking their histories. i it's, it's got to be something that's specific to them. they are perhaps important device dependent, perhaps more social media dependent, perhaps more involved in confrontational, social media and hearing more confrontational news on their news feeds. we find them for it is not the case of for the court back,
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which is mainly francophone within canada. the drop there for the young people is about half what it is for the rest of the calendar for are, are there any lessons then that policy makers could, could draw from these findings? well, i think the last thing anybody needs the government to say is everything's fine. go ahead and be happy cuz that looks too much like 1984. what the message to individuals is to recognize that their happiness as essentially made at home in their communities, in their workplaces by their own decisions as to how to approach those difficulties . and if they change the way in which they face these things, and that may involve taking out the earbuds and, and putting away the phone more and spending more time with people, and fewer with the gadgets. yeah, and it's a lot to think about and i guess young people could also look at this and say,
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we've got lots of valve and reasons for being sad when you look at the environment, for example. and the fact that it seems, inequality is not getting better because lots of the, talking about their unfortunately they've john, we're out of time john hallowell, editor of the world. happiness report to john, thank you. leave us smiley. have a good one. best buy the archaeologist in turkey have on earth evidence that people were wearing body piercings as long as 11000 years ago. that's right. if you thought you profession forward that again, the dig in the south east of the country and found beads near skeletons that experts now believe or once worn by those buried they are. it is the 1st time that such objects have been found close to the lips and ears of the bodies leading archeologist to conclude that they were in fact body piercings. so
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that's a lot to think about is reminder of our top story. russia has begun evacuation somebody. silverado region bordering crane android criminal russian forces based in new crane, carried out. several raids, russian president vladimir putin says he is stepping up defenses in the area. you want your dw do is after a short break. i'll be back to the, to take the right back, the
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no simple way to substitute direct to oxford. and my dear travels along with him of the fact to a young country that has known almost her family's history is inseparably linked to the struggles of freedom and the desire in 45 minutes on d, w, the,
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the one of the main kinds, oldest ambitions could be within re what is it really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world for you know, race against time. they are peers and rivals with one daring goals to help smart nature, the more likes watching it on youtube, dw documentary cost about why does that mean? because like now i'm leave them on the new host to join us for an exciting exploration of everything in between.
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this is a video and audio production 5 d w. i hope that you will tune in the immigration whiplash in texas. on tuesday, the us supreme court said the state's police may arrest people entering the country illegally interest hours later and appeals. court said no, they can't, not yet. now this is fanning the flames and the volunteer of election year. donald trump is blaming president by for losing control of the border, but this border crisis is bordering on the constitutional crisis tonight, texas or washington fears border is it to protect any way i break off. this is the day the .


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