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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 20, 2024 4:00am-4:16am CET

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the the, you're watching dw news live from bullying. the us supreme court says, texas can arrest migraines for a legal entry into the country. it gives the site the power that the to police. it's border with mexico is part of a controversial republican back little one. the white house is, is unconstitutional. also on the program, the us is gone, so the entire population is facing sophia hunger. but despite humanitarian concerns and warnings from allies is rouse, is planned to ground operations, and rock must go ahead and throw lean announce is more aid for ukraine at a conference of keeps military back is here in germany as us defense secretary
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lloyd austin wants that he's crying so 50 is in danger? the jared ready to welcome to the program? authorities in the us state of texas have been given to go ahead to arrest people suspected of illegally entering the country. the supreme court decision allowing the state to enforce its own controversial immigration law comes as republicans blame the biden administration from not taking action on the issue. the texas governor says, of course, invasion is happening at the us border. the white house argues that policing immigration should remain and massive, full federal authorities with opponents of the texas legislation, warning of rights violations, and racial profiling. and take up,
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we use washington report to parents, gao has been following these developments. he told me why the supreme court decision is so significant or today supreme court ruling while it is important to stress that it is still temporary, is definitely significant as it shifts power to shape immigration law in the us from the federal to the state level. and that head of an election where immigration issues will be front and center of the complaint. and it also reflects the broader trend of the supreme court to give more autonomy to states as opposed to the federal level, which we have seen also in the past couple of years. and that raises questions for the future, about what will lie within the power of the federal government and within the power of the state of individual states, respectively. okay, so from the federal to state, but what is this concretely main fault for migraines? the lot essentially makes illegal immigration, the state level crime, and that means the state and local police will have the authority to arrest anyone
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. they suspect of having cross the border into texas. the legally, these people could then be charged in a state court and could even be forwarded to return to mexico as, as, regardless of whether they are at the border or even hundreds of miles north of the border. as critics have noted and reactions with his actually, mexico's, the top diplomat for north america has already said that his government, he has said this on social media, that his government will not accept any reports of repatriation from the us, but will instead be continuing negotiations on the federal level with the federal government. so it definitely creates some uncertainty for like more than someone certainty for the estimated 1600000 undocumented immigrants in texas. okay, for and so let's talk a little bit about how the decision came to happen in the 3 liberal judges on the supreme court dissented from this disease. and what was the arguments yes, so one of the dissenting judges just to sort of way or said in her dissenting opinion,
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that the court with this ruling invites further chaos in crisis and immigration enforcement at the southern board of. and she also noted that the law up ends the federal and state, the balance that has been in power in the united states for over 100 years. importantly, she also noted that this ruling has the potential to disrupt the us as for relations, which seems to be confirmed by the comments of the mexican diplomat that we talked about earlier. this are in still us. what's the white house had to say about this? the white house has come up with a statement immediately after the ruling and said it fundamentally disagrees with what it calls a harmful and unconstitutional ruling. it says i'm on my along other things that this ruling and this law will make communities along the border. and in texas less safe and has accused the republican party of politicizing the border once again. it also called ended statement on republican lawmakers to finally pass
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a bill that the democratic administration hope will make the border ease of safer and will ease the tension at the border. but the ruling of course, is a significant setback for the vitamin. the suppression to which had brought this court in front of the supreme court. and it also, the ruling also foreshadows the possible role of the supreme court in the elections later this year when it might come to a decision between president joe biden and former president of current candidates. donald trump. okay, that was our washington report. us aaron's called the friends, thanks so much for that. to the war and gaza. now where is rouse? prime minister benjamin netanyahu remains determined to press the head with a plan to sold on the southern city of rough on that's to spine growing international concerns us and secretary of state asked me, blinking is one that the whole of guys, this population is now facing sylvia hung up,
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he's preparing to head back to the middle east for talks over a ceasefire and deliveries to the territory, which remains on just so huge in the wake of the october 7. how must hire a tax nearly 6 months into israel's war with them us. the you in this thing that the looming family and gaza is no accident. it might be visible for hunger is fretting interface, which before never ever encountered how yeah. so this is clearly a man made clearly of what my mood uh, deficiency created. the hung a crisis to the commissioner general tried to go to gaza to assess the situation. but israel refused to let him in. he now feels that dealing with the hungry crisis, there comes down to committed support. basically we were talking about 2034 to try and believe the allowances buria is the absence of political with us in for them.
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if you have a party to good with, you kind of dressing as well as the reading implied. the world is putting pressure on israel to allow more 8 into gaza, including pressure from one of its closest allies, the united states. that is showing a 100 percent of the population and gaza is that severe levels of acute food and security? that's the 1st time an entire population has been so classified. we also see again, according to this case, the united nations, a 100 percent. the totality of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance . have to wait a little push back saying it's, are you making revisions for thousands? we're placing it at odds with the us, the middle east, and the idea that we're going to trap a 1000000 to when i could let them go out. they're not going to leave. we don't have arrangements for them. that's. that's not true. we're going to move the various uh,
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international agencies that are in the south. we're going to sit and move you there . well, there is precise locations as well. so far, it's unclear what arrangements is. ross made the, in my opinion, the future trucks with 8 shipments are still being denied entry into the gaza strip in crowds of thousands are waiting for food, trying to pinned off of them and that the world is warranted and a minute unless something changes. let's take a look now at some of the stories making headlines, north korea's state media says the country has successfully tested a solid fuel engine for a hypersonic new style lead. it came jungle and was they to oversee the ground? just a jet test. young young is trying to develop a new weapon designed to hit the us specific territory of guam. it regularly conducts me solid tests to spot international sanctions over its nuclear weapons program. for me, us president donald trump has filed a supreme court brief arguing that he should be immune from prosecution for trying
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to overturn his 2020 election laws. he's appealing a lower court's rejection of ether christ. mr. trump is the 1st former us president to be criminally, prosecuted to form a us police. deputies have been sentenced to more than 17 years age in prison, for the torture of 2 black men in mississippi. the officers assaulted the victims with ties and staged a monk execution that left one of the men in a critical condition. there, among 6 offices, known as the goon squad, have pleaded guilty last year to the personal attack, michael in the international olympic committee says, athletes from russia and deliveries will not take part in the opening ceremony, provide cvc, so let me pick games and paris participants from both countries will already be competing as independent athletes following russia's invasion of ukraine in 2022. it's ukraine's 5 minutes to say is he's country use shocks, dad, and use us
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a package for keith is still being bogged down and deliberations. he was venting his frustrations, even as the us defense secretary lloyd austin, acknowledged on monday that ukraine's very survival, reminding danger from russia. austin was speaking at a meeting of the cranes back is here in germany, where he promised washington's continued support ramstein us military base in western germany is another meeting of defense ministers from 50 countries supporting ukraine. ukraine contact group says it's about concrete steps to help keep this well known brand 300000000 dollars. germany to announced more military
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assistance for this ramstein meeting, we have once again put together in a package with almost half a 1000000000 euros out all that includes $10000.00 rounds of ammunition from our armed forces. stock delivery will start at short notice. in fact, immediately i can visual fort a similar goals elsewhere in gemini from the stony and prime minister. speaking in bella and kaya kyle ass, cold on countries to spend at least a quarter of one percent of the gross domestic product on military health, specifically to ukraine. some believe there is a shortcut to end versus war against ukraine. they say that if the americans don't give money or weapons along with the europeans, then this war will be over. a fresh of steps fighting, there will be no more more. if you praise steps fighting, there will be no more ukraine. but some german politicians are finding all the
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tools of weapons, hard to bad. when leading member of i left shelters, party is having to explain why he said the war could become a frozen conflict, as opposed to peace is getting his money from all it was. i think it's exhaustive to the people in this country, and we only have a debate about where i would like to whiten that to. but we'll still in these, most of these are the but the against chancellor shouts himself appears into mines . he wants to push a piece, but also to be seen as a leader. he's ready to defend ukraine. the double motive that he shed by many in the west clogging his guns to your rock. now way a pod solve the curtis down region in the north have been devastated by a powerful flash flooding west to fix it. is the city of the hook where authorities say at least 2 people have been killed off the days of non stop rain. there was no stopping the water. it turned roads into
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rivers, sales buildings with mud, debris, and left whose uninhabitable many local residents will have to rebuild, but at least they escaped with the lights. the fire was inside the house when a big wave of walter came and on the whole the whole house was filled with water. we run through the 2nd floor because the entire 1st floor was flooded. help arrived and thank god they saved us. but we didn't lose anyone, just things called rescue proves were able to evacuate hundreds of locals. but not everyone was lucky. with r t say 2 people died off to the vehicle,
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was swept away. but the regional and national governments have promised aid for those affected and its people not to venture out dues until the water subsides. this is a reminder now of our top story. the u. s. supreme court has cleared the way for local police in texas to arrest migrant suspects of crossing the mexico folder, uniquely its listed, oppose on a controversial load. i keep state authorities, broad immigration houses, opponents a warning of racial profiling and rights violation. the more on that story and much more on t v dot com, you can also see more of our reporting to, well now youtube channel line on the social media channels that are a great thank you so much for the
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wanting me to people and whether it's in just a 100 days, my parents going to be much of my family. what cute. how was this age? i'm on a journey to find out about the roots of the 19 are to put you on the site, but they expect to see through rhonda. my name is some way to ship me here. i'm afraid it makes sweet shaming history out documentary stuffs. april 6th on t w. they see everything is of it emptied. but that doesn't mean you just sit in one place and everything just happens. you need to put in a.


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