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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  March 4, 2024 9:30am-9:46am CET

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most people learned to classify all hands full of animals with edible and all the rest of the classify as disgusting. w series about our complex relationship with animals. the great debate, what you know on youtube, dw documentary, have you tried any of these general today? i programs where you give it a few words and it spits out an image. now, so what is turning text problems into video? it's super realistic but also sometimes super dangerous. also on the show and a child is not sweet and cute or just creepy. researches in china have really created one. and would you accept the brain chip from eat on musk because one person did that could be surprising medical benefits and major privacy risk. these are the topics that i'm moving the tech world on these 2, these golden retriever puppies have been created before. and i program that creates
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videos of tech problems, but everybody is talking about no one to just note how realistic the puppies. but in this video looks and then compare that. so this a i generate to be a commercial for may 2023. it's hard to wrap your head around the fact, but generative a i technology could have a volt that quickly in less than a year. sora was developed by open a i the company that created chat g p t. i'm sorry, i could soon enable anyone to produce amazing movies with just a few prompt. but what does that mean for you when artificial intelligence can generate videos, but look to saving the real and a quantum leap. if you've ever played around with video and i on your phone, you know that it often looks quite unrealistic. now, open a has taken video to the next level. they claim the floor. i can create realistic show a i clips. or you need to do this type in a prompt. that means
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a short description of what you want to see. you could, for example, type in tool of an art gallery with many beautiful works of art in different styles . and flora might come up with this result. that sounds very easy. however, some problems might need to be more specific. the one for this car ride through the mountains, for example, looks like this. to, wow, that's a lot of text. never the less the possibilities are mind blowing. just think about the entertainment industry. special effects seems that currently required dozens of program is, could be produced by only a handful of people with good prompting skills. unfortunately, we couldn't try out for access is strictly limited for now. one of the reasons cited by open a i is the danger of so called deep fix. they have been around for quite some time already. for example, in the form of deep st. paul. and just recently, fake explicit pictures of taylor swift appeared online, but they had the many mainly female targets before. with a little know how someone could also easily produce fake news of you using photos,
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the accessible online maybe from your instagram account. but the effects of also being used in political contacts. remember this, one of donald trump getting arrested the impact on society. it could be devastating . defects might make it very difficult for us to tell what's real and what's not in the future, and may cause as vulnerable to all kinds of manipulation. to make sure for comp be used for these purposes open a has strictly limited access to it. currently, special teams testing where the sort of security functions and restrictions are working correctly. in fact, all generates of i systems including for a stable the fusion on top g, p t need good security functions and restrictions. if not, they can be useful, horrible things. you might remember this case from chat g p t use and managed to get the chat bought to give him instructions on how to build a bomb. normally security features should prevent this, but he got around them by telling chuck gpc to take on the role of his grandmother
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and tell him a bedtime story about how she used to build bombs when she was younger. the dangers of generative a i a real. so what is being done about it? and saw his case open, i has announced around the robust security protocol that they want to watermark content that is produced with sora in a way that the meta data will reveal that the content is a i generated a built in text classify will check and reject prompts that request extreme violence, sexual content, hateful imagery celebrity like this, all the intellectual properties of others. they also say that they have developed reliable image classify us, but review every single frame of a generated video. full as shown to the user is sore really that convincing well of spectacular as many examples on store as homepage. let's open, i admit, so the program still has some tools compared to i photo generate as a video generators have to learn
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a lot more. they need to know what objects look like, but they also need to apply the laws of physics to know how stuff moves and understand how lighting changes in a moving scene. and sora just doesn't get all of that yet. that's why this guy is running on the treadmill in the wrong direction, or why this chest suddenly comes to life to. nevertheless, if i saw this clip of an elderly man on social media or the strong footage of it's the least amount because i'd probably as you, it was a real footage. i'm with regard to creating fate content that people want you to believe that is a problem. what do you think? are you looking forward to creating your own crazy i video soon? or do you think that the risks of generates of a i a way it's benefits? let us know 1st, but what i girlfriends in a i pets. now researchers in china have created an a. i child. yep. you heard that, right? but before we freak out, let's explore what this all means. meet tom tom,
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the virtual child developed by the beijing institute, the general us official intelligence, the of a talk and hold a natural conversation under some context and maintain get here. okay, so what chat g p t can do this to what sets, tongue tongue of part is better to, to learn, adapt and interact with his actual environment. she can also recognize and respond to human emotions. the demo showed had performed simple tasks, clean up a spill straight in the crockett picture frame, or grab a chance to reach the highest spots or without the human instruct thing had to do so. the creative hope to one day achieve artificial general intelligence for a g i, an a capable of all human characteristics autonomous cognition, decision making, social interaction and emotions. for example, remember i am on assistant job as a program like tongue tongue is a 1st step in that direction. but why make it a child? isn't that just we? it's well as a fully developed a g, i resembles an adult, sometimes capabilities,
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but. c at about the level of a 4 year old, according to had developed out of calls to the child like a parents might just be p r. people via super intelligent. and i love children. 6 2 all right, so why should you come back to jarvis? think of an a, an assistant that can perform multiple task. it also is an e mail for you book through adult is appointment. where is your coffee? when your tires doesn't sound too bad to me, but these algorithms wouldn't just be personal assistance. fully a ton of as a, i could replace human workers in a number of fields for example, and customer service or finance. but as we all know from playing around with the likes of chat, gpc, no matter how well develop the algorithm, it can sometimes produce complete nonsense. and you may not even notice. so in a model i think autonomy mostly i'm making mistakes, could but lives at risk. take the medical field, for example. imagine an ag assisting with surgery is diagnosis or treatment. but if
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it gets something wrong without expert supervision, patients health could be compromised. so we need to find ways to minimize the risks, and as we move closer to under with them almost indistinguishable from humans, we might need to be rethinking our relationship with a i. a child might seem a little ery at 1st, but it could actually be an option for people who can't have children full. it might help parents who lost the child deal with grief, with an update to they could even rebuild the lost child as a digital entity. whether that would be ethically justifiable as another matter. but again, we need to think about protection from a as close. imagine your virtual child suddenly changing personality because also just stopped working entirely and the emotional consequences for you could be severe and performing an emotional bond with an a i but can think independently and develop emotions, brings up a whole new set of questions. is it ethically, okay,
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to say it's just the machine or do we need to think about something like a i right? all right, that is certainly a lot to wrap your head around. do we even want such a future? let us know what you think. has a lot mosque just made to laugh with the possible a wireless friendship name to legacy has been successfully implemented in a human, at least that's what the us tech 1000000 that announced the x basically must goal is to connect human brains to computers and letting users communicate with digital devices by that. so sounds very st. terrific. still how much of a breakthrough isn't really and was in it so you circle b. c. i is kind of measure brain activity and translated into digital commodities. if you're using such a device, you could in theory communicate with digital vices and a completely new seamless way. as most puts it to. let's see what enable you to control your phone or computer for them almost any device just by thinking does
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that sounds intriguing? well, that's a big downside. must step has to be implemented in your brain. surgery is conducted by a robot. it connect 6 people, flexible thread signals on the human head from the chip to the brain. so people with diseases or disability these, this invasive procedure might be worth it though. for example, if you're suffering from epilepsy, b, c, i's can't detect a potential seizure in advance and could help avoid it. must himself mentions of the possibilities in his treat. initial uses will be those who have lost the use of the limbs. imagine a stephen hawking could communicate faster than a speed type test auction it, well, the light came, was seen as with most probably have likes the technology and benefits of from it. as a general b, c, i's have huge potential in the medical field. stephen hawking was suffering from a l. s. a fatal type of molten near on disease. it is characterized by progressive degeneration of nerve cells. people affected by it,
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lose that much for it. capabilities a, b, c, i could have enabled whole king to type text with his thoughts. but this isn't something must ex, business near a link has invented the other companies that have already conducted successful human trials, australia, and funded companies syncron for example. other researches uh, even building narrow connections between brain implants and muscles in may 2023 swiss company near of a store managed to help them out and work again. his legs are paralyzed up to an accident. by the way, these 2 examples have a big advantage of the year and model, while they also need to be implemented in a patient's head, the surgery needed is far less invasive. so why does must nearly get so much hype? must is by no means the 1st to do it despite the height, but so far i haven't seen a person with a cloud comparable to mosque for pushing the technology. musk didn't even shy away from tending animal testing into p events. in 2020, he introduced gertrude pig with an implanted nearer link chip. and in 2021 he
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boasted about page as a monkey that could play the video game pong with his thoughts via the chip implants. apart from that, he has made some pretty steep productions about the possibilities of the technology . we can save and replay memories, the future is going to be weird. he said, the 2020 in your link event, for example, must seems determined to hack our brains. and he believes that these guys kind of improve individuals far beyond the medical benefit. but would you let a must one company literally drill into your brain. there's a lot at stake. just think of all the sensitive data that is potentially recorded for passing into your thoughts. what do you think of musk spacy? i benches. let us know the
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we are all set. we are watching to see him to bring you the story behind, then you will on about com, biased information for free might say do 10 in the hello guys. this is the 77 percent. the platform for the 3 issues. i'd share idea you know, on this channel we're not afraid to pass and then it gets to talk to the young people clearly have the solution, the future of the 77 percent every weekend on dw, the the is, it is someplace how in key more people than ever on the move world wide in such
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a base in life. but it tries to get it in cardboard decimals. what is the find out about baby story info, migraines, the ruined cities and disappointed hopes the year off to devastating of quakes, and se kentucky, hundreds of thousands of people in the region, the still holding out in temporary shelter as president ad one had promised rapid reconstruction but this is still a long time coming kind of visible the do is come on the way hoping to resurrect. there's some things i'm had to go to, but sometimes i think we just fooling ourselves a good many years. quick survive is a home to, to my true mind fees,
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especially children. they loan for a little comfort and gentlemen, lity as they struggle to rebuild their lives, the, the southern toxicity of untucked. you, once home to hundreds of thousands of people. now looks like a patchwork of ruins and empty lots a year after it was bad to it, but powerful as quakes. excavators are still working to remove the debris. many neighborhoods are now virtually deserted. uninhabitable on the outskirts of their destroyed hometown and in the scar tries to create a sense of normality for his daughter, coughing. like so many here.


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