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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 27, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from the codes. european soldiers soon be fighting in ukraine. president emanuel mccall is not ruling it out. the french liter pledge is more military support for t, but a conference in paris and says you're must continue to do everything it can to prevent russia from winning the war. will say coming up on the program types for us, the spell it and gaza us president joe biden says he thinks the deal between israel and hamas can be reached by next week in time for the muslim side of the month of ramadan and sentence to life behind bars, the head of a violent drug cartel in the netherlands is found guilty in a high profile, not
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a trial. the manuscript is making a very warm welcome to the program. we saw us and from swell president they money. when my call says nothing is off the table when it comes to stuff, hang plaza, mad person at a conference with ukraine's allies from around europe mccaul even spoke about the possibility of deploying ground troops to make sure that russia doesn't win the will, the front of me to also pledged increased military support including medium and long range, missiles a show of unity from over 20 europe and leaders post a manual mccomb said it was time to step up support for ukraine for its own sake, and for the good of all its allies on the continent or it was the only secret that is the 5th. we are convinced that rushes defeat is essential for security and
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stability in europe. you. what's at stake right now is on the one hand, the war and ukraine, that's the meaning ukraine's ability to endure any new russian offensive, the old straits in the coming months of the lease, but also the ability of europeans to define the collective security people is or beyond this nipple hopelessly, can we think of anything is mccaul even said, sending in ground forces wasn't out of the question. a point to the other leaders called the most heated discussion of the day. they will get the class. and then there is another consensus right now about sending in ground troops and official endorsed and sanctions amount of. but in reality, nothing should be ruled out. we will do whatever it takes to ensure that russia cannot win. this will help us get football. could always seem to be bugging. you said the french president said the most immediate priority was given ukraine. more
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medium and long range, missiles, france, and britain are already supplying the weapons. but germany says it will not be sending its tories missiles shown here. german chancellor, olaf schultz told press before the conference that they posed too much of a risk of dragging his country directly into war with russia to go down to find the german soldiers can not at any point or any place, be linked to targets that the system reaches the i pick, the ease of this clarity is absolutely necessary, but in a maze that doesn't d motion, we move some testing that they don't even consider. think that what we do now, i'm going to some extent lead to our participation in this war task. let's get to whatever pledges were made at the parents meeting. ukraine says, commitment does not constitute delivery. ukraine's defense minister said recently that half of the western military, a pledge to keep it delivered later than promised, that i'm doing now from paris by mazda and call, say,
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a defense on the less than managing director for geopolitical risk and strategy at the public policy. think tank the german martial fund. welcome to the w. thanks for your time. can you tell us exactly what president my call said regarding ukraine? was that in the context of the various fluid conflicts option should be on the table that nothing should be excluded? there is no longer in the allies as to how we need to support you right now. what did you say is that to you support himself from sending troops. he also mentioned that there is no consensus that is going to monkey work in the lies. and this is something that should remain a big was your way following the discussion. the to be system is clear, the quite as important signal to the questions up to the premiums that i use in the hospital. there will be back in a huge range, 14 to one, so it's
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a and making sure that special ed doesn't mean this is something that is seen by my call as absolute e priorities for you. okay, so nothing's off the table. how much does, how much support does his idea enjoy among western allies? this but clearly sending it seems to ukraine has always been sort of the red line most especially in europe and again to distress that this is not from the position that we need to send troops. mccauley said that this is an option that that needs to be discussed. i think that what's more important than that. so what was the focus of the conversation was the need to increase the provision of a mission to ukraine and usually train old and that needs to continue. and i think it's the fence against this is something also interesting into my close remarks is that your kids need to be aware that they also failed on some of the commitments.
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some of the promises to, to you pray, either because they didn't deliver as much as they said they would or that is too late. and learning from last year is that the conflicts we need to be able to practice and we need to do more than 2 years ago. so when russia launched is full scale invasion of he cried and present it back home was seen as, as much less than sees. yeah. stick a less than susie optic support for of keith talked about the importance of allowing russia to save face not face a complete defeat. so. so what's changed to or yeah, i think what's interesting is that in the french debates, the watch 1st was very much solved and discussed as the question of the relation to russia. and the future of visualization now is really to crate. and it has to do with the future of praise, accession to you for us is well aware of the political and economic costs of
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a heavy rain entering your union. and if we want this to be a success, we need to make sure that your claim is an economic lead viable country. that's his political staples. so we need to make sure that it actually doesn't lose the war. another aspect of the suspension, i think the pollution is that there's obviously a concern on the future who you wish to for to great what you see currently. and just as if i use patiently congress to results you a and also what could happen. it has to be an action, is it november? if it's a different of these patients that takes very decent to grant was not in calcium from the german national fund. thank you so much for your time and figure allow analysis. thank you. we can speak now to mock his father, a member of the german, that parliamentary defense committee with a junior government coalition partner, the f, the payments, the father, welcome to the w,
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and we've just touched the kremlin, responds to president mccullin's comments warning, but if your opinion members of nato did send troops to fights and ukraine, then a conflict between brush or a nato would become inevitable. so do you see you're open with it. germany actually pushing boots on the ground to stop boots in. you know, thanks the thing the i don't actually see this coming, this is the, the point where there's no turning back. so john man or french or your opinion on a so. so just so pointing ukraine. ukraine is something that we should not do well . i guess also we will not do. okay. if we can talk about the discussion about the tourist long range of cruise missiles, the job insurance list says he wouldn't be sending tours missiles to ukraine. do you think the gemini should be provide and keep with these long range missiles you
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said to do a lot sense. i don't know. um and that's something we've heard for open for a couple of times. i think he actually should send them. he should have sent the notes besides the last 8 months. we're having this discussion, this no argument. that's why not to do was great. great. you've done the, the fair clauses, but ukraine might use these missiles to hit targets inside rush, or, i mean, keeps already launched attacks on several oil and fuel refineries deep inside russia. so, so, i mean, how can you be sure that this wouldn't happen with these myself? so great it has. uh, so to all the problem is, is that may i use the best on west sunrise systems to this russian home territory. and i guess they will not do this use uh, ukraine. this is matthew reliable on west, on some parts. so they will not endanger this. um, so it's an issue for us actually. and was the last 3 years you granular s a proven
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to be very trustworthy. so i think the greeks are through that and that also we're talking about christmas. so you're delivering a certain amount of those christmas of so and once they uh they apply it away, they will not come back so you can also reduce costs. do bring in a smaller number in the 1st place. okay. can we talk about trunk flu shots a says, but germany could potentially be attacked by russia unlike the u. k. and the us, germany, of course, does not have nuclear weapons. so would you say this means it's time for germany to review. it's a nuclear arms policy. actually let me right now we have a business customer on the policy. we have taken part in the name. so a nuclear insurance. um, but this is obviously really, this is obviously related to american nuclear bombs. so, and when there's
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a discussion with the us, we live in the top, not in the future. you'll see that you, this the discussion right now, whether we should call us and rely on bridges or french nuclear deterrence. it's something you're not doing now, but could be to discuss quotes, utah. ok, a stop or a member of the german parliamentary defense committee with the f t p policy. many thanks for your time today. me. okay, it's to poland now with farm is, has been protesting against european union regulations and cheap food inputs from ukraine. police farm is making the voices hood right now in the city of many count on the ukrainian polish border. the disgruntled families have blocked the crossing for ukrainian trucks, several ukrainian transports, as all now stuck out that border. and we can get more now from dw report on
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a sub truck who's at the po. does she crate in florida and tell us more about what's going on the are yeah, right now behind my back around 3rd, the farmers are blocking the road. we saw a huge line around 2 kilometers. so if you're crying and trucks standing alongside the road, not being able to go through. and we also saw that farmers, us could some of the drivers to turn to go to the other check for. and so more to the north to try their lives there. uh, we also saw that some of the bus has spoken to our buses like could 6 plus the buses go through the locates and they were allowed to go as well as the cars to receive the truck. or if it's taken to the sides and not, not allowed to go through. so what is it the farm is once exactly uh,
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the 1st month of this farmers is to stop the flow of ukrainian agriculture products that go to poland. and the 2nd to is their reaction to the european and the policy of the, your opinion union regarding the equality and the culture. at the same time, the process to hear the we're emphasizing that to be ukrainian green is the problem that concerns them the most. because as they say, it's not go in as a transit butlins in the bonus, different markets creating a huge competition to their products. at the same time, i should say that to ukrainian assorted to use the ukranian ministry of infrastructure said that it's only 5 percent of the votes that go from ukraine
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from poland. 2 and $9.00 to $5.00 for then goes through the seats, so the sink and the and says that the, the months the bonus farmers have are if it's exaggerated. and we saw also during the last weeks how the furthest, those were pouring out, the ukrainian grain are we to of course, a create it takes you to a problem for you bring in a story to send to the farmers who are collecting the screen in the condition, so for the, the, your for to and a sub check. thanks so much for your reporting of the us president joe biden says, but he is hopeful a ceasefire. a deal for gaza can be reached by next week. folks. all happening in guitar right now. their aim is to secure
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a pause in the fighting in exchange for the release of his randy hostages, who were taken during the hum of terror attacks on october, the 7th speaking to reporters in new york, president biden said an agreement was in reach. well, i hope we have the end of the weekend. my, my not security adviser tells me that we're close because it's not done yet. my hope is by next monday i'm at least analysts shown here as honest as here in this to do with me. hi. hi sony. so sony, and we're seeing quite a lot as newsmen here on weight in terms of sort of talk about the ceasefire. but there are lots of details still in the air on the there aren't many and we hear the guitar is just talking this morning saying there's nothing that's been finalized yes, between from us and israel, we know that the ha spokesperson also said there's too many gaps that need to be
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bridge and one of the key issues is how do we even, what is it on the table? if we're talking about a ceasefire, a truce, but most demands a stop to fighting. he wants israel to come and make a commitment that it's not going to resume a ground operation of god. so something is real is refusing to do so. this is still a very much the heart of the matter and still disputed. and of course, as all the back and forth with, in regards to how many prisoners will be released in exchange for how many off hostages. these are more of the minor details, but still has a lot still to be worked through. okay. and meanwhile, israel, it seems absolutely intent on sticking to it's planned start this sort of full scale, offensive, and rough. but despite the, you know, the grow and course of international criticism is really wants to be seen like that, at least you don't want it to. now it's important to send that message. so the idea is ready and can go on and into the next phase of the ground operation, meaning going into off because he feels that that's his only leverage if he wants
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to get anything for the how much to agree to concessions. you feel like a rough off is the one thing that he has to, that he can use. and therefore he tries to betray this. this image of this is what we're doing next. we know, however, the technically still many stages to be at before that is even possible. there's more than $1000000.00 palestinians who found refuge in gauze or from all other parts of of the gaza strip and they need to be evicted. this is something his role is committed to, so that would be the 1st step before anything else happens. kind of shiny, stay with us, but just a moment because we're going to get an update on rasa now, was slicing so close to the egyptian border. it is testing israel's friendly relations with its neighbor. take a look right on the border with egypt sits rafa to each crammed with around $1400000.00 people. many displays from other parts of the gods. a strip of conditions there are dire with shortages of food and water.
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egypt has warned against them as rarely grind defensive. they're saying it would result in more civilian casualties. egypt has had peaceful relations with israel since a peace treaty was signed between the 2 countries in 1979. our club, but a gypsy and president of delphi to c. c has been a vocal in his condemnation of his rails operations in its war against thomas as with display scoggins. having nowhere else to go, it could lead to intense pressure on them to escape the enclave into egypt sign. i'd peninsula a situation cairo once to avoid egypt along with several other arab countries. fair israel wouldn't allow them to return under the terms of the 1979 peace treaty, the solenoid peninsula. i'm the guy that border r a d militarize zone. since the october 7th attacks, egypt has been beeping of border security with more troops at the gods of frontier,
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with his riley consent. egypt also appears to be building 8 fortified area there. cairo has for the past decade already being creating a massive buffer zone as part of it security, coordination with these rail. part of that has been the destruction of tunnels from its territory into gaza, which were used for smuggling is another issue. testing relations between the 2 countries is a narrow demilitarised strip of land that separates egypt and gaza, known as the philadelphia car door. a suggestion by is really prime minister, been, you mean it's an yahoo that he wanted israel to take control of the car door has angered cairo. is this elusive? must, this lease is up then was despite the current tens of relations between egypt and israel. any attempt by cairo to walk away from its peace accord with these rail could prove very costly. egypt economy is struggling and it would risk losing the
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billions of dollars of usaid it receives as part of the 1979. 3 g. m. at least analysts shawnee or is on this is still here with me. shawnee tell us. what is it that makes rough us so important? especially for egypt. overall fi is a city that is divided for many years. the majority of which is in to a policy and part of goes out and then part of it is and is in egypt and for the egyptian president, right from the start. this was the red line here. you know, there's a big crossing of the border there and any breach up into a different territory that's. that's a red line that the, the president has said that the president said he's not willing to, to see happening. there's a figure that it means that the term, you know, it, knowing this region and the dynamics and it's anything that is temporary. it can end up very much being, you know, a permanent solution for the palestinian problem, which is something that addiction to not want to see happening cuz they were afraid that would be, you know, a clearing, not the mess for israel instead of,
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of israel itself. we know that the tensions are so high that that is really a head of the military and the head of the she met the secret service, have made it to egypt last week to ease up tensions and assure the, the addictions that there's not going to be as far as, as well, is concerned at trying to push palestinians refugees into egypt is nothing that they are planning on or, or at least not anything that they're going to be intentionally pursuing. because we know that ramadan, the muslim holy month is just weeks away. now, what role does ramadan play here? i mean, as you know, israel is waiting, it's options and it's war against thomas west to go next. how important is from a to in these calculations? what very much, you mean, officially talk to me now you talk to other people in his cabinet. they say, you know, we're not gonna, we're going to disregard ramadan because we were attacked on october 7th when i, or holy days. so the mazda itself, as shown z, what respect to religious needs. however, when we talk about rail bullet ticket, we're talking about this region. we're talking about other fronts that israel is
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dealing with. what it comes to is really arabs within is really territory for talking about the west bank. it's clear that fighting through ramadan will be crossing some sort of a line and a very delicate balance that is there and might bring is more problems. of course, the international community is against that, and so the americans right from the get go, is this round of talks setup problem done as a deadline, hoping it will have all sides to some of the escalate. come down and, and see that as, as it as a beginning of, of entering a new phase of the escalation. and some, some relief to this terrible try to data proceeding unfolding and gaza every day to w middle east. unless you on your was on this line, you spend much money now the netherlands has just announced its verdicts in the highly anticipated trial of the drug cartel lead a lead, a widow on target. he's been sentenced to life in prison. tugee was once the country's most one said,
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criminal the case against him and 16 of the members of the month for a mafia time. crime gang relates to 6 motors and a number of other attempted motives gained increased international attention of to the high profile killing of the investigative journalist, painted a face who was supporting the prosecutions key. witness and dw correspondent jack park joins us now from that's quotes in amsterdam. just tell us more about this, this, but it, how important is it for the ducks justice system? yeah, it's seriously impulsive. what the judges have done today, essentially is to convict one of the most important the most significant drug crime process impulses in ducks history. we do on targeting 46 year old. we also have a life sentence for his ordering and involvement. in 6 months is on a string of attempted assassination. between 201620172. other men will also serve
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life sentences for their involvement. and the other 14 people in the case who had a range of crime prison sentences ranging from somewhere in, in the region of a year, all the way up to arrive 30 years. so all of them were convicted. this is really, really significant. it's a 6 year trial and which we've seen a number of power alone that is on least related to a witness, a man named novel b, who is one of the most crow mfc is gang returned against them and provide provided evidence for the crime prosecution service his lawyer, his brother, and the famous journalist peace, all degrees were killed as a consequence of them supporting him. in this trial, this is a really significant name. and if it does justice, that's been huge. pressure from society and from the media on the judges. and the
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convictions have now i've come so obviously a huge story to the netherlands, but this, this verdict have wide uh, uh, implications for the fights against organized crime. so not only in the netherlands, but also throughout europe is yeah, it does because the mockery mass, the leg by read one tugee, that prime business was importing will still is importing cocaine and other drugs through the pulse of both of them. so convicting these men is a real sign of the dog's attempt to bring an end to the accusations of this country, which is ordinarily known 1st of the sleeping tulips and clouds. but in recent years has changed into a country. great, and it has a knock a stage by these crime gardens, importing drugs through the ports of rock design, which have been going into the rest of your a. this is a major moment. it's very, very significant. we do know, however, i've been speaking to lawyers here with the court and they just of defense voice.
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they already say that they will try you to appeal these convictions. got tired and flushing from amsterdam drunk, jack, thank you so much. i. this is a quick reminder for you of our top story today. the french president and manuel mcfall has hinted that it might be necessary to deploy european ground forces in ukraine. he said it was essential to prevent prussia from winning the war and that nothing could be ruled out. and the us president replied, he says he thinks the sci fi i can be reached in garza by next week in time for the muslim holy month of ramadan pokes on going between israel and from us aimed at securing a pause in the fight. and that is all we have time coming up next on health show in good shape. that's what parents can do to help let children grow up by many people that can and i'll be back to the top of the, our international headlines. thanks so much for what can be done
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the the be a own health advocates by turning into your own ex, the where your country without any fiction. with no supply be active, the way in good shape.
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smoke on d w. one farmers battle against a german energy joining our w d souls. peruvian homeland is being threatened by climate change and police are melting, is making it worse. so lawsuit against our w. e. one of the world's biggest c o 2 emitters, symbolizes his fight against all climate defenders. and winning could change the world close out. in 45 minutes on d, w, the this shadows. these costs and video shed light on the donkey street. devastating colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed a score farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races,
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depression? today, the screen. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the let me tell you something, folks, my life could be so simple. if it were all these darn adults, mom and dad are ok. they just want me to be healthy. the ground now wants to dictate when i sleep, the neighbor knows exactly what i should be eating. and he says a stricter upbringing will be good for me. and the guy on tip top goes on and on about my optimal work out. who should i believe? what's fact, what's fiction? some adults out there must have some answers. maybe the ones on in good shape.


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