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tv   Mapped Out  Deutsche Welle  February 24, 2024 7:15am-7:30am CET

7:15 am
that's the drug related crime. i've faced considerable opposition as if a novice stay with us mapped out is up next, looking at that more pollutants wall from chechnya to ukraine. one who is a dw dot com, will me a lot of the discovery stories change your mind. just click away, find out best document trees on you to see the world, the subscribe. now to dw talking entry, that's what russian bombs do to women in eastern ukraine. you've probably heard about it. russian forces attacked this maternity clinic in the city of matthew.
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and it's not the 1st time russia has done something like this. russian forces bomb the maternity clinic right here in chechnya, a russian republic in 1999. the word chechnya shouldn't have been for us as a signal web this political machine. what's going there was some remarkable parallels between the wars and catching out and ukraine protection. now has been largely forgotten, even though that was part of it pushes 1st floor and what really kicked off his political career. chechnya is a grotesque miniature of what we can once for keeping you free or so is virtually using the same playbook and ukraine as in chechnya. and can this help us understand what might happen in ukraine and europe? you probably know russian president what do you have?
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fortune is a form of secret service agent. but did you know we actually started his career at the top with the war in 1999, just a month after 14 was appointed. prime minister freshman tags rolled into chechnya this is chechnya majority muscle in republic and southern russia and formerly part of the soviet union. around 1500000 people live here, mostly ethnic chechen. people that has resisted russian v throughout history. in the early 19 ninety's, the soviet union collapsed. during that time a political movement formed in touch now of chechens, who wanted an independent state. instead of being part of the newly formed russian states. that russia was simply afraid that this would create a domino effect. and the other regions, home 2 ethnic minorities would break away to so russia launched its 1st
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war on church now. very bloody war that russian lost it brought tales to church now, but also a defacto independence. the 1st church in more increased instability in the region which offered a breeding ground for radical islam as in 1999 a series of apartment bom, based in 3, russian cities, killed hundreds and spread fear among the population. the russian government claimed chechen terrorists were responsible and started a 2nd war in chechnya of the who really wants to behind the attacks is still unclear. several experts say they weren't coordinated by russian have secret service. we have as be, to find a pretext for the war. so put, you can put later both that he was the one who had restored stability. what is
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clear, don't look at this chart. putting became very popular at the beginning of the war. and he did his best to reinforce this image as being the strong man protecting his country on that he maintains today. and he was elected as president a couple of months later. teaching labeled the war in chechnya as a counter terrorist operation aimed at fighting is limits. extremism. a congestion method, which doesn't mean you to that even though you just get to the 911 terror attacks and the us made it easier for protein to sell. the narrative of fighting extreme is in chechnya. there were indeed several deadly is the most terror attacks in russia in the early 2, thousands. but what's the catching more really about fighting terrorism?
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we'll get to that. let's look at ukraine now. ukraine used to be a so good republic. so i'm like, checking out ukraine became independent when the soviet union collapsed. but it still had close ties to russia. overtime ukraine began moving away from russia and it's fear of influence and closer to the european union and nato. the food you hated that he refused to accept ukraine as a separate entity 1st, illegally amex in crimea of in 2014. and in setting a war in eastern ukraine, then in 2022, launching an all out invasion. this is chechen has capital, grossly. thousands of civilians were killed when russian forces seize the city.
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limits. the united nations later called grossly the most destroyed city on earth. the and here's money you for it in eastern ukraine, after russia's forces occupied the city in 2022. after a 3 months each almost all residential buildings were destroyed. the ukrainian sources say more than 20000 civilians were killed and menu port when um they skipped the images from your brain after wallet struggle to differentiate between the 2 and that it was a horrifying realization. but sometimes i wouldn't tell which one was brought to me and which one was like the same way you like the nice to meet of a witness, the worrying girl is me as a child. now look at this suburb of gross me. nobody a live person forces around
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a so called cleansing operations here and reportedly executed at least 60 civilians in one day. that reminds us of the horrors of boucher which we saw at the beginning of the war against the crane. there on the outskirts of the capital t is russian soldiers loaded houses, tortured, raped, and killed civilians. the beaming ships now bore in ukraine, the war price that we see the human rights violations. they will not sign the size of the war, but they are indeed an incremented element all the rest. and we'll say, that's russia expert, that'd be efficient boats and catching you and you cream pushing, failed to achieve his initial goal, a swift victory. so he's essentially using brute force to compensate for
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miscalculations in warfare such as not expecting resistance. pushing is using the same approach as he did in his 1st more in chechnya says researcher james mickland toxic 311. that he faced resistance. you should shift the indiscriminate arrow bombardment and shedding to destroy that resistance. this is destruction that carries no direct me that you need. it's reflect a complete disregard for the lives of civilians. is the russian way of wars, especially brutal? we asked, does that mean official with just covers the book about putting floors the, the doing was conducted by democratic countries have done, but they are visions in russia. these go crimes are systemic and they are
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really an instrument in the war consciously applied by the russian machine. and this file is, continues indicated, regions. look at what happened after detection war was officially over. the ones were meaning you are living, you know, pretty much open, present nice to meet about knows what she's talking about. her mother and natalia was an internationally renowned human rights activist. she wants gathering evidence on human rights abuses in chechnya when she was shot dead. the human rights organization that natalia worked with claims and i'm due to a force behind this d as chechen as ruler and known for his brutality. candice was installed by pushing in the wake of the chechen war in order to bring the republic under full control. so this kind of deal between moscow
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friends i've had 0 interesting yeah. the establishment of these pop up regions in the occupied territories. that's clearly something that also tells us important things about the future of the subject by territories. this is what's that being official is talking about this russian map shows these you're printing territories as russian almost 20 percent of ukraine is illegally occupied by russia. what pushing the teeth with cadets in chechnya, he's now trying to do in russian occupied to crane with these kremlin front. the leaders the it was it was able to get to get done. yes, it was showing you some of it. let's say, let's see with the remember
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how devastating the destruction wash and value point eastern ukraine. well, option occupiers quickly started transforming the city also the, and look at all these newly built apartment blocks. it seems as if the russian has during the same here as in chechnya, more than 20 years ago, rebuilding the city to make people quickly forget what happened the but how do you achieve this? well, he no controls any kind of information and repressed his opposition. during the 1st touching more, the russian public knew what was happening, and many russians were against it. pigeon loved the lessons of the fast chechen
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which was to keep the media out. oh yeah, to force him to control of the employer and outside of the information. he has ramped up propaganda throughout the years. and since the full scale invasion of ukraine repressive last criminalized any kind of critical journalism about russia's war, the same now goes for the russian occupied territories of ukraine. so we see there's certainly a playbook that poochie and has been using throughout the wars and checking out and ukraine, certain tactics, using sheer brutality to pers, any resistance, even though it's a way of making up for initial miscalculations that can you crane ramping up repressions to control the feed agents and hiding that with massive propaganda and censorship. these are the similarities. but what is different between the 2 wars
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is the international reaction. all the fatality of proteins more in chechnya didn't really lead to any knock back for the kremlin. those the 3 lift, famous example of the same night when tony blair, the former prime minister of the u. k was of the oprah or with with him, there was a big one big be grossly there is who remained ignorant of what happened in chechnya. and they wanted to be a current event because it didn't have the interest to full out. was russia too much thought to western ignorance was also in display when russia invaded georgia in 2008, and then supported the syrian dictator also in his war. but that changed with russia's full scale invasion, actually crane in 2022. the world was shocked. and there was an unprecedented amount of solidarity ukraine,
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exciting or crying on to cutting natural crane grades. these countries are supporting ukraine with weapons and humanitarian aid. after 2 years of all of the war, western support seems to be waning. but the print is still asking for more weapons and ammunition to regain its territory. we saw a rush and the doctor's tucked takes just like it didn't just now. i'm not staying a longer game and is waiting for the west to get boats to get bored in ukraine, just like many at the douglas west. and douglas footboard is covering things in just now. and if the west of skip was and a fusion does, can subjugate ukraine, the will continue to see this box and repeat it until and until somebody stops it, or until it's too late, which is playbook from his war in chechnya has shown he wants victory at any cost
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his political career began with the war in chechnya, and the question is, will it ends with the war in ukraine the course the bmw 3 series appear driving pleasure for every one. freedom. that's what it means for me. the global phenomenon made in germany.


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