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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 23, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from berlin after 2 years of fighting off russia's invasion . we look at what could be next for ukraine. we ask, can keep, keep up the fight, facing ammunition shortages and delays from western allies on funding the war effort. also coming up fighting and eastern congo threatens to cut off food supplies to a city of around 2 and a half 1000000 people. many already displaced by the conflict. they look at how regional politics is fueling the turmoil, the
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sarah kelly. welcome to the program. ukraine remains in the fight, but the war has just entered an uncertain phase just ahead of the 2 year mark of russia's full scale invasion to you've now face is a critical munition shortage. political deadlock in the us congress over continuing military assistance and lack of production capacity in the, in europe, are both factors. now, with all of this in mind, the w is ukraine bureau chief and economy poses the question. can ukraine keep up its resistance to pollutants war? the only thing we can regret is that we didn't stop active measures earlier. he means the rule that was brought to my patients message, their recent interview with the russian state tv woods, to put an end speculation that the kremlin might be open to some kind of deal to freeze this conflict. the receipt let's say, which is ukraine x. but at london's chatham house, think tank, she says pollutants still think so you can take, or if you claim it is clear,
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wrong boykin's public statements that he's not changing his war objectives. what i see russia in this year really believes it has a chance. it has a chance to break ukraine, and they will be breaking ukraine militarily. unnamed russian sources, talking about the potential piece deal, adjust to districts and tactics. she says. they also will work in the west to actually undermine decision making, to send these confusing messages about the possible ceasefire. meanwhile, not mean ceasefire for them. they would like to see washington actually accepting of food instead of tauriel drab versus victory nap div was the biggest since the full bus worked last may many expect pushing to use momentum gain to try to take all the full ukrainian regions. he's already formally annexed. that's done yet. so hans, so patricia,
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so it will be easy. ukraine still controls large waves of these regions. puts in may want to push on because he actually have the results is taking of div construction forces. many lives west and intelligence estimates for the casualties . the over 10000 dead, the one russian ministry builder. you can claim that the death toll had reached $16000.00 mike martin the senior visiting fellow and was that is at kings college london. he says that ukraine, you know me, can make russia pay a high price for any territorial gains. defense is much easier than an attack. the russians may well be able to take small amounts of ground at great cost, but they don't. then it suddenly rolled over and take up his operational desa and i know you guys know that they need to just move back very slowly. their ability to do that will depend on how well west and support holds up to have difficulty. ukrainians were fortunately out gunned $5.00 to $1.00. you promise its supply
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ukraine with a 1000000 shells in a year failed. while russia got that many from north korea in a matter of months. well, you can, you know, is now on washington. but i think at the moment we were the little bit of a guy political lighting point. everyone's waiting to see what happens with the us presidential election. i think you've come wins. we all going to say, you know, quote unquote the date of the century and from it's going to hand large areas of ukraine to pizza and for the ukrainians are working off the assumption that they're on there right now. so they're doing what they can with home grants, innovation, eating targets deep inside russia with long range drones to fix maximum damage options, war economy as ukraine and his 3rd year full is trying to take the fight to russia while it waits to see whether the west provides resources have another go on the battlefields. and one of the key battles early on in the invasion was for
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mary. you pull, you cranes, fierce resistance there became a rallying cry even as the russian forces closed in the battle for the c on the eyes of c showed just how willing russia was to on least complete devastation on ukrainian cities with little regard paid to the fate of civilians, oppression aircraft targeted the city theater where hundreds of families with children were sheltering. despite the russian word for children painted on the ground outside. hundreds of thousands of people fled the city and thousands were killed amid the russian onslaught. marius, every jenko was a mario, po resident who left the city before the war and has managed to evacuate her family . when the invasion began. she now lives and works in keys from where she joined us . i asked her about how she felt about the conflict today. as you crane marks, 2nd anniversary since specialist and page a hi. yeah, my feelings are really mixed because of since the 24 inch or february 2020 to
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2 or in life. the upside down. and with a story to here of war that we are facing, i lost some of my friends colleagues of the bottles failed to end as many, many ukraine and sliced to think that everyone lost someone close. and it's unbearable to see you that we are still here and the institution after the 3rd year by the 2nd. on the other hand, i think that it's so powerful, but we're still in jew rain and we're still fighting for our freedom powerful to fight russians. and russian, we're taking a little bit more about what your family has been through now these past 2 years and how you manage to evacuate them. yeah,
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we managed to recreate my family. honestly. they started the week of the war and they were hiding in the shelters. for 3 weeks without basic facilities, so without food, without heating and never seen. and since they talked about time, they basically lost their home as the deed and many thousands of ukrainians and mary pulled residence. also, my family is now all around the world, turned out we're not able together in one place because we don't have our home in maryville anymore. and it's just unbearable to even think about this and it still some whole class to that's how we will be able to gain a to get back there some time. it sounds like you were able to get all of your family out, but perhaps you can just clarify if you do still still have some family in mario, paul, or perhaps you have friends that have family who are there. and i'm just wondering
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if they're able to reach them. yeah, i do have some relatives there because some of the family members, they couldn't leave, for example, some of them had really seriously ill relatives or close people. and yes, we can communicate with them. unfortunately, most of the people in mary call it, they still leave without basic facilities. some don't have electricity, others don't have hot water. and even though russia is filming propaganda about, were built in the loop, all my relatives, so as to leave in the, in a city with the mass cemeteries and in the city that is still in ruins. so it's nothing bad. so i have a beautiful picture for us for media unfortunately. and that was maria sarah jenco, former murray, you pull residents who manage to evacuate her family from the city when russia invaded ukraine. and here are some other stories from around the world to the head
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of the owner of the agencies, for palestinian refugees says that its ability to provide relief in gaza is under imminent threat is real, has accused its workers of participating in the october 7th most terror attacks driving 16 donor countries to suspend half a $1000000000.00 and funding hungry and sweden have agreed to a defense packed in budapest, ahead of hungry is expected approval of sweden sped, to join nato, sweden's prime minister of christmas, and signs the papers with his hon. gary and counter parked in the prime minister, victor oregon, so that hungry would by swedish fighter jets hungry is the last needle member to back swedish membership. and the alliance a mass of space telescope has captured the biggest solar flare in the years. the solar dynamics observatory recorded the flare from orbit as
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a huge right flash. the southern emission of radiation from the star temporarily interfered with radio communications on earth. german lawmakers are set to vote on a bill that with legalized cannabis. it would allow adults to grow the plants at home and possess up to 25 grams in public. the plan to end the 40 or band has faced resistance from parts of the judiciary and law enforcement. to turn into another conflict, raising international concern in congo. the us has this. we condemned, worsening violence, there and called on m. 23. a revel. military group made up mostly of ethnic, told, sees to seize hostilities, immediately, ongoing skirmishes between m. 23 and congo. the as government forces has caused thousands of civilians to flee toward the eastern city of goma. refugees have criticized western nations for not doing enough to curb bloodshed in the region.
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the u. s. and they you when meanwhile, lane neighboring lawanda for supporting m 23. in a bid to control the democratic republic of congo mineral resources, a tom jean does. he want to that was forced to flee from the home when it was attacked by m. 23 revel. she had to act quickly to save her 3 children. and my brother was killed during the attack articles she died. i didn't give make it cooking bag and human is this. the bombs fell on our houses. so i think you sound good and they destroyed them completely. jente and adult in the k o. c. last side of her husband, she doesn't know where he is or even if he's still alive. but there is no time to grieve for her that brother worry about the rest of her missing from any one since we arrived here, we've had little food, nice chuckle,
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and the children are sick. i thought the initial goal in this class has, between the categories army and the m. $23.00 rebels, have escalated to the towns and villages around the provincial capital coma since the beginning of the year. and as the rebels sees more and more territory, people trying to escape the fighting has been forced to seek refuge in informal camps, around coloma, according to the m g. o doctors without borders more than a 100000 people live here in the berlin. go camping on, the rebels are approaching enough to do the men tillery has now reached the boat, isn't even inside to campbell, the caps become heavily militarized. so now and so in the extent, will need to tell that causes a lot of concerns for the population. when it's and threatens humanitarian access law. uh for like said is your money tell? nearby goma a city of 2000000 people is now naturally cut off by road, making it difficult for 8 agencies to reach people. and the rebels could see school
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my next. at the camp itself, the conditions was to me. it is the people, many of whom have been displaced multiple times due to revel. attacks were paying the price on the safety, so sides, they will not absolutely filthy the crowd until his people live in a very terrible situation. right now i'm going to leave the i could, will also explore. they are exposed to multiple reasons, especially sexual violence found a funeral 6 read a will to, he's got the more than a 100 and groups roaming east and congo. many of them are taking advantage of the situation targeting vulnerable women like don't teen. when, when done, when we go to the forest, to look for firewood to solve, thought, sometimes they heard of fun. yeah, they repo syiaa and that's how we have to live here. i shoot them back home. she was able to take care of herself and her family. she used to wear because of and
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now i only hope is that help any kind will arrive soon. nasa is handling it as a giant leap forward. a robotics spacecraft built by a private sector company has landed on the moon. it was the 1st control descent to the moon by a us build the spacecraft since 1972. when masses apollo program last put asked are knots on the lunar surface. accompany behind the mission called intuitive machines, hopes to collect data with a lender, odysseus, to better understand the lunar environment. elton john has offered fans and collectors the chance to get their hands on some of his famous personal items. christy's has auctioned over 900 items from stage costumes and art, joy, to furniture and even a grand piano that elton john used to compose scores for broadway musicals. billy elliot and either the items were all collected in his atlanta apartments and could
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be seen at an open house in new york before they were auctioned. the collection brought in total $8000000.00 that you're up to date on data unions. thank you so much for watching the trast fashion as an environmental 9. a clothing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded. fashion. watch now on youtube. the dr. bismark, a for a displeasing the g p.


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