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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from by then israel storms, the last they costs for the whole still functioning in garza, the army says it has credible evidence that homos held hostages inside the complex . meanwhile, australia adds to the international course, the israel to delay its planned the sol for the south will. so coming up on the program, a judge projects donald trump's request to dismiss a case against him, the ruling in new york means the fuss. criminal trial of a former us president can go ahead next month. and nate to achieve success threats to the west. your defense strategy on the was in gaza, new crane dominate 2 days of talks in brussels. the lines,
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the secretary general strikes a positive notes plus buttons, international film festival, get some of the way with famous spaces on the red carpet, hundreds of movies all competing for the top prizes and the bell and all that. let some gamma mix with political control. the manuscript is mckenna, and thanks for being with us, is there any troops have stormed the largest functioning hospital in garza? the army describes the operation that the nasa hospital in the southern city of con eunice as precise unlimited. it says that is credible intelligence that hum us which carried out the october the 7th. the terror attacks held hostages in the complex. the may balls tight and footage it appears to show is rarely forces
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entering the hospital in hon. eunice, the main medical facility in southern gaza. these really military says it was a limited operation. aimed at finding hostages remains with credible intelligence from a number of sources including from released hostages, indicating the tomas handle hostages, and the nozzler hospitality on eunice. and that there may be bodies of hostages into another host facility for the south. some 1500000 displays palestinians, and now living in crumb conditions and the boldest city of rafa. israel is still believed to be planting and assaults. but international warnings are growing louder . large scale military, opposite operations in densely populated areas, risks extensive civilian casualties. australia believes this would be on justifiable. a message to as well is listen to the road. do not
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go down this path. the united nations says there is no safe place for gardens to evacuate to so many people, a mass along the boulder you and so you might have to heavy and cheese as one to spill over into egypt. given the scale of the devastation, the went straight agency says gaza will need international investments on the scale if you it's post school marshal plan to cover after the fight thing. but for most cousins, the futures fall from their minds. they're struggling just to survive every day. oh, corresponds in jerusalem, i mean ss, told me more about the situation in the hospital as well. the hospital has been stormed by id s troops who said they carried out a precise unlimited operation in order to recover the bodies of hostages at the claim were killed by a moss. now these, as you can hear, they're not live hostages, that they were looking to find,
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but rather the bodies to recover them. there are reports that one person died uh the staff of the hospital, which is run by the goals and health ministry which is under the control of from us . i have reported that one person died when is real hit the hospital with a tank shell. so this would contradict to the statement that it was a precise and limited operation. israel does claim that they are intending to keep the hospital still in operation. they did take several people out that they're calling suspects and potentially suspects of a suspected of being associated with how mosse, which is real and many other countries consider a terrorist organization. now keep in mind that according to international law, hospital can become a little drill a minute military target. if attacks are being staged from within the hospital, which doesn't seem to be the claim of by israel at this point. the w's, i'm in isa, proposing from jerusalem. the. now the 1st criminal trial of a former us president is set to go ahead next month. a new judge has rejected
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a bid from donald trump to have the case dismissed. the charges them from hush money paid to to women before the 2016 presidential election. the trial is scheduled to begin on march 25th. often the hearing trump said the case was interfering with his presidential campaign race. race john cole hain is a professor of the white and the university delaware law school. i asked him what a guilty verdict in any of trump's cases would mean for his presidential campaign. yeah, so it's interesting. there's nothing in the us constitution. surprisingly, that disqualifies a person from holding office even if they were convicted of
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a crime. i it's, it's kind of ridiculous if you think about it, but certainly there's enough, you know, no evidence and polling data to suggest that if you were convicted, he would stand almost no chance of election. but in theory, he could be elected and he could serve as president, even if he is in prison. and of course, if that were the case, it would be up to the, the congress to impeach him. that would be the only way to get him out of office. professor john cole head and speaking to me earlier, here's a look at some of the other stories making headlines today. and venezuela's foreign minister says that he has decided to suspend the activities of the united nations human rights office in the country and is asking itself to leave within 3 days. now, the government accuses the office of supporting the government. conspiracies. un says, is his reviewing the decision. the officials in russia,
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se ukrainian missile strike on the city of belgrade has killed 6 people, including one child, destroyed case of shopping center l. garad is near the ukrainian border. it is the latest exchange of long range via in the wall of the russia felt 2 dozen crews and ballistic missiles into ukraine. police in kansas city say the shooting at a super bowl celebration appears to have resulted from a personal dispute between several people and mother of 2 was killed in the same thing. 22 others were injured. at least they hosp the victims. online is 3 people have now been detained, including 2 juveniles. north korea says it has tested a new types of surface to see cruise missile state media published pictures, showing liter can jump on at the launch. he says north korea will take a more aggressive stones on disputed horses. this is peeling young's 6 missile test
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this year. and they so defense chief. so then the 2 days of folks in brussels aimed at tackling the biggest challenges facing the western alliance. and they told us x ray, general and stoughton, but uh, the us congress pushed through a $60000000000.00 military aid package for ukraine. he also said here, opin, member states are on track to meet the defense spending targets, with ammo running short on the battlefield. nato defense ministers of stress more needs to be done to ensure that ukraine has the supplies it needs. we also discussed ramping up production over i'm addition to refill our stocks. i continue to support ukraine and we need to shift from the slow pace of peace time to the high temple production, the mon, the bike conflict, the native said it was set up. a training center was ukraine in poland to say intelligence on fighting the russian. a group of member states also wants to send
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1000000 drones to ukraine and other allies, one to help the mines in the water on country defend. she's also discussed the wall if you train defense minister who's to move my wife in the ne to ukraine council. another topic, money star book announced historic progress and alliance defend spending. in 202418 of the 31. a 2 allies are estimated to achieve the subset goal of spending 2 percent of the g. d, p for defense spending among them. awesome, you come us this fish, the bottom. it is important to emphasize once again, the drum and the like 17 other countries when they change the agreed quote, drill, team percent for the 1st time in the biggest defense spend of the us has a tense bound by congress and releasing another 60000000000 for ukraine this is having an impact on the ground. the fact that the us has not been able to make
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a decision so far. how supposed to have consequences. it does impact the thing. the floors of support of the allies are doing their best to step in. but know how important the us decision is also sonya will take from all their own stokes, at the moment to send the media to, to ukraine demo. but we all understand that it's not enough when us will not be part of that. so we all need this decision. this one was supposed to be at nature headquarters. the hope for the us does not give up 100 support for ukraine. state, 74 spelling film festival, known as the bell in ali has opened with a traditional red carpet ceremony. over the next 10 days, hundreds of films will be competing for the golden and silver barrow woods. the bowling alley is one of the 12 major film festivals. it's known for mixing clips and dilemma with political statements. and this year is no exception.
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and we can go straight to the w reports of hannah homo, who is reporting for us from the red carpet at the bottom and all a hi, hannah. tell us more about the opening ceremony. well, it's certainly been a very exciting night. lots of red carpet prestige is di. done no. but honestly, i don't think i've ever seen it so busy as it was earlier. there were so many funds crowding arrive in times, catch a glimpse of their favorite actor or director. it might have had something to do with the mild weather, but also the star power this year has been incredible. and so loops in youngel looking amazing. she is this year's jury president, which means that she's in charge of selecting the winners. and then matt damon and kelly murphy, rooks up together, and that drew a huge tear from everyone. they were here for the opening film, which is small things like these, matt damon was producing on kelly murphy was the leading role. tell me, um, what people have been saying about small things like these,
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which is the side of the festival as well. some of the reviews are coming through now for the opening. so i think it's being really well received. i think killing murphy is really brings a lot of times and as to a very tragic role. this opening film is about the magdalen laundries in ireland and that these were a catholic institutions, almost labor costs, to be honest for full in women or unmarried women who'd fall and pregnant. and there's a lot of cruelty in those places. and i think this film really dives deep into the complexity and the shame surrounding that. i thought it was amazing. i have to say got ranching, but really beautiful on a huge contender for this years, prestigious golden barrow ward. and kelly and murphy really seems to be the amount of the moving. does any oh totally. i mean, so many people will know him from p binders, but he's really sky rocketed to fame. and this year with his performance and
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oppenheimer, he's been nominated for an oscar for that. these oscars are happening on sunday, i believe. which means that his time at berlin, ali will be cut shorts, but i thought it was really nice. earlier at the press conference, he said that this is his big. you're at the berlin ali he loves coming here. you'll always make time for it. so i think, yeah, for everyone here in berlin, that was really nice to hear ahead of his his oscar debut this this weekend. now be the bell. and ali is known for being political, isn't that so has politics played a role in, in the opening this year with totally, i mean this year has been no different. what i thought was really interesting was the amount of protesters who were here tonight, schools on and off the right carpet. a lot of the stars themselves were protesting, maybe wearing symbols or something. and protesting the far right politicians from driving these f. d par see who are uninvited from this year's festival to and then
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a lot of filmmaker as well, several filmmakers have withdrawn their work from this year's competition in protest of israel support for. oh, sorry for germany. support for israel and the ongoing war and gaza and hundreds of actors, producers and directors of light cosigns and open laughter, calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza. that's related to the bartlett natalie . so yeah, i think this year again, we can just see that there's a huge dialogue going on when it comes to conflicts around the world. and i imagine that that will continue to unfold in the next, next few days. kind of thank you so much for the outside. obviously, dudley's honda. i'm all reporting from the bell and all the right now for something a little bit q but know exactly cuddly. japan has officially recognized the scale of some time the squat as a new space that he's no funds named the sea creature is a go off to discovering its picture online. but now studies,
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the scientists have been able to study the space ease, and a new research paper says the white parts that looked like bones, all actually blood vessels and the black parts that light the candles eyes are passing. but the purpose of that pass and remains a mystery ice cold beer at the end of the public. i need an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the climate research in the ice, the dos march 3rd on dw, the.


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