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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CET

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the the, this is dw news live from berlin, gaza on the brink of more destruction come off, says that is really air strikes, have killed 2 more hostages before unexpected ground assault on profit. israel says that it will help civilians to leave also coming up hundreds, march on israel's military headquarters, intel to be after 100 in 20 sixteens of war. opponents call on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. and america's glitzy. a sporting event is about to get even bigger, but it's not just about football. this year. super bowl is also
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a love story involving a certain global pop phenomenon. the . i'm sarah kelly, walk into the program. a mazda is that israel's air strikes have killed 2 more hostages. the group was holding in gaza. the is the mr. malicious says that negotiations to free the captives are being undermined by is really plans for a ground assault on profit. gauss, the southern most city is sheltering more than a 1000000 displace palestinians. but israel says that it is also a refuge for homos fighters. and many countries classify him off as a terrorist organization was displeased, palestinians are looking for help from the other side of the border from brett,
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far as the pres for that in ground defensive from the is riley ministry. today i'm here displaced on the border with egypt. i have a tent on this area. we ask god that our egyptian brother can facilitate the delivery of a to the displace people. the situation is good. this traffic can, if you have a good over a 1000000 displays, people are living in the cause of southern most city. many of them inmates of dense drilling defense for his id problem. mister benjamin netanyahu has said his ministry is working on an evaluation plan for palestinians to leave the area. we're going to do it. we're going to get the remaining, how mos jarvis battalions and, and rock which is the last bastion, but we're going to do it. and then disagree with the americans. we're going to do it while providing safe passage for the civilian population. so they can leap d u n. d u and 8 groups have already won that the military operation in overcrowded
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drop off would have catastrophic consequences. a slug displeased philistines, it's unclear that they are supposed to go next about tv is with the a group care for the middle east and north africa region. we asked her if there's any place left in gaza where people can find refuge. unfortunately, like what we have seen in your report and what i hear from my colleagues and we're 3 you from one of the many did international organizations like you and agencies. unfortunately the was can see considered as the last a safe space to go to or to take refuge and in gaza. women use the might be admitted to the invasion. oh, that'd be from the bank and gaza in the area on becoming very, very, a cost change with the fact that there are no other places to move to. these are people who 678,
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even 10 times across the last 4 months. and this, this is very risky for them. and even for us, when we talk about very small number of staff members like my team, we don't have clear guidance on where to go to because we advised everyone at my team to move to the phone and they are now in very high risk areas. some of the people are moving back to kind of units and the zone much what they used from there . and reading tips who took this risk to go back to the south and the extension area of the gaza. they also say that it does not say it's very key and asking people not to go back to, to the center of gaza. but us, we live through many 9th news over the last 12 months, but by fine, this is the scariest for us. we are extremely wanted. i don't know how to describe the situation and one to compare it to. unfortunately, as we mentioned so many times. but this is something which we have never seen
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before. that was the biggest experience in, in the fields in human italian intervention described as number president, one. unfortunately, the situation we cannot control that we continue to quote for ceasefire. we continue to hold for sustainable into y'all's a what we see now in, in the south. we went the more east on i don't, i don't in any way mean that it's solution, warranties. ok, systemic. and in see of payment and training assistance in the south, we didn't see it very, very limited. that is not corresponding to even a jump in the ocean. a one on the mines in the south and what we see as, as point spence now on the screen with fish depends when potential council, it's extremely expensive. and that was he by tv, with the aid for a care. hundreds of people meantime have rallied in tel aviv demanding the resignation of his rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. families of hostages still being held by him off say not enough is being done to bring their loved ones
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home. an angry crowd marched on israel's military headquarters. if he has been presuming reports, the battle lines are drawn between the demons, sprinklers, and police. a 1000 strong crowd outside military headquarters. police are now moving in some of the votes, back to the do the protests as things are raging tipping point here until i be the new taking away. well, throughout the day they showed the police shame on you. what they're doing is they're attacking posters and arresting peaceful uh, protesters and attacking them. uh, soaking them, trampling them, doing exactly what you would expect from a corrupt melisha in uh, in uh,
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the custodial country. and now they're using to uh, these horses. you do not need to do that in order to uh, see the streets, the photos have been de peaceful. and they've also been growing every week and becoming more and more political. this was a very soon, it's off just 4 months ago. they were dealing with a 12 or of october 7. they're dealing with the war against thomas. now the fury is pointed directly at the is way the government this parliament devised right now is the government of criminals and department of criminals, which are busy like rubbing the economy of the state and taking care of the private interest. instead of taking care of the state, which is really what we did right now, just up the road, the families of hostages. look a highway sitting phone flyers of legs. they won't be immediate release of the
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captives. the same message a kilometer away. it had been a square residence of television. tell me about the fuse res, greatly and palestinian lights. i am here because i am a i am mrs. throwing the against the violence that keeps happening, but does is 3 as that is right and citizen i'm, i'm devastated to leave my life normally. while this is happening, an hour away from me, the situation is just unbearable. the government we have here is just destroying the count tree, destroying the future of my children. we are in a situation that is so sad and so deeply, deeply disturbing that's we just cannot continue to stay home and not say anything . we need to have elections. never ever so many people have died and is rarely one war. and this is one government that is in charge for this. and they're not
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taking any responsibility for what happened. and it's unbelievable. 126 things of how much longer making young who's coalition loss. and here are some other stories making headlines around the world around the president abraham, right. you see has called for israel to the expelled from united nations, speaking into iran to mark the 45th anniversary of the as long as revolution. right, you see accused israel of committing genocide and gaza with us back in around has long supported him off and has praised its terrorist attacks on october. 7 officials in pakistan say that independent candidates, backed by jail ex prime minister in rome. con, have won the most seats in parliament. final election results put the rival muslim league led by another former premier now the extra reef and 2nd place. both groups
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locked in majority and are seeking coalition partners. former us president and republican front runner donald trump has again called america's commitment of tomato into question. trump told a campaign rally interviewing the fact that russia could do whatever it wants to countries did not meet defense spending obligations. the white house called trump's comments quote, telling unhinged, and henry would know this. if i said yes, i would. the voters in finland are choosing a new president in an election run off. the campaign has centered on the security threat posed by neighboring russia. one of these 2 men will lead need those newest member from a prime minister, alexander still, or form a foreign minister. how this though, they agree on the most pressing issues for voters securing the border with russia and support for ukraine. just such
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a degree of it's a difference of style and perhaps a little bit his taste as well. they were percent very smooth with they have very similar position is when it comes to the key issues. how much feeling should invest in defense? how tough it should be with my shop. i eat my tough what to do with your plan, how to support it, and so forth on that. but perhaps the difference is on the level of values still quit finish politics in 2017. he says right shows and vision of ukraine made him good on his rival, how this story and they go see it. it's been succession to nato. and it has promised to pick a hard line against its giant eastern neighbor, cuz he said, if elected, he will become finland's 1st open. you get president. yeah, i think what i really paid attention to is obviously hobbies the sexuality and discussion around that does because it has to be very,
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very uncalled for to even bring that into the discussion. because he's obviously, if you're a heterosexual or homosexual, even in interviews, you would not bring that up as an issue in finland, the president leads foreign and security policy. he was of as commander in chief and we represent the nation at natal meetings. one of his 1st task will be managing pollutants integration into the lines. the sport and pop music are about to collide in american footballs, super bowl for turning champions. kansas city are facing san francisco. the players prowess on the field always attracts millions of viewers. but many more will tune in this year, thanks to the romance between a kansas city player and the queen of pop. it's the american sporting events of the year. and she is the pop superstar of
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a generation making tailor switched to announced this he had super bowl a huge li anticipation of the occasion. i'm a football person, but i think what she brings the bigger picture and yeah, it just brings women and men together. normally just football and music and the camaraderie of the fun of just football and music and like but it's not switched music taking who's of the game. it's the boyfriend's, kansas city chiefs tidy and travis kelsey their relationship. it's taking the sport by storm and seem to be bracing earlier games sky high. the super stop based a new ranking tune around to make the las vegas contest after a concert in tokyo. a private plane believe to be here's reportedly
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touch down with plenty of time to make kick off much to the joy of her friends. hey, i tell you what it's been good to go for our team. some people want to call tailors with the good luck charm actus thinks he's another member of the chase kingdom over all the big family. so i'll welcome her in it's 55 by me. i'm from brazil and everybody watching through the city right now. so so, so being around 500 private sheets, i estimated to be flying into las vegas for the big game with around 300000 people defending on the city. this year's super bowl is expected to be the most watched american football game, eva, and with that, now you're up to date here on the w news coming up next, the tech shows just looks at how your smart watch might save your life. to stay with us to be done,
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the business started, we started to understand clearly and what you need to do for us. ukraine was assembled. are we moving towards europe or not? or the 2015. the still is afraid democracy protests in ukraine. the country response to your price to ship to west have recognized the danger and the terms of being foretold on the funds with us.


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