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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 8, 2024 11:00am-11:31am CET

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the, the business data we news life from berlin, reports of new militants attacks and pockets on as millions cast their ballots in an election, large by destiny, by tens of thousands of police and military forces has been deployed to ensure security and fox. the son, stories also suspend mobile phone services to prevent protest and disruption. also coming up israel reject the terms for a cease fire, put forward by how much prime minister benjamin netanyahu bows, defined on until absolute victory as, as the collapse of how much is within reach. plus the us drill and strike in fox on
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the us says it's killed a high ranking volition leader linked to a tax on american troops or rocks as a repeat of us strengths are pushing it towards ending the mission of the us. led coalition in the country, the really it's good to have you with us motors in the park as don, are heading to the polls today to choose a new parliament in a general election march by violence. security is tied around folding stations nationwide them and deadly attacks today. and wednesday, some 128000000 people are eligible to vote. the pollsters predict a low turn out. the balance has been overshadowed by the jailing of former prime minister and run con. you remains one of the country's most popular politicians despite his conviction for corruption and other charges. con is not allowed to
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stand in this election. our reporter being a chavez, send us this update from the partners. tony capital is not focused on these today on boarding and election that has been mark, but indications of reporting especially. but when the focused on the most popular one is because the body bpi. but despite these allegations, there are many in focused on who believe in the fall, but instead of what we speak to some of the us here and try to understand what is convincing them to vote in this election, every single vote can change of the holy country scenario, you know, we are in very poor condition nowadays, our country is visiting so many problems, economic condition and it needs to be built condition of the lord cloth. yeah. and also if we don't close on, so it's become me city,
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but no facilities normally a successively b as you think education noise, education facility, no might be confessing disease. and there is a gap between does it mean it is so clear? and there is a gap between each ring, at least a politic family and you'd be but it's become logged in and logged in div id ready to be very honest. i have a zullie expectation from the whole like the process. but the, i guess the, the things are not going so good, but we have to board because, you know, you can say that the democracy, even the voice of democracy is better than what we can say that i just looked at the or the little courtesy i guess yeah, because the vote thing is the sacred duty everyone should cast their vote as soon as possible. this will change the destiny of our country, god willing, but they get each other more to bring good change it happened before. and then the
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world. com. again, it's our believe that one day through our votes, this system will change, it is on, but then it focused on has been going through a chronic political economic unsecure to try as many of the war does that i've spoken to here believe it's now more than ever that focused on the different election, and the larger the work done out, got a different finish job is reporting to the middle east now, where israel's prime minister has rejected a mazda proposal for a cease fire saying an absolute victory and gaza is just months away. letting y'all described the plan as delusional, as he insisted that there is no alternative to the military collapse of one months, which is designated a terrorist organization by many countries. the everest takes with angle and heartbreak, intel of eve after renew deals to secure the release of hostages
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is rejected. many here, well hostages themselves hills by how moss for weeks and relieved during an audio deal whereas my government. so thank you for getting me out of the bringing me back to as well. but what's about my father, who is still there? if they are not returned, every person mother and father will know that they can be next, that their life is in the hands that they live in a country that does not take responsibility for the security. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu projected the do you think that his military is campaign in gaza? will continue nothing. but we're on our way to absolute victory. the victory is in our reach. it's not a matter of years or tens of years. it's a matter of months, so the feed us officials believe there is still hope of
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a deal between israel and thomas. these things are always a negotiations. it's not. so it's not flipping a light switch, it's not yes or no. there's invariably back and forth. and as i said, we see that we see the space for that mean biling garza no deal. no seas file means no let up and is rarely a tax. close to 20000 gallons have died according to the how most one health industry. hundreds of thousands are lacking food and water show to and medicine. because it's enough, it's enough. we do not want more as we've being displaced from cause of for approximately $115.00 days today we'd be the bandages. number one, we have children now, we're infected with diseases and the model. the doctor sees volume to who monitoring situation and gaus. i will likely worse and with people here uncertain
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if they live to see to maureen simon maven is a lecture and international relations in middle east politics at lancaster university in the u. k. and earlier i asked him, what hope remains for a deal to be reached and the finding and free the remaining hostages. as there's always a hope, there's always a chance given the, the scale of this you monetary and catastrophe, that's affecting people in as well, people and gaza people in the diaspora. so there's always a hope. granted that hope right now is very, very small. given the area is precious on this, right, the government on benjamin netanyahu, on how much on the us, on the various mediators involved. there's a lot of different moving parts. there's a lot of different pressure and not makes, getting a deal over a line. incredibly difficult at, let's look at one of the major moving parts here, the relationship between israel and the us because the 2 countries, very,
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very strong allies. usually they don't seem to be on the same page when it comes to the way for here. what kind of pressure can washington use to get israel to accept a deal? maybe not this deal, but some sort of deal? so i guess there's, there's 2 main types of pressure that can be excited. those the public discourse, the putting pressure in the public can read that through, through speeches, through briefings, things like that, but them as a back channel. by luck, the back channel dialogue is private conversations. color should carrot sticks and i imagine it will be a combination of those 2 different types of, of, of degrees of importance that the us will be trying to exert pressure on, on that in yahoo. it is government to get to deal to make a deal happen, even if it's a deal that nothing else doesn't necessarily fully subscribe to. but i think what
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we will see is that netanyahu was incredibly reluctant to do that. and given the various pressures on him domestically. and what that tells us is that us influence in the middle east us implants, in this particular arena, is on the wait, who let me 5 minutes or nothing. yeah. was ordered his troops to prepare for a push into a rough file, which is where, you know, half of glasses population is, was order to shelter as, as the israel ground troops were advancing. what impact do you think that could have on the prospect of a truce? or to get to a truce that has to be a degree of trust to you have to be able to trust the other side in the conflict that they will follow what has been agreed. and i think right now, given that palestinians have been told in no uncertain terms, to go south to go to the south of gaza to go to the roof. and if the is really
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forces go to the very space that palestinians have been sent to. that will make it incredibly difficult for that to be any real trusts from the palestinian side. and we already know that from this way, the side, there's nothing you know who will only claim success when from us has been defeated and getting back confirmation to us. the 10 sort of that, that knowledge that must, has fully been defeated is going to be incredibly difficult for him. and that means it's going to be really difficult to build the trust and necessary to get any type of deal over the line. so it's an incredibly full thing to send the ideas down into rough uh, and it has potentially very, very serious consequences for the diplomatic solution, but also for the devastating humanitarian conditions in gaza. right now. the assignment may have and thank you so much for your analysis. thank iraq,
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says us strikes on the wrong link to militia in the country are pushing the governments to end the mission of the us led coalition in the country. the statement follows us drone strike in the rocking capital. buck died in which the pentagon says a senior commander of cut they've hezbollah was killed. the us believes the group carried out a drill and striking jordan that claimed the lives of 3 us servicemen. a number of groups backed by terror on and stepped up attacks on us spaces since the beginning of the israel, him us war in gaza. october of last year. what do we know about can tell you passable on the group being targeted by the us. i put that question to middle east analyst and security expert roger shannon, who is this brain um, been in existence uh seems to me to like 2 thousands um and is very close to around and particularly the writing and revolutionary god call
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. it has um for several decades. um oh, uh, 15 use uh, conducted tax gives you a us forces and more recently, as we saw uh, washington, who said that it has been responsible for the tech that resulted in just a 3 usaa is best. no, any advice in jordan? so it's a very much a, a, an into us pro ronnie and organization. but again, i was, i titled a popular novelization forces in iraq. so he said very difficult. the distinction between a semi state actors or state actors in iran, also adopting an anti us position. this is designated as a terrorist organization. so it's a very complicated situation regarding questions, relationship with that organization though. so if you're ok,
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yep. let's talk about the us relationship with the rocky government because they reportedly carried out the strike in the heart of baghdad without informing rocky officials, in your opinion, what does that tell us about their relationship and what could be the consequences? this isn't exactly it's that's one of the issues that engages, i'm sure, a lot of minds in washington at the moment. customizing ship between apartment, to, to donnie and the payments and its constituent parts of each to top. isabella is one of them. do us obviously having to, to my good on its promises to make sure that groups and individuals that have held accountable for the dates of us military personnel. and as far as where, where certainly washington did not give for wanting to baghdad about this attack.
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and it really does put the bull in a bag date bag dates. court is bugging about asking us military personnel actively previously, it's not really believed that that's a viable threat. the force projection and task might change. but what it really does say that after more than 20 years of us intervention interact, it is still a still has to work very delicately and how it deals with the rock issue. those middle east dental is roger shanahan. thank you so much. i, as my pleasure, assumes the monster attacks of october 7th last year, and the consequent war and gauze attentions have been rising between israel and loving on the powerful organization has, will are considered a terrorist organization by many countries hold sway in many areas of the country. it's fighters have been firing rockets into israel,
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while israel has responded with its own attacks that we use funding for shar went to a district and very rude where a combination of social economic and religious factors have kept, has the law and their affiliates in control. despite the risk of war with israel, this is the barrel district of condo, and if i make the name means the deep trends. it's a poverty stricken neighborhood with a dangerous reputation as bowl a leader, his son, us roller is pictured everywhere. would you call and just walk in and start filming 1st. you have to meet with the circle community leader. it's for our safety. he said he used to be a fight or for a militia affiliated with mr. wallace has been one semester say, you know it's rela, says, we're supporting garza so we are now fighting to reduce the tension on casa pest. below it doesn't want to warm up the home. 5 now as well as words are seen by his
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floors as the message you all lot on earth, even as he talks of destroying israel. he's ideas echo in the months. israel is our enemy while we are a glorious nation. and we have glorious leaders but as well as not only has she missed militant group constituted by many to be terrorists, it is also a political party which with allies $1.00 to 2018 general election. and even though it lost its parliamentary majority in 2022 in freedom and of issue areas like this one is functions as a sage, being a fail safe. that means it funds squeeze hospitals, socially institutions, services that because of the economic crisis, many communities depend on. but that has the price that many has paid
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with their lives as so called matchers for young people here the future looks bleak, leap. i don't see economy in ruin its infrastructure crumbling, and there is no functional government with all that, this district is considered not to worry as for poverty and radicalism, every country is against us, but has below is with us. when the time comes, we will go and fight. this is our land and we are with them. has bullet seats, people here are resistance, narrative. she and most of them spiting western domination. some dedicate their children to the calls. resistance means dignity. my pride, my glory. we were born to die to become marches at them that i've already given 2 sons and my nephew, his sons are pictured here. both died fighting for his bola against israel. the
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ma, yes. yeah. rights and political violence and identity building and live on on. she sides as well as clear reasons for providing services to people a way to pay the other may have these services, creates a special bonus, very strong between the families who are receiving the services and has people out here to know whether she has law has the largest social service network, or the amazing, but also all the parties do the same thing. and they can. so the main problem is the in existence of the state just couldn't see of live name he, uh, the mazda sits a v as bolus bower and hum dot shown to us as we entered, is always present for locals. many would not speak on camera. but as the prospect of war with israel looms, not everyone even here is willing to give up their children for the calls. i worry about them. so maybe when they see older men fights in there is something inside
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them that encourages them to join. i don't want my children to join. i raised them for when they were little until they would grow, not sending them to what to loosen. know how to settle. know people in this area will see the prize. if there is a full blown war with as well. and a quick look at some of the stories making headlines around the world today. it's a sign to say that for the 1st time, earth has had 12 months of temperature is $1.00 degree sales is hotter than the pre industrial era. in the 2015 paris agreement of world leaders had pledged to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. the target is still within reach, though as the average temperature is measured over decades, not over years. old pay now has wrapped in iceland for the 3rd time since december . lava plumes lit up the sky in the nation south west. that's where an earlier
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a russian threatened to destroy the town of grinda vig. thousands of residents were evacuated and have yet to be allowed to return to their homes. russia has bar the anti war candidate, boris nadia dean from running for president. the electoral commission had previously said a list of support as required for his candidacy contains the names of dead people, not the dean will appeal the decision. instead, as an initiative party is the only one to openly oppose russia's war with ukraine. us lawmakers are working to salvage legislation, providing tens of billions of dollars in aid for ukraine and israel earlier. senate republicans voted down a bill that pair the aid with tough border security measures. for months they had demand at the border be part of the bill for them to pass it, but moved or rejected after pressure from ex president, donald trump. the senate is now preparing to vote on
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a stand alone bill delivering only the 8 packages. the legislation includes $14000000000.00 and security assistance for israel and $60000000000.00 for ukraine, and it's fight against russia. ukrainian troops in training, preparing for the reel from lineup, but almost 2 years on from russia's full scale invasion. the cost of war is mounting. the last week you tentatively approved a full get package was 50000000000 euros on the blocks top diplomat, joseph burrell, has visited the scene of over night strikes with keys mad. vitale, coach, coach, is one of the war stairways and they said it was a terrorism to, to kill civilians. burrell told, dodge, develop the strikes indiscriminate the use of random attack. these me
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cycles have failed them. the style of buildings on the next hour buildings. but the said that needed discriminated attack against civilians. i just see these people suddenly with our shelter with how house having to escape some of them killed digits and discriminated attack again see really in to check in all the rules. so for all the united states, congress is deadlocked over funding for ukraine. us present, joe biden said the delay plays the pollutants hand. nato chief un stilton bug implode the us to find a solution. the debate continues in washington on funding for a number of important powers. this as it is vitals that tonight these states congress degrees on continued support for ukraine and then near future. but with the war and ukraine about to enter its 3rd year and the prospect of
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a donald trump presidency looming, american money is needed soon to help keep ukraine's war effort alive. well, since the war started, a few people and ukraine have been left untouched by it. many of it's a limbic hopefuls are trying to keep up their training despite difficult conditions . the country sports ministry says more than 400 athletes have been killed in the fighting while bombing has damaged many sports facilities. the w sonya found the car has been to meet one ukrainian wrestler determined to live out her olympic dream against all on it's me look, punishing. but this is just a lights training session in. it'll be a key for free starting with the every now could you think of her spawning both now her youngest sister because despite the playful session today,
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the war is impossible to ignore. yesterday i woke up and it was horrible around all the cities with them that it was impossible to sleep all night. you need to either hide in the past 3 months to go down to the basement as mentally and physically difficult. things were even worse with the more started jordan is being which the russian spatially occupied. this whole regular dream was damaged by shit. the war affected everything around here, the stadium in. it'll be a score champion. doing the things left here. uh, with the uh, we trained here that is um and also that somebody is on some with a nearby village. this is where the non us as the flip to an onset appointment when the russians invaded the pharmacy hit in this basement for more than 10 days. in freezing temperature, with and without heating or water,
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they managed to avoid the russians for the to contort lots of some of you. it's all accumulated. at some point. i have a psychological breakdown. we especially look back together just in the, in the what i wanted to end my sports career. i didn't want to train that. i didn't even want to live. i didn't want anything a to z, the naked us trying to get us off to the wind. she'd return to leslie, helped by her coach and by doctors a month to be billed me. used to be a wrestler to retract now he's the queen's spots minister. he says many of his countries, athletes have been killed, literally mobilized or forced to clean the problem. he tells us he doesn't want to see russians at the bottom. so lympics, not even on the new to reflect on that as long as the political and the slow good sports is outside of politics. and that was outdated. basically,
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this is not the listing page of it when a piece of the states always invests in italy and pick sports. who do come over, but for to these athletes. a training with russian money soaked in blood when they and they will be used to physician propaganda. what they say is that never cease group upon eating and those she could face russian opponents in fibrous wind, wondering about who family adult. but the more immediate concern is whether the next, every adult could disrupt cleaning and with the mix flushing dislike would let the person on the show on it or not fleet. the most important thing is to be able to train regularly in order to achieve success. if regularity is lost when form and motivational last, i don't search and see arises shirts. i'm with the water when it kind of from the nose fight is not just on the match. she's fighting a constant battle to, to note the war and focus on her. and before we go, a quick reminder over top story today. part of sony voters are casting their
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balance in a general election marked by claims of vote, bringing and a wave of violence. tens of thousands of police and security forces have been deployed at pulling station as your news, relevant staging for eco, india, which exams how cities are trying to both fight climate change and prepare for it. thank you so much for your company. the, the, the
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eco, india intern, i are 2 types are coming up with new ways to make houses more sustainable by re purposing folder structures. the reason why we advocate is indeed the end. you can actually more dislike. want to see some examples.
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eco, india. next on d, w in a pressure cooker or get out clergy who take a public stance against russia's warren, ukraine are receiving their freedom. oper tracking is a fax is pastor who is being put for now under threats of imprisonment. because in russia, places of worship are now under heavy surveillance focus on 0 in 60 minutes on d w, the west page heading down. i mean obviously i know
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i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport costs. thank strength amounts, but there's no actually about joining us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the world. no need to talk to that. just as subscriber id listen to pop, gosh the most. take you along to the right the that in the sense sort of in the politics is a blending for to of cultures and traditions. hello and welcome. i'm sorry. got the body annual watching the one common 1016 all major cities across the was, is hold on the promise of new opportunities and possibilities that gravitates people to of them. but the cities have also become an epidemic.


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