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tv   Afrimaxx  Deutsche Welle  February 3, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm CET

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on tips for your package that the zip code is spots affinities. check on some great cultural memorials to boot w travel. regarding the today we're at the northville foundation in cape town, way the most prestigious authorizes were held on the 25th of january. but before we could move into the ok, we to us through the kind of full and energetic city of brenda, built in the congo. we had to go on it to see how one man is changing the stigma. andre the last and we meet the queen over cycle sessions to my room again, telling us why her kind of full sustainable sessions are based on by you cite day man. and you're watching at re max
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the with 35 minutes from orlando continents, lenovo, solver, and african occupies, is africa's biggest off competition. the price celebrates and rewards the practices of office and raises funds, fully mobile foundation learning. same town, which aims to expose and educate to, to learn is through us. and in just a few hours. also from around all confidence will be has one man who is making the author of story telling mill, extensible to aspiring so make is in kenya. is paul king, who have he was using scrap metal to create high quantity farm equipment in his home garage check. this out i wanted to do something different in terms of videos and everything. so i decided to make a fin equipment, a canyon full key,
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who is the 1st creative to come up with a solution of local you produced fuel equipment. yeah, i think these my latest project, everything you see here is the from scrap metal. yeah. like nothing new here. like these metal is b staffings. the seats. nothing new here to school dropout learned to work on metal after mirroring what he's found that a blacksmith produced field equipment to a new window apply us is a v c v or not using like the limits for continuing these i leave it all begun because paul wanted to beat a rap when i started dropping, and i didn't have enough money to produce videos. so i decided to come up with a affordable fee and equipment so that i can do my videos. and that is when i got to making salem equipment. and when, when,
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when i completed the 1st one i introduced to a filmmaker in, from there, i think everything came up. and right now i'm, i'm doing the bus one who does not have that feeling the equipment thing. and can i see it in my 5 equipment on um it's going to that team. i don't 2015 been wanted for sure. people like you can do something without anything you know and i started making my equipment from scrap metal. yeah. we've maybe like $2.00 yet. he's the 1st ever come a queen was sold at 742 euros today, many view his products as both affordable and top quality guys. come with me actually i get to my scrap metal as the field industry in kenya generates approximately 12 b and she links the driven use annually talk you have decided to get into the market football and he's club business. there is
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a possible $12000.00 you as dollars income by the. okay, so because everything you are seeing here, like visa with my tv, we are waiting for someone to come in by exams and go into the safe with them from something and say something is building all these in me. i know i'm going to doing these. i don't control some way. it just doesn't decide like your to, i want to make something and from say on that i had i. and then everything comes up . piece of equipment include camera ability tracks, camera creams and from the house will have played. does also have a jeep and i also believe like in the, i mean there is no lead me. you understand? like once you show people who can do like this guy, they need me job being involved. and i mean, international
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a projects have also sold my equipment to various countries like and not sleep last night. so that's pretty cool. and so 9 and i can't believe that is brody's. i, you know, like this guy is telling me like once who's done something, everything then the photos. yeah. pulls enterprise has money to influence, can use fuel industry in many ways so far. uh. i think i've talked like for 40 to 50. yeah. young young people and i have, have transferred these a, these kids have to have that people and so far so good. like i have like 345 guys who are doing well in the industry. making film equipment from cash book pulling the only work in money, but also a beaten era. his team being a filmmaker himself, and indicating myself and my life to make any feelings. now the feeling equipment
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is it's something small for no doing that feeling, you know, because when i'm doing film equipment, i'm just focusing on feeling because, but when i'm doing that for the end up moving into series. no my am i totally can go all over there while doing this time. and right now i'm just i want to be fit. bake in, can you? we don't have like janice's a hospital and that's what i'm trying to do right now. got the mendoza foundation is a cultural institution in south africa that focuses on consume pre south african. ok. i caught up with the director and chief carry to oh, and montana to find out more. oh and what an incredible place to co work. can you just tell me a little bit more about the normal foundation? so the foundation was started in 2018. so we're just coming up to our 5th year in
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existence and it's really part of a larger sort of ecosystem of institutions, of art and students. and museums, they've been established across south africa and especially in cape town. so the learning center i think is one of the real key pillars to the institution. because it's aim is to sort of bridge that gap between the public and perhaps the artwork that's here. get them excited about visual arts and, and called to more broadly because it's for everyone. it is, and it's so important to do that meaningful work. but tonight is the 2nd annual normal sub for an african odds prize. i mean, tell us about the beginning and its inception. absolutely. so this is the 2nd edition of the prize. it's focused on, again, my commission artist from asking the ask and dice for us. we have a panel for incredible judges and they're working, reviewing all the works that have been nominated over 300 works nominated. and from
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that they selected 30 of them. one of those works is, is it selected. and when they're selected, the artist receives a cash prize, and they also get a soda like submission as normal foundation, it becomes a way of encouraging or being the catalyst for the next generation of, of artist, really. and museum goes, well, it seems as if you're doing exceptional work and congratulations. thanks so much. 94, it's french, colonial architecture, and bustling poets. we joined san b. b as she takes us through her beautiful and vibrant city of breast over in the congo. a willow family. hi congolese of a nice. i'm sam. be ok. this done so and perform i. i'll show you my beautiful city both available are welcome brussel vill oh plaza aust. lucas' call. it is the capital of the republic of google. but about 2000000 people, it's also the biggest cc in the country of some 5500000 inhabitants. names of the
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french talent explored on p. s. w. young. the plaza. plaza view will sits on the north bank of the mighty kugal river. across the water as can shop the mega capital of the neighboring democratic republic of congo, 9 in prattville. and this case just that they are the 2 nearest capital cities in the world. although keisha alone has 4 times the population of my entire country. also whether it's like looking in the mirror, are countries have similar names and then let our histories are very different. we may be closest, but there are many contrasts. of course, mill was crazy for later on. some brings us to a special place will have creativity. that actually is, um, it's a cultural sense of found it and run by distinguished artist bill quality. some is one of the selected young talents and residents here as well. so what was that to
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this on the, at the studio is a multi disciplinary, contemporary art center. for me, it's a place a residence of life and my work. this center has given me everything i have is where i lent my craft and really good as an office some and his small dance company, i mistreat arbor, hasn't a new show based on the ulta biography of built while on it. it's called p p. a lot and patrice moments of the bloody civil war that in golf club, roosevelt in 1997 of the by mindy, it's sweltering in the tropical and some most the perfect place to poodle. bund, to beach. where else in the world can you have a drink and 50 local food with your feet literally in the coma river. this is the food of my country. is folk you find me with stuff to foods and people
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of course start. here we eat a lot of push me back whenever i have this food, i feel very happy to join me when up it's the total of russellville is almost all about some takes us to let up the cost gates of google, right. but it's amazing place not only for kids, but also for tax season and trucks. we started the river and we in the river. i hope you enjoyed my city and i look forward to seeing here very soon the time joins now. but one of the judges to monitor now to him as the chief executive and director of the design museum in london a, you have one of the most difficult jobs. so as to judge what all you're looking for,
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nonsense. like if i say originality that owns it, but of course the origin obviously such a relative to i think it's you see something authentic in an objects that we judge online to begin with. but when you get the 30 short listed office nominated by people from all over the continents of applicant to know about the authors of different parts of continents. but you see the object has to have something that wrestles with placing the grand scheme of things that stuff in energy has to have a kind of poetry. it can have many things to kind of weight what it can't be. it's just a little interpretation or a literal depiction or something has to have something all. so can you just take me through the process of how these finalists were selected? what criteria did they need to meet the criteria in some ways of quite brutal. but there are, there are no manages from across the continent to know about the cost of different parts of africa. they nominate tosses, 5 judges with different levels of knowledge and experience. we select online
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when the, the, the best of these, from the scoring system we have when they're all put together. and what seems to be most is office with an energy and who are to certain stating that career manifest in the works where there is a level of accomplishment and a level of potential. that in some ways, embodies the impossible, which is the best and most things like, all of this in africa that was presented to the judges. how enough can you make that kind of judgment? well tim, i do not envy you. you've got a very difficult and life changing decisions that lives. they have all the best buy pressure. thank you. 3 blocks. many people to say see this, hey, style with dances, scans and bad habits in gonna, there is someone fighting against these conversations and unlocking this negative narrative. is it to that dreadlocks for thugs, thieves and gangsters? hi, i'm, so i'm, i'm at home on 5 teeth. so i'm lucky, i am a film producer. hi,
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my name is sydney for i'm in this the for the front of the one who is attempting the rest of the far right movement. doesn't have dreadlocks. so it is not about where he looks, that makes you the rest of the far end, but lots has something doing with our lives. i mean, knowing what we have to weigh and knowing what we have to put on in terms of lifestyle and fashion, has 1000 gonna have seen changes over the years from asian style. so breeding here with read through to the now accept data and stylized form. good looks i you, me shifted the dreadlocks and not try and now the whole gum is creeping into each because we have many fellows done that people can go and have the i have done in times past where in dreadlocks was socially and culturally
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unacceptable because it was perceived to have negative connotations, the how be would it be to watch knowing they have probably people faced by using this has the drawers can be cost, and i'm happy that people are buy some good. this concept of a lot in this country. my cool, i equally effort to jump out of school at a very young age because of financial limitations. he started a career as a roving baba and leads away, but i'm not going to zation manufacturing harry relax this. it was joined this time that he was confronted with a negative telling just some women encounter. and using here with lexis and this drove a strong design him to find solutions to the gun international kinky here from there
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. then i became a tried core logic by producing products to be able to maintain the hit within the industry. because i find out that people of the dream about possible pay have a lot of problems to solve until today. it's was common to practice in gonna to hide one's own hay and the whigs also get a strace by any means, a $1000000.00 business, which michael wanted to change, to bringing barely into the natural would have to solve those problems and go to a point that i realize that it's like steve, you know, millions people walking me and doing the i a and solving the problems with him, then not try and written locks world. i didn't i t a branch manager and one of gone is leading media organization versus michael to sell had locks. i've made a decision to, you know,
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take off my pam k and then way that natural has. so when i concerts, i always wearing the national headlight that you of white copy of what's it you'll call me. and then you know, i would that for a while and then decided to look at. so this looks has been on for 3 years. and i must say that it's been blessed, i have as kids, all the issues around where in wakes, you have to go some way you are thinking of what's, what you collect, where and how to weigh whether long or so to know that. that is no pets of that face, i think about and considering the fact that, you know, quite expensive. and then also the fact that after every 6 weeks or so, you will have to go and types of your hair and but tell me calls and then you will have to be in the dryer. and all that that's i have is, keeps all of those sources that actually helps me to do my work even more effectively because i don't have to waste time on, hey, you have appointments every 6 weeks or so to go and we type in your head and then
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you're going so basically the husband is and i have enjoyed this ever since. no tentative as a way of passing on his skill set. michael in 2014 officially opened his school to offer training. so both local and international individuals who are also interested in this profession of train more people, you know, group. i don't know how many people because it was the cut that mean that i started putting those records back. i printed, she was not keeping requests on how many people come soon, many people because people of use can be ca, products have had a lot of problems. one of what but i, you sides, you know, comes up. but i see people have to see smiles on people while we're really locks and not try a very comfortable confidence. thanks to michael. no one can freely
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with dreadlocks without any model of stigmatization. and it has, of course, become part of himself that is make you fashion statements in gone to the one of the novel solve for an african ost prize. looks a $1022.00 was more normal coverline. and i got to catch up with her and her solar exhibition to find out how this competition has changed her life. to know the details and intricacies of your work is absolutely and undeniably meticulous. what inspired this form of ok? well, um when i was in art school, amazing in print making and i think when people think about print making, they think of work on paper. they think about that as the 2nd white and i kind of just wanted to rebel against. the sort of stereotypical feeling of i couldn't meeting is. and as i think up to someone who likes to sort of think the rules. my mission is always been to just be innovative. i didn't want to meet typical print
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work, but these are hanging print works. how has this prize changed your life? oh, my gosh i, i think my mind still has to catch up with what's happening. my life is definitely changed. i've got so many things lined up and i just know for myself and for my practice, i've been inspired and i'm motivated to do better and be better. yeah. well thank you so much for meeting with us. well, no, no. congratulations. again, on all your success and enjoy today as you hand over the facts and to them. oh yes . yeah. no ladies, we can never have enough cravings, am i right? but what if i tell you that we can make a difference, but wearing sustainable, recycled fashion? it's kind of full, it's gorgeous. it's in my room literally tomorrow, monday i'm a finalist in the tween sustainable fashion designer was. there's
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a nicholas coups award and that's really around hand across people who own and home they across. i mean, i loved and for the color texture, a lot of what i do is done by hand. and so i think that's, that's really cool kind of category to be nominated in the end, i decided to way i'm, i'm a trick down stress. it's a 24 years old and i thought what a nice reminder of what the scene ability really means and on the final low many is lani ronnie is on the in south africa is a colloquial term and it's like the boss, you know, the person in the know the person in charge and then ronnie, sand, straightforward football game, and i just like the right move at, you know, and that's all i want to be that person who are and owns her own way. each unique piece is lovingly hand made for 3 claims to shut the on and donate to
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defend such fabric. it's important for eyes tearing incentive rates and whatnot. so as individuals that are making strides in ensuring that'd be creating a much more caring and sustainable future for nothing in the house but future generation. welcome to my home studio. i'm going to counter now turned sustainable fashion to finance using scrapped women stock fabric to make beautiful good sure pieces right here in cape town, south africa i. i loved the marriage of both my indian and african heritage. i want a piece of that speak choice to remind us of all the good things they all those pieces, a special piece, the intention was for me to arrive at the end of my show, my international debut that i made earlier this year in abu dhabi, which so i'm just magazine to celebrate international and state,
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and i ended up having to put it on at the model. and i guess that's really my story . i'd say tools that i love to ask. i mean, savings prep pieces of fabric. and that kind of colored in this fabric using those pieces and defense stitching techniques. i love this sort of, at this friendship silhouette. so actually come the way and kind of as counsellors to the dress. so share the little the flipped over, have been hand and not to create shoes. i'm essentially addressing. people tend to tell of scrap. this is a reiteration of my original nick type dress. i come from a long line of teachers. so these have been donation from my dad, my grand that and even my father in law, quite a bit of work. you have to pick each tie and then of course match the colors. and i absolutely adore ditching. i wanted this one to be a little bit more edgy, so i wanted him to, to elements like another. again,
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this is an up cycle me off from the jacket which was quite damaged. you know, i think the denim and the leather make for a good canvas. i love in perfection. i love my space, i love my home. my children's off work often inspires me sometimes. i shopping my own handled for inspiration along the cops. and so i said to myself, well how can i take this and make it work for me in in 2020, to kind of be reversible jackets. i love the idea of caching colors and pins. this is one key for sure. i'm not sure about the as yes i'm looking at this piece of fabric chairs. and what i love about, sorry, is, is i would say there are the original 0 ways governments. so it's 5 to 7 meters of fabrics. if any, for everybody. and even when they get old, you can turn them into something new. so i've been playing around with it. i imagine crop jackets. and what i love about it is and isn't actually have
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a tow here. so you can layer it, you can check it into a gene. i really want it to be a collaboration between the wera and the item of clothing. i want you to bring a little bit of your style a window. c c c the, i think the community sometimes i feel like a little bit of an l spider. but it's kind of nice to know that the caching has to be part of a network and the community. and i'm super excited to catch that slight to me, not parents. it's a little bit serial, i think it'll become more real one that's all from us today here at, at re max. i hope you enjoyed it. don't forget to hear stuff on the solar cells,
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but i still have some time to mango. see, you see the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, into the conflicts with tim, sebastian, the israel. how about a small booth briefly to an open courtroom with the hague productivity as welcome to move into the my guess we stuff about booty and the westbank who has the power, city and national initiative, we've never been in such a difficult situation. so how will the more and can garza ever be rebuilt? conflict in 30 minutes on the w gasper on the spots of the
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rush on. it's one of the say, a weapons and vladimir bruce and knows how to use it. this guy knows about energy in a way that these is that much functions have no idea who went out of his way to put his cronies into these companies. because from early days in the wild east, in 60 minutes on d w, the we are all set and we're watching closely. we all seem to bring you the story behind the news. we're rolling about unbiased information for 3
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months. done. can you see what cause myers have to do with the production? here's a hands on the really indeed the snow on youtube, the frankfurt a hard international gateway to the best connection, south road and radio. located in the heart of europe, you are connected to the world experience outstanding shopping and dining offers. antonio's services be our guest at frankfurt and bought cd, managed by frank bought
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the c, the we news line from berlin, iraq and syria warner of dire consequences for the region after the us launch of the air strikes on target on their territory. the rates on pro rainy, malicious comment in response to the killing, a 3 us soldiers and a drone attack on a base. and george last week, also coming up in the us. the democrats kick off their contest to choose their presidential nominate president by success and the south carolina primary is all but a short, but his low approval rating means the vote is still the same as the tests of his


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