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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  February 1, 2024 1:02am-1:31am CET

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stays, riley's want to rebuild settlements in gaza when the war is over to just how realistic all those plans which are opposed by official government policy and israel's allies . we'll hear from one of the prime minister spokespeople. i'm feeling gale, and this is the day, the israel as no intentional, permanently occupying guys or displacing that civilian population. we aim assembly a range of where they are. then people claim that we have $32.00 big brothers, 3. and if we don't want to know the type of 7, we to return home to go to control the territory, to encourage monetary emigration to find a city and, and established toys, communities like the waiting game, it was gonna be very old and all over the street
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no force of the displacement, no re occupation is why we not control because any civilian way also on the day taking on vladimir putin an anti war campaign, this admits his bed to run for president and russia's election. the young joining the election as an outspoken opponents of income and president's policy posts and committed a faithful arrow when he started the special military operation. and ukraine. welcome to the day, israel's war cabinets has repeatedly said he does not want to maintain a civilian presence in gauze. so once the war is over. but as little unity about what will happen is rel, withdrew from the gaza strip in 2005 and dismantled that settlement fair. now ultra nationalist want to rebuild settlements in the territory and several members of
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government to join calls for reconstruction to begin airstrikes and operations on the ground. as israel tries to root out a mouse from gaza, death and destruction throughout the strip. but here at a conference in jerusalem far right is really settler. organizations are making plans for the day after danielle advice is a settler and activist. the aim of this assembly to bring to where they're the people claims that we have to return to the street and establish jewish communities, right? the way it was to deep area in the can you see if you guys are all over the street, the era we not know the support and those you do not so full time. i don't want to say any way. those kinds of plans are non government
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policy, prime minister benjamin netanyahu headset. israel does not intend to establish a permanent civilian presence in gaza again. but a number of his ministers were at the conference calling for his rarely settlements in gaza, including the national security minister. today, everyone understands that retreat brings about war. and if we don't want to know the type of 7, we to return home to garza and control the territory to encourage voluntary emigration to palestinians. most stuff about booty of the palestinian national initiative told the algae 0 news outlet that this is not a joke. these are the people who are making the policy in israel and they were calling for the complete ethnic, cleansing of the people of causa in 2005 is real. evacuated settlements and gaza, the largest of which was called goose cut teeth. after a 38 year occupation, the evacuation was framed as
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a move to improve security. but how mos started firing rockets into israel soon afterwards. building new settlements and cause it doesn't have majority is rarely support. for recent poll found 44 percent in favor, but netanyahu has not shut down his own ministers calls for return. he's just said the plants are not realistic. those calls have been condemned by israel's allies, germany in the us. some of this rhetoric and the language and that, that was attributed to some of these ministers at this event, irresponsible, reckless incendiary. i go so far as to say, it certainly isn't as an report. with our strong policy statement, we have made clear that there can be no reduction in government territory because it's the fact that re settling garza is being discussed at all has raised fears that the issue has come out of the fringes and will gain legitimacy. meanwhile, danielle advice told dw, she might not wait for permission. she wants to lead
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a group of settlers to start building and does that. so, let's look at the source how high interest show speak. so the office of these are the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. a welcome to the w, mr. met and yahoo has said repeatedly becky, oppose a civilian settlements in gaza. why hasn't he been strong in his repudiation of these calls from ultra nationalist ministers in his own government as well? so i think the prime minister has made it very, very clear that the only thing that matters is the stripes. the war cabinet is agreeing to promotes and the goals that we set for this for the voices that you played in that report before. most certainly do not represent the war cabinet, do not represent the unity government that we have in place right now. and they do not represent any kind of consensus within the israel. we society and your report stated it, well i, this is, this is not
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a the tone that the government is setting. we said very clearly that we believe that the future of the palestinians of gaza is in gaza. and you know what, the real of stewart is, the count many palestinians rather in gauze. i do not believe that their future is in god that they believe that their future is within israel's territory when they chance from the river to to see when hallmark care was rated under chairs under charter and uh, when they asked on it. um you say that the there, there is no consensus within uh, within the government that is clear. 12 members of the cabinet attended about missing on sunday, the ministers for tourism and the communications minister attended the ministers for tourism even spoke at this. they think they will accrued a cabinet members at this. the same members of mr. ness and y'all, whose own potty people will look at this and ask themselves is missed. and that's
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on yahoo! refusing to condemn these calls and these members of governments because he gets scared of these coalition folding apart a well, the prime minister is not, no less than israel. honestly. uh is, are dealing with politics right now and, and you know, why? because when, when, when from last year was targeted us on october 7th, they didn't here who voted for who didn't. they didn't care if someone was for just give me the original request because we have told about the october 7th attacks. previously, i'd like to confine this to this issue of these calls for faculty of garza. mister netanyahu has not condemned this meeting. is that because can you scad of these coalition falling apart? well, the prime minister made very clear that this is not his private position and not
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the position of the government. and i'll tell you more than that. you see, i'm, i'm, i'm, is really, i'm speaking to you from new york right now in my country. we don't have in constitution, but we are committed to the 1st amendment of free speech. so there is free speech in israel citizens and people in politics are allowed to say what, what they think. but it doesn't give the words any, any political uh, any policy credence rather. so the prime minister has made it very clear that this is not something that, that she sees for the way folks are with our neighbors. the prime minister made it clear before this meeting that took place. let's address, i've asked you to address the question raised by your own national security minister. in that report he said, if we don't want to say i know the october 7th, we need to return home, meeting garza and control the territory. is that is of i've been to this position.
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well that's, that's you endorse. well i do not speak for i this minister, i speak for the is really prime minister's office and i can tell you i can explain to the principal the prime minister speed in his press conference when he was asked about israel's security presence in the gaza strip. down the road you see, once we eliminated come off, which is one of the goals of our operation right now. the award that we did, it starts and we did what we said that we don't want to see a resurgence of terrorism. therefore we say that god, the must be the militarized and in the near future to guarantee israel security and the golfing will be the motorized, israel will have to maintain some security presence. right? so just to be clear when it's a, it's a me up and via says, we need to return home, meaning israel and satellites need to return to gaza. as far as the primary is concerned, he is wrong. this is, this is not the position of the prime minister in,
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but i can refer to the that's the move down by the time is again, ok when i'm ready to miss the bend. very close for the fall in 3. and the gratian of palestinians, isn't israel already effectively forcing the voluntary emigration of palestinians by reducing the territory to an uninhabitable rumble, as well as the population that is displaced within the gaza strip right now, of course, this is because of how much is ongoing. the rulers of the guys and strip we didn't want this well, we called on them to evacuate from the north, through the south and from various zones of issues. clear ma'am, where we started guess of replacing that. but what we know is the rubble, the devastation has been caused by is riley bottom. so i wonder, is, is,
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is mister netanyahu, you probably buy a lot is, is missed the most effective you trying to have it both ways you see trying to say on the one hand, this is not the best position, is not one between those was effectively endorsing it i yes or no, it was fine. i, i don't think i see. i understand exactly the point that you're trying to make your but i will tell you that this is a temporary displacement of the palestinians within the gaza strip for their own safety. we don't want them to get caught in the crossfire so obviously it is not safe for them to return to the north right now, worse, we're still, we have fighting, taking place. and more than that, i will tell you we also have is released from the north in the south, more than 250 thousands of them have been internally displaced right now for security reasons. i israel has cannot return home as long now. final would then on
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any assurances, but there's really government might be able to give to the people of gaza about a post of all future given what age royal has has done to his habits rate on the fact. i'd also give him the fact that israel does not yet have a formal postwar plan. i wonder what stage you will have it and how much confidence you expect gossen is to have in it or so when you say what gets real has done to the territory, what israel has done was to withdraw in 2005 give the palestinians of the territory and we even less than the green houses so they could, you know, turn into the new single forward. this is what our leaders back then if you remember and wish for. but instead of home off to power, you know, the rest, the turn gaza into the terror base that it is. do be home. i know she also the weight was about the assurances that that is route gardner. and so please address
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that so. so our, our principle is that as the prime minister of ticket, articulated it before october, 7th, and after october, 7th is the down. the road after gaza is the militarized and b radicalized. the palestinians should have all the powers to govern themselves, but none of the powers that could threaten israel. and it's a very basic natural principle more so after october 7, we're going to leave you that. thank you so much for joining us. how high and rich a spokesperson for benjamin nice and you know, the russian holes elections in march and it seems inevitable that present person will be re elected for a 5th time. but he may face a challenge. the liberal bodies, not dejan, has submitted the 100000 signatures. he needs to register as a candidate. and the anti war campaign is confident to you'll be able to make his case for peace boxes and boxes of signatures. declaring that support for this
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man for is the destined. he's a rat and he will voice vladimir putin russia off to formally submitting his candidacy to the election authorities. he made clear again what his campaign is all about. the yeah, the one me, so most of the 2 months ago i wrote the text i told him that the students manifesto need some thoughts lead to any like these. i am joining the election as an outspoken opponent to obtain comp and presidents of policy. putting has committed a fatal error when he started the special media turning operation. this is what is written there. there is the answer. it's a message that is clearly resonated with the thousands of people across russia who braved freezing temperatures to register their support and engaged in yeah, mike, i'm a mother and have 3 children. the war is terrible. it just has to stop as
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quickly as possible. yeah, the little boys, i suppose everyone else is even board for john, the devil as long as something changed. so the political analysts, dimitria rush can says the visions potential to mobilize voters could be dangerous for the kremlin use for the new model to me, shots, but in the days not though take would collect 10 or 15 last cent of their vote. i think some you need to be somebody like to do no waiting when he become president or even be serious, the position, keeping his thoughts. but this will be able to truly inconvenient for the criminal comes up. so what, but he would say that because they turned the mind the idea of the condition of the entire russian people couldn't we up and i'm going to explain we shoulder to shoulder, defend the homeland from the aggression or feel free to reach you. not totally sure . and so on with other issue,
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the not it that it didn't also has the support of well known opposition to figure as like michelle quarter kosky and the wife of alexi, novelle. me as well as a cat's arena, done so by myself. wanted to run for president, she was blocked by the central election committee against you, or whether engaged in will be prevented from running as well for remains on 2nd. but the ground swell of support behind chain clearly demonstrates russians appetite for change. angelo stands as director of the center for you ration a russian issue. appearance that is at georgetown university. she's also a senior fellow at the brookings institution. i liked you, spoke is pretends well, russian against the west and with the rest. welcome to the w. a ration the just been not officially on the ballot. yes. is the central action committee unlikely to let him stand?
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so i'm dubious about that. i mean the crime live once to, to get 80 percent this time in the election to show that he's a successful war leader. and they always like a few candidates run against himself and it looks as if it's a competitive election. and i think they allow baris nutrition to collect the signatures, because this is a safety valve for a lot of russians who do oppose the war. and they can feel that they're doing something to change things in russia. it's also a way, by the way, for the coming to know who opposes the war because that look at all the signatures . but i think if the crumb and things that i missed and that just may really get more than 2 or 3 percent, i don't think that they will allow him on the ballot but will know in a few weeks. right. and you, you mentioned that the trembling is looking for an 80 percent that result where, where does that figure come from to i think, you know, the people who sit around in the kremlin, it's not an official figure, but it's what the people who know what's going on say they want it just because
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again that will the gentleman is what he's doing in their eyes and showed that he's a successful well the the um, so we might wait in the west my think well you know, 70 percent wouldn't be bad either, but they really want to, they want the higher numbers than they did of them in the last election before the war. and we convinced that bothers in adjusting is a real opposition candidate. because it has been suggested that he's actually approaching a puppet, who is being allowed, who at whose job it is to give the appearance of a choice in this election. right. so this is always a tricky question. i mean, if you look at his past, he said to do my, the russian problem and from 1999 to 2003, he has worked opposition candidates before. but he has also worked with, for instance, a start daycare jenco, who is now in charge of the russian occupied territories in ukraine. and he has
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also, despite his opposition to the war set, the crimea is russian and should never go back to ukraine. and there are those, if we leave, that he's not a junior, when the independent candidate only got behind the kremlin, has also criticized him in the last few weeks for his own criticism of the war. so i cannot give you a definitive answer on that. but it does seem that he genuinely opposes the war, and that's why he's running. okay, so the crime then says are useful safety valve for people to last off, steam, missed invest in presumably know is he's going to lose. so what does he hope to gain out of standing up that as an opponent of mr. folks in whose opponents tend to up in jail? i end up in jail of pulling out of balconies. so yeah, i mean, he's raised his own profile and if you genuinely does oppose the war, i think he's doing this also because he wants to let people give voice to this. a lot of the people who find these petitions are young and i think, you know,
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he would hope to encourage people to continue opposing the war, even though clearly he's not going to become president rice. so i'll be honest, the war does. he have a platform so here's my platform, it's the end to end the war to change the government to have a different person in the kremlin. but also he said he wants to normalize relations with the west. and he wants to get more freedom to people domestically. so on the face of that, it certainly sounds like a more sort of liberal and pro democratic program. again with the proviso that there are also a nationalist under tons to it. if you think about premier. okay, thank you for that to very clear. angela stands from georgetown university on the brookings institution. in germany, remains a top destination for skilled workers from broad,
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despite many reporting racism and discrimination in everyday life. that's the conclusion of a new report from the organization for economic cooperation and development. the o e. c. b track the careers of $30000.00 highly skilled workers who wanted to come to germany. since august 2022. they concluded that, that desire to move to the country increased dropped, been decreased over that period are all in there. also, sensors are being established to help attract to young people and footpath and full venue lives. the latest is in the capital robots mind seeing the home, my aim is to find hospital. and that's why i want to go to germany. the invoice, friends. i would like to work in germany in the semester billable, and to develop professionally, as well as personally once victim dismissed in boots. i would like to do an apprenticeship in germany in the hotel industry. in do so i'm in germany. there are lots of opportunities for young people that i'd like to have
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a successful career easily dismissed. i would like to trying to work in the hotel trade in the heat. martin here in robots, they're preparing for a life far away from home. the idea is to promote integration right from the start . it's part of a new agreement between morocco and germany, to support legal migration and reduce illegal migration. to germany's minister for economic cooperation and development spaniel, schultz is in morocco as part of a drive to attract skilled workers and all. but we need work as to come to germany . we'd benefit if they came lots of young people here, one prospect for the future. and want to earn money. so that benefits e and morocco would benefit as well. 8 percent of the countries to the v comes from americans living and working abroad. leveled out on the german economy needs an extra $400000.00 skilled workers each year. in morocco,
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some 25 percent of people with higher education qualifications are unemployed. the country desperately needs to retain its own doctors. but germany hopes to attract electricians, cheating, and ventilation engineers, and hospitality staff. they don't want to call them migration. they want to call the needs of national liability because at the end of the story, we have people and we professional and personal projects. and we want to help this people to develop their experiences abroad. come back to the countries if they want . illegal migration is off topic at the official inaji ration of a new moroccan european center for labor mobility, and robot. here it's all about presenting germany as an attractive place for migrants. berlin is competing with other highly industrialized nations for skilled workers. so we do focus on the counseling because we do consider it's a very, very important phase to prepare the person in order to take an informed
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decision and instructor at the one in language classes at the good to institute. those planning to migrate to germany to work also learn about its history, culture and everyday life voice and how germans eat and spend the free time. the pipes, what young people in germany are allowed to are not allowed to do with the do's and don'ts and the family lease. no arms of personal space can do by using a polite form of dress before the familiar ones and then do it. and germany's development administer also addresses concerns that americans might have about racism. even though i just want to say this expressly again here, we won't give the enemies of democracy in germany. any space we need the americans working in germany, that part of our society. this shooting and ventilation engineer has already
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received a job offer. and he feels well prepared for life in germany. it's have oh, i know. i have also done the unit about cultural integration soon if i could to, i think got ceiling to d. motion. yeah. it's global. i think everything will be fine. how does gates quotes? as soon as the visa process is complete, he'll be off to the south western german city of mannheim to start a new life. good luck to him. i'd set you up today. it's that was the day that's more on the website, dw, don't com on the dw apple on youtube chat, have a good. the
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answer is the conflicts with sim sebastian, the israel. how must war boost briefly to an open court to be the hague policy as welcome to move, including my guest stuff about booting and the westbank booth has power, city and national initiative. we've been in such a difficult situation. so how will the more and can garza ever be rebuilt? conflict next. on d. w. $300000.00 children disappearing without a traits. a dark chapter for the catholic church. child abduction in spain.
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a policy initiated by dictator franco and carried out by nuns and doctors until the 1996. the victims face a wall of silence. even today the 5 minutes on d w. the . so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and one different things from life and your parent. i just want to pursue what sets my salon fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable, all stuff. i want my son to become
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a doctor to in the clouds. it's time to, to us. and then when generations class this week on d, w the, the israel, how about us was moved briefly to an open culture with the hague. as the international court of justice hud accusations of israel had committed genocide, gaza palestinians, welcome to move, including my guess was stuff about booty in the west bank who heads the policy, the national initiative. what do we want from the court immediately to allow me is the same that there is no suspicion of of genocide and to give it as an add on or the stop no priority. the flow is violent and so it gets all civilians. but he was a special combinations of israel. so how will the war and how will the hatred of a good bye.


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