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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  September 17, 2023 3:00am-3:15am CEST

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to the this is dw news life from the they love to do the local step in to help us the island sees a shopping increase in the number of migrants arriving the you commission prizes and to set to visit the a tally in island on sunday. at the invitation of italy's prime minister, georgia maloney is now cooling for naval blockade of north africa. libby is prosecute to general opens an investigation into the collapse of the 2 times that caused a devastating floods in the coastal city of done. size is
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a dead and move in 10 size and missing off the flood waters swept them away and in the button to sneak a door and scored too late, goes to see a full to victory against fryeburg that much more coming up later. and also the 2nd, [000:00:00;00] the high that i'm jack power and welcome to the program. the us sending it's commission president us live on the line to visit the italian island of lum producer of the room, aust brussels for help to deal with a rapid increase in migrant arrivals. italian prime minister, georgia maloney is 9 calling for naval blockade of north africa. or this week more than
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a 1000 people arrived on line producer overwhelming the islands migrant reception center. my friends have been forced to sleep in the open as they await transfer to other parts of it to the dw christine monday. what has moved from produce so many people to little space. these made up desperate to get both of them produce and they're trying to board a bus to a series to take them to city will be on of the conditions and the so called migrant reception center. and i'll be coming dia, nearly 3000 people packed here into a space meant for a few 100. this is vision in the center is not too good because it's too crowded for to get food. so you can fight if you don't, 5 to go have food. even to fix show is the problem. even cloth problem go. the population is too much over the past week,
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votes from libya and soon as you arrived and record numbers overwhelming the small island, carrying people from africa and the middle east coast conditions and left. to do so, have lived to heights intentions between different migrant groups. we have seen and the time that we've been, yes, i'm scuffles breaking off between the migrants. of course, the most part it's young been so sitting out in the heats scuffles, breaking out between steps hard and african migrants and north african migraine, some sentient, they're very difficult conditions even for the volunteers. and the officials who are just trying to maintain order and to manage the situation here. the pressure has also frustrated look, and officials who say this shouldn't be the problem. and the other side of the message that has to get through is that europe has to wake up because the european union has been absent for 20 years, or g mind produced ends. i say enough. the land confusions have been suffering for
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20 years and we are psychologically destroyed people to come in through this through the new arrivals once we move on as quickly as they can produce. that is just one step in the wrong and often dangerous journey in search of the basement life. so moving on, libya is prosecute to general, has noticed an investigation into the collapse of 10 times that caused a devastating floods in the coastal city of done. the sizes of people are being buried in mass graves and sizes of others are still missing. but as volunteers rush to recover bodies age groups, a warning against mass burials saying they could west and the mental distress and pose health risks around water volunteers kind doing as diva stated coastline. pulling bodies from the debris nearly
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a week after floods overwhelmed to nearby dams and the will of water that charged through the sea. the extent of the damage is diva spacing, but the pace of recovery is slow. survive is struggling to access me to send and clean water. and some families still trying to pull loved ones from the collapsed phones. and that is toby's bizarre. there's nobody to help. there's no government. they've been very tiff of 5 days. as the death toll rises, many bodies of being rushed to mass graves, $3000.00 estimation to be buried here of the world health organization and all the age groups are urging libby and also as he's to stop the mass burials, they won the huge on identified graves can cause added mental distress for families,
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as well as social and legal problems. as the clean up continues investigation into the collapse of the dams, nia, doing that has begun. the piano star sees a vowing to prosecute those responsible what they needed. and i reassure the systems that whoever made a mistake was neglectful will be prosecuted. a criminal case will be filed and they will be put on trial. and the prosecutors will look into the allocation of maintenance funds for the dams which were built in the 1970s. but the investigation could face major challenges with libby, a split between rival administrations for most of the past decade. let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. my molly news and akina fi. so have signed a mutual defense treaty establishing the alliance of says how states the pact
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commit to 3 nations to assist each other in case of an external attack. following a to india in july, the economic community of west african states for us to threaten to intervene to restore the democratically elected government or the housing demonstrations in several european countries to mas one uses the death of a rainy in woman, the spot, a nationwide protest movement in iran, security forces disrupted protests and briefly detained. the father of gena mazda meaning she died in hospital also being detained for allegedly, failing to way ahead stuff properly. and british, comedian russell brand has denied allegations of sex, abuse, rate and coercive behavior for women. the legs, the soldiers took place between 20062013. the former partner of us thing a k t perry released a video and youtube cooling the accusations agreeing just. and the aggressive
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attacks. c that the escalade came or okay last week, left nearly 3000 people that the entire villages destroyed. in order to help homeowners, the government has the names to funds to subsidize reconstruction. most of the devastation struck in villages that can only be reached by narrow minds and roads, making it difficult to deliver the vital aid left today building materials dw special correspondent, i'm in a safe travel to a small town. i've side of a nice muse. and towards the volume is that about that tons to rebuild just a few kilometers from the epicenter of the earthquake and the high atlas mountains . abraham takes us to see what remains of his house. things have been the head. when we enter, he warns us not to touch, the walls is great that the roof will come down on our heads actually making further. doesn't this look dangerous? from time to time,
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i go in and out in and out from the house to get things we need as if i'm a burglar. pushed the looking at the state of the room and they had to imagine how anyone escaped on hurt when disaster struck. but they did keep him, his wife and his 2 children. things here fell in front of me and i ran so got out held into this wall while everything was shaking. and i said, god helped me. god helped me. it's also hard to imagine he could ever rebuild hebrew. he constructed this place with his own hands, but the task of making it once again safe to live in his beyond his means, he says, the moroccan government announced the fund to help people like abraham, 80000 durham, or about 8000 years to make repairs and 840000 deer um are about 14000 euros to build a new home. the news of the fund hasn't made it to him yet, but abraham says he could certainly use the assistance of the nothing that i'm in.
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i would only be able to fix this if i get help because they have nowhere else to go . i have no other land developed and nowhere else to go. making an application for the funding will take time. so will shipping tons of concrete in other building supplies up narrow mountain roads. basic aid like food and water, are still the priority. as most of the villages, survivors are living in tent camp including abraham and his family. how do i know for now, abraham is using his skills and a small reserve of concrete to build a decent toilet for his camp for his children, its practice. for when the real work of rebuilding begins, the independents legal law seasons run this out for us, the adult men have secure that 1st away. when of the campaign with the full to victory over fryeburg, veterans defend the max homeowners. find the back of the net twice for the visitors
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to school too late goes to claim or 3 points. fryeburg wanted to make amends off the last round. 5 mill lost again stood god's adult loans and vet coats et interiors which were desperate for when, as well. 3 below pump performances have put the clump on the pressure early, but they relieve some of that after 10 minutes. not so most punished, some slang cried with defending for the leads. 5 look struck back just before half time. lucas villas had a perfectly placed into the right corner. and just few minutes late upfront, both to delete the contents of grief. those cross was headed home by me for the last 8 o'clock to one time in the 2nd time. don't you'll know and put the finishing touches on the account or a tech to get to it on the back level is 3rd goal of the young season. and development starts go to a lot easier when who flies?
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i've sent all of these tech to the yellow and black took advantage 2 minutes before the end. i'm not some of some of course the ball over the line for a 2nd. go the game. then monkey noise put some icing on the cake for development. team 3 time, a fine finish from the germany international for to it and it's don't get there 1st away. we know if the season. well fryeburg stuff of the 2nd to last you know, row you know, the been does legal action boost bug move up to 6, plays off the beaten union balance to one with the school level, one level off to half an hour yakima put the what was in front, less than 2 minutes off the union had equalized most the grab that said winning for games this season, things to a fantastic volley from the denmark international defend. now let's take a look at all the bundle legal results so far on much day,
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full book and drew with frankfort leipzig, b, i was bug there. those don't meant on hoops. bug wins still got defeated mines hoffman. hi, be cologne. i'm buying through with labor to use and who remain in 1st place in the table on sunday, height and time take on that of raymond and dumpster lock horns with bertha amongst in black black. a 1000000 millions of people are making the annual pilgrimage to the bavarian capital of munich for the october fast, which is just kicked off as every year. the 1st kind of beer was top to noon. mocking the opening shots. 18 days i've been drinking the traditional prize it's tapped and the beer is flowing. unix med port, the 1st of many to kick off of type is that would be my main wishes to have a peaceful october 5th. when nothing bad happens,
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everyone has fun and gets home safely and it most meets 2 or 3 s for and the next morning. i just thought this outside officials are hoping for a responsible celebration of view this year and providing free drinking war. so for the 1st time in the still the 1st injury, just 9 minutes of to opening when a young festival go a tripped during the sprint in other than some grace needs the 1st day was a sunny celebration. the holes quickly filled with revellers in traditional bavarian dress, sweeping from one liza mugs and facing on hockey, gem and fat. we owe the calling card for joy to phoenix. there's no property like this on the wrist of germany or even the whole world. at least 6000000 people are
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expected to attend the field with the sausages and be a flowing intel of type. it's a nice the documentary about a woman who urgently needs a new long and hard to stay a life on jack power. i'm from one of us here on the news team invalid as to what the statements man, the people in trucks injured was trying to feed the city center. the straight pieces


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