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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  September 16, 2023 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news lot from the land, land pay dues local step in to help an influx of migrants. the u. n. a search in european countries to do more for the files over arrived on the tele, an island. and libya struggles with the thousands of bodies left by catastrophic flooding that being pulled from the sea, just some of the victims swept away off to down to the of the city of downtown
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the monica jones. welcome to the program. the italian coast guard has reportedly found a new born baby dead in a boat carrying migrants to the tale. an island of lump reduce. the infant was on a vessel loaded with 40 people, fling north africa, and he said to have died shortly after it's best. now that's amid a migration crisis set off by the arrival of some 7000 people on the island of just a few days this week. dw is christina moons. why is online producer where she found out how some of the arrivals are coping? they are tied and exhausted, they spent weeks even months in north africa wasting to across the mediterranean to gets to europe. now they were here eager to start a new life. these men from the gamble, my thing nice to get it,
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get up here. start my car. yeah, i'm up with the new life right now. i'm going to do thinking i'm going back to africa. most of boise is in the in charge you to the better please. now, better said remain as the job love to do so is geographically close to north africa, and that makes it the 1st part of coal for many my friends trying to enter the european union. but this week, boats coming from libya, antennas here arrived in record numbers overwhelming the small island and closing 5th among local residents. but some was still moved to open their doors open at the same place. you mean thinking that they lived in the format that a, b was the only hungry. okay. g r e tom, i thought of my children and all of those the dalliance who migrated the fort as, and i go to a, well my field police force. i got some tomatoes and i'm in the don't go into on the
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store and meet the bus so it will be 40. they may be as generous as these gestures may be lumped, produces simply cannot accommodate all the people that have arrived here. so the utility and government is moving them from the island. from here, the migrants are being sent to sicily, and that's going to be about a 10 hour journey on this vessel that they're boarding behind me. once they reach sicily, they're going to be relocated to different cities across instantly, some of going as far as right up north. as the migrants move on, the pressure on the island is easy. but the tension among european governments of the migration is growing because of the attention, the italian prime minister has called for european commission president also left on the line to visit lum, pedroza, to witness the conditions there for herself. and that reports just now by dw correspondent, christina mooney law, who is just outside lum,
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produces migrant reception center. i asked her earlier to give us the latest on the situation there. monica were sadie outside the only migraines reception center on the island offline produce that as well this morning with cross told us they were about 2800 people behind this fence that you see behind. to me, this capacity i have to point out can only was designed and can only accommodate about 400 people. full 20, full 50 at max to be spoken to people who have been behind dispensed. they tell us the conditions are really, really difficult. it is squashed, it is crowded. the few toilets that all day, obviously not the mouthful, the thousands of people that are behind that fence. many people really want to get out in the minutes that we've been standing waiting to go live. we've seen scuffles breaking off. people are sitting in the heat, the people right at the edge here are people now waiting to be escorted to a bus that will take them to the port that will ferry them off of the island. the situation is really desperate. you and elsewhere on the island in the center,
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there has been some tension. we had some people gathering around the city, sent out the reckoning to block the efforts of the red cross. these are people who say the they don't want the migrants. and the way we quoted, the deputy may ask who, who spoke to me and was really angry about the fact that the european union member states have not stepped in. so help it's cindy at this time does have admitted to him to the message of the test to get through is that 0 pass to wake up at all. but because the european union has been absent for 20 years, when they all g today, we give this signal and then produce, assess, you know, for sure, introduce, instruct him suffering for 20 years. he's been, we a psychologically just i'd like to come in through this little while the deputy may of the definitely overwhelmed by the situation and also feeling left alone by europe. christine, when a come, you mentioned it before is so far beyond capacity. what's all the leading
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conditions, like for the new arrivals, those who are not yet being transported onto the next vessel? well, those people are facing really cramped conditions having to sleep out in the open. it's really, really hot. we've seen some of the food that they get. it's biscuits, it's pasta, it looks reasonable, but people all sufficing over it. because of course, when the results is approached out, the crowds tend to jump. the women told us that really they've been fighting. there are a lot of men as well men of number women by foss, so you can just imagine the kind of energy that is inside to a young man making in the he's in really frustrating conditions. you've seen some scuffles breakouts between some of the migrants. it tends to be between the north african virus and the such a hard african migrants. but overall, some of them do leave the facility in room or on the islands. they have met low cost that they say have shown them kind as we indeed have seen this any sort of and
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to immigrants incidentally picked up on is really in the small numbers for the most part that has been sort of dared see on this island a big if it's by local volunteers to try and help the situation behind this, the spanish, but i really cannot express to you just how difficult the situation is here for people. and of course, the plan is to evacuate people from the island to remove about 2000 people today. but as we saw yesterday, this takes hours to remove a batch of about 400 people can take up to 6 hours. and then of course, once they pull to ferry, if they're going to sicily, that could be about 10. now would you any, etc, on the vessels like the one we saw in the reports taking people to the ascending price. i just briefly christine, because the people on the island help pay the uh, but the detailing problem, innocent georgia maloney also asked the army to built in laundry reception centers . and she wants to extend the time limit for the detention of migrants on those
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viable solutions. yet, but not for me, immediate show to me. so i miss what, what's really needed now is, is help in terms of moving people as quickly as possible this island and distributing them to the cities. that is the main priority. it's really what the migrants would need because these conditions on not ideal, he's coming to real criticism for not allowing stop a search and rescue missions in the water, which would have a need. the opposite, the pressure off the items because into us would have picked people up and distributed them to other parts of it to be as opposed to having everybody crept to . yeah. so these are all long term solutions that unfortunately will not address the situation unfolding behind the scenes right now. why speed of these christine moons while they are reporting from a migrant reception center on lum produce? thank you so much, christine. let's take a look now, it's some of the other stories making news around the world's irradiance, of mocking one years since the death of a young woman that sparked a nationwide protest movement. the unrest begun after a gina masa. i mean,
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he died in a hospital after being detained for allegedly, failing to wear her hips golf, properly. human rights groups say, i mean, his father was briefly detained and was not to upset of the anniversary. north korean leader kim jong own as major rush as defense minister in vladivostok. russian state media report that kim was shown hypersonic missiles on nuclear capable. former aircraft kim health talks with president for letting me put in earlier this week about mandatory cooperation between the 2 countries. or international humanitarian aid has begun arriving in libya. has the country is struggling with the often myself. devastating floods at least 2 cargo planes carrying basic supplies for the affected areas have landed in the eastern city of been gauzy. the u. n. as launched an appeal for more than $71000000.00 us dollars to help those in need. the ages desperately sold by survivors of the disaster who
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are beginning to clean out their ruined homes. volunteers comb doing is diva stated coastline. pulling bodies from the debris, nearly a week of to floods overwhelmed to nearby dams and a will of water that charged through the sea. the extent of the damage is davis facing that the pace of recovery is slaughtered, survive is struggling to access me to send and clean water. and some families are still trying to pull loved ones from the collapsed phones. and that is the reason for so i know there's nobody to help. there's no government, they've been very tiff of 5 days. as the death toll rises, many bodies of being rushed to mass graves, 3000 estimation, to be buried here of the world health organization. and all the 8 groups are aging
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libby and all stars. he's to stop the mass burials, they won the huge on identified graves can cause added meaningful distress for families. as well as social and legal problems. as the clean up continues investigation into the collapse of the dams, nia doing that has begun vivian authorities, a boeing to prosecute those responsible what they needed and reassure the systems that whoever made a mistake was neglectful will be prosecuted for a criminal case. will be filed, they will be put on trial and the prosecutors will look into the allocation of maintenance funds for the dams which were built in the 1970s. but the investigation could face major challenges with libby, a split between rival administrations. for most of the past decade. i spoke to home,
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i'll todd be an aide walker from the united nations office on drugs and crime in tripoli. would travel to darren a as a volunteer interpreter. he told me about the work he's doing to help rescue teams on the ground as actually the situation. libya has gathered olivia's together, so it was a transfer me enough to home to stay and cheerfully, but also together with. so facebook, i mean to help for this. i know you came by myself, as you mentioned, that's on top of these. and we came together by playing to airport. we came with a donation plane through the frontier airlines. and we were a 10 people volunteer and i'm the representative. we arrived $32.00 days after the floods. we stayed one and one night at your house and then i tried to make my practice in order to get inside the inside the city. so we are the 1st to go to printers to enter to the city, and there are some locals who fall into it as well. and we arrived with the help of the libyan army to get inside the goods. a place where we set some next to the 1st
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release and so that our support is not only interpreting or helping either like agents, but also to provide any supports of volunteers who are trying to rescue people for a life or people who are the buddies. yeah, i mean, so you're doing an awful lot of, of help them all of a lot of age works there. but could you describe the, the situation on the ground? what is it that the, the people need to most of the survivors? of course, it's actually there's lots of peoples outside of the city. many people decided not to leave their houses, but they are really in need of lots of food, lots of clothing and medicines. busy but the thing is, the people who decided to stay by themselves, but the rest of the people are outside because the schools outside on the borders of their know are the cities. busy surrounding by them now there are lots of capital groups. lots of stuff, hold on to use are giving us a full supply,
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etc. the full supply inside the city to the delegations on to do is given us apply to me. i live in national army. the situation is stating all of the fitness center is covered by sand. brooks regarding the floods, the situation is, is, must have lots of people out board. i'm going to send you to bring thing needs to be rescued. lots of building needs to be searched for properly. so the situation is starting to be organized more and more nowadays. uh, as of today, the delegation of turkey is having a 250 more. uh people. some other uh let you know which is like romania they are supplying airplanes with medicines, etc. and been go the so uh, the situation needs a lot of organizations. it's not difficult, but it's, it needs patients as well because we're still in. but when it gets after the disaster, every single day, there are more works. how can i spanish decisions with the service goes through as prime interest you if there is big bodies in the center, if there is
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a high people as well, right. well, uh, hold them all to be uh, they are a volunteer who is also from the united nations office on drugs and crime and aaa. thank you so much for describing the situation for us and thank you for your help and that's all for now up next we have a documentary on man moss, long struggle for democracy. that's up to a short break from when he get a chance for me on the team. evelyn, thanks for watching the a fast fashion as an environmental 9 a clothing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded.


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