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tv   Adios Honduras  Deutsche Welle  June 28, 2023 2:15pm-3:01pm CEST

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doha base airline and the german record champions has existed since 2018 and reportedly brought by our in around $25000000.00 euros per season. the club hesitates, criticism over the deal with fan groups and supporters, protesting it on human rights grounds. the current sponsorship expires on june 30th up next doc film takes a look at the thousands of people leaving 100 us to escape game violence and natural catastrophes. stay with the c w if you can for that. thank you so much for watching the it's all just at the nature of a simple clock with a wing. 7 months before russia attacked ukraine. a field team documents, daily life in the town. how are the people from the club, the growing tension currently go in and be insight starts july 8th on
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dw, the dues unemployment, and then we'll see what anything to happen to my child, the money we'll need the plants, the imagine the payments here as a journalist i was covering drug trafficking and the politicians involved and that he is going to assume we had to leave the country after several death threats, and one assassination to terminal or not the subscriber. can you tell me
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the where you frame soon from endorse? i can tell them in the doing find works, it is it. and if you do, it's badly paid the list of doing and then there is a leg stores in from the game the piece. it's hard back home and the games the mattress are everywhere. and the authorities are also corrupt, the
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why am in the eyes of if they threaten next door to us. and if we don't do, if they say, we'll pay or at least by the end of a 6 years of wait for the video. so that amount could be even higher. so money when many people are being stored it as a group, that the individual amount is lower for these target. but if you add up to 6 year olds from each individual bus driver, it's already a considerable sum. your boss does that, but i think that they will the same model. and if you assume that one company has 50 vehicles and each driver has to pay 6 years when that's a lot of money, i swear by something but at least the, in general transport companies are particularly vulnerable by those put him go. i know of companies that have had to cancel entire routes because otherwise they would have had to pay $6000.00 euros per msn, pulsing quint, the mainland beat us,
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and there are terrible consequences for not paying the rent, but assignment. move a little bit closer to you. the, the morning fee done by a, i'm feeling a then you get constance. right? everyone ends up paying out of federal, but they are you or by the police that were killed for not paying more time around . uh for that before the sun, petro sula is the center of business industry and comments in honduras. but the city is also a hot spot to have criminal gangs, motives and extortion. but how easy is they might have some among themselves at the gang members brag about their tattoos. how many people they've killed and being the
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thomas, but outwards, outside of the gang environment, for they behaved very differently. this is an audio deals demon all the time. you could be eating at a nice restaurant and having a conversation about games and stuff in one of the game member with no visible tattoos on is sitting at the table next to you. i guess that allowed to play as a member. might i, by the end of the step below the, the lot of people, the, i'm betting me out a little bit, the criminal gangs have infiltrated the politics at the highest levels. mean nice through the influence emptiness, ministers. so and even the police and extortion unit pointing fee of the diesel book goals, it's fine, but somehow funny that a commander of that unit was cod extorting the extortion, it is policy i left but for that, so the police supposedly binding crime were themselves black mailing the criminals notice of the corners of shelves,
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the stores in money was then used to fund the political campaigns of, in peace agreements, have had even a presidential candidate, but i can be up to that. but as he is here in san petro sula, these extortion is gang, so become a real plague. but that's not the only thing the cities residents have had to contend with. in november of 2020 forces of nature also took dental hurricanes. eta and do you want to cause the was destruction in decades in the city and the surrounding region? and the areas in, on dated by the fonts still haven't fully recovered one will you ever have to say it when it rains here, everything gets submerged. overloading the sewers and canals of some houses simply
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got flooded with sewage shown join us. that was negative. you close like so many people lost their houses and my own home was also swept away by this lot from the media. and um, some of them in the, in the many houses here empty and like, you know, the people left them off to the disaster and most of them haven't returned yet because the streets are in such bad condition. the land, everything else is in disrepair and my list of is where practically living in a ghost town now all isn't as well. and so there's some federal funds about my case the. ready the, the share any point we only returned because otherwise we would be homeless. so we have nowhere else to go. i want to know how many people have left everything behind and migrated north towards the us. so can you so because the situation here will be
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so hopeless lest hello is look us up at the government. this the, you can see that a b crack opened up and this will up to one month if you constant, right? that's who may go into when the water raged up to the will says, but it just kept pulling down with that pause meant to and a lot of people ended up dying. the c o n d o in. yes, which i handed to me and we'll do both of them. i live what they're, what did animals that are want to go? i dogs, horses, couse is to go and this is what level where it's like it goes down the 8th. and then most of the houses are in bad shape and you can see how high the water level was at the time when the, just by looking around that the, both of them almost everything got destroyed and the loss have a new or we thought it was booking people didn't return to their houses because
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they were afraid of diseases of diet. so the straits of basically empty. this are lucky is the land think immediate. i am almost all hung during migrants come from the forest layers of society that did the last have only and much it will chase who was that? so there's a lot of any quality gallery and no social justice must be a mug. and the country's biggest mafia is the government to say which is called the
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criminal activities. the gas, the model of the bundy is who people are trying to escape from under the land and they to have hopes and dreams of a better line. you're lucky and they see politicians and rich entrepreneur is living in the luxury mansions and driving expensive cars to close up. while the more part of society has the bend over backwards is just as great bioclinic as well for you. but the, from the same address, we travel to a lunch of as the launch is stuff on doris's 18 departments, it has a dock post of its own it off i was i'll party later. okay. the heading for lunch or used to be in the tory is for people taking
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the law into their own hands. like in the old, wild west, the dogs, i'd be, i will not be the ladies yet. that i meant they used to be tremendous violent, c, k, last vs test. everybody's read off and, and, and he loved shit. i'm getting a guest almost sent out of those things i've got, this is the cathedral of who decals and every yeah. on december. right. and then we celebrate the festival of the patron saint j or to the 90, i mean, but sometimes an 8 or 10 people would be shot dead during the celebration. so that way, well, but andrew has also seen mass emigration together with relief organization. linda cut on yoga is trying to convince the remaining residents to stay punt. oh gosh, all that stuff. do you think this case is not filled in with telephone? our organization has done everything in his power to help the family for more than what their situation is complicated or
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a because one of the children has special needs. some of the company called for learning and then you see on it the mother has 2 other children and no job whether you have seen so understandably, she gets desperate and yes, i can because no mother wants to see her children suffer. so no matter, gary, are you without us? we'll see halls noise at positives. how are you doing? good. i was expecting you. come right in here you go. where's the little one right here? so below the organization tries to help where it can see it when she has 3 daughters in, in their father took off and she has no idea where he is going for, you know,
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setting up the, let's see, she comes, this is the one with special needs or yeah, hello sweetie. i turned in the field. uh huh. she needs surgery, but it costs almost 3000 heroes and surgery on this hip would straighten her legs, so she would be able to walk the welcome. the me is the girls father left for the us about 3 years ago. at 1st i've been, he stayed in touch is really what i haven't heard from him in ages this, but of course he doesn't answer the phone anymore or maybe he has a new number. there's no reply in any case, but a lot of funding for one this happens. you don't want me when he was in on and
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yesterday he asked me if he could take one of the girls with him. i said no, and maybe he was angry about that. if this one will say, well, i'm a medical and a member of go to this effort. and i still think then all of the sudden he just looked on his own without any warning, he just like that the heavier animals will get. the brother has a job a little. he drives a cabin town. see, and he's the one that brings us fluid every day and keeps us going. and thought of the logic of guess i had lost it up on you see the on the taxi i the as a motorcycle cab driver, you have good days and bad days. but you have to eat every day, so, but so on, command, although it's not easy when you have 8 people,
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depending on an uncertain salary analysis better, it would make most people despair. but these are the conditions you'll find all over the country in okay, how you doing this device? you're gonna look, well, look, you have a teacher said that there's a lot of migration see here. yes, i'm more and more children are being taken out of school because their families are leaving of the class or something like that. right. getting this going from a get already taken over some of the and without students there won't be any work for the teachers either. the last time they said that the kindergarten, mostly there are hardly any children left there and don't then you definitely want to leave with us. yes, they see you with her with her. the other 2 and you are leaving here. i think yes. with my mom or one, how are you going to manage traveling alone is dangerous,
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so not to mention having a child with special needs, special and loyalty. i know it won't be easy. the nature i've heard that it is supposed to be really hard and exhausting journey. it takes 2 or even 3 weeks. the lucky ones make it across the border, but some don't on the plastic holidays, but let's see how it goes. i trust that the gods healthy will be weighing the cell in view. the death date from here, the route goes to san pedro silva cut out, and from there it crosses the border into guatemala and let their mom. it goes
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through guatemala and across the mexican bordeaux, mexico. immigration from the south is being turned into a shady business in the sun on their kidnappings, in coyote suit demand phase for smuggling people across the us border side. there was very little anyone can do about it. yeah. you see more a fall? of course i play the awesome the catalog and i'm like already and then we're going to most of the younger generation from alonzo have moved to the us and amazon. they asked their villages completely devoid of young people, you know, cabinet loans. i know orlando community list everywhere and hunters, the population is getting all the lot because the young aflame the situation at home, especially on looking for a better future in the united states or any of those. those kind of those 2 are on
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the o. betcha. account she is, a priest includes the caliber, a native of malta, he's lived in the city since 1990. 5 county has raised money to build a soccer stadium, home for the elderly and the children's home in honduras, where a corruption is everywhere. people trust county it is obvious to the residents that the money he collected did not go into those uh pockets. this is where i live. oh, i have a small kitchen, the toilets and the bathrooms. it's small, but it's enough for me. yeah, yes. this is my bedroom. no, i bought it. it's not because i'm pull that my mattress is on the ground. it's
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because i tend to roll out of bed and hit my head on the floor. so i prefer being closer to the ground in need of a needle, which i think some people think i kind of for the been that that's not, it was almost right. we franciscans live very much by in the month of cool, but not miserable. no. let's all stand up the the the
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e as the, she's in 1st grade since last year she went to a kindergarten close by that. but now she's going to school yesterday in that is quinn. i guess the human will. yeah. yep. and when i am away, the kids will stay with my sister in law, and my mom on the 2 of them will take care of them for me. good income when i press on the young and you as soon as i'm for the my so okay. it will be very difficult because i've never been away from my daughter at all with them
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across all of these. i moved in the unit for it was kind, i'm only doing this to give all 3 of them of the future. therefore, k, this is even if the 2 will have to stay here and focus kind of never abandon them like their father dental relation in because it, it is not for having to leave them behind it because they're still so small. percentage of the course, you must continue coming to school every day unless we have a note from your parents and left a new oh no, i haven't. we've lost a significant number of students, not just here, but all over the region and all over the country is very important that the, or the migration is really affecting us to pull it up. there are fewer and fewer students every year. in number 3, cool. i will not get the morning last year we had 70 school children abida. i know
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her, so we were able to employ more teachers done the things that have been new. most of the young with the maya. now we're down to $42.00 children. already the most important by the minority i knew was most of the children had emigrated to the usa with their parents, schools. i'm of the us government recently decided to allow parents accompanying their under age children to cross the border. so i had, i would think so now the children are effectively being used as visa is movies. yeah. that is caused many parents to take their children out of school and bring them along for the risky journey. like that's what's been happening to our children lately. yeah. hook up a solid waste department. the
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despite being less affected by the gang violence and trans is also seen a wave of migration. to bad to understand is we have to take a closer look at the region. decided by the salvador quite to my line and 100 all have a serious game problems. the studies beginnings made good and the lunch will no exist even a lunch. so we don't have any of that. and they need the street gangs from the coast around san pedro. so we got have tried to set up shop here for that to set a spot for various reasons. they haven't been able to gain any footing out of that . so know kind of a little bit out of the way he's talked about. he says in the lunch line to get us out in the morning. thank god we don't have that problem in a lunch or some. this is
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a region where everybody knows everybody's thoughts and it's a strange arrives here and tries to stuff going on. so they are either quickly sent back to where they came from. but before straight into the afterlife. or know if i can, but on the, you know, by jump out of the symptoms is that's why we're better protected against the gang. so i would even die be i don't know if it's worse in san pedro sula. okay, i'm there, people get rod because they don't know each other. it's more complicated. they're the bleak prospect. so one of the main reasons for the emigration have so many orlando residents, especially in the country side. to day,
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we're more than 1000 meters above sea level width. i'm at the doodle here. we've just finished our coffee, harvest, slattery, suddenly capital joined us almost at the non, don't i thought the coffee save with as little bit of that in those when we've honestly high this year, is harvest was very good for us. but we had real problems finding enough workers they got seen those. yeah, yeah, that's so, and then i'm, i know the old i'd say is this guy's on board, there is a shortage of workers. the part of the main reasons is that most of the young people who are usually working in the fields have emigrated, say one though they meet on, but uh, but uh, they go to the united states and beautiful k thinking that will be the solution to all their problems, and that's what is your program us today?
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i'm okay. i would, i lie, let us know what days or and there are good job opportunities here as well. when i see you then, or in one thing, and i think that will slow down the emigration a bit. i then it will both part of the program i let me get. i feel the key the most of us pull from is focus on the simpler crops, mainly growing cooling and beans. okay, and look at mazda, but those hobbits and stuff basically with nothing special in it. so, but i'm again embody this no a home study or the last thing i tried to grow was bains. i'm building up out of sale . i looked at the car, i had to invest $400.00 euros in my blog to see the minimum speed us for a sample or just input that want to see him. but of course, as a farmer,
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you assume that you will make a profit on the how this, i guess it does all most, but i didn't own anything from my veins. on the contrary like that, it's ok. so i only got 120 years back out of my 400 in a row in investment of the 9th. and i've tried twice now at all, but i couldn't make a profit 8 the time. you know? cuz 11 it's, i don't know what i would say. i love my country and i'm happy here, but the time somebody who saw so for, i guess i will have to try to set a time to go through them. and they say what i see by that, and like i said, i'll raise the
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level of a new and it communities course, i'm afraid that they will send us back because we're all making a great sacrifice by deciding to leave or the dream of a better future for my child who i want her to finally be able to walk normally be as opposed to almost up at a doctor told me that with surgery she has a 90 percent chance of being able to use her legs normally. what is the diagnosis? and then she has moderate cerebral palsy center, then it's left all of her left side paralyze all and the skilled the then several store slot or by them. this is sorted out on the list again to boise. my oldest daughter also knew how to get it didn't get out and then if i don't really bottles of her up or any of them, they had all,
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they all need me at the one with special needs more than the others. will say. as i said, the seo but the moment that you'll love, i can understand her gestures and facial expression. she signals with her eyes when she is thirsty or hungry and without me, her life would be much harder. save who must be assessed, then m. c. then a kid, a lot of new, of course, she wants to help her daughter no later on, but there's no guarantee that she'll make it he came in. and one possibility is that the girls will lose their mother along the way for us to allow me guessing money going. i mean, yeah, i see she's sitting out of here him his girl, and not knowing what dangers lie ahead. he came up with a new site like we can stuff or, but we also don't have the resources to give her the help she needs to hear when
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the left way more than that. but the more no matter what other say like a this like a little i'm how are you running the need to be true, but that doesn't mean residents are safe from the finance. those trying to get to the us in search of a better life may encounter great danger along the way. daniel santos is 2 brothers sent out to the us some time ago. no one had heard from them since until one day when the phone rang we received voice messages. legal do do some of the won't see your son's again until you pay like the minus $3500.00 isn't a non heath and you haven't even deposited that much. it is the minimum would be half the price. you know, they push it down to a 1000 dollars age. meaning more than a $1500.00 won't get you anywhere. i don't remember getting into the low to
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mid it. katie young boys show me. the kidnappers 1st demanded $8000.00. all of us say, well, how do i then they went down to 2000 t lot, hampton withdrawal to allow friends and acquaintances pulled us as much money together as they could hold the items. but how are we going to find that kind of money? and then at the level, we live from hand to mouth toilet and mostly eat rice and beans stainless, even that's what i mean by making a collection in the neighboring villages. could we finally manage to get the full 2000 and that the kidnapped us had demanded and the lot of people who used to sit in the 2 of them had been finding to leave for a long time too, but i was against it, but they weren't any way out of the service, but i don't know what the, what went through it was just said, okay, hold on when i went home and all i could do was cry. a lot of i didn't know where
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we were going to get such an amount today. yeah, in the long run, but when my friends found out about the situation, i but they started scraping together the money to save my brothers of it, got bottom to pedal formula. they will thank god, the kidnap is no. the grandson no, not important. otherwise, we'd never have made it to do a lot of how much stuff like that. let me talk to your brothers this course that gives me that i'm not doing that, but you know, not yet doing that. i can't wait to hear from them all, but i still have no word about my case, but do you think they'll return home for one? okay, no me 0 maintenance. god will lead them back to me with the help of god. they'll make a fabulous little by who is your advocate survey. a look at the past. i haven't been happy since the day they left the go use. it was especially bags and they were in captivity. look decent, it's just all for us. uh huh. let me ask you 3 stairs to get,
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but i'm going to suddenly i'm looking for a bathroom. i don't know that it's not easy and that's bad. so you know, buzzing discipline is just the risk of their lives. no, no, it's unwise. and i think you should return home if you can, to make it across the board or not. that was me so loosely on this because the, the town of rosario, with 5000 inhabitants, depends on monies and from the us as i say it, and want to keep those audio prophets a lot from these remittances. incomplete we input attempt to play increase the
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quality of life for our residency, and it helps to further develop our town. but a missed appointment is not really of the place, the ones on hand to load. i got a sample of the emigrants that helped their home towns by sending money back to make life a little better for their relative. i misled the see, i'm what i'm doing. if it has to include a guide and the money arriving and helps to improve the infrastructure in every way i'm, it will also be and it's also used to repair people's homes for money and raise the general quality of life in town. in my area, most of the construction right now is bonded with money from relatives abroad. as many rosario residents trying to emigrate to the united states, but ended up in the hands of mexican kidnappers. cono's rayas is one of them.
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to have told me i was kidnapped on my way to the us as to and i get it happening, right. know so the i mean where i was waiting for a few days to be able to cross the river on foot. go mean s. k. i had my son with me and i'm with him on the waiting in a shed and from the we were both kidnapped and they grabbed us and demanded a ransom for our freedom. you know what they bought for me for a $1000.00 a shot it the 1st um was the more our family was certain that they both get killed the ransom that the kidnappers demanded was way too high, and we didn't have $8000.00. i mean, it was a really tough time for us mental flu moment though it was a terrible experience,
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a disease. it's still painful to think back on what we have to go through a free moment. maybe after they've gone into the gulf cartel, they can natalie. belinda, man, lodge francis from that family in less than what did they do? so people in town began to raise some money, wouldn't be able to keep a home and we walk from village to village collecting donation. so is that the middle? several armies by gone a lot of help from neighbors and friends, and i, what i found the, how did they threaten, you know, so, you know, they said they'd kill us fast. families didn't pay out you know, we would slide up and threaten type guns and machetes and how did they treat you?
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and after that, i've been very badly at 1st. they intimidated me and threatened to hurt me if i didn't keep silent in the room. i can see they stopped me for a week and didn't even give me more so long to get the humber now. so now just where you alone. navea might not. they were of the boy that he and i was kept in 3 different places and they had more than 150 prison is sort of the way the kidnap isn't bragged about having even more hide outs and people in captivity. the police are in on it to getting into the for every prisoner. that's how the cato paid. the police $500.00 is a business for the police as well. yeah. you're asking what the rules are, so you couldn't go to the police? simple. no, no. we were hiding from them all that stuff, especially the state police, the
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so there's less how was it to return home after that? no, no, no, it was extremely happy. okay. even though it didn't reach my destination, i lay that hold on one of these you'll be there on the mean. it was a happy day when my son in grandson returned difficult and i thank god for returning them to us. but committed was hoping to buy in the 9th and i just hope he won't try again. so for you haven't gone through such terrible things and people are couples, maybe with time it will become safer. and the kid nothing's will stop. it's awesome that he could give it another try on. although he's saying he won't leave again. settled most and only god can tell us the future. only god knows if he will eventually make it to the us in plan, but i don't see him play all know you will have decided when that is that with us on doing when he returned after all of this again and i will be in the gallery and then he was in mesa and then
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a terrible stay just couple unless he and his son both had to get ivy therapy because they didn't eat it all, had gone only was very weak and had no appetite and see how about yourself. but for a mental distress, free. yes, he is. hold on. you just crying all the time. yeah. that the full okay. possible the, the stories of carlos reyes and the brothers of daniel santos could be sent to have a happy ending. unfortunately, that's not how all of them turn out. but anyway, that kind of wouldn't hurricane at yahoo! my son lost everything in as a result. he said mama, i can't stay here anymore. i have nothing left with us. so i'm heading north midway, but i'm not mistaken. by so you sent me money, but he kept in touch with us during his months. long journey and the yeah. and he
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made it to mccallum and texas and said that now the dangerous part was done. you know, he had crossed the river on the border of the desert and was totally exhausted from the effort of a thought. i yeah, i that i missed the 1st. i slow think this is the last picture he sent us. there's that for now. we got it. on the 16th of july and i for the day it was eating and told us that the danger possible would be ok. i mean that's out to infinity. you to see if that's what the last time we heard from him. if we see it's hard, my hang on a 2nd, we posted his photo on social media because we have no other way to look for him only. it's the only channel available to us. let's maybe someone sees the photo
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and know something in the say. i was maybe someone has seen him or heard from his, i mean be anything. i'll say i got a look at, let's see. so far we've only received messages, demanding around $40000000000.00 levine, and at the end of the in dollars how much did they want or to mean till $8000.00? in some cases, even $15000.00 or 20000 in one down for they send a fake photos where his head has been photo shopped onto another body. he's trying to figure out the window open right in the middle of something. he has a knife to his throat on my chair, the photos are accompanied by a message that he will die if we don't pay in focusing on something i'm, i'm the, i'm also saving. i don't know why my best deal come on as the i just want to know if my son is dead, him with to just to know that they can't go on living with us on certain team. it didn't come in
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the 23 d sensor is the story has just begun during the time old town, how johnny ponds out and put you down. the toyota is demand $7500.00 for getting me and my daughter across she is $7500.00 from here, san francisco. the past to the us, us us? yes. all the way to the us. this though. say or do you have a guarantee? so you're saying no, i'm not glad to induce the clarity was very clear about that. even if i don't make it across the border, i won't get any money back. then the money is simply locked out to interview. so
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you know, you make the journey at your own risk. yes. but then in the pursuit. so if you set the rules phillips, absolutely somebody in the system and so didn't know thoughts protection without cutting down local bank though for a big change for us on the national park. and the people of
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the subscribe. now to dw talking entry, the, this is dw news live from berlin, ukraine's president condemns a russian missile strikes on the city of kama, towards the for any and officials say that at least 10 people are dead. many more are injured in the attack on a crowded restaurant. also coming up clashes in paris after police. she's dead a 17 year old following.


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