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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 4, 2023 12:00pm-12:16pm CEST

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for the people far behind the plaza for their mission. people are nice to know what is happening there in our series guardians of truth, watch now on youtube dw documentary, the this is dw news. why? from berlin investigators in india suspect this signal malfunction may have caused other countries worse, train crash, and decades. close to 300 people were killed in the 3 way train crash. authorities say the search for survivors has end, at least in hong kong,
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cracked down on descent on the eve of the anniversary of the 1989 killing them in square massacre invasion the unlike local welcome, initial inquiry suggests a signalling error may have led to the 3 way train crash in india on friday, which killed at least 288 people, an injured more than 1000. but it will weigh official says human error cannot be ruled out as a cause of the tragedy. for the families of those who did not survive, the grim task of identifying last loved ones is now underway. at this make shift morg near the crash site, a solemn scene plays out. relatives gather to go through pictures,
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as well as bodies of those pulled from rail cars, trying to find the loved ones killed in india's worst rail disaster in decades. initials, diggers put the number at more than $280.00 dead, but that total is expected to rise. survivors if the train accidents are being treated at nearby hospitals and clinics injured, as well as those with lost family members. some here are dealing with the trauma of both 55 year old casita dice. watched her only daughter die in the crash. the rail car kept rolling, my daughter got stuck. she got buried under bulky iron right in front of my eyes. i managed to stand in a corner, but i was hitch in the hedge by some iron road or something. i thought about how to get my daughter. i don't know how to move such heavy iron. my daughter kept crying
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and died right in front of my eyes. the, with the rescue and recovery effort officially over heavy cranes and excavators have been brought in to untangle and clear the mangled rail cars. so travel can resume on one of the busiest rail systems in the world. an official investigation is underway to determine the cause of the crash. initial reports suggests a signalling error may have led to the 3 way collision involving 2 high speed passenger trains and a stationary freight trade. well, india has invested heavily in its system and recent years. it hasn't been enough to overcome decades of neglect. this latest crash has renewed, long standing concerns about safety, a dw daily bureau chief, i'm reader cima, is following the story from delhi, and gave us this update on the crash and the investigation into what cost a whole finding any. most of the bible is has completed demolition now. so the
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focus is really on helping those who are injured. all the injured have to be taken to nearby hospitals are much of how some of them and doctors and nurses, they have been working day and night since the accident took place and either traumatized the bible to be talking about what they saw one good to. so i talked to the, surrounded by did bodies, and people are drenched in blood. and then you have people who are looking for their loved ones, headlines, it'd be set up so they can be the united. and then of course, is a move which is being set up. a temporary move in a school is what people are rushing. they're trying to find if they can find their relatives. so it's a very difficult situation for those who survive. and some of the injured, unable, particular condition to the depths to which is expected to rise. and like in the 2nd focus of the accident site, is really about clearing the track. this is a very busy route. so the blue, joses, and cranes like trying to clear the track because many screens have been canceled
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and diverted because of this magnitude wreckage, which is allowing them to track the extraordinary or authorities any closer to finding out what caused this tragedy as well. the really administer is at the side of the crash today. and he said the initial investigation done by the really commission shows that the was for to be electronic interlocking system. the system which connects the signal through the cracks. and we have a sub for today which led to this, what people are describing as a freak accidents. it was sweet dreams, but involved what is not yet. what does this matter function was due to human error, technical mistake, but obviously people to blame game has taught to be off the she said the reason minister should resign and look to explore to see the discovery with too much focus and high precision. you high speed create and not enough attention was free to maintaining the existing infrastructure. whatever the investigation finally shows.
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this is michael a very grim sunday for people who lost loved ones or a searching for not months for missing. as a result of this accident, a grim sunday indeed that so dw is on richard cima in delhi, many thinks is always as well. sunday also marks the 34th anniversary of the ottoman square massacre. when chinese soldiers opened fire on peaceful student led pro democracy demonstrators in beijing, the topic is banned in mainland china, but people in hong kong long held annual commemorations. however, since paging, impose a 2020 security law on the one. so economists, territory calling attention to the 1989 track down means a swift response from local authorities as homecoming police drag them away. suddenly newton calls out, don't be afraid of them. and don't forget,
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june full. the performance office was detained on the eve of the anniversary of the gentleman square massacre. when in 1989 chinese soldiers opened fire on peaceful protest and for decades hung come had to be the only chinese easy to hold large scale commemorations of tenement. any mention of it is banned in mainland china, but freedom to speak out in hong kong has been suppressed since beijing and paused and national security low in 2020, clamping down on the cities pro democracy movement. hundreds. have since been arrested. this year, the size of the annual visual has been transformed. victoria park is hosting a chinese food carnival. the festival celebrates beijing's role of home. com, based on what was in the past. this venue has always been occupied by others. but
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now we've taken it back on, it reflects the prosperity of our own country and how confident it's a symbol of hong kong. restoring order from k on the park doesn't need to be occupied by others forever. and maybe i've been in a box, police have deployed thousands of offices to patrol the park and government sites over the anniversary weekend. 34 years on beijing is erasing the last public memories of the gentleman mastercard. with security tied on the streets of hong kong, i asked our correspondent, phoebe con, how people intend to mark the gentleman square anniversary as well. you're right. it's been a long tradition for home. call the morning to fix them up. so 1980 not tenement, correct. so uh, full street, that case uh right here at the victoria park. this area landmark. uh van you all the, uh, 30 back is still on special, which was hold uh, which was held here like before. the national security smell, watson coast, but uh,
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but is no longer like allowed now and like is there a headset that can hardly be any public gatherings heading home called another political pressure and all that uh, was something like a political assignments that people, uh, like we sought to a more low profile approach to uh, maybe 2 more and commemorates uh, privately and individually some, uh, shopkeepers. they keep a white 10 those at the stores. uh, this might, uh, government surveillance and some, uh, like, uh, postings, supp till morning. uh what and uh, post on social media despite the pressure. so that's the way, uh, all of the commemoration nowadays. and also the child's active as child hometown, which was of course, one of the all the nice of the commentaries and visuals. us pass a message to a facebook page that she's holding a hunger strike in prison today or there on congress who intend to defy their chinese government's band and mark the anniversary and public
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it is really hard to come memorize of these chinese who at the very sensitive phase in pop like now i just the night before the end of the 3 day last night at least 8 people were taken away or rest to a ofa. 7 flight of like if these suspicious intention by the thought to use us like some of them they are trying to perform action on, on the street. some of them they held a band those of signs a morning and some even holding a wife's 2 hours were, are taken away by police are for investigation or even light possible prosecution. so it's pretty hot and there are very few people doing so, but people are like, some people are like, we're starting to out a way to, to mourn the, the they the very of like telemundo and the best way overseas. and those people are resorting to all the safer ways online, or somewhere that they can do it,
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save our correspondent their cd con. many things a brief look now. it's a more stories making headlines around the world. pro transfers in berlin have held a visual to commemorate the anniversary of the killing him and crack down active as with candles and called for freedom in china and hong kong. they called on the european union and germany to keep human rights on the negotiation table in their ties with china. thousands have gathered across israel to protest the governments of judicial reform plans. the rallies are entering their 22nd wait. they say the overall would undermine democracy. prime minister benjamin netanyahu put the proposed reforms on hold in march, due to widespread opposition. the leader of russia is bog new mercenary group. if gainey promotion has said his fighters will go to the bell growth region,
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if the defense ministry is unable to protect the local residents, their rusher says it evacuated. thousands of people from areas close to the ukrainian border. after 4 people were killed in showing us, president joe biden has signed legislation to raise the debt ceiling, allowing the federal government to avert defaulting on is $31.00 trillion dollar debt. the law ensures the us can borrow more money to pay its bills. earlier, the republican controlled house and the democratic controlled senate approved the legislation. after reaching a compromise, the china has warned against what it called nato, like military alliances. in the asia pacific, the country's defense minister lead strong food told a security summit in single port that a conflict between his country and the us would bring quote, unbearable pain for the world. be criticized us armed sales and military training
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to taiwan. as well as the upgrading of washington type have relations. taiwan has been independent since 1949, but china considers the self will democracy to be chinese territory. dw, chief political correspondent, nina honda was at that stronger law dialogue security conference in singapore. here's your assessment of the defense minister of speech. it was very hard to get into the conference room this morning for this session with a chinese general lead. it was his 1st appearance in front of an international audience he did take question. so of course, demand was very high, it was limited space. we did get in, i'm for international observe, it's like us. it's of course interesting to hear what china has to say about it's new security agenda and to hear it's flushed out in detail by the chinese defense minister. and so essentially he had 3 messages. one,
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all things that are evil at the moment come from some big country. he didn't mentioned the us by name, but everybody knew what he was talking about to china sees itself as a pillow for peace and stability. and that is all they want to try to sell china or as these new model of modernization for countries around the world. and st. he repeated beijing's very top lines on what they call domestic affairs taiwan on the south china sea. now those are of course narratives that are being seen very differently, not just by the west, but also by smaller countries here in this region. and despite everything that is going on with the rush, or at the moment, everybody here in this room agrees that the real g a political question of the next few years is going to be the risk between america, united states and china. and the other big thing that everybody agrees on is also if germany really does want to play a role,
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it will have to make very concrete offers to its democratic partners in this region . very post will ended on that note up next report against a know a girl with 2 foster mothers and fathers, her efforts to hear from her identity. that's after a short break. you can always stay up to date on a website, the w dot com and of course on social media at the w news. a michael look. marianna evans dean will be here in 45 minutes with more world news. appreciate your watching. the desk. the questions got any issues or thoughts see who the
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