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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 3, 2023 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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after all, there are billions to be made. our chiefs documentary, deep sea greed starts june 8th on dw, the . this is dw news, one from berlin, at least 260 people are killed in india, is deadly as trained crash. inject a 2 passenger trains collide at high speed rescue teams, race to free. hundreds of people believe trapped and the rest is also coming up. the us defense secretary calls out his chinese counterpart for refusing bilateral
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talks at agers tom security conference and says america won't allow kids allies to be bullied by beijing the and welcome to abuse around the world. unlike local authorities say, at least 260 people have been killed in a railway accident. in eastern india, hundreds more were injured to passenger trains were involved in the crash near the city of bo, this or 220 kilometers south, west of coca to prime minister, new rendering moody is due to visit the disastrous side. later saturday. the army has also been deployed to assist at the scene of the countries wish well accident inject a disaster. somewhere along the end of the train tracks of india. here,
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2 trains came to an abrupt told with deadly consequences. they passengers opposed to safety, to windows and doors rescue team. the overwhelms and locals are doing what they can to help. well, so if you say that one of the trains the rails, or breed causing several carriages of the other trained to over time. and those were left with no time to react. as i stepped out of the washroom, suddenly the train tilted. i lost my balance. i held onto something. i almost felt my body tilted my slippers, my bag, everything went flying. people started falling on each other and i was in total shock. i couldn't understand what was happening. with my mind stopped working. the whole coach was tilted. those trapped in the carriages suddenly found themselves life or death struggle. thus one died me with a 10 to 50 people,
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cut on to me when the accident happened to rob me of those. but i was at the bottom of the pile to stay middle men. so gamete at the beginning, i got hurt in my hand, but also the back of my neck. i love that. it's now look, i did. when i came out of the train couch i saw someone had left the handle that someone had lost their leg. well, someone's face was mangled over. that'd be good. then i got out of there and i've been sitting here in the middle of the bus. i gave the others did not make it out alive. many of those who did on a need of medical attention. hospitals quickly flooded with survivors some way thinking the whole ways for treatment rescue efforts continue. but the chance of putting someone i live on these costs of
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twisted steel diminished by the hour i asked, corresponding, shall lose your job in delhi for the latest from the side of the accent to well, my, to the scale of this tragedy is soon finding out as the rescue teams are still trying to extract bodies, extract any survivors intact from the twisted wreckage that you can see. you can still see lying, the tax at the, at the site. the national disaster response force and develop reduction force the police forces. they've all been working overnight to rescue the people from the side of people that dispel in the process. and we can also see the hospitals being mobile that and on the sides with the number of she a number of people who are being brought in. since y'all state, since the strategies of the state given 200 ambulances that have been deployed at
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the c o at the moment to study. uh, any survivors, as you know, the chances of survivors are actually sadly dwindling by the oh so you know, they much less of situation on the ground. and at the hospital we can see desperate people are trying to look for their loved ones. are trying to search and whether they are life or not. do we know any more about what caused this the accident? so i just know the officials haven't said what the exact cause of this accident was . uh, but uh they have set up a high level, improved uh into, into the incident a search. and of course, just accident department is domain wide, has quoted for the high level meeting this afternoon, or to speak to gustavo officials about the, you know, what could be the possible reasons behind this. he's also due to visit the, the, the, the side of the accidents later this evening. but you know, these kind of accidents, michael, are pretty common in india, and this is believed to be the was in at least 2 decades that india has seen. and
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most of the, you know, these kind of accidents of being done. i the human at or, or, you know, 40 signaling equipment. in fact, these crash, we hear the worst, the century. how our stories handling this? yes, you right michael. this is actually one of the was in a sensory officials are saying an interview for to see absolutely both of them on the ground of the national disaster response for steve, which is usually the 1st responded in succeeds in i've seen them on the down booking. uh, you know, whenever disasters sites in any parts of the country, they're really well equipped. in fact, the examples that go down the wood up. but given the scale of this situation, they seem pretty old. that in fact it's taking the lucas as well. it will be rushing in at the side to test these of interest to workers to extract bodies out
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of the mother mess. that's out that the government in the meantime has announced compensation. so the families of those who the last end of the ones and those who are injured or they've announced has 9 numbers of you know, where people can calling from anywhere in the country to sort of find out the details of their loved ones. where the data at the hospital or if they bodies heavy duty. so yes of you know, everybody, all the forces that are coming together to do the best that they can. but it's a hard curious task ahead of them. as that is, correspondence shall jada, else in delhi, on what is still an unfolding incident. many, many thanks a brief look now at some more stories making headlines around the world. us president joe biden says he'll sign a bill, raising the country's debt ceiling into law on saturday to divide and hailed the agreement. this week in congress is quote, a crisis reverted flight and spoke of compromise and consensus in the deal,
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which has been criticized by some democrats as well as republicans freed failed. russia says it has evacuated thousands of people from areas close to the ukrainian border. after 4 people were killed in showing their hundreds have taken refuge in a sports arena, in the city of gilbert. keith denies military involvement inside russia to singapore. now we're asia's top security summit. the shrink rely dialogue is underway. front and center has been the chilly relationship between the united states and china. the us secretary of defense lloyd austin, said washington would not stand any coercion in bullying of its allies and partners by china. he added that the us remains committed to maintaining the status quote of taiwan wine. austin stressed his preference for dialogue over conflict with beijing . despite china is national defense minister declining an invitation to talk with
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a speaking at the summit, a senior chinese military official reiterated china is indisputable sovereignty over the south china sea islands and the adjacent waters and stress. the taiwan is an inalienable part of china as sovereign territory dw chief political correspondent. and you know, honda is covering the stronger law dialogue security summit in singapore. she spoke to me earlier about germany's position on the dispute overtime on or well, the official german government position is a one china policy when it comes to the issue of taiwan. so that means there are no official diplomatic relations with taiwan. are you seriously what it boils down to is the question whether stephanie send on china. and of course here gemini is sending 2 different messages. now it wants to be seen as a, an interested,
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an active policy when it comes to doing its chat to maintaining peace and stability in this region. and in taiwan, in particular. but these 2 messages that they're sending to china are interesting. they say essentially we want to uphold our tape relationship. we want to continue talking to you. we don't call it the coupling what we're trying to do, but we will try and reduce our economic dependency essentially the saying to the chinese look, we've learned our big lessons from our enormous economic dependencies on russia that were a huge mistake. so now we're trying to diversify bucks. don't tell you personally, this is not against you unless and this is the 2nd message, unless of course you violate international law and in germany's eyes, that would be the case. if china was a in been bates, i won. now want tell me would do exactly if that was to happen, that is something that the very tactful not to say in public because they want to keep those terms of communication with taiwan and china open. but of course,
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the story is the german defense minister is here in singapore, and he did meet with a chinese general lead time to and we'll probably hear from him later on in the day to hear what they discussed about me. thing. as you well aware, a record number of you diplomats are attending the genre, log defense meeting this year. how do you explain the increased interest in security issues in asia? well, the netherland suite are new starting at gemini. they pulse and defense ministers here is used at foreign affairs. steve says that burrell is also here, as is the case, been wallace. so yes, there are lots of european defense ministers and officials here at these meetings because europeans and not sisters with a colonial legacy in this region. they have understood just how vitally important this region is going to be for global security in the next couple of years. and decades. space is a very fast growing region when it comes to the economy,
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but also in terms of population size. so many of these countries here becoming very important to political class. and of course, europeans at home, all busy dealing with rest, his war against you train. and that rules are here to rally, support for this funds to get as many asian countries as possible to help fight, to uphold multilateralism and international law and condemn russ's actions. dw chief political correspondent, nina hossa. thank you. negotiators have been meeting in paris, the hammer out of global treated in plastic pollution, their aim, achieving a legally binding deal by the end of 2024. the 1st draft could be ready as early as november of this year. according to the un. campaigners have been pushing for the treaty to not only deal with the pollution of plastic but also to curve the scale of its production. so will the deal actually happen the w's, louise osborne report,
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toxic and everywhere. plastics are in almost everything humans produce. and they are now being found just micro plastics in the ocean inside fish and even in human breast milk. and the problem is growing plastic production is increasing. as is plastic waste, it's set to triple by 26. the plastic packaging will rise most significantly with consumer products and closing, also contributing to plastic waste among other sources. a representative for more than a 175 nations have been meeting this week for the 2nd to 5 series of talks with the amos, creating an international treaty on plastic only elimination reduction, a full life cycle approach, transparency, and then just transition. only those can bring success because the truth is that we
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cannot recycle our way out of this mess. negotiate is hope to have a treaty in place by next year. but talks have been slow going. major oil producing nations like saudi arabia and the united states have dragged the hills on technical issues like voting rules and countries disagree on how to limit plastic considerations of bonds on single use, plastic pollute to pay schemes or tax on new plastic production a high i'm vision coalition of countries led by new weight and drawn to one to an end to plastic pollution by 2040 we of course do not want to get the read the sticks because they will be plastics in the future in many forms. but it's, it's the types of test picked up labs themselves, most to pollution item because they in contain toxic uh, her substances or because they're single use or because they are,
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they have developed in such a way that is very hard and even impossible to recycle the environmental groups, according for limits to the influence held by fossil fuels, love us and then it goes, she ation who's they say have a vested interest in undermining the deal. they say only targets to reduce overall production can help save the world from choking on plastic waste. the sports life is next with the unlikely story of the kurdish woman who has made a name for herself on the turkish football circuit. that's after a short break. bye for now. the motor sports scoring. we say they were about never giving up sports flies every weekend on.


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