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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  May 25, 2023 12:30am-1:01am CEST

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of these issues. hey sir, i do the, you know, or the side that will be a not a great to catch and then a couple of applicants population is moving fast. the young people clearly have the solutions. the future is 77 percent every weekend on dw, the building healthy or more sustainable economies requires a whole lot of technological innovation on both a small and
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a large scale. one example of a rather substantial project is the fee mon tunnel, a massive underwater possible $1.00 day link germany on denmark. we'll hear more about that in a moment, but 1st a taster of what else we have coming up, caring for the elderly. what a robot con on the cons, do to help some lights galore. i put where to put all those solar panels and flooded with ideas of indonesia is goofing to an electric future. on cape ferguson, welcome to maze to in a few years from now, the construction of the world's longest underwater rail and road tunnel will be completely covering a distance of 18 kilometers. the film on bell tunnel will connect to the danish island lowland with put god and in northern germany, causing travel time between the 2 countries to just 7 minutes by trade is a huge undertaking. one that proponents hope will put the prospect of flying out of
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the question of the year its biggest construction site. a record breaking tunnel is being built to you. which of these giant slabs of concrete on the well big a stretcher is being put to work? the tunnel were run under a stretch of sea between southern denmark and northern germany called the fame on about. the few sections have already been built in order to test the concrete and inside the home. this is a crucial that the sections of the board in one single piece i usually we with us. i told the foundation then the roles and the top, the numbers on here we're doing the whole segment and one pool. i'm going to minimize any demo stress on on the problem is preventing cracks is obviously critical when the water tide construction. soon i totally get this fan. it's set to
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be the longest prefabricated tunnel on the planet, comprising 2 tunnels, the trains and 2 for cause up to 270 meters long. the individual sections will later be in must in the sea, and then locked together to contact the, the, the, the, we know the digging here will destroy summaries to do on foot. only a tiny propulsion tire the front of the open. one, right? no point, no 5 percent, if it's a fuel set on the other hand, will be planting nearing elsewhere. instead of bringing multiple times the area destroyed has upstairs. no, no, i don't understand the the total will cost to go through and road routes between copenhagen and hamburg by some, a 160 kilometers. it's positive and e u projects to speed up the rail. travel between northern and southern europe and run the slight options redundant in the out,
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the brenda base tunnel connecting australia and is lee is also under construction stretching over 60 kilometers. it will be the longest, underground railway tunnel in the wild track in denmark that building the ramp to the entrance. the fast segment of the tunnel will be installed along the blue, knocking the the and the according to our latest traffic full comes out, the we can expect around a $111.00 train is taking the total route every day. so that's what our financial projections are. based on because he pass for a cause starting in 2030 will likely be sitting $12000.00 per day on the gym and coast construction is initially behind it. and he started in 2021 due to delays from legal challenges. but now it's full speed ahead for a project that has been in the pipeline for over 2 decades. what does it
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mean was upon indian americans, or do you need a lot of patients to navigate the different approval processes and demo gemini and the you all in one vote god i'm course, it means ensuring that all the rules regulations and stipulations all being compliant with the input on the german and danish tides at the thoughts as i did. and on the danish side, the structure accommodating the fast prefabricated element is almost ready. once the concrete is in place to force you to media wide section can be taken out to see . but what about the safety of a tunnel, spending some 18 kilometers method as soon as possible, and i'm doing, but it was a breach in the middle of the tunnel would mean serious trouble starts install from metal roles, a static, the design to withstand the impact to a high speed train or car crash, but i'm no problem talk to you when it's done hard to understand the tunnel is expected to wipe it in 2029 in charge of toll fee to both call drivers and train
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passages, but it's not used to take at least 20 more years for their projects to recoup it's $7000000000.00 euro construction costs. now when it comes to elderly care, nothing can quite rival the human touch of the combination of aging. societies on labor shortages mean has been an increasing interest in employing robots in nursing home settings. they're mainly used to complete manual tasks like lifting patients or bringing them objects. while such tests may sign simple to of programming. a machine to do them is far from easy. our report because you have to pay you visited a research team in germany to find out how it's done. a metal can distribute medication and operate the elevator the already helping to care for the elderly and attentive bed found patients that they need, they just serve as waste is on wheels to follow simple instruction with these
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young researches, one to change this one day, the robot will be intelligent at the munich institution for bostic, they see that a go me the human noise robotic assistant for the elderly. i mean, gimme a piece pump. gummy makes it look easy is that it is football winter. how is your feeling? how is of training and programming is going into teaching me how to move like a human? because gone, they will have all sorts of different jobs to do in various different stands. one is about they have scared for instance, we want to do lots of songs or for some us or turn them asleep. that's why this is one example of the head scare application. i know there probably is about daily life tasks, which for this just i can example like carrying
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a glass of water or getting medication to the, to the seniors. the initial results me bring me a glass of water. ready the robustness to learn how to move the tons and tons to imitate simple human movements . thank you. but the distance from right about to human hand will vary. that's easy for us humans, but gummy has to learn it fast. now sort of your head gummy has to see it moves through space and respond to touch. a lot of programming goes into it for humans. just intuition the you show me how to pull the water with all the devices you know, but to i am programming, gar,
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me such that the government is able to learn these, the pulling skews, and then in the future a gummy time to itself. unlike many robots gummy has human lie codes with plenty of training eventually go me will be able to carry out all sorts of funding. calibration moves, things, other restaurants. cons. nice to see you. you look marvelous today. due to social robots like type a have already been rolled outs and k homes even though the japanese models, language, comprehension, skills and entertainment options are relatively primitive. the there's the can getting very about reba to which helps. and this thing stuff lift patients every day. and household robots, that sounds the alarm in case of accident. should i dial emergency services?
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no, no, i'm fine. in munich. the races on to create the base and this in k row, but call me should eventually be able to carry out medical examinations by employing an avatar at double up the robots of the following. an ultrasound is one of the things gone. you should be able to do one day for long term care. patients that makes sense says this test patient who's also adopted project consultants. i'm pensioner. does this any more with the case file? i get some ability issuing them. i won't have to move the elderly patient from the nursing home to the hospital for a doctor's office, a decent big spot and it saves time. i'm use this country shanella they read search is already bearing for the avatar road, but um is being used at the university hospital in munich in 10 years time. com. you should be able to go live as one of the most intelligent move bottles and medicare attempt robots on the market. according to the
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international energy agency, renewables will account for over a 3rd of the world energy supply by 2025. while that's definitely good news for the plant is it does post some logistical challenges. solar panels in particular, it take up a whole lot of space space that could be used to build houses or planned crops. but what if there were a more efficient way we need less of this and more of this to stay below $1.00 degrees for time is running out. solo still only accounts for 3.7 percent of worldwide energy production. we desperately need more thoughts. where can we put the solar panels? they need based on precious land land. we need 4 towns, houses, and st. intact ecosystems and food. here we have
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a serious space issue. we're already using a lot of else oral to grow food. but what if we move crops and generated energy at the same time? it's time for act, we've all takes the idea behind it. double homicide. to do this more deals a built in such a way that the soil beneath them can still be used for growing plants. what potential types are there? one is solar offenses. the space in between defense is, can be used to grow crops for livestock, all flower strips. all the modules could be built in a way that keeps the panels enough space to rotate towards the sun. but how the plant growing on the or near the panels, we've been growing lots of different kinds of products, things that you would see at your local farmer's market. so tomatoes, peppers,
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squash, poverty. all of the different types of props have seemed to do really well. in a well, that is getting hotter and hot to the modules, ensure that less will to is needed for education. just think if you spilled your coffee or your water, your tea in the shade versus the fall side. where will it stay way longer? in the shape you're finding that every time you hear again it would stay what for 2 days instead of 2 hours. but that's yes, there are a few buttons. not everything can be grown under the panels. crops like we to millet require a full sun to grow wells. researches are looking into which panels and setups would be best for which crops. some plans need bigger gaps between the panels. corn and we would need total ones. while shelby soybeans will be fine with the most cost variety, floating photovoltaics, or float of all take might just be the next big thing. the idea solar panels are
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mounted on rock like structures which floats unimed, body of water, pimples, in coverage of all there is awards which are available on the road and the road would keep about 23. however, what peak of installed capacity this is tom assigned to evaluate the economic and technological feasibility of large scale floating p b system. it to put this into perspective on these 2310 or what's the generate as much electricity is the whole road of needs to be in a year. you can already see what that could look like. and one of the biggest floating solar funds in singapore. here, the solar plan floats on the surface of a reservoir and produces enough energy to power about $16400.00 flats and the city state. the biggest floating farm and china even produces 5
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times as much energy. the water also cools down the floating panels, making them more efficient. the panels instructions have to withstand wind waves and corrosion. so father, multiple studies have not found any severe impact on either water quality or ecosystems. experts expect to flow, develop takes to expand by just keep this sense annually over the next 5 years, with markets, mainly in asia. but europe, africa, and the us are starting to invest as well. so any other places left to put solar panels up in space. yep. getting as close to the sun as possible to the sun shines 24 hours a day and you need 0 land on us. so why don't we put solar panels in the school, but the u caleb space energy initiative with around 50 partners from industry,
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government and science is planning to install a solar power satellite in space by 2035 the us, china and japan. the also taking part in the solar space power quest. and this is how it might work. satellites in the us do you stationary orbit, which is around 35000 kilometers from us, collect solar energy using huge solar panels. they convert the energy into microwave radiation and beam. it's down to us on the ground and nets of receiving antennas, or rick tennis, collect the microwaves and convert them to electricity for the grid. each satellite might produce 2 gigawatts of continuous power. as much as around $700.00 utility scale wind turbines, they'd be huge around 1.7 kilometers in diameter. and we'll wait several 1000
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tons. the satellites would start to beam and the g to us 24 hours a day. the beam is considered to be homeless for animals and humans. it's about a quarter the strings of the midday sun. but energy is lost during the transmission and the conversion process. and the cost of getting the modules into space is well sky high. even if we manage to build and finance solar power, satellites, and the next decade, we need new solar power to combat climate change now. and they are already far more realistic ways of generating solar energy quickly without losing urgently needed land. and all of them are cheaper, foster and much more promising is to indonesia know where some 76000000 people live in areas prone to flooding. the frequent inundation to make it especially difficult to get around with roads, often rendered impassable. now
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a company has come up with an innovation, it helps will help to address that challenge. an o electric flood resistance skills or seems promising, but is it as green as a tense test? driving indonesia is best flat resistant electric scooter increase or development on them efficiency front in a country that experiences regular funding. having more east screeches is good for compressing the climate crisis, but it also means ruins, natural landscapes and mole battery waste. this best model could be a game changer. the actuator is placed in the center of the screw to preventing damage both from water and vibrations on rough rates. one roadside assistance being yeah, go or not. i think it's important to have a scooter that can co gets various conditions speak to get a lot of one that i'm glad even if it's what or flooded. uh, we don't have to worry about pushing it. when it breaks down all the manufacturer.
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i worked with several institutions to develop the technology among them. awesome technical university in gemini. it helps develop the actuators and the batteries still in the challenge in producing all electric scooter is, is definitely the battery. but all right, and is to speed up charging or extend the range. but if i'm done, got on the so called the screwed to it has a limited range of 50 kilometers per charge and a 100 kilometers with a jewel about 3 system, the manufacturer. i have set up facilities like this one at various locations and indonesia allowing riders to charge or swap factories in order to continue that. jenny that the hopeful boom and electric screeches also has a dock side a. yeah, you need this by play on the button. the tons of the battery we use contains
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lithium, nickel, manganese, and cobalt oxides. those are the main ingredients used in lithium batteries. but the, the nickel is the most important components which the manufacturer is ends, the government poses the challenge of developing a recycling program without one does the danger of toxic chemicals leaking out of the battery that i follow by the me. yeah, because i did it the ones that really be that these pollutants become a responsibility for the companies that mind. the metals that a lot of the discharged into the river, the impact on the animal and plant life in the immense. and then it changes the ph level on the steps, the river and marine ecosystem of just as a guy, i was sad to hear that data, not that so on that all of the organisms living that would be contaminated to be done on potentially be dangerous for any humans aging them. obviously, after that event, i saw the problem is that indonesia is one of the world's largest nickel produces
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the country has 21000000 tons of deposits and the enormous scale of mining is harming the environment. the boss on the end of the acceleration of electric vehicle energy production also encourages the grunting of major nichol concessions in indonesia. nicholas the main mentor role that produces electric vehicle batteries in indonesia. gotta get somebody out until now and nickel, money, concessions have been granted for approximately 900000 heck to as of land in the country. all those 600000 heck tests are in forest areas. a speech is a climate friendly on the one hand that are comprised of nickel on the other, which is mind and an environmental a home full way, a real dilemma. still, the indonesian government is aiming to have $2000000.00 electric models on the
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rates by 2025, which would account for one and a half percent of the country screeches to. now another part of the world that's weighing the environmental impact of getting from a to b is a spanish to see if parts of luna depend demik driven rise in online shopping has led to a 3rd and congestion of delivery phones clock up the street now says the officials are trying to reverse the trans bite tax and companies that delivers the homes the, the amazon tax, the aim is to less than pollution, but also to encourage people to get hours again and shop locally. instead. every day, thousands of career drivers navigate the way through the streets of boston alone. keeping up with the delivery schedule means constant time pressure on traffic regulations sometimes take a backseat with even disabled parking space is considered fair game. here at city hole, local politicians have declared war on the likes of amazon,
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but illegal med noticed that it was under the online companies don't pay local jacksonville getting any type of do a ne, create jobs in the area. yeah. combined. yes. cuz i know you're gonna have to be sending this but the, the online giant, so happy to come here, use public space and disappear again. so employee, god is informed debbie's not space is a very steadfast and boss to learn the tax question that the online site is with an annual ton of of at least $1000000.00 euros now have to pay one of the quarter percent of the revenue to the city, the market leader, amazon under range of other logistics. sense of finding the move if the withdrawal is the best of all delivery services, have to pay the living regardless of their size or which country they're based. anything else and nothing. it will make online orders more expensive in barcelona and then elsewhere guiding you electronically golf course. the next step spend on
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a maybe insight turning off of why fi in a city to prevent people from being able to go shopping on the internet at 40 that night. the local authorities are striving to support local retailers, even the sun's on tray of district you'd. betty knows that the internet exist. it's a lot of residents do that shopping in the traditional way on foot businesses that have been here for generations. armando is complaining about online retail. they accuse the new competition of avoiding taxes and adding to air pollution bubbles off to those games. that means it's about the 15 minutes, the city concepts, everything being reachable from home on foot in 15 minutes means far better sustainability. i continue with this the guy at the same time. retail stores involved social contact so we can see them. but of course, the shop owners and we give people
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a sense of community and the more especially on the new tax does not apply where customers collect their order themselves at one of the 1000 also pick up points the amazon has across barcelona. the city government, however, once to say significantly more of them said in more detail is the extreme convenience of having something delivered to your home should come at a price a little bit today, mostly is get into the a mess. this fee is to people to get out working places that kind of idea coming on the amazon and other companies effective have already changed the tax many other cities all keeping a close eye on developments. after all, it wouldn't be the 1st time the boss alone has been a trend setter i'll certainly be watching that space. and that brings us to the end of this edition of may. thank you so much for watching for more stories from the world. all the comic, the finance to check out the w dot com slash business. we're also on the dw future
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tunnel for me and the entire team here in berlin until next time is good. but i think the,
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the wild endangered lucrative, the spanish port city of alley country is the various business where the legal, wild life trade tens endangered species in just state of symbols. where animals
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suffered terribly in spanish authorities as well as the 13 dw enters the conflicts with sarah kelly. my guest this week on conflicts own was one of the most prominent members of freshman's wealth connected power over former kremlin advisor and economist fair gate, gloria now is the professor of economics and provost. that's the quote is work illuminates how of, for terry, emerging in flight school survive. how does he assess his grip on power conflict? 19 minutes dw, the what there's to us that's why we listen to their stories. reporter every weekend on dw,
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ready for around 3 women in asia is back to content. go find, gather keel. co down. thought i really seen madison as a life, not system. we're season 3 of our award winning documentary series, her women in asia, and that runs the loudest voice by the i am must the news as she's the face of a protest movement. i didn't think so many women would send me the photos. she's there motivator. all of us hire on this one must be the and she won't give up. watch
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the assignment for public took my brother hostage a few days ago, but the trying to sign in the scene on the job, they will be silent. starts june 3rd on dw, the . this is dw news live from berlin. the queen and brock has passed away tina turner . so more than 180000000 albums in 112 grammys. she's died at her home in switzerland, at the age of 83. we'll look back on our life and legacy also in the program in the us.